half gram seems viable if dosed IV/IM or snorted but this is not true in any way for oral administration route Величина смертельной дозы морфина не может быть определена с положительной точностью. Можно признать за правило, что 0,4 гр., принятые в один раз, представляют при обыкновенных условиях смертельную дозу. После введения морфина в желудок, часть его всасывается, часть остается некоторое время в неизмененном виде. Эта последняя может быть выведена из желудка рвотой(put in translator). to support this claim the ppeh suggests to use 15gms of morphine in the DDMAPh protocol. i think it's very hard to procure such quantities of the morphine of pharmaceutical grade especially off the darknet where scamming is rampant. the tablet form requires purification and unusable for injection per se. as for ampules you need to get dozens of them and it's very expensive, further ampoules should be evaporated to leave a morphine salt so the contents of ampoules would fit into one syringe. a gas stove won't be OK for this, you can easily oxidize your morphine and loss a ton of money an adjustable lab heating element should be used for it if possible or some water bath. okay one can bother with a dropper infusion to get the drug into system. for non chemist or for anyone without nurse experience these are tricky matters to deal with
oxy is 50% more stronger than morphine. therefore you need to mainline/snort around 250mg for required effect(after filtration ofc). the problem is that the drug can have too much cut in it. and you might need to get a gram to be sure. just in case if dealer, say, adulterated your stuff to 75%. dunno what to say on oral route. possibly gonna work for for a unexperienced user. also you should check stuff you got for authenticity. because drug packages assembled in illegal chinese/indian sweatshops are likely to have anything in it but the drug under question
fent is the best option i think. the lethal dose estimates at 60mg .approximately it's 1/15 of morphine LD. it's very hard to obtain though