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Jan 8, 2022
Chronic sore throat, will probably lose my job because I can't speak.


May 8, 2024
I have chronic pain from permanent spinal cord damage and neuropathy degeneration. On my really bad days, nothing really helps and even crying makes it hurt more.

However, I have found some things that work for me. My medical cannabis licence changed my quality of life the most. I do "yoga" on days I can trust my limbs to work. It's not pretty, I topple over a lot, but it gets some of the pins and needles out of my legs. I also do spinal decompression therapy. Oddly enough, Tylenol + caffeine does wonders for my migraines and when my fusion metal throbs.
Glad you found some things to work for you. Migraines are so hard to live with. My pins/needles burning is mostly skin. Feels like I am on fire and not human and hurts to touch. I would try cannabis but I am extremely sensitive and get anxiety from things... also stomach issues and sound sensitivity. I'm a hot mess. "Seems" like you are doing ok. Do you still want to end it?


Feb 8, 2024
Glad you found some things to work for you. Migraines are so hard to live with. My pins/needles burning is mostly skin. Feels like I am on fire and not human and hurts to touch. I would try cannabis but I am extremely sensitive and get anxiety from things... also stomach issues and sound sensitivity. I'm a hot mess. "Seems" like you are doing ok. Do you still want to end it?
That sounds so painful. I hope you are able to find something that works.

I've just started the long process to see if I can have more good days than bad. It takes so much energy that I don't have, but I was inspired buy another members story and our chats, so I'm giving it a try.


May 8, 2024
That sounds so painful. I hope you are able to find something that works.

I've just started the long process to see if I can have more good days than bad. It takes so much energy that I don't have, but I was inspired buy another members story and our chats, so I'm giving it a try.
Thank you. I sent you a PM.
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Mar 28, 2024
My chronic pain has gotten especially bad in the past year: Chronic headaches/migraines, abdominal pain, muscle aches, etc. Some days I can't even stand because of the pain. Probably the biggest catalyst to me wanting to CTB at the moment.

I've tried cannabis, medically-prescribed anti-seizure/anxiety medication used for chronic pain, painkillers, and physiotherapy, but nothing seems to help much. I did speak to a naturopathic doctor recently and they suggested trying an elimination diet. Not sure if it's helped much yet but I think it's worth trying it especially if you deal with a lot of stomach/gut issues (should be an easy google; if you need a PDF too, I am happy to PM the one I received).

Hope you can find something that will help with your symptoms OP :)
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Nov 4, 2023
I am here because of chronic pain. I have a somewhat rare autoimmune inflammatory disease and got tinnitus about a year ago which is what propelled me to this site. I thought I was going to lose it. I relate to what everyone has said and I am sorry you are all suffering.

It's so frustrating as one med can lead to another all with side affects. I too had a mild akathesia result from a medication and now I rarely will take anything new.

As far as coping that is the question. Currently most days I am not as I am going through a rougher flare. I wish I had something to offer other than anything I can do distract myself.
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May 8, 2024
I am here because of chronic pain. I have a somewhat rare autoimmune inflammatory disease and got tinnitus about a year ago which is what propelled me to this site. I thought I was going to lose it. I relate to what everyone has said and I am sorry you are all suffering.

It's so frustrating as one med can lead to another all with side affects. I too had a mild akathesia result from a medication and now I rarely will take anything new.

As far as coping that is the question. Currently most days I am not as I am going through a rougher flare. I wish I had something to offer other than anything I can do distract myself.
Yes, akathisia. I've had it in various forms from different meds and besides my stomach and ears now, it's why I won't take anything else. I also have tinnitus. I've adapted to it but the sound sensitivity is worse for me right now and the tinnitus has gotten worse. I'm sorry you are suffering too.
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Nov 4, 2023
The CTB = Ticket To Hell is a LIE spread by the Churches (which have been built on lies since AT LEAST the 1500s) that Christians who don't take time to really analyze the Bible with their own eyes parrot because their lame ass Churches told them so.

Google "Bible versus about suicide" right now. There is no direct Bible verse that pertains to suicide. Every single one listed is very vague and open to interpretation.

Now check out Matthew 16: 21-24. Jesus never HAD to die. He CHOSE to die. When Peter tries to talk him out of going through with the crucifixion he says "Get behind me Satan! You do not have on your mind the things of God, but the things of man!"

Clinging to this planet and it's trappings is not of God, it's of man. More enlightened Christian circles will tell you that Lucifer owns BOTH Hell and Earth.

As an aside, there's another Bible verse that I dwell on a lot: Revelation 9:6: "And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them."

I feel like that's us right now. As we head into our Dystopian Future, what Christians call "The Tribulation" - I feel like the Pro-Life Psychosis that has poisoned society, especially in the last couple years, is the manifestation of that Revelations Verse happening in real time.

TL;DR: God and Jesus will forgive you if you CTB, and clinging to life on this Planet is more inherently Satanic than CTBing.

Yes, akathisia. I've had it in various forms from different meds and besides my stomach and ears now, it's why I won't take anything else. I also have tinnitus. I've adapted to it but the sound sensitivity is worse for me right now and the tinnitus has gotten worse. I'm sorry you are suffering too.
I see those commercials for the meds that can cause this and the new drug that is supposed to help. It completely made me fearful and beyond cautious of any new drug. Most of my docs call me non compliant because I refuse to take anything new. The worst for me is I awoke from a surgery with it, granted mild but the movements and anxiety would not let me rest after the surgery, it was driving me out of my mind and I never want to experience anything like that again. Then with all the issues after the Covid vac, I do not trust either the medical community or the pharmaceutical companies anymore.

The tinnitus is its own thing. My audiologist looked at me like I was crazy when I said it was causing issues nd after reading their isn't anything you could do medically, I just began using white noise and certain apps to help me cope.

These are really crappy things to have on top of illness and chronic pain. Not that I am glad you had reasons to find this place, but it really helps knowing others understand what we are going through.
Illegal Preclear

Illegal Preclear

The CEO of CTB
Sep 6, 2022
Oh wow - I don't think anyone here has mentioned Kratom yet. If not, allow me to be the first! Kratom is an herb found all across Southeast Asia - to explain it most simply - what coffee is to stimulants, Kratom is to opiates. It's a weak opiate that packs a lot of power though - specifically I find with pain caused by neurological issues. I've been dealing with autoimmune/neurological problems since my late teens. I didn't really have a reliable and ACCESSIBLE remedy until I found Kratom. I've been using it for 11 years. While Oxy is better for acute pain due to injury or physical deformity - I find Kratom is a better panacea specifically for multiple symptoms of autoimmune/neuro problems. It won't fix everything, but it'll help a lot.

In my personal experience - Vietnamese Kratom is the absolute best. There's hundreds of different strains and strain hybrids, and I'd recommend trying a few different ones to find what works best for you - in my case though, Vietnamese type (a green strain) worked insanely well.

The best part about Kratom though is price and accessibility. It's very affordable and you can buy it online in bulk. Never trust doctors - I've seen first hand doctors get my own family members hooked on Oxy (and Oxy will get you REALLY hooked, as in you'll deal with REAL opioid withdrawal if you go off it) just to snatch away their prescriptions. Never underestimate a doctor to put a lust for sadism over their own financial interests.

Also you can't OD on Kratom. Which actually sucks for me because I can't use it to CTB - but if you're concerned about not ODing - it'll be good news for you!


"and if this is the end, i am glad i met you."
May 27, 2023
There is a couple of videos in my profile that might be worth checking out. It was how I overcame my decades of chronic pain


May 8, 2024
There is a couple of videos in my profile that might be worth checking out. It was how I overcame my decades of chronic pain
Thank you all. Unfortunately for me, the past few days, my stomach and hyperacusis has taken center stage. The hyperacusis has been getting worse and it's a terrible f'd up condition.


Oct 4, 2018
There is a couple of videos in my profile that might be worth checking out. It was how I overcame my decades of chronic pain

I watched the second video on your profile. He's saying the pain is mostly in your mind, yes? He says Ignore it. Fight through it and defeat it. I tried that so many times because I'm a fighter, but it just makes it MUCH worse when i try to bull through it. Also the video has very few negative comments under it, like mine, if any. That's odd. Have it been sanitized?

I will take a look at your 1st video now.
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"and if this is the end, i am glad i met you."
May 27, 2023
I watched the second video on your profile. He's saying the pain is mostly in your mind, yes? He says Ignore it. Fight through it and defeat it. I tried that so many times because I'm a fighter, but it just makes it MUCH worse when i try to bull through it. Also the video has very few negative comments under it, like mine, if any. That's odd. Have it been sanitized?

I will take a look at your 1st video now.
Thanks for looking a them, they were a tremendous help to me

I would say two things, firstly the pain isn't in your head or imaginary it's just that for some it's a manifestation of psychogical issues. Secondly ignoring the pain doesn't work, I tried that for many years and it just got me into more terrible pain and situations. It's more about learning and understanding what is going on and then with that knowledge you are able to then do things that you thought you couldn't do.

I would also add that it might not be for everyone but there a lot of real genuine people including me that it worked for. They aren't lying, it's not a grift, they don't want your money or to enroll you in a cult :) they just want to help
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Oct 4, 2018
Thanks for looking a them, they were a tremendous help to me

I would say two things, firstly the pain isn't in your head or imaginary it's just that for some it's a manifestation of psychogical issues. Secondly ignoring the pain doesn't work, I tried that for many years and it just got me into more terrible pain and situations. It's more about learning and understanding what is going on and then with that knowledge you are able to then do things that you thought you couldn't do.

I looked at both. Both videos are a number of years old. How many people have they cured since they came out, not of nebulous ailments but the terrible things you see here? How about you? May I ask why you're here? I feel so sorry for people on this thread. I think we're being tested on earth.


"and if this is the end, i am glad i met you."
May 27, 2023
I looked at both. Both videos are a number of years old. How many people have they cured since they came out, not of nebulous ailments but the terrible things you see here? How about you? May I ask why you're here? I feel so sorry for people on this thread. I think we're being tested on earth.
I joined around this time last year after making several attempts in the prior months. I then found this stuff Literally around the same time I joined up here (I had been lurking for a few months) I think I was so desperate I would have tried anything and normally I don't believe in woowoo stuff like this seemed to be.

I still here now because I still have all the mental background issues like anxiety and being obsessive about things
I also have a failed life having had this ruin my chances at really doing anything with it ever since the age of 18.
I looked at both. Both videos are a number of years old. How many people have they cured since they came out, not of nebulous ailments but the terrible things you see here? How about you? May I ask why you're here? I feel so sorry for people on this thread. I think we're being tested on earth.
I'm not sure how many people this have helped. I know Dr Sarno was very big in the US he got endorsed by a lot of celebrities. His books were very well recieved and they made a documentary about him. Since then a lot of Doctors have continued and expanded his work I couldn't tell you how many people they have helped but there are many stories and testiminials you can find.


Oct 4, 2018
Well,God bless you, Carac. Like your logo says, I am glad I met you. I don't think it's the end, though, I think death is just the beginning.

I don't think i have any of the character traits they mentioned so i I won't send that lady $139 for her 7 hours of lectures (your 1st video leads to her). Besides I don't like lectures.



May 1, 2023
I'm sorry you have agitation. I had it before from medications, and it is excruciating.

Chronic pain is made worse by stress, anxiety, and a lack of sleep. Anhedonia also causes a great deal of pain. Did you try Botox for pain?

Every action you take is aimed at relieving chronic pain. I concentrate on zero gravity and inversion therapies.

TENS machine
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Magnesium oil and supplements can promote relaxation.
Zero gravity Adjustable bed.
Zero-gravity furniture
Good pillows
Heating pad
Medical baths
Water therapy (whirlpool tub and Vichy massages)
Swimming is low-impact and encourages you to sleep on time. It is exhausting.
Yoga blocks to prop up your limbs
Deep stretches (use resistance bands)
Aroma therapy (peppermint or sweet orange/peppermint/lavender) I love the nasal rings
Soft fabric and soft bras that close at the front
Bathe daily because not washing worsens chronic pain. Cleanliness is refreshing.


May 25, 2023
After awhile you can't for me at least.. have chronic daily headache/migraine for a year and no sign of improvement. Can't work but I have to do something, ruining college, causing more family problems and I don't know what I'm going to do. I really can't keep living like this. It doesn't help that it's not common enough people take it seriously, even the fact my headache has never stopped people seem to doubt. I have finals this week and I really regret starting college like this.


May 12, 2024
I'm here mostly because of my chronic pain and the strange health symptoms I have experienced over the last several months due to getting an infusion. I can't even lay in my sick bed to just get relief. Pins and needles/, burning all over my body, sound sensitivity/tinnitus, gastric issues and insomnia plus more. I'm losing everything. I'm so depressed. I can't take it any longer

Anyone else in the same boat? How are you coping?
What kind of infusion may I ask? šŸ¤”
Neon Grave

Neon Grave

AuDHD, trying my best.
Apr 6, 2023
I've had chronic neck and back pain since a work injury two years ago. My dog gets anxiety at the vet (she gets her nails trimmed there) and they prescribe her Trazedone. I take that.

Edit to clarify: I do not deprive my pup of the medicine she needs. I love her very much and she takes it too.
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