You and I share MANY of the same ailments and conditions. First though I want to say I'm very sorry for everything you're dealing with. :(
I too have ARFID, due to pretty much all my life (since I can remember, around 6 yrs old and I'm early 50s now) having had chronic nausea and bowel issues, for which no diagnosis has ever been given except IBS. A few GI doctors I've seen over the years have suggested I may have gastroparesis, although none have bothered to actually test for it so I can't say I DO have it. But I have many of the symptoms such as not being able to eat much, slow eating (I've always been that way, since childhood as well). I can't even begin to guess how many cans of Ensure I've had in my life to try to make up for the calories and nutrition I'm not getting from actual food, and especially in the last 3 years. I'm severely underweight and weak. Finally, I also, largely due to my lifetime of poor health but especially because of the GI pain and issues, I have many mental health stuff: depression, anxiety (generalized, social, and health anxiety....particularly about anything related to the stomach, bowels, etc), and PTSD.
Again, I'm really sorry for all that you're going through. I understand so well how hard it is. Food is necessary to live but it's also something that makes up so much of our interactions with others - holidays, celebrations, family time, etc. Having food-related trauma - ARFID - is very difficult because most people just don't get it that you WANT to eat, that you don't have a body-image based disorder but instead one formed from fear of pain due to eating. They simply can't comprehend that (at least, that's been my experience). If you ever want to chat or need an ear to simply listen, please reach out to me.