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Aug 27, 2018
I love Chester Bennington (Linking park lead singer) and when he killed himself a part of me died I know it sounds cheesy but he has been such a part of my magnificent childhood with his amazing songs I remember sitting in front of the TV watching his music videos in particular I remember In The End and as a teenager as Goth I still listened to his amazing songs.

And some days ago I see on the News that his wife is getting engaged only 2 years after his suicide so she probably have started dating again maybe only a year after her husband of 11 years suicide I mean why don´t anyone have any integrity anymore? If a persons life partner dies they should become a widow the same for the men if I had a GF or wife and died I would want her to miss me and grieve for me and I would do the same I feel so bad for Chester :aw:

- And all the people in the comment section saying "good for her" and "that is what Chester wanted" I can tell you if I had a GF or wife and I died I would want her to grieve for me and miss me for the rest of her life and I would do the same for her otherwise your relationship didn´t mean squad!
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Jul 8, 2019
It just shows how shallow and ridiculous most of humanity is, and how fortunate Chester was to escape this vile existence.

Hybrid Theory and Meteora are the soundtracks to my life.
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Jul 7, 2019
why would you want anyone to ruin their lives by grieving your death for as long as they live? you can choose to take your life and other people can also choose to live whatever life they find the most comfortable, specially after someone close to them dies in such a way.

i'm sorry but i find this way of thinking very selfish, just as much as family members telling you to not kill yourself because then they will suffer from of it.

i personally wish that my family and friends forget all about me and manage to live a good life instead of suffering for my death.

if anything, this shows that people move on and our lives are not as important as we think they are, and that's a good thing.
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Sep 4, 2019
I agree with the poster above. If I'm in a relationship when I ctb, I'll strongly encourage them to move on as quickly as possible and find someone that makes them happy. If you truly love a person, one would think you'd want them to be happy and deserving of company.
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May 22, 2019
I can tell you if I had a GF or wife and I died I would want her to grieve for me and miss me for the rest of her life
What you are say is more than ridiculous. Who was the one who betrayed her in the first place? You seriously expect her to honor her vows after his selfish act which left her and the children with a painful emotional scar?

He had a duty as a husband to satisfy her needs to be loved. He also had the duty as a father to support his children emotionally. However, he abandoned them prematurely. And now you expect her to not only suffer the lost of her husband but also suffer from not feeling loved again for the rest of her life? Ridiculous. You are delusional.
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Aug 9, 2018
Chesters suicide still hits me hard. At least he isnt hurting anymore though.
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Accomplished faker
May 30, 2019
I can tell you if I had a GF or wife and I died I would want her to grieve for me and miss me for the rest of her life and I would do the same for her otherwise your relationship didn´t mean squad!

I could not disagree more.
Good for her.
The love she still has for Chester will continue.
It's so incredibly obvious by her actions.
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Mar 23, 2018
I love Chester Bennington (Linking park lead singer) and when he killed himself a part of me died I know it sounds cheesy but he has been such a part of my magnificent childhood with his amazing songs I remember sitting in front of the TV watching his music videos in particular I remember In The End and as a teenager as Goth I still listened to his amazing songs.

And some days ago I see on the News that his wife is getting engaged only 2 years after his suicide so she probably have started dating again maybe only a year after her husband of 11 years suicide I mean why don´t anyone have any integrity anymore? If a persons life partner dies they should become a widow the same for the men if I had a GF or wife and died I would want her to miss me and grieve for me and I would do the same I feel so bad for Chester :aw:

- And all the people in the comment section saying "good for her" and "that is what Chester wanted" I can tell you if I had a GF or wife and I died I would want her to grieve for me and miss me for the rest of her life and I would do the same for her otherwise your relationship didn´t mean squad!

I listen to Linkin Park also. It felt like a little more of me broke inside when he passed. Even though I never met him. There have been other famous musicians & actors that have passed in the last 10 years but it didn't effect me like that. Chris Cornell was also a shock. I hope they both are finally at peace.
I don't think I can really judge his widow. To me it seems too soon but after going through that, I guess it's what she needed. I hope that isn't to judgemental.
I know it won't be easy for my family and few friends but I'm still planning to CTB … when I get the courage.
For me personally I don't think it's would be fair to expect a spouse or girlfriend to miss me for the rest of their lives. Especially a girlfriend.
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Aug 27, 2018
I can´t believe so many think this is okay if people believe in love and finding a soul mate then it means they bond forever otherwise love means nothing their partner isn´t 1 in a million they are not special at all if they die they can just replace them in a blink of an eye with another.

It seems many men has become such cuckolds I sure as hell wouldn´t want my soul mate if I had one to get dicked down by another man if I died with the excuse she will be happy with him I mean wtf!? So aparently love means absolutely nothing we can just keep replacing partners to get that comfortable loving feeling by any other person.
I guess I see a relationship as a fairytale where two people are bonded forever and are never supposed to be with someone else but that is how it should be that is the only way that has integrity and as I already said if i Had a partner and she died I would never be with anyone else I would miss her and mourne her for the rest of my life to show how much I truly loved her and cared if you can replace "the love of your life" (especially after only 2 years) then that person clearly wasn´t the love of your life it was all bullshit and just a temporarily comfort to be with to get a nice release of oxytocin.

I really miss being a teenager because it seems most teenagers think the way I do and believe more in love of their life, true love and all that stuff..
It just shows how shallow and ridiculous most of humanity is, and how fortunate Chester was to escape this vile existence.
I least you get where I am coming from.

I have listened so a lot of Linkin Park songs yesterday and today and just listening to the lyrics how much pain and suffering he was going through all these years and to know while I listen to this pain his wife is with another man that just breaks my heart it makes it all so much sadder.
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Aug 19, 2019
The question is why people get into relationships in the first place. If it is just someone OKish you want, sure, you can move on if they die. If 'love' has strong underpinnings in who that person actually is, it is unlikely to replace them so quickly.

I mean, I could not get another pet bird after the one I bonded with died. I tried, but it hurt so I gave it back the next day. Now after twenty years, I could get another bird. It's a long time, though.
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May 31, 2019
I love Chester Bennington (Linking park lead singer) and when he killed himself a part of me died I know it sounds cheesy but he has been such a part of my magnificent childhood with his amazing songs I remember sitting in front of the TV watching his music videos in particular I remember In The End and as a teenager as Goth I still listened to his amazing songs.

And some days ago I see on the News that his wife is getting engaged only 2 years after his suicide so she probably have started dating again maybe only a year after her husband of 11 years suicide I mean why don´t anyone have any integrity anymore? If a persons life partner dies they should become a widow the same for the men if I had a GF or wife and died I would want her to miss me and grieve for me and I would do the same I feel so bad for Chester :aw:

- And all the people in the comment section saying "good for her" and "that is what Chester wanted" I can tell you if I had a GF or wife and I died I would want her to grieve for me and miss me for the rest of her life and I would do the same for her otherwise your relationship didn´t mean squad!

Honestly people should be free to move on live their lives. Don't see the problem.
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Accomplished faker
May 30, 2019
Honestly people should be free to move on live their lives. Don't see the problem.


Ridiculous, outdated notion that one should be expected to spend the rest of their life alone, regardless of how their spouse passed. IMO
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Aug 27, 2018
The question is why people get into relationships in the first place. If it is just someone OKish you want, sure, you can move on if they die. If 'love' has strong underpinnings in who that person actually is, it is unlikely to replace them so quickly.

I mean, I could not get another pet bird after the one I bonded with died. I tried, but it hurt so I gave it back the next day. Now after twenty years, I could get another bird. It's a long time, though.
Yeah that is a very good point like when I was a child I had a hamster and I knew I would never have another one when she died because no one could replace her. Yet I have known friends and family members who have had several dogs in their life so when one dies they get another and continue that cycle over and over. To me the bond I would have to another person or a pet can never be replaced.


Aug 19, 2019
Yeah that is a very good point like when I was a child I had a hamster and I knew I would never have another one when she died because no one could replace her. Yet I have known friends and family members who have had several dogs in their life so when one dies they get another and continue that cycle over and over. To me the bond I would have to another person or a pet can never be replaced.

It does not mean nobody can ever move on, though. That is just angsty.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
why would you want anyone to ruin their lives by grieving your death for as long as they live? you can choose to take your life and other people can also choose to live whatever life they find the most comfortable, specially after someone close to them dies in such a way.

i'm sorry but i find this way of thinking very selfish, just as much as family members telling you to not kill yourself because then they will suffer from of it.

i personally wish that my family and friends forget all about me and manage to live a good life instead of suffering for my death.

if anything, this shows that people move on and our lives are not as important as we think they are, and that's a good thing.
Part of the problem is that many who feel the need to commit suicide do not feel it is a "choice." I mean, if you've got an awful life with no way out but death, where is the choice in that. It should certainly be a "right" to ctb, but it is often not as simple as being a "choice."

This lack of choice and option comes with a viewpoint that real choices, fairness, and the option for a happy life-when stolen from even One person- should be stolen from Every person. And that those who were close with the suffering and claimed to love them, should be held even more accountable to this thought process.

If you feel your decision is a true choice, you may not be able to understand the people who do not. There is an extra layer of bitterness and despair there that you won't be able to penetrate.
..Personally, I have mixed feelings about this topic.
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May 31, 2019
Yeah that is a very good point like when I was a child I had a hamster and I knew I would never have another one when she died because no one could replace her. Yet I have known friends and family members who have had several dogs in their life so when one dies they get another and continue that cycle over and over. To me the bond I would have to another person or a pet can never be replaced.

So if your first girlfriend breaks up with you, should you just stay single the rest of your life?
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Accomplished faker
May 30, 2019
To me the bond I would have to another person or a pet can never be replaced.

In Talinda's case, I don't believe she's trying to replace Chester at all. She's mature enough to realize his very essence defines irreplaceable. She's just moving on and even if some don't agree with it, it's not only allowed but highly recommend by most.

I certainly hope that my wife will find another partner if and when I ctb. I wouldn't wish extreme loneliness on anyone, but especially not on someone I love. If that played out and she did re-partner, remarry (and I was aware) it'd make me happy. Marriage, love, partnering isn't ownership.

Talinda has been graceful and respectful with this announcement and how she handled it, imo. Again, look at her actions, her project '320 Changes Direction,' and her demeanor. She's not disrespecting Chester's life, memory or music.

It is possible to never stop loving someone while loving another, ime.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Yeah that is a very good point like when I was a child I had a hamster and I knew I would never have another one when she died because no one could replace her. Yet I have known friends and family members who have had several dogs in their life so when one dies they get another and continue that cycle over and over. To me the bond I would have to another person or a pet can never be replaced.
I've been replaced ten times over and I'm not even dead yet lol
Even if a person has lost everything, losing a place in this world you thought was at the very least-original or unique-is quite the tragedy.


Aug 27, 2018
I've been replaced ten times over and I'm not even dead yet lol
Even if a person has lost everything, losing a place in this world you thought was at the very least-original or unique-is quite the tragedy.
There is a huge difference in being dumped and being in a relationship where both partner appear to love each other beyond anything and then one of them dies because the person who dumped you clearly didn´t love you no more but the partners in a relationship where one of them dies clearly did.


Aug 7, 2019
If I love somebody I want them to be as happy as they can be.

Otherwise is not love.

That would include hoping that they find somebody good to love and be loved by after I die

That would not equate to replacing me. Not at all.

I do not understand that way of thinking at all. It's so selfish. Not like real love, more like ownership. Yuck.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
What you are say is more than ridiculous. Who was the one who betrayed her in the first place? You seriously expect her to honor her vows after his selfish act which left her and the children with a painful emotional scar?

He had a duty as a husband to satisfy her needs to be loved. He also had the duty as a father to support his children emotionally. However, he abandoned them prematurely. And now you expect her to not only suffer the lost of her husband but also suffer from not feeling loved again for the rest of her life? Ridiculous. You are delusional.
I'm confused as to why you are on a site like this if you think suicide is THAT selfish..? Im not trying to start something but I am genuinely confused.
Do you just mean, in this specific regard when he has brought children into the world?

Yes, everyone has a need to be loved but surely he is not the only person in her life who loved her.
I don't think his needs were met either, certainly not his needs to be able to continue living.

Having said that, I don't really understand how vows between husbands and wives or significant others are so sacred as to be unbreakable. I would feel far more betrayed by my family of origin for replacing me than any other person.
His children are a different story.
Everyone should at least have a family when being brought into this world, and should not be abandoned by them as they did not ask to be here.

I think we like to see the ultimate loyalty in the ones we love, even if it is to their detriment. We like to see this in other's relationships too as to give us hope that such a thing even exists in the first place.
Now we've got a celebrity that was beloved by many and those many cannot understand how someone so close to the dead can get past their grief in this way, and in a such a short period of time. I don't understand the time period but I'm not baffled by the moving on in of itself.
It's not like his mother is adopting a new son.
BUT..his kid's mother basically just adopted a new "father" into their lives and that's definitely going to rub some people the wrong way.
I don't know this man and I'm not one to feel much for celebrities, but this issue is one that occurs in the lives of an everyday person and I think we are just getting it reflected to a larger audience. This reaction that-to me-would otherwise be more acceptable in people who were family and close friends to him are behind closed doors, and publicly being substituted by the fans.


Aug 7, 2019
My sister J's mum died when she was 8 years old. She came to live with us. My mum raised her for the rest of her childhood. My mum NEVER tried to replace her birth mum and never called herself J's mum.

After someone dies, other people's lives continue. The love, and the grief, never goes away but that does not mean they have to stay stuck in the moment they were in when that person died. They are allowed to form new relationships!
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
There is a huge difference in being dumped and being in a relationship where both partner appear to love each other beyond anything and then one of them dies because the person who dumped you clearly didn´t love you no more but the partners in a relationship where one of them dies clearly did.
Huh? Where did I ever say I was "dumped"?. Your response is not even in tune to what I was saying. You just sound like you are trying to be cruel by even using the term "dumped" and "didn't love you no more", invalidating any other relationship anyone here has had that ended in any other way besides death.

I've been replaced by the people who are supposed to love me the most-more than your precious view of a husband and wife-my own flesh and blood. And I'm alive to witness it and feel the betrayal in my bones.

By your logic then, what his wife did was even worse than her "dumping" him while alive, and therefore how could that be love? And how could that be a love that you somehow rank above all others?

For someone so sensitive to a celebrity's wife moving on, you certainly lack sensitivity elsewhere. In my other comments I even tried to bring others an understanding of your viewpoint albeit my own mixed feelings. I think your response back to me was quite crass.


Accomplished faker
May 30, 2019
Some people...many people cannot handle sleeping alone or being without a partner for very long at all.

My mother was dating just outside a year of my father's suicide and no one's ever questioned her (or their) love since anyone who saw them together could easily see the love they shared.

It might seem like too short of a time lapse to some of us looking in but most of us are not the victim of such a loss. 2 years is a very long time if you're suffering and lonely.
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Aug 27, 2018
I've been replaced ten times over and I'm not even dead yet lol
Huh? Where did I ever say I was "dumped"?
You said you have been replaced 10 times over so I assumed you were talking about relationships since that is what we are discussing.

If I love somebody I want them to be as happy as they can be.

Otherwise is not love.

That would include hoping that they find somebody good to love and be loved by after I die

That would not equate to replacing me. Not at all.

I do not understand that way of thinking at all. It's so selfish. Not like real love, more like ownership. Yuck.
It´s disrespectfull to the dead husband or spouse to replace them and sleep with other people while they are rotting in the ground do you think women would do that back in 1930´s I very much doubt it they had integrity and respect for their dead husbands.
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Aug 7, 2019
It´s disrespectfull to the dead husband or spouse to replace them and sleep with other people while they are rotting in the ground do you think women would do that back in 1930´s I very much doubt it they had integrity and respect for their dead husbands.

It´s disrespectfull to the dead husband or spouse to replace them and sleep with other people while they are rotting in the ground do you think women would do that back in 1930´s I very much doubt it they had integrity and respect for their dead husbands.

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Aug 7, 2019
And it's common knowledge that many later remarried.

It is disrespectful to the deceased to suggest that this means they were replaced.

They were unique individuals and totally irreplaceable.

Remarriage does not equate to replacement.
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May 31, 2019
You said you have been replaced 10 times over so I assumed you were talking about relationships since that is what we are discussing.

It´s disrespectfull to the dead husband or spouse to replace them and sleep with other people while they are rotting in the ground do you think women would do that back in 1930´s I very much doubt it they had integrity and respect for their dead husbands.

They did. It's just more accepted now. Do you want people to be lonely and miserable?
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Aug 7, 2019
A quick Google search throws up numerous articles about war widows losing their pensions upon remarriage.

Evidence that many did remarry.

Nobody was replaced, but life did go on.
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