

Dec 17, 2020
(Sorry if I'm posting too much.)
I don't really know how people can pick a date and time to kill themselves. I'm more impulsive and usually when I have tried to commit suicide it was an in the moment thing - I just have to be in the right mindset at that time cause my mood and thoughts shift constantly.

If I just one day decided to take two doses of SN do you guys think I would have a real shot at actually dying? Like my suicidal mood can last for a little bit so I could probably not eat for a few hours but I can't commit to no food for 24 hours+ as I'll just overthink it and move on.

And I say two doses because I think I'm likely to throw up because I don't have antiemetics (I was planning on just ibuprofen with my SN) and I just want to be sure I'll keep enough in me. I was thinking of taking the second dose right after the first? Or should I see if I puke first and then take it? Maybe even take a third? I know I won't be found for hours because even if someone did knock on my door with no reply they would assume I was asleep so I'll have time.

I just wanna know peoples thoughts on this "plan". I'm very likely to try this anyways no matter what people say because It's my only real option,
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Mar 22, 2020
The thing is that being impulsive tends to make accidents happen.
The more you plan your plan, the better it works.

Anyway, I'm saying this and I was really impulsive a few days ago. I felt so sad that I tried to hang myself. I guess being bipolar is part of it.

Btw, my plan now is to be PATIENT and ctb properly in a few months (or less)
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Dec 17, 2020
The thing is that being impulsive tends to make accidents happen.
The more you plan your plan, the better it works.
Well it's not completely unplanned - I won't just drink a random amount of SN or anything. I'm gonna measure it out first with the scale I bought and I did ask about if I should take the doses one after another so part of my planning is figuring that part out.

I just won't have a set day, time, fasting schedule, or other medicines except ibuprofen, I'll just drink it randomly one day.

I've also impulsively tried to hang myself, it didn't really work because for that I had literally no planning. Didn't even know how to tie a noose. I think if I tried to do it impulsively now I'd have much better luck after reading all the content about hanging on here. Not that I even own rope though.. I've been thinking about practice hanging myself though. Just cause. Still plan to die by SN though.
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Jul 15, 2020
You don't have to fast for entire 24, I think at least 8 is good. I wouldn't take 2 doses at once because that's too much poison and your body would throw it up immediately. Planning is better than being impulsive but I guess it's everyone's choice.
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Dec 7, 2020
Why would you not get an anti-emetic since it is recommended and vomiting is inevitable ?


Oct 12, 2020
If you do it impulsively, I imagine that there will be no fasting and therefore it will be easier for you to vomit. Also, if you take ibuprofen, it would have to be 1h before at least SN. The second dose is to be taken after you have vomited. The "ideal" would be when you were 100% decided to do the relevant fast and then take ibuprofen (and antacids if they are easy to get).
I am looking to get the antiemetic, I would recommend that you try to get it too and if it is possible to have everything well prepared and studied, I am not saying that you set a date but if you have everything clear, as @WornOutLife says, impulsively things tend to go wrong.


Dec 27, 2020
The impulsivity you mentioned makes me a bit worried. As WornOutLife said, being impulsive tends to make accidents happen. As for actual experience with SN, I'm a bit out of my depth but as an example. Say x substance makes you throw up. So taking x substance but more of it just seems to me like it would make it that much more likely to throw up. And taking more of it but timed apart, seems like it would end in the same result. I'm not really sure but you might be able to look at the SN mega thread for more info. I think most people are able to pick a date and time so they have it all planned, without the chance of accidents and such. Others might need time to accomplish things, say goodbye to people, write letters, deal with wills, possessions. Some people want to give it some time and say "I'll see how things are by x date". Many people have different reasons for planning it out and picking a date but I personally wouldn't do anything out of extreme impulsivity. Just my opinion. SN is out of my knowledge area though so I'd certainly recommend taking a look at the SN informational threads which can be found in the Resource Thread. Sorry I don't have any practical info to give on the topic though.
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Dec 28, 2020
Overall I think an impulsive attempt would work like a planned attempt would work. The guide on this site has a lot of nice to haves for CTB, a way to not feel so sick, a way to feel more relaxed, etc. Very human ways of looking at the process of CTB and to make it very painless and manageable and it makes you plan everything out so you have to be sure etc. I see why this would be.

In reality though I think a poison is a poison, and if you take enough of it without being caught or found it would work the way a poison works. I've researched SN and deaths from SN as I was curious about the guide and the accuracy. Was Stan a Dr? Have any Dr's weighed in on this method or the guide? The guide asks for the person ending their life to invest a lot of money and time into other resources supposedly required to use this poison.

In my research I found that SN was used to poison wild pigs. Wild pigs are not the same as humans, but they are very similar to us in a lot of ways, probably the most similar other animal that lives on this planet. I also found a news item regarding several elderly people who were hospitalized and had a close call because the oatmeal they ate was seasoned with nitrite instead of cooking salt. These people all had a very close call and had to be taken to the hospital. They did not fast, the nitrate was mixed into their food. They took no anti-emetics etc.

I'm not a Dr. or an expert in poisons so this is only my opinion, but my own research plus what I have seen on this site tells me that SN is a fast working poison and as long as you are not found or discovered by those who would want to rescue you, you will quickly pass on. In an ideal world we would all carefully plan our exit and have all of these nice things to pad the way out but it isn't very realistic. Overall probably not a good idea to do something like this impulsively and that is why there is a guide and a process, but I think believing in the guide without a real Dr. weighing in is mostly smoke and mirrors.
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Dec 17, 2020
You don't have to fast for entire 24, I think at least 8 is good. I wouldn't take 2 doses at once because that's too much poison and your body would throw it up immediately.
That's probably true. I was unsure of which way I wanted to do it but yeah maybe I'll take the first and wait to see how I feel. I want the second dose though to ensure I really get enough.

Also, if you take ibuprofen, it would have to be 1h before at least SN.
I am looking to get the antiemetic, I would recommend that you try to get it too and if it is possible to have everything well prepared and studied,
Oh right should have mentioned that, I do intend to take the ibuprofen an hour beforehand. I have the SN and a scale and I've read the megathread and stan's guide and have other forum posts bookmarked that I've read multiple times so I think I have an okay grasp.

The impulsivity you mentioned makes me a bit worried.
I know how I am mentally I won't be able to plan out a day ahead of time. I can't really imagine there are many accidents I can even make in this situation. Just gotta drink some poison haha.

Overall I think an impulsive attempt would work like a planned attempt would work
Your reply is basically what I've been thinking. Like... it IS poison, surely if I take enough it should just work regardless of all the prep beforehand??

Why would you not get an anti-emetic since it is recommended and vomiting is inevitable ?
I don't think its technically necessary. Very helpful but I assume if I got enough in me in the end it would be good enough. Besides, I can't just get them. I've searched around online but everything requires a prescription. And I can't just go to the doctors and get one. Feel free to let me know if you have found a good source where I could get some though.

(sorry if this comment is a mess I wanted to reply to many people)
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Nov 11, 2020
I have only one direct experience with being with a friend when they drank SN. With no antiemetic, it was still fairly quick time to unconsciousness. I'm not recommending this. If you can get antiemetic - take it.
But, no I don't think taking 3 mixtures of SN is a good idea.
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Dec 17, 2020
I have only one direct experience with being with a friend when they drank SN. With no antiemetic, it was still fairly quick time to unconsciousness. I'm not recommending this. If you can get antiemetic - take it.
But, no I don't think taking 3 mixtures of SN is a good idea.
Why would 3 be bad? I'm definitely counting on taking a second one to ensure I get enough - not sure I'll even have time for a third but if I did why do you recommend against it?


Nov 11, 2020
Well, yes having two prepared is definitely good thinking especially without antiemetics. Having a third prepared is probably fine. But drinking all three, I think would just give you a more likely chance of vomiting it all up. Like I said, I have one direct experience with a friend and I have read about several other SN experiences. Going unconscious fairly quickly is very likely. So you wouldn't need three "doses" to have that happen. I'm just saying too much all at once may lead to vomiting. That would be 75 gs that's a lot.
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Oct 4, 2020
I was beginning to think that assuming you'd accumulate some time fasting, then just drinking the SN would suffice?
Eg; post 10h sleep, fast a little longer and then drink the SN*

*Prep'd 2x25g of SN. Neck the 1st...try your best to not vomit (most likely will)
Wait till vomiting calms (not long..maybe 5mins?...Pure guess) then neck the 2nd dose of SN

I assumed this would be the basic/most poverty form of this method.

Ideally, you'd implement the said meds;

*Propanolol id dosed x2, 1st dose as you wake/3ish hours prior 1st dose, then 2nd dose (which will be a much higher dose) say 1h pre SN

*anteimic, I'd dose x3. 1 dose pre bed, 1 dose upon waking and maybe another 1h before SN?

*Paracetamol..(seen this thrown about on SN threads) taken say 45-90min pre SN

*xanax or alike meds( this seems frownd upon but idk why?)
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Dec 17, 2020
I was beginning to think that assuming you'd accumulate some time fasting, then just drinking the SN would suffice?
Eg; post 10h sleep, fast a little longer and then drink the SN*
Yeah depending how I feel I might try and do it after waking up when I haven't eaten for awhile. As for the rest I can't get prescription meds so the antiemetic and beta blocker are a no go same with calming meds. I figure since I'm going with about nothing I wasn't gonna even bother with the antacid. If anyone has a source for the prescription meds though I'm all ears.


Fake smile, real pain.
Dec 30, 2020
Yeah depending how I feel I might try and do it after waking up when I haven't eaten for awhile. As for the rest I can't get prescription meds so the antiemetic and beta blocker are a no go same with calming meds. I figure since I'm going with about nothing I wasn't gonna even bother with the antacid. If anyone has a source for the prescription meds though I'm all ears.
You might find some meds on the dark web I think even if it's not an easy way and it's pretty risky imo.


Dec 17, 2020
You might find some meds on the dark web I think even if it's not an easy way and it's pretty risky imo.
Yeah I'm not going to bother with the dark web shit. Not really sure how it all works + it seems shady. One time I basically bricked a laptop going on there somehow?
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Oct 4, 2020
You might find some meds on the dark web I think even if it's not an easy way and it's pretty risky imo.
No vendors sell antiemetics...

I've asked a lot of vendors (those who stock prescription like meds) on the two main markets.
Only one mentioned the possibility of sourcing Reglan, but they've yet to update me lol


Dec 10, 2020
i've seen some cases on here where people didnt take anything with their sn and still managed to ctb. some people threw up and just took their second dosage

this is purely my own opinion but after looking over everything i think a "random" sn attempt will work fine. with a second dosage to make up for the lack of preparation. i saw one guy here who (allegedly) didnt take enough sn for his body weight so it didnt really effect him until a hour in, after the hour he said he could start to feel it and shortly stopped posting after that
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Do you fear death?
Dec 20, 2020
Yeah I'm not going to bother with the dark web shit. Not really sure how it all works + it seems shady. One time I basically bricked a laptop going on there somehow?
I'm basically in the same situation as you, if you do find a way to obtain them or if I find a way I'll share.


Dec 17, 2020
I have only one direct experience with being with a friend when they drank SN. With no antiemetic, it was still fairly quick time to unconsciousness. I'm not recommending this. If you can get antiemetic - take it.
But, no I don't think taking 3 mixtures of SN is a good idea.
how quick? did they take 25g? Much less can still kill.


Aug 19, 2020
I think there is a high chance of working, it's all about being dedicated and having that 2nd dose ready. People have a tendency to overprepare for SN (better safe than sorry, right?), but the truth is that merely 10g of SN are more than enough to send a physically average person to the other side.


Apr 8, 2018
Well, yes having two prepared is definitely good thinking especially without antiemetics. Having a third prepared is probably fine. But drinking all three, I think would just give you a more likely chance of vomiting it all up. Like I said, I have one direct experience with a friend and I have read about several other SN experiences. Going unconscious fairly quickly is very likely. So you wouldn't need three "doses" to have that happen. I'm just saying too much all at once may lead to vomiting. That would be 75 gs that's a lot.
Hey, if you don't mind me asking, did the passing of your friend who took SN look peaceful to you? Please don't feel pressured to answer if it is too personal of a question.
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Deleted member 15256

Deleted member 15256

Feb 18, 2020
I am trying to plan... But I am very impulsive as well. That's why, when I decided to give life another shot few months ago, I threw my sn away or I would just drink it on my first crisis


Nov 11, 2020
Hey, if you don't mind me asking, did the passing of your friend who took SN look peaceful to you? Please don't feel pressured to answer if it is too personal of a question.
Yes, it did seem to be peaceful and quite fast to unconsciousness. And that was with just drinking the first 25g of SN. I think about 20 minutes to being unconscious.
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Apr 8, 2018
Yes, it did seem to be peaceful and quite fast to unconsciousness. And that was with just drinking the first 25g of SN. I think about 20 minutes to being unconscious.
Oh, I am so glad to hear this! Thank you for taking the time to answer my question, you rock!

I hope you are taking good care of yourself after witnessing your friend CTB. I've never witnessed anyone die, but I hear it can take its toll so please remember how awesome you are and love on yourself if you can.


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Jan 14, 2021
Yes, it did seem to be peaceful and quite fast to unconsciousness. And that was with just drinking the first 25g of SN. I think about 20 minutes to being unconscious.
Just curious how do you know this? Did he survive the attempt to report it? Thanks for the good info


Jan 31, 2021
Yes, it did seem to be peaceful and quite fast to unconsciousness. And that was with just drinking the first 25g of SN. I think about 20 minutes to being unconscious.
Do you know how long till she actually passed? There are a lot of people in my house. I can't get away to do it somewhere else.
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Oct 25, 2020
Do you know how long till she actually passed? There are a lot of people in my house. I can't get away to do it somewhere else.
Not the person you asked, but I've researched quite a bit.

Generally it takes 10-20 mins to pass out, but actual death can take anywhere from 40 mins to even several hours in some cases. There's the risk of someone hearing you throwing up/thrashing around as well. I wouldn't say it's impossible, but if you're living with a lot of people it'd be pretty risky to take SN.


Nov 11, 2020
Do you know how long till she actually passed? There are a lot of people in my house. I can't get away to do it somewhere else.
It was about 12 - 15 minutes after drinking the SN that she threw up, and then about 5 minutes after that I think she was unconscious -- so 20 minutes, maybe 25 at most to being unconscious. I stayed on chat for an hour and a half and didn't hear anything after that. So I don't know the time between drinking and death, but she was texting me constantly during that time in between drinking and losing consciousness and there wasn't pain or panic, just nausea.
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Jan 31, 2021
Not the person you asked, but I've researched quite a bit.

Generally it takes 10-20 mins to pass out, but actual death can take anywhere from 40 mins to even several hours in some cases. There's the risk of someone hearing you throwing up/thrashing around as well. I wouldn't say it's impossible, but if you're living with a lot of people it'd be pretty risky to take SN.
Thanks. We actually have a empty rental attached to our home. I'm hoping to be able to sneak out and lock myself in there. The family has a key to the rental but there is a laundry room that leads to a bathroom. I'd lock both those doors that they'll have to break through. Doing it on a bathroom floor is not ideal for relaxing but I'll use a pillow and bedding.
It was about 12 - 15 minutes after drinking the SN that she threw up, and then about 5 minutes after that I think she was unconscious -- so 20 minutes, maybe 25 at most to being unconscious. I stayed on chat for an hour and a half and didn't hear anything after that. So I don't know the time between drinking and death, but she was texting me constantly during that time in between drinking and losing consciousness and there wasn't pain or panic, just nausea.
Thank you. I'm 118 pounds and plan to do 20g with a 2nd for backup. I wonder if being lighter helps with still doing 20g.

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