Hello,i was actually on a med only used in persistent depression (methylphenidate ),as xanax and others didnt work,just take 5 mins ago my last pill so yea im fucked,how much time have you been to feel that way?,i cant think i would like ou to explain me abit more if you are able,kisses
Aw man, running out of pills always made me so anxious. I'm so sorry you're experiencing that. Hugs.
I wish I had a positive experience to share. But once I was off the opioids I actually felt like a numb robot for 6 months straight. My dopamine was completely used up. Methylphenidate teaches your brain not to manufacture dopamine or norepinepherine on its own so once you stop taking it you experience a neurotransmitter "crash" with symptoms like brain fog, numbness, apathy, etc.
I tried everything natural I could think of to boost dopamine. Supplements, exercise, etc. But once your levels are ranked it takes a long time to improve them again.
I've found Wellbutrin to be a helpful since it boosts both norepinephrine and dopamine but doesn't usually give withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking it. It doesn't usually produce the same dopamine crash that opioids and methylphenidate cause. It has a weaker effect than ritalin, but it's usually more sustainable. And doctors usually will prescribe it.
Is there any way you could ask your doc for Wellbutrin in the meantime? It's not a quick fix but it's the only reason I started to feel slightly less numb. It's nowhere near as effective as methylphenidate, but it might make your withdrawals a bit easier since they both affect the same neurotransmitters.
I'm sorry again that you're feeling so awful, I wish I had better news. Not everyone responds the same way to withdrawal though, and so it's possible your dopamine and norepinephrine levels won't be as lowered as mine were. I dearly hope that's the case and you start feeling better within a week or two. Wishing you all the best.