Yes, in Mexico is the short answer.
Long answer: my successful purchase of N over the counter along with a short bit of my story. I am a BPD/PTSD mess and after a 17 year relationship falling apart due to an affair (found out love of my life was Prego and it wasn't mine) I absolutely lost my shit and packed what I could in my car and hit the road. I didn't have any destination, my original plan was to stop when I felt good. The journey itself was...exhausting, overwhelming and filled with plenty of laughs (think Joaquin Phoenix's joker), anger outbursts and tears. I tried to make the best of it, not really sure at the time what my intentions were but each night after excessive driving ended exactly the same. Heavy drinking, going to bars to bitch about my problems in hopes of someone lending an ear followed by long hot showers with a noose set up for suspension hanging.
For those that are not aware, BPD is the absolute worst when it comes to wanting to ctb. You fully want to commit to the act, but when it gets down to the nItty gritty, it's as if your brain goes into hyperdrive survival mode. I say hyperdrive as in literally nothing can push you to the limit of actually saying "fuck it". Great for people who want to live, hell for those who don't. Anyways, I was day 3 into my drive and I had set a destination of Austin, Texas (USA). I started taking mental notes of how far El Paso was and didn't realize I was doing so until about 100 miles. It hit me like a ton of bricks, but in the best of ways. I've been a lurker on this forum far longer than I'd like to admit and have done my fair share of research on N. I had decided years ago this was my preferred method and while I guess if I reflect back, deeper than my conscious would have allowed, it was my goal to end up exactly in El Paso to try and obtain this.
I arrived in El Paso as the sun was setting, now I've been all over the world and this place is unique. It had kind of an eerie vibe to it, maybe it was just the mind-state I was in, or the glorified stories of Juarez across the Rio Grande but it truly felt... Dark. I checked into my hotel and of course my first question was "how do I get to Juarez". The clerk wanted nothing to do with it and laughed me off, only after a few seconds realizing I was serious and replied with a simple "you don't". This of course made me want to go even worse. After a little bar hopping I asked a few more people and everyone gave me the same answer, some went as far as saying "I have family that I don't even go see there".
Finally I managed to get a taxi driver that said he would be more than happy to advise a safe journey there and I chose to walk across. Obviously I was not going to tell him my intent and I knew I was not going to see a veterinarian after dark, at this point I was extremely ready to ctb and all the glorifying made it sound like, well shit I might only have to walk on over and do no more. His advice was as follows, and it payed off. Keep in mind, my goal at this point was to just get shitty drunk and hope someone decides I'm not worthy of Mexico.
1. Break large bills into ones. You will only needs ones for bars.
2. Bring a couple hundred in large bills, keep them separate, this is your emergency money.
3.As soon as you realize that you are drunk, leave and get your ass back to the USA.
Easy enough, right? I walked over the bridge and made my way into Mexico and followed his directions to a dive bar just minutes across the border. As I walked in I scanned the room and saw my drinking buddy sitting in the corner, we had no clue who each other was and the only thing we had in common was we were the only two people in the room that spoke English. As we locked eyes, he raised a shot glass with one hand and pointed at it with the other, then pointing to me. Did we just become best friends? Over the next couple of hours, yes we did. I bought a bottle of tequila, he bought a couple of $10 grams of cocaine, it was a good time.
Suddenly I was very drunk and hazel remembered my cab driver warning me "when you realize you are drunk, leave". I started scanning the room and saw that me and my friend were having a little too much fun and we're starting to get the mile long stare from a group across the way. We went outside, followed by them. At this point my stupid BPD survival brain kicked in and it was time to high tail it back to the good ole' USA. After getting back with my new best friend we went to a few clubs and started getting deeper into conversation and my drunk ass decided to spill the beans on N. The look on his jaw dropped face as he said "Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Me too" will forever be engraved into my mind simply as the "it's a small world after all" moment of my life. This obviously brought our conversation at straight to the point. How are we going to get this. His plan was to go into Mexico and find a cab driver that would bring him to a vet. I didn't think that was a great idea as I've heard many of stories of people being robbed or set up by locals and police wanting an nice bribe. I preferred finding a driver in the us that would help us, bring us over and actually do the talking for us. It didn't take me long to find out that many El Paso drivers are from Juarez seeking a better life. This may not be the preferred method for anyone else but I went straight for the jugular on this on and called back the original individual who gave me a ride to the boarder (the next day). I offered him $1,000 in cash if he could give me a ride into Mexico and help me obtain my desired item. There was zero hesitation and no questions asked and I agreed that he could give me a close back to the border and I would make my own way back. We drove for about an hour and stopped in a very industrial part of Juarez (well, it all seems pretty industrial) and my newest best friend came out with a paper bag and two very lovely brown bottles labeled "pisabental 100ml" and I could not have been sweating more bullets. Was this the moment, was I about to get arrested? Nope, it was that easy. He gave me a ride back, I walked 5 minutes to the boarder and made it back to the USA feeling like Pablo Escobar.
Sorry for the build up. The point is, yeah, in Juarez if you are willing to make the journey and risk being kidnapped, shot, robbed or all of the above.