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May 31, 2024
I was Brain Damaged by Antipsychotics (Neurolpetics). My eyes were also severity damaged by neuroleptics as well as my gut and my hormonal system (I became sterile due to antipsychotics).

I am brain damaged: I have no sense of orientation in the streets, I have forgotten 1/3 of all past events and I have poor short term memory. I just lie in bed not able to do anything because my brain is not functional anymore. I can't even think an idea through. I used to be a very happy and a very positive person for the first 40 years of my life. Now I just lie in bed all day doing nothing because there is nothing I can do anymore. Satanic ignorant psychiatrists pretend that I suffer from depression while in fact I have brain damage from their "treatment". My advise to you: keep as far as possible from psychiatry because psychiatrists perform their satanic art in total judicial impunity. When I complained that antipsychotics damaged my eyes, the psychiatrist responded that it was not true and that it's just aging. Psychiatrists are good liers. Psychiatrists are a bunch of liers and criminals. There is no justice in this world. I am a victim of psychiatry. Do you know why I got locked up in a psychiatric hospital? Because I was denouncing psychiatric drugs as toxic and lethal to healthcare authorities. I got poisoned by the very same drugs that I was denouncing to health authorities in the first place. If you don't believe me, here is an article I wrote back in 2020 to the Journal of Clinical Psychology on the Dangers of Benzodiazepines. You know what? I am CTB now and my method is DDMP and it requires 1g of Diazepam: I conclude by saying that benzodiazepines have indeed a place in the medical protocols, namely in MAiD (Medical Aid in Dying) protocols. I have a lot of anger because psychiatry is a scam of intelligence and that I am a victim of these very same hospital psychiatrists that I was denouncing to health authorities and to the Police. And now I am going to commit suicide because psychiatrists and their beloved antipsychotics have ruined my brain, my body and my life. I swear one thing: hospital psychiatrists and your beloved antipsychotics, you will all burn in hell. Thank you to the SS community for letting me vent that out.


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Apr 18, 2024
Holy shit this sounds horrible. Words can not explain how awful you must feel right now.
You didn't deserve this treatment at all.
I've been on medication for depression for 3 years and stopped them myself. My wish to CTB didn't really change with or without…

Why did they give you antipsychotics for depression ? That sounds like mistreatment, no ? Do you know anything about that ?

How long did you took antipsychotics and how much ? Daily ?
Do you think there's reversibility of certain symptoms you awfully have to experience right now ?
The brain has amazing healing capabilities if there's something broken.
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May 31, 2024
Holy shit this sounds horrible. Words can not explain how awful you must feel right now.
You didn't deserve this treatment at all.
I've been on medication for depression for 3 years and stopped them myself. My wish to CTB didn't really change with or without…

Why did they give you antipsychotics for depression ? That sounds like mistreatment, no ? Do you know anything about that ?

How long did you took antipsychotics and how much ? Daily ?
Do you think there's reversibility of certain symptoms you awfully have to experience right now ?
The brain has amazing healing capabilities if there's something broken.
I led an anti-psychiatry project where I was denouncing the dangers of psychiatric drugs to health authorities and to the Police. I became very emotional with the information and very vocal about my project. I got locked up in a psychiatric hospital as a consequence. When I shared some of my pamphlets against psychiatry with psychiatrists they said that I was living outside of reality and force medicated me with the very same poisons that I had been denouncing to health authorities, tribunals and the Police in the first place. Psychiatrists, especially hospital psychiatrists, are satanic individuals, who perform their satanic art in total judicial impunity. Antipsychotics (neuroleptics such as Risperidone, Haldol, Loxapac, etc) create permanent brain damage that is not reversible. These poisons also damage eyes, gut, hormonal system and immune system. I often compare neuroleptics to lead. It's poison. Being angry or sad is not a disease, it's an emotion. For hospital psychiatrists everything is a disease because they are Satanists.
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Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
That sounds really horrific what you are going through, it's hellish how people suffer so unbearably all through no fault of their own in this existence. But anyway best wishes.
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May 31, 2024
Holy shit this sounds horrible. Words can not explain how awful you must feel right now.
You didn't deserve this treatment at all.
I've been on medication for depression for 3 years and stopped them myself. My wish to CTB didn't really change with or without…

Why did they give you antipsychotics for depression ? That sounds like mistreatment, no ? Do you know anything about that ?

How long did you took antipsychotics and how much ? Daily ?
Do you think there's reversibility of certain symptoms you awfully have to experience right now ?
The brain has amazing healing capabilities if there's something broken.
Thank you for your compassion.


Pharma kills
Jun 3, 2024
Same. I'm still surprised that we never read in the newspapers that psychiatrists are shot or beaten up or something. With so many people damaged. Like they have a free card to shatter lives and murder.

At least they don't have to fear me. Can't even leave my house anymore due to their toxins.
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Sep 1, 2020
Bob, I can imagine how horrific life is for you now and it's so unfair what happened to you. They all deserve the same! From my heart, I truly hope you can find the peace you so deserve. Life is so unbearably horrific.
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Apr 26, 2024
There's no satan nor hell, mind you.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
Relatable. I can't measure our body damages and compare them but I too got burned by psych meds very bad (sleep being worst) which was the reason I found this place years ago wanting to end it asap so I don't live like this. Still, I lived and came to accept my predicament in a way. I am not sure if I'll die by my own hand down the road or not but at least lately I accept how things turned out and I am able to deal with my body and it's malfunctions no matter the intensity. Our bodies come and go and what happened to me changed my life drastically but it is what it is. Life is about losing things like that one way or the other, might as well come to terms with it when it comes to me.

Still, I can always stand with people who advise against meds, it is on the individuals to take risks tho and accept the consequences to their bodies. No one warned me and like you, my psychiatrist denied the damages and acted like it's not permanent. 5 years later pretty permanent if you ask me.
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Jun 12, 2023
If you notice, anytime you feel an emotion (negative ones at least, but maybe positive ones too), you will feel it in the body, specially if highly self-aware.

And meds certainly change certain chemistry things.

I personally agree with you that emotions aren't disease, but usually the reason why people take these is so the don't suicide.

Stress, pain, malnutrition, negative emotions, among other things will deplete "happiness chemicals" in the body/brain.

These pills stop that but unfortunately they mess with other areas that they shouldn't mess with (like giving nausea for example, brain zaps, etc).

Imo modern psychiatry is akin to the old barber-dentist profession. Primitive, but the best we have right now.

Unless you want to try the more natural route and try natural herbs. They help a little bit, but just like antidepressants, you have to continuously take them.

Imo we just live wrongly with all these depression cases. If we had a more compassionate, loving society, would we have so many cases of depression? I doubt it.

I would look into the more "obscure" herbs, because they really work. Specially MAOI herbs like passionflower.

Chamomile is not just an anxyolitic, it's also antidepressants, Rhodiola Rósea is good.

They usually have fewer side effects.
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Sep 18, 2023
I've taken an anti-psychotic myself for a period of time, relatively low dose.

I do remember I started to develop a speech impediment of sorts since I started using it.
It was weird.

I wouldn't use it again myself.

Also, @007Bob

This forum might be of interest to you: https://www.survivingantidepressants.org/
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Illegal Preclear

Illegal Preclear

Skull Skylight Installation Specialist.
Sep 6, 2022
I was Brain Damaged by Antipsychotics (Neurolpetics). My eyes were also severity damaged by neuroleptics as well as my gut and my hormonal system (I became sterile due to antipsychotics).

I am brain damaged: I have no sense of orientation in the streets, I have forgotten 1/3 of all past events and I have poor short term memory. I just lie in bed not able to do anything because my brain is not functional anymore. I can't even think an idea through. I used to be a very happy and a very positive person for the first 40 years of my life. Now I just lie in bed all day doing nothing because there is nothing I can do anymore. Satanic ignorant psychiatrists pretend that I suffer from depression while in fact I have brain damage from their "treatment". My advise to you: keep as far as possible from psychiatry because psychiatrists perform their satanic art in total judicial impunity. When I complained that antipsychotics damaged my eyes, the psychiatrist responded that it was not true and that it's just aging. Psychiatrists are good liers. Psychiatrists are a bunch of liers and criminals. There is no justice in this world. I am a victim of psychiatry. Do you know why I got locked up in a psychiatric hospital? Because I was denouncing psychiatric drugs as toxic and lethal to healthcare authorities. I got poisoned by the very same drugs that I was denouncing to health authorities in the first place. If you don't believe me, here is an article I wrote back in 2020 to the Journal of Clinical Psychology on the Dangers of Benzodiazepines. You know what? I am CTB now and my method is DDMP and it requires 1g of Diazepam: I conclude by saying that benzodiazepines have indeed a place in the medical protocols, namely in MAiD (Medical Aid in Dying) protocols. I have a lot of anger because psychiatry is a scam of intelligence and that I am a victim of these very same hospital psychiatrists that I was denouncing to health authorities and to the Police. And now I am going to commit suicide because psychiatrists and their beloved antipsychotics have ruined my brain, my body and my life. I swear one thing: hospital psychiatrists and your beloved antipsychotics, you will all burn in hell. Thank you to the SS community for letting me vent that out.
I cannot begin to put into words how disgusting it is that your story is so horrific and yet so even more horrifically common.

Due to Psychiatry and having a very vile, rather literally Satanic family who gleefully let Psychiatry have its way with me to expand their already disgusting amount of wealth - I didn't get to live a single day of a normal human life. My earliest memories are being experimented on by Psychiatrists - wires attached to my skull and everything. Regarding my mental disabilities - I really wonder if was a 'chicken or the egg' situation that Psychiatrists caused because developing Schizophrenia under the age of 10 is quite rare. I was forced to take drugs and have my skull hooked to wires my entire childhood.

The one thing I think is WORSE than the brain damage from drugs was the sadistic mind games and gaslighting. The fact that these pieces of Satanic shit would play mind games to build my trust just to gaslight me and break it. I was 5 goddamn years old. The fact that they destroyed my ability to love and trust at such a young age is even more diabolical than the brain damage with drugs.

I've dealt with this abuse for 35 years, so now my mind is completely gone. A turning point came in 2022 when I was locked in a Psychiatric Institution and given WAY too high a dose of Antipsychotics for my body weight and that accelerated the brain damage like dumping incendiary grenades in a tank of gasoline. There's nothing left of me.

Bob, may I ask if you're an American? (If you don't want to give that info for the sake of anonymity that's fine), but your story, like the stories of so many others here are just so quintessentially American.

I've written quite a lot in the past (when I actually had the mental wherewithal to write essays) about how America is essentially Ground Zero for Psychiatric crimes against humanity, and how the for-profit Prison System and Psychiatric system are one in the same.

In my State specifically (New Jersey) - a lot of Pharmaceutical companies are based out of here so laws are set up so the Psychiatric System has so much unchecked power it's essentially human trafficking, with said humans being used for literal medical experiments. I've watched them happen. I've watched normal 18 year olds have their brains shocked to the point all they could do is scream and slam their heads on the walls. There are no limits here on how long your can be held at an institution - they can literally just hold you for the rest of your natural life and you will be put in 4-point restraints if you ask for a lawyer.

I would say the Psychiatric system in New Jersey and any other place that has a similar legal system set up is far worse than the Prison System. Even in the reddest parts of Texas where the electric chair is still used - they aren't allowed to conduct medical experiments on the prisoners.

TL:DR; The Psychiatric system is NOT there to help you. It's more evil than the US Prison system or the greediest corporation you can think of, because its motivations go beyond greed - it's raw, Demonic sadism, and if Psychiatry becomes entangled in your life you will find yourself on a road, whether longer or shorter, where CTBing is going to be your only option due to either brain damage, loss of all your human rights, or in most cases - both.
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May 31, 2024
I cannot begin to put into words how disgusting it is that your story is so horrific and yet so even more horrifically common.

Due to Psychiatry and having a very vile, rather literally Satanic family who gleefully let Psychiatry have its way with me to expand their already disgusting amount of wealth - I didn't get to live a single day of a normal human life. My earliest memories are being experimented on by Psychiatrists - wires attached to my skull and everything. Regarding my mental disabilities - I really wonder if was a 'chicken or the egg' situation that Psychiatrists caused because developing Schizophrenia under the age of 10 is quite rare. I was forced to take drugs and have my skull hooked to wires my entire childhood.

The one thing I think is WORSE than the brain damage from drugs was the sadistic mind games and gaslighting. The fact that these pieces of Satanic shit would play mind games to build my trust just to gaslight me and break it. I was 5 goddamn years old. The fact that they destroyed my ability to love and trust at such a young age is even more diabolical than the brain damage with drugs.

I've dealt with this abuse for 35 years, so now my mind is completely gone. A turning point came in 2022 when I was locked in a Psychiatric Institution and given WAY too high a dose of Antipsychotics for my body weight and that accelerated the brain damage like dumping incendiary grenades in a tank of gasoline. There's nothing left of me.

Bob, may I ask if you're an American? (If you don't want to give that info for the sake of anonymity that's fine), but your story, like the stories of so many others here are just so quintessentially American.

I've written quite a lot in the past (when I actually had the mental wherewithal to write essays) about how America is essentially Ground Zero for Psychiatric crimes against humanity, and how the for-profit Prison System and Psychiatric system are one in the same.

In my State specifically (New Jersey) - a lot of Pharmaceutical companies are based out of here so laws are set up so the Psychiatric System has so much unchecked power it's essentially human trafficking, with said humans being used for literal medical experiments. I've watched them happen. I've watched normal 18 year olds have their brains shocked to the point all they could do is scream and slam their heads on the walls. There are no limits here on how long your can be held at an institution - they can literally just hold you for the rest of your natural life and you will be put in 4-point restraints if you ask for a lawyer.

I would say the Psychiatric system in New Jersey and any other place that has a similar legal system set up is far worse than the Prison System. Even in the reddest parts of Texas where the electric chair is still used - they aren't allowed to conduct medical experiments on the prisoners.

TL:DR; The Psychiatric system is NOT there to help you. It's more evil than the US Prison system or the greediest corporation you can think of, because its motivations go beyond greed - it's raw, Demonic sadism, and if Psychiatry becomes entangled in your life you will find yourself on a road, whether longer or shorter, where CTBing is going to be your only option due to either brain damage, loss of all your human rights, or in most cases - both.
I am so sorry for what happened to you. It's horrifying, yet so common in other countries too. I can't believe that psychiatrists have been torturing you since the age of 5 - with antipsychotics and electrochocks to the brain. That's inhuman treatment.

Psychiatry is a scam of intelligence in every country in the world. I started my anti-psychiatry project in Switzerland. It all started by "accident". I was working on a project promoting alternative medication to antidepressants. Then I came across a meta study on antidepressants that clearly states that antidepressants should no longer be used because they increase mortality rate by 33% [1] [2]. That led me to more investigation and I realized that antipsychotics increase mortality rate by 90% and benzodiazepines increase mortality rate by 70%. I wrote to tribunals, I wrote to healthcare authorities, I wrote to the Police. I even wrote to Elon Musk [document attached]. I became very emotional about the information. I couldn't believe that psychiatry was legal. I came to realize that psychiatrists, especially hospital psychiatrists, perform their satanic art in total judicial impunity. I since moved to France. It's worse in France than in Switzerland. In France they almost systematically put 4. point restraints on people when they arrive at the psychiatric hospital. Why? Just because they can. Hospital psychiatrists are really sadistic and ignorant and hurt people just because they can.

[1] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319462
[2] https://karger.com/pps/article-abst...Myocardial-Effects-of?redirectedFrom=fulltext


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May 31, 2024
Relatable. I can't measure our body damages and compare them but I too got burned by psych meds very bad (sleep being worst) which was the reason I found this place years ago wanting to end it asap so I don't live like this. Still, I lived and came to accept my predicament in a way. I am not sure if I'll die by my own hand down the road or not but at least lately I accept how things turned out and I am able to deal with my body and it's malfunctions no matter the intensity. Our bodies come and go and what happened to me changed my life drastically but it is what it is. Life is about losing things like that one way or the other, might as well come to terms with it when it comes to me.

Still, I can always stand with people who advise against meds, it is on the individuals to take risks tho and accept the consequences to their bodies. No one warned me and like you, my psychiatrist denied the damages and acted like it's not permanent. 5 years later pretty permanent if you ask me.
I am so sorry to hear that you are also a victim of psychiatry. Antipsychotics have no place in the treatment protocol: these drugs are a scam of intelligence, they damage the brain and the body. And hypocritical psychiatrists dare call that "treatment". Antipsychotics lead to suicide!

Psychiatric drugs are a scam of intelligence. As I mentioned in my paper to the Journal of Clinical Psychology: antipsychotics increase mortality rate by 90% [1], benzodiazepines increase mortality rate by 70% [2] and antidepressants increase mortality rate by 33% [3] [4]. The worst drugs are antipsychotics because it's like a malware that tells your brain and your body to destroy themselves. Antipsychotics have damaged my brain, my eyes, my gut and my hormonal system - in a permanent way. When I confronted psychiatrists with it, they denied the permanent damage and claimed that it's aging! What BS! I was perfectly healthy before and I'm only 44. Psychiatrists have also chemically sterilized me. Psychiatry is a scam of intelligence from A to Z and psychiatrists, especially hospital psychiatrists, are sadistic ignorant individuals who lie to their patients and to healthcare authorities to perform their satanic medieval art in total judicial impunity, namely the torturing and murdering of innocent victims. I have been very vocal about my disgust of psychiatry in social media. I attach here a document I wrote last year. It's in English and French. It was initially written for French President Macron because the other more formally written documents didn't get any share-of-voice with healthcare authorities and tribunals. This document led me to being institutionalized and poisoned with the very same drugs that I was denouncing to healthcare authorities in the first place. Now I am brain damaged. My body is ruined. My life has no more meaning. And I'm going to CTB. Psychiatrists have effectively murdered me in total judicial impunity for no other reason than that of satisfying their sick urge of the destruction of the innocent.

[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6159703/
[2] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40264-020-00992-7
[3] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319462
[4] https://karger.com/pps/article-abst...Myocardial-Effects-of?redirectedFrom=fulltext
I am so sorry to hear that you are also a victim of psychiatry. Antipsychotics have no place in the treatment protocol: these drugs are a scam of intelligence, they damage the brain and the body. And hypocritical psychiatrists dare call that "treatment". Antipsychotics lead to suicide!

Psychiatric drugs are a scam of intelligence. As I mentioned in my paper to the Journal of Clinical Psychology: antipsychotics increase mortality rate by 90% [1], benzodiazepines increase mortality rate by 70% [2] and antidepressants increase mortality rate by 33% [3] [4]. The worst drugs are antipsychotics because it's like a malware that tells your brain and your body to destroy themselves. Antipsychotics have damaged my brain, my eyes, my gut and my hormonal system - in a permanent way. When I confronted psychiatrists with it, they denied the permanent damage and claimed that it's aging! What BS! I was perfectly healthy before and I'm only 44. Psychiatrists have also chemically sterilized me. Psychiatry is a scam of intelligence from A to Z and psychiatrists, especially hospital psychiatrists, are sadistic ignorant individuals who lie to their patients and to healthcare authorities to perform their satanic medieval art in total judicial impunity, namely the torturing and murdering of innocent victims. I have been very vocal about my disgust of psychiatry in social media. I attach here a document I wrote last year. It's in English and French. It was initially written for French President Macron because the other more formally written documents didn't get any share-of-voice with healthcare authorities and tribunals. This document led me to being institutionalized and poisoned with the very same drugs that I was denouncing to healthcare authorities in the first place. Now I am brain damaged. My body is ruined. My life has no more meaning. And I'm going to CTB. Psychiatrists have effectively murdered me in total judicial impunity for no other reason than that of satisfying their sick urge of the destruction of the innocent.

[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6159703/
[2] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40264-020-00992-7
[3] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319462
[4] https://karger.com/pps/article-abst...Myocardial-Effects-of?redirectedFrom=fulltext

You know what? I am CTB now and my method is DDMP and it requires 1g of Diazepam: I conclude by saying that benzodiazepines have indeed a place in the medical protocols, namely in MAiD (Medical Aid in Dying) protocols.
Same. I'm still surprised that we never read in the newspapers that psychiatrists are shot or beaten up or something. With so many people damaged. Like they have a free card to shatter lives and murder.

At least they don't have to fear me. Can't even leave my house anymore due to their toxins.
Psychiatrists perform their satanic art in total judicial impunity. Indeed, once they have damaged the patient's brain, who do you want to complain to when you are no longer functional? All I have the strengths doing now is just venting out on this platform. But nobody reads this platform except from suicidal people. Plus, Big Pharma is actively racketing because the profits generated by the psychiatric fraud and mass killing outweigh the potential fines. The actions of the pharmaceutical industry meet the criteria defined by RICO [the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization].


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May 31, 2024
I know your pain. I'm on haloperidol right now and it is nightmare. I have almost no energy to do anything, rotting in bed already for weeks. I want to ctb, but something is holding me back. I guess I've not lost all hopes yet for a better future. But I hate this state of mind because I think it would be better if I ctb. Hard to explain. It feels like I'm to weak to ctb.
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May 31, 2024
I know your pain. I'm on haloperidol right now and it is nightmare. I have almost no energy to do anything, rotting in bed already for weeks. I want to ctb, but something is holding me back. I guess I've not lost all hopes yet for a better future. But I hate this state of mind because I think it would be better if I ctb. Hard to explain. It feels like I'm to weak to ctb.
I am sorry to hear that you are being tortured by psychiatrists too. Haloperidol is an awful antipsychotic. It should never be used. Do you know that haloperidol is used in MAiD (Medical Aid in Dying) protocols? If you stop haloperidol now, you might recover. To my knowledge, the most deadly antipsychotics are Haldol, Clopixol, Risperidone, Loxapac and Xeplion. All these drugs produce irreversible brain damage and lead to CTB.


take me to the afterlife
Jun 2, 2024
I'm going through a similar situation.
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May 31, 2024
I am sorry to hear that you are being tortured by psychiatrists too. Haloperidol is an awful antipsychotic. It should never be used. Do you know that haloperidol is used in MAiD (Medical Aid in Dying) protocols? If you stop haloperidol now, you might recover. To my knowledge, the most deadly antipsychotics are Haldol, Clopixol, Risperidone, Loxapac and Xeplion. All these drugs produce irreversible brain damage and lead to CTB.
I can't stop using haloperidol because I'm not living alone and those people don't allow me to stop using it. It depends what my psychiatrist will decide. I hope she will switch my medicine asap because I'm vegetable right now.
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May 31, 2024
I know your pain. I'm on haloperidol right now and it is nightmare. I have almost no energy to do anything, rotting in bed already for weeks. I want to ctb, but something is holding me back. I guess I've not lost all hopes yet for a better future. But I hate this state of mind because I think it would be better if I ctb. Hard to explain. It feels like I'm to weak to ctb.
There are alternative to antipsychotics that actually work and don't make people want to CTB - such as Ginkgo biloba and vitamin B6 [1]. Antipsychotic drugs, on top of being prescribed to mainly misdiagnosed patients, damage brain cells and produce like a malware in the body telling the immune system to destroy the individual resulting in blindness, cancer and autoimmune diseases, among other ailments.

[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5794244/
J'ai été abusée par les psychiatres à l'hôpital et médicalisée de force ce qui a abîmé mon cerveau et mon corps et détruit ma vie. Je travaillais sur un projet anti-psychiatrie et ça a détruit toute ma vie. Les psychiatres se sont déchaînés sur moi, ils m'ont enfermé à l'hôpital psychiatrique et ils m'ont médicalisé de force avec les mêmes poisons que je dénonçais aux autorités de santé, aux tribunaux et à la police. Maintenant je ne suis plus qu'une ombre de moi-même, j'ai le cerveau abîmé, j'ai les yeux abîmés, les psychiatres m'ont stérilisé de force à l'hôpital. J'ai aussi une hypersensibilité au son et à la lumière. Je reste enfermée toute la journée à la maison, je ne sors pas de mon lit. Avant j'étais une personne joyeuse et heureuse de vivre. Les neuroleptiques m'ont tellement abîmé le cerveau que je ne souris plus, je suis devenue une loque. J'ai aussi perdu tous mes amis à cause de l'hôpital psychiatrique et je n'ai plus la force de socialiser comme avant car je n'ai plus la force de rien du tout. Les psychiatres et leurs poisons m'ont aussi abîmé les intestins et j'ai perdu l'odorat et le goût. C'est horrible de vivre comme ça.


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May 31, 2024
Je veux CTB car j'ai été tellement abîmée par les psychiatres et leurs poisons que ma qualité de vie est devenue horrible. Je ne suis pas suicidaire, c'est un choix rationnel de me donner la mort car je ne peux plus vivre comme ça. J'ai beaucoup de colère contre les psychiatres qui m'ont fait ça: ce sont des satanistes dans l'impunité totale. Je me suis déjà plaint aux tribunaux, à la police, aux politiciens. Tout le monde s'en fout. Les psychiatres criminels sont dans l'impunité à totale. Bref, je préfère me suicider que de mourrir à petit feu des conséquences de la torture que j'ai subit à l'hôpital psychiatrique. J'étais en parfaite santé avant. C'est tellement horrible ce qui m'est arrivé et tellement injuste, je n'ai plus qu'envie de me suicider pour échapper à l'enfer quotidien que je vis.

Je suis venue sur ce forum pour trouver d'autres personnes qui veulent CTB ensemble car c'est dur de le faire seul. Comment dire? Je sais que je dois me donner la mort car mon corps et mon cerveau sont trop abîmés pour vivre heureuse. Je me réveille tous les matins en rêvant que je vais bien puis je me réveille dans un corps abîmé par la psychiatrie et mon cerveau ne fonctionne plus comme avant et je pleure. Je suis tellement en colère de devoir me donner la mort alors que c'est moi la victime alors que ces satanistes de psychiatres vont rester en vie et continuer à tourmenter, torturer et tuer des innocents dans l'impunité totale. Il n'y a pas de justice sur terre.
Je sais que je dois me donner la mort car mon corps et mon cerveau sont trop abîmés pour vivre heureuse. Je me réveille tous les matins en rêvant que je vais bien puis je me réveille dans mon corps abîmé par la psychiatrie et mon cerveau qui ne fonctionne plus et je pleure. Je suis tellement en colère de devoir me donner la mort alors que c'est moi la victime et que ces satanistes de psychiatres vont rester en vie et continuer à tourmenter, torturer et tuer des innocents dans l'impunité judiciaire totale.
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May 8, 2024
I was Brain Damaged by Antipsychotics (Neurolpetics). My eyes were also severity damaged by neuroleptics as well as my gut and my hormonal system (I became sterile due to antipsychotics).

I am brain damaged: I have no sense of orientation in the streets, I have forgotten 1/3 of all past events and I have poor short term memory. I just lie in bed not able to do anything because my brain is not functional anymore. I can't even think an idea through. I used to be a very happy and a very positive person for the first 40 years of my life. Now I just lie in bed all day doing nothing because there is nothing I can do anymore. Satanic ignorant psychiatrists pretend that I suffer from depression while in fact I have brain damage from their "treatment". My advise to you: keep as far as possible from psychiatry because psychiatrists perform their satanic art in total judicial impunity. When I complained that antipsychotics damaged my eyes, the psychiatrist responded that it was not true and that it's just aging. Psychiatrists are good liers. Psychiatrists are a bunch of liers and criminals. There is no justice in this world. I am a victim of psychiatry. Do you know why I got locked up in a psychiatric hospital? Because I was denouncing psychiatric drugs as toxic and lethal to healthcare authorities. I got poisoned by the very same drugs that I was denouncing to health authorities in the first place. If you don't believe me, here is an article I wrote back in 2020 to the Journal of Clinical Psychology on the Dangers of Benzodiazepines. You know what? I am CTB now and my method is DDMP and it requires 1g of Diazepam: I conclude by saying that benzodiazepines have indeed a place in the medical protocols, namely in MAiD (Medical Aid in Dying) protocols. I have a lot of anger because psychiatry is a scam of intelligence and that I am a victim of these very same hospital psychiatrists that I was denouncing to health authorities and to the Police. And now I am going to commit suicide because psychiatrists and their beloved antipsychotics have ruined my brain, my body and my life. I swear one thing: hospital psychiatrists and your beloved antipsychotics, you will all burn in hell. Thank you to the SS community for letting me vent that out.
So very true. I have been harmed by psychiatric medications and many other medications too.... that's why I need to end it. I have so much physical damage, in addition to brain damage. Part of what is keeping me from trying to end it is being forced on more drugs. I have a tendency towards akathisia and my stomach and ears and nerves are all messed up. I'm so sorry for your suffering. It's so wrong.
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May 31, 2024
So very true. I have been harmed by psychiatric medications and many other medications too.... that's why I need to end it. I have so much physical damage, in addition to brain damage. Part of what is keeping me from trying to end it is being forced on more drugs. I have a tendency towards akathisia and my stomach and ears and nerves are all messed up. I'm so sorry for your suffering. It's so wrong.
Thank you for your compassion.
I can't stop using haloperidol because I'm not living alone and those people don't allow me to stop using it. It depends what my psychiatrist will decide. I hope she will switch my medicine asap because I'm vegetable right now.
So as a matter of fact, you are forcibly given haloperidol against your will. It's against human rights to force medicate someone with a deadly poison. Like I've seen before, the psychiatrists is all-mighty in her choices of deadly poisons. This is a worldwide scandal and a breach of human rights! Psychiatrists are true criminals and abuse their power to force medicate innocent victims damaging their brain, damaging their bodies and leading them to suicide. What a scam of intelligence!
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Illegal Preclear

Illegal Preclear

Skull Skylight Installation Specialist.
Sep 6, 2022
and autoimmune diseases, among other ailments.
Once you have autoimmune disease on top of Psych med brain damage, that's when you're just fucked. I've got ME/CFS so it's zero energy, plus brain fog, plus brain damage. I'm essentially a dementia patient in my 30s. And the autoimmune crap started when I was like 15 from the druggings as a kid. I had sexual dysfunction before I even got to lose my virginity.

All the best things in life, all the things that make life worth living, were denied to me by Psychiatry. There's a reason most folks on this forum fear Psychiatry A LOT more than they fear death.

I don't think I'm being dramatic when I say modern day Psychiatry in it's treatment of the mentally disabled is worse than National Socialist Germany's treatment of the mentally disabled. The Nazis would have just thrown me in a gas chamber and gotten rid of me. I feel that's less cruel than the torture Psychiatrists put me through my entire life - mental and physical because not only are restraints used as punishment for 'backtalk' here, but Psychiatric staff can beat the snot out of you with impunity.

Maybe it's just my perspective - but I think it's far, far more inhumane to force someone to stay alive and keep them in a cell with no stimulation and drug them to the point they have no soul left than to just kill someone. Going through what I've gone through, I would much rather be gassed to death.

And the scariest thing is, the average Abled normie thinks nothing is wrong with just leaving people with mental disabilities to rot in cells and be fodder for medical experiments. Attitudes towards the disabled really haven't changed much since National Socialist Germany and people wonder why I want to live as a disabled person in this world.

BTW Bob - I didn't realize you were European and that things were that bad in Europe. I was of the mind that laws would be better there since there's no for-profit medical system. It just goes to show that Psychiatry is so fueled by demonic level sadism that it's beyond mere greed. I take it it's hard to get a firearm where you are too. People think it's super easy to get a firearm just because you live in the USA - not true! Psychiatry can easily revoke your 2nd Amendment rights. They can revoke any constitutional right they want since they supersede the legal system. So I can't even CTB via firearm like I want. Right now it's full suspension hanging for me UNLESS I can utilize the gun show loophole, deep web or something else...
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May 31, 2024
Once you have autoimmune disease on top of Psych med brain damage, that's when you're just fucked. I've got ME/CFS so it's zero energy, plus brain fog, plus brain damage. I'm essentially a dementia patient in my 30s. And the autoimmune crap started when I was like 15 from the druggings as a kid. I had sexual dysfunction before I even got to lose my virginity.

All the best things in life, all the things that make life worth living, were denied to me by Psychiatry. There's a reason most folks on this forum fear Psychiatry A LOT more than they fear death.

I don't think I'm being dramatic when I say modern day Psychiatry in it's treatment of the mentally disabled is worse than National Socialist Germany's treatment of the mentally disabled. The Nazis would have just thrown me in a gas chamber and gotten rid of me. I feel that's less cruel than the torture Psychiatrists put me through my entire life - mental and physical because not only are restraints used as punishment for 'backtalk' here, but Psychiatric staff can beat the snot out of you with impunity.

Maybe it's just my perspective - but I think it's far, far more inhumane to force someone to stay alive and keep them in a cell with no stimulation and drug them to the point they have no soul left than to just kill someone. Going through what I've gone through, I would much rather be gassed to death.

And the scariest thing is, the average Abled normie thinks nothing is wrong with just leaving people with mental disabilities to rot in cells and be fodder for medical experiments. Attitudes towards the disabled really haven't changed much since National Socialist Germany and people wonder why I want to live as a disabled person in this world.

BTW Bob - I didn't realize you were European and that things were that bad in Europe. I was of the mind that laws would be better there since there's no for-profit medical system. It just goes to show that Psychiatry is so fueled by demonic level sadism that it's beyond mere greed. I take it it's hard to get a firearm where you are too. People think it's super easy to get a firearm just because you live in the USA - not true! Psychiatry can easily revoke your 2nd Amendment rights. They can revoke any constitutional right they want since they supersede the legal system. So I can't even CTB via firearm like I want. Right now it's full suspension hanging for me UNLESS I can utilize the gun show loophole, deep web or something else...
Thank you for sharing your experience of psychiatry. It's as horrific as mine. You are right to compare psychiatrists to Nazi Murderers. In fact Nazis were more compassionate towards psychiatric patients than modern day psychiatrists. Psychiatrists damaged me so much that I am CTB now.
Once you have autoimmune disease on top of Psych med brain damage, that's when you're just fucked. I've got ME/CFS so it's zero energy, plus brain fog, plus brain damage. I'm essentially a dementia patient in my 30s. And the autoimmune crap started when I was like 15 from the druggings as a kid. I had sexual dysfunction before I even got to lose my virginity.

All the best things in life, all the things that make life worth living, were denied to me by Psychiatry. There's a reason most folks on this forum fear Psychiatry A LOT more than they fear death.

I don't think I'm being dramatic when I say modern day Psychiatry in it's treatment of the mentally disabled is worse than National Socialist Germany's treatment of the mentally disabled. The Nazis would have just thrown me in a gas chamber and gotten rid of me. I feel that's less cruel than the torture Psychiatrists put me through my entire life - mental and physical because not only are restraints used as punishment for 'backtalk' here, but Psychiatric staff can beat the snot out of you with impunity.

Maybe it's just my perspective - but I think it's far, far more inhumane to force someone to stay alive and keep them in a cell with no stimulation and drug them to the point they have no soul left than to just kill someone. Going through what I've gone through, I would much rather be gassed to death.

And the scariest thing is, the average Abled normie thinks nothing is wrong with just leaving people with mental disabilities to rot in cells and be fodder for medical experiments. Attitudes towards the disabled really haven't changed much since National Socialist Germany and people wonder why I want to live as a disabled person in this world.

BTW Bob - I didn't realize you were European and that things were that bad in Europe. I was of the mind that laws would be better there since there's no for-profit medical system. It just goes to show that Psychiatry is so fueled by demonic level sadism that it's beyond mere greed. I take it it's hard to get a firearm where you are too. People think it's super easy to get a firearm just because you live in the USA - not true! Psychiatry can easily revoke your 2nd Amendment rights. They can revoke any constitutional right they want since they supersede the legal system. So I can't even CTB via firearm like I want. Right now it's full suspension hanging for me UNLESS I can utilize the gun show loophole, deep web or something else...
Psychiatrists are worse than German Nazi Murderers. Psychiatrists are satanic sadistic psychopaths that abuse their power to torment, torture and murder their patients in total judicial impunity.
Once you have autoimmune disease on top of Psych med brain damage, that's when you're just fucked. I've got ME/CFS so it's zero energy, plus brain fog, plus brain damage. I'm essentially a dementia patient in my 30s. And the autoimmune crap started when I was like 15 from the druggings as a kid. I had sexual dysfunction before I even got to lose my virginity.

All the best things in life, all the things that make life worth living, were denied to me by Psychiatry. There's a reason most folks on this forum fear Psychiatry A LOT more than they fear death.

I don't think I'm being dramatic when I say modern day Psychiatry in it's treatment of the mentally disabled is worse than National Socialist Germany's treatment of the mentally disabled. The Nazis would have just thrown me in a gas chamber and gotten rid of me. I feel that's less cruel than the torture Psychiatrists put me through my entire life - mental and physical because not only are restraints used as punishment for 'backtalk' here, but Psychiatric staff can beat the snot out of you with impunity.

Maybe it's just my perspective - but I think it's far, far more inhumane to force someone to stay alive and keep them in a cell with no stimulation and drug them to the point they have no soul left than to just kill someone. Going through what I've gone through, I would much rather be gassed to death.

And the scariest thing is, the average Abled normie thinks nothing is wrong with just leaving people with mental disabilities to rot in cells and be fodder for medical experiments. Attitudes towards the disabled really haven't changed much since National Socialist Germany and people wonder why I want to live as a disabled person in this world.

BTW Bob - I didn't realize you were European and that things were that bad in Europe. I was of the mind that laws would be better there since there's no for-profit medical system. It just goes to show that Psychiatry is so fueled by demonic level sadism that it's beyond mere greed. I take it it's hard to get a firearm where you are too. People think it's super easy to get a firearm just because you live in the USA - not true! Psychiatry can easily revoke your 2nd Amendment rights. They can revoke any constitutional right they want since they supersede the legal system. So I can't even CTB via firearm like I want. Right now it's full suspension hanging for me UNLESS I can utilize the gun show loophole, deep web or something else...
It's the same in Europe. Psychiatrists also supersede the legal system and they can revoke your civic rights, take away your rights to manage your own money and force you to take drugs against your will. For example, here in France they force people to take psychiatric drugs at medical centers and if you don't show up one day to take your meds, the Police comes to your house to arrest you and to throw you in a psychiatric hospital. It's really a demoniac system. The healthcare system is for-profit in Europe. It's a misunderstanding that it's not. The difference with the US is that drugs are reimbursed by the governments and drugs are a lot cheaper in Europe versus the USA (ten times cheaper). Psychiatry is an industry of death. Big Pharma is actively racketing because the profits generated by the fraud and the mass killings happen in total judicial impunity because psychiatry supersedes the legal system.


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Dec 14, 2021
Same. I'm still surprised that we never read in the newspapers that psychiatrists are shot or beaten up or something. With so many people damaged. Like they have a free card to shatter lives and murder.

At least they don't have to fear me. Can't even leave my house anymore due to their toxins.
A few years ago in my city a psychiatrist was killed by a patient.
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May 31, 2024
Once you have autoimmune disease on top of Psych med brain damage, that's when you're just fucked. I've got ME/CFS so it's zero energy, plus brain fog, plus brain damage. I'm essentially a dementia patient in my 30s. And the autoimmune crap started when I was like 15 from the druggings as a kid. I had sexual dysfunction before I even got to lose my virginity.

All the best things in life, all the things that make life worth living, were denied to me by Psychiatry. There's a reason most folks on this forum fear Psychiatry A LOT more than they fear death.

I don't think I'm being dramatic when I say modern day Psychiatry in it's treatment of the mentally disabled is worse than National Socialist Germany's treatment of the mentally disabled. The Nazis would have just thrown me in a gas chamber and gotten rid of me. I feel that's less cruel than the torture Psychiatrists put me through my entire life - mental and physical because not only are restraints used as punishment for 'backtalk' here, but Psychiatric staff can beat the snot out of you with impunity.

Maybe it's just my perspective - but I think it's far, far more inhumane to force someone to stay alive and keep them in a cell with no stimulation and drug them to the point they have no soul left than to just kill someone. Going through what I've gone through, I would much rather be gassed to death.

And the scariest thing is, the average Abled normie thinks nothing is wrong with just leaving people with mental disabilities to rot in cells and be fodder for medical experiments. Attitudes towards the disabled really haven't changed much since National Socialist Germany and people wonder why I want to live as a disabled person in this world.

BTW Bob - I didn't realize you were European and that things were that bad in Europe. I was of the mind that laws would be better there since there's no for-profit medical system. It just goes to show that Psychiatry is so fueled by demonic level sadism that it's beyond mere greed. I take it it's hard to get a firearm where you are too. People think it's super easy to get a firearm just because you live in the USA - not true! Psychiatry can easily revoke your 2nd Amendment rights. They can revoke any constitutional right they want since they supersede the legal system. So I can't even CTB via firearm like I want. Right now it's full suspension hanging for me UNLESS I can utilize the gun show loophole, deep web or something else...
Psychiatric patients are victims of endemic discrimination, including before the Courts of Law. Psychiatric patients are victims of widespread abuse of power by the medical profession with total judicial impunity. Psychiatrists are guilty of torture and of failing to assist people in danger. European countries are guilty of failure to abide by the Law and guilty of non-compliance with the ECHR (European Convention on Human Rights). Judges crucify innocent people by legalizing the daily crimes of hospital psychiatrists all around the world and thus producing millions of deaths every year and hundreds of millions of mentally handicapped. Psychiatry is medical butchery.

The criminal triangle of psychiatry is threefold:
(i) Psychiatrists kill and torture patients daily with judicial impunity;
(ii) Curators steal patients' money with the approval of Judges;
(iii) Judges legalize the daily crimes of psychiatrists and curators.
A few years ago in my city a psychiatrist was killed by a patient.
It's certainly wrong to kill. Yet, psychiatrists kill hundreds of millions of patients on a yearly basis in total judicial impunity. And nobody talks about it. But when a patient kills a psychiatrist, it makes the news. For me psychiatrists are akin to Nazi murderers. This accident is like a Jew had killed a Nazi during WW2.

• Psychiatrists - under the cover of Judges - use violent poisons which produce
chemical burns on people's internal organs. It is the same principle as Medieval

• For example: Eloise is only 27, but she has severe chemical burns on her brain
caused by psychiatric poisons which make her mentally deficient. Psychiatric poisons also caused Eloise severe chemical burns to her kidneys which left her permanently incontinent: she cannot hold back her pee and poo, and she has to wear diapers day and night. Benzodiazepines and neuroleptics destroyed Eloise's hormonal system: she became obese and sterile. Eloise has developed rheumatoid arthritis, she can no longer use her hands, and she can no longer walk. Before psychiatric poisons, 4 months ago, Eloise lived independently and she had a job. Now Eloise's life is ruined: she lives in the hospital where she continues to be poisoned with Temesta [benzodiazepines] and Zyprexa [neuroleptics], that is to say: Eloise continues to be poisoned with the very same psychiatric drugs that made her sick in the first place. Eloise's life is ruined: she is mentally and physically disabled, she is severely depressed. She is suicidal. Eloise cries all day because she can no longer control her emotions and she bangs her head against the wall for several hours a day. Eloise has been placed under curatorship and she is waiting to be placed in a nursing home because she is no longer independent. This is one more crime for which criminal psychiatrists are responsible. And therefore for which Judges are also responsible.

• Here are other examples:
i) Sanjack, 42, suffers from dementia, Crohn's disease, Alzheimer's disease and
obesity induced by benzodiazepines and neuroleptics. Psychiatrists also torture Sanjack with electric shocks to the brain 🧠 : she lost her self-identity, she does not remember her first name. She has also lost space-time memory, she no longer
remembers what year it is or where she is. This is normal, electroshocks also destroy the brain. When you grill/electrocute a piece of meat, it burns/cooks like Sanjack's brain. In just 3 months, Sanjack developed Alzheimer's disease. Sanjack became obese in just 3 months as a result of Haldol, a notorious toxic neuroleptic. In just 3 months, Sanjack gained 30 kilos. She weighted 50 kilos before psychiatric poisons. She is now obese and weights 80 kilos. 6 months post psychiatric poisons, Sanjack is in a wheelchair.
ii) Corinne, 60, suffers from phase 3 breast cancer induced by benzodiazepines. She has already had both breasts amputated. She was treated with a biologic, Herceptin, a drug that costs the healthcare system $110'000 per year of treatment. Corinne's life expectancy is 3 years after benzodiazepine "therapy".
iii) Pauline, 35, suffers from stage 3 thyroid cancer which was induced by benzodiazepines. Her thyroid was removed: she is dependent on hormonal supplements for life. She was diagnosed with metastases to other organs, she has generalized cancer. She's going to die.
iv) Pierre, 43, suffers from urinary incontinence induced by benzodiazepines. He has to urinate every 30 minutes. Pierre is unable to hold back his pee due to the chemical burns on his bladder caused by benzodiazepines.
v) Paul, 45, is at the hospital because Judges accused him of a murder that he did not commit. Paul proved to the Justice that he was innocent: indeed, as shown by the video surveillance system of his building, he was at home at the time of the murder and therefore cannot have killed the individual in question. Despite this, Judges locked him up in an isolation cage and the sadistic psychiatrists forcibly injected him with psychiatric poisons. Judges also confiscated all of Paul's money, property, and civic rights through the criminal curatorship system. Paul plans to "commit suicide" after he is released from the hospital. Indeed, even though Paul has proven his innocence, Judges continue to harass him so that he falls into total social decline and commits suicide, without any other motive than that of satisfying their sadistic impulses for the destruction of innocent people.
vi) Fatima, 29, was confined in a 4m2 isolation cage at the hospital for 6 months. She was 3 months pregnant when the sadistic Swiss Judges arrested her - following false denunciations from her family. Fatima was innocent, but she is black. Fatima was forcibly and unwillingly drugged with benzodiazepines and neuroleptics throughout her pregnancy. Fatima gave birth to a mentally and physically handicapped child. Fatima's baby was born with a cleft lip and no nose. As a matter of fact, 99% of malformations in babies are simply the side effects of psychiatric poisons. Indeed, psychiatric poisons induce chemical burns on the brain and on the body of the baby fetus being formed, thus producing serious and irreversible malformations in newborns.
vii) Asma, 25, is at the hospital to take a vacation. She cheats the system. She plays a role, like in a theater play. Like in "The Imaginary Invalid" by Molière. Asma pretends that she cries to stay at the hospital. She watches movies all day and she calls her family all day to complain. She doesn't sleep at night. She speaks in her sleep. She shouts at night. She is rude. She is dirty. She is loud. She talks bad to people.
viii) Gilda, 50, is at the hospital because she is a drug addict and she is homeless. Before psychiatric poisons, Gilda had a normal life. She was an emergency nurse. Sadistic Psychiatrists prescribed her Temesta [benzodiazepines], which led her to drug addiction and social decline. This is logic: lifelong addiction to Temesta appears in just 4 days of "treatment". Thereafter, the patient becomes lifelong addicted to benzodiazepines - which are simply the pharmacological version of heroin. Gilda started on Temesta and she ended up on Methadone.
ix) Jean-Phillipe, 27, is at the hospital because he believes in God. Jean-Phillipe fasted for 30 days to initiate a dialogue with the Creator. Psychiatrists immediately locked him up for schizophrenia. Psychiatrists force him to take Temesta [benzodiazepines] and Zyprexa [neuroleptics]. These psychiatric poisons cause him hallucinations and dementia. Indeed, psychiatric poisons create the diseases that they claim to cure.
x) Marie-Therese, 65, is at the hospital because she suffers from dementia and hallucinations caused by psychiatric poisons. She has suicidal ideation. Benzodiazepines have also produced chemical burns all along her esophagus and digestive tract. She eats badly. She snores loudly at night. She is mean to others and constantly picks up fights. Marie-Therese complains all day that she doesn't feel right and she spends her whole day lobotomized in front of the TV.

• The chemical burns caused by psychiatric poisons are localized on internal organs, but it's the same principle as Medieval Torture where the Sadistic Butchers of the Middle Ages [i.e. the satanic religious communities] amputated People's arms and legs, tore off their fingernails, cut off their sexual organs on the public square, drowned them in Lake Geneva for witchcraft. Nothing has changed in Switzerland 🇨🇭 or in France 🇫🇷 since the Middle Ages. The Courts of Inquisition are still represented by the Ignorant Judges and the Sadistic Butchers of the Middle Ages are the same Satanic Criminal Psychiatrists.
• Satanic Criminal Psychiatrists are the descendants of the Medieval Sadistic Butchers: they are true Psychopaths, they are truly sick in the head.
• People think that they get cancer or autoimmune diseases because of their genetic makeup or some other mysterious reason, when in fact they are poisoned with psychiatric poisons prescribed by the Satanic Criminal Psychiatrists that they dare to call [What Hypocrites!] a "medicine". These psychiatric poisons produce the diseases that they claim to cure: it is a TOTAL IMPOSTURE OF INTELLIGENCE.
• Judges are, in substance and in form, the Criminal Acolytes of the Criminal
• Criminal Psychiatrists don't want to hear that they are killing their patients because that's all they know and that's all they've learned like dumb robots in medical schools which teach satanic curriculums of the Middle Ages without any real-life observation, without any compassion for patients and without any continuous improvement or feedback loop. The butchery has been going on nearly 60 years and with total judicial impunity!
• A criminal penal medical system exists whereas if anybody questions the satanic acts of psychiatrists - like myself - the benevolent person is systematically accused of being mentally ill, then the benevolent person has his|her right to practice medicine withdrawn, and Judges confiscate everything from him|her: property, money and civic rights are taken away from the benevolent individual through the criminal curatorship system. Then the benevolent individual is imprisoned for life in a mental hospital - while being poisoned to death by the very same poisons that the benevolent individual has been denouncing to the Justice. Judges are knowing murderers and criminals. My medical colleagues who have informed Judges in the past about the abuse and crimes of psychiatrists have been murdered the same way that the supreme sadistic Judges daily crimes me: false documents to support it, false testimonies, false statements, legal proceedings that never existed, false tax reports, misuse of the police.
To suffocate your respective crimes and to continue your murderous exactions ad vitam eternam with total judicial impunity! What a scandal! What an injustice! What a sham of intelligence! A criminal system from A to Z!
• Indeed, the Judicial System is a Criminal System from A to Z. There are millions of testimonies on Google, but the Courts of Law are deaf to the cries of the victims because the Judges are themselves Satanic Nazi Torturers. It is BUTCHERY.
• In 2020-2022, I warned the Swiss Justice of the WIDESPREAD CRIMINALITY IN PSYCHIATRY as well as of the extent of the health scandal of psychiatric poisons: 90% of all cancers, of all autoimmune diseases and of all neurodegenerative diseases are simply the side effects of psychiatric poisons [benzodiazepines, anticholineargics, antidepressants, neuroleptics,
statins]. Moreover, psychiatric poisons increase suicidal ideation x10 resulting in 22
patients committing suicide every minute.
• So the State covers up the crimes of criminal psychiatrists by producing their own crimes: it is a criminal system from A to Z.
• Indeed, Judges validate the daily crimes of psychiatrists who kill and torture millions of naive patients - while the State knows full well that psychiatric poisons produce suicidal ideation, chemical burns on the brain, dementia, autoimmune diseases, cancers, irreversible kidney damage - resulting in SEVERE DISABILITIES and ENORMOUS COSTS for the Health Care System.
• Psychiatric Poisons are responsible for 90% of all cancers, all autoimmune diseases and all neurological impairments that exist today. These diseases are simply the side effects of benzodiazepines [e.g.: Temesta, Valium, Xanax], anticholinergics [e.g.: Atrovent, Ventoline], neuroleptics [e.g.: Haldol, Zyprexa], antidepressants [e.g.: Prozac, Zoloft], and statins [e.g.: Lipitor]. Moreover, psychiatric poisons increase suicidal ideation x10 while psychiatric patients are already depressed.
• Psychiatric poisons increase mortality rate by 70% and produce severe chemical burns on the brain and other internal organs. Psychiatric poisons are also responsible for 99% of malformations in babies. It's because these poisonous drugs harm the human DNA 🧬and produce a malware in the human genome that
encodes in the immune system to destroy itself. It's mass murder and butchery: these psychiatric poisons are responsible for 55 million deaths every year! To put things into perspective, the Shoah "only" produced 6 million deaths and this was over a period of 12 years - whereas psychiatric poisons yield 55 million deaths in just one 1 year! People think that they get cancer or autoimmune diseases from hereditary genetic make-up or some other mysterious reason, while in fact these diseases are the side-effects of psychiatric poisons.
• Hence, Judges are the acolyte collaborators of the satanic criminal psychiatrists. Birds of a feather flock together.

=> Thank you for letting me vent that out.
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F*ck psychiatry
Jun 28, 2023
I am so sorry for what happened to you. It's horrifying, yet so common in other countries too. I can't believe that psychiatrists have been torturing you since the age of 5 - with antipsychotics and electrochocks to the brain. That's inhuman treatment.

Psychiatry is a scam of intelligence in every country in the world. I started my anti-psychiatry project in Switzerland. It all started by "accident". I was working on a project promoting alternative medication to antidepressants. Then I came across a meta study on antidepressants that clearly states that antidepressants should no longer be used because they increase mortality rate by 33% [1] [2]. That led me to more investigation and I realized that antipsychotics increase mortality rate by 90% and benzodiazepines increase mortality rate by 70%. I wrote to tribunals, I wrote to healthcare authorities, I wrote to the Police. I even wrote to Elon Musk [document attached]. I became very emotional about the information. I couldn't believe that psychiatry was legal. I came to realize that psychiatrists, especially hospital psychiatrists, perform their satanic art in total judicial impunity. I since moved to France. It's worse in France than in Switzerland. In France they almost systematically put 4. point restraints on people when they arrive at the psychiatric hospital. Why? Just because they can. Hospital psychiatrists are really sadistic and ignorant and hurt people just because they can.

[1] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319462
[2] https://karger.com/pps/article-abst...Myocardial-Effects-of?redirectedFrom=fulltext
I'm Swiss and I've been abused by psychiatry here. First I developped PSSD from antidepressant and then I got locked up in a psych ward (misdiagnosed with a psychosis) where they gave me heavy doses of first and second gen AP to the points where I was seeing double, I had extreme akathisia, couldn't swallow food, extreme speech impediment, couldn't walk properly, write, etc. Now I'm left with the unbereable symptoms of PSSD (anhedonia, emotional blunting, insomnia, complete sexual dysfunction, can't get high on alcohol or feel stimulants like coffee or nicotine) and the debilitating symptoms of the AP treatement which lasted 4 months. 1 year has passed since they released me from the psych facility and I'm still cognitively impaired, I have speech issues, I have motor skills deficits and on top that I have PSSD.
I went from a very fullfilling life, to drop out from university and being bedridden.
I fought hard since then but nothing has changed. Psychiatrists are pure evil and they completely screwed my life up to the point where living is pure suffering 24/7.
I really wanted to make my story public so here in Switzerland people will know and maybe in the future some lives will be saved, but my cognition is so bad I don't know where to start.
Time is ticking, I'm gonna ctb soon.
  • Aww..
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Reactions: Aprilfarewell4, RN13, Crash_Bash_Dash and 1 other person


May 30, 2024
This is what I'm trying to say every damn time those people can definitely destroy your life rather than fixing it

I'm so sorry about what you went through fr that's just so fucked up man, hope the road you decided for yourself is truly the correct one and you finally find peace
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Illegal Preclear

Illegal Preclear

Skull Skylight Installation Specialist.
Sep 6, 2022
can't get high on alcohol or feel stimulants like coffee or nicotine)
You too, huh? The layers of Psychiatric sadism.... It's such an extra kick in the teeth when you can't even drink your pain away! Or experience highs from weed. Or masturbate for that matter. All those parts of my brain are dead too.

As an aside, have you ever tried kratom? It won't restore your cognition or sexuality, but I use it because it's one of very few things that can cut a bit through the numbness of the brain damage and give me a little 'pick me up.' It helps a bit with the anhedonia. It's nowhere near enough to stop me from CTBing, but it's better than nothing. A good thing to get you through the days until you're ready to finally CTB.
  • Aww..
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