life is objectively better when you are young for most; less chance of deadly diseases for one. but thats not what im saying in the post; for example when afformentioned 70 year old dies, she might suffer more knowing she is leaving behind so much.
what is the threshold of pain where it becomes unacceptable? every life has pain, seems to me the problem is life itself. saying suffering is just a mindgame is honestly almost offensive
Maybe I didnt express myself clearly.
Life come with suffering, everybody has challenge.That dont mean that is bad at least until it became only suffering.
Matter of fact, I think there is nobility in fighting, challenge make you grow.
Only happy days would make life very boring.
I want to cry and smile, Im not a robot.
I want to experiment every emotion that life has to offer even bad one.
Its when the balance is fuck up that it become a problem.
I disagree with you about age, happiness has nothing to do with it in my opinion.
With age come disease, physical pain, regret but also experience,wisdom,memory,other form of love.
Problem is not life its my head not working correctly making me see everything in dark killing any type of hope.
I still think that if life become just pain(psychological or physical)which is a reality for some, in modern society a honorable exit should exist.