
Apr 18, 2024
So I have decided when it is my time which I feel is drawing closer, I'm only hanging on for my pets as I feel so bad leaving them behind, yes I have people who would take care of them but they've already been through losing my mum and it's not fair so I will wait for a bit… failing that if I can't I am adding a bit in my will which is being modified by my solicitor about who will take care of them.
Anyway on to the point of this post… I have narrowed it down to two methods… overdose or jumping off a very high viaduct. If I was to go with the former, I need to know what Is a combination less likely to fail.. I have a stash of various prescription drugs from the doctor they are as follows; Codeine, co-codomol, tramadol, pregabalin, amitryptaline, venlofaxine, an anti emetic to stop sickness I can't recall the name of, various antihistamines, sedatives,zopiclone, I can also get hold of liquid morphine although it may be a bit out of date and I trust I need some kind of Xanax time drug to mix with the opioids. Any help would be much appreciated. I'm aware I also need high doses but how much for each?


I use a translator
May 24, 2024
I don't know anything about medication. Sorry

But I do know about jumping. You have to make sure you don't hit anything when you fall, don't fall on trees, wet ground... the harder the surface, the better. And don't jump on your feet like I did... If you fall into water and don't fall unconscious, you'll drown, which they say is one of the worst ways.


I knew I forgot to do something when I was 15...
Mar 26, 2024
The only thing on that list that would come close is a mega dose of morphine. Unfortunately OD on prescription or OTC meds very rarely works. The below threads will give you more insight into ODs

Jumping is going to be your best option between the two methods.


Apr 18, 2024
I don't know anything about medication. Sorry

But I do know about jumping. You have to make sure you don't hit anything when you fall, don't fall on trees, wet ground... the harder the surface, the better. And don't jump on your feet like I did... If you fall into water and don't fall unconscious, you'll drown, which they say is one of the worst ways.
Yes the place I am considering has part which is concrete underneath while the rest is grass which is too soft imo , I would plan to actually lie atop the viaduct wall and roll off. My goodness you survived a jump? We're you badly injured? Landing on your feet sounds like a nightmare. You have to make sure it's high enough, this is 60ft high and has had jumpers in the past.
I don't know anything about medication. Sorry

But I do know about jumping. You have to make sure you don't hit anything when you fall, don't fall on trees, wet ground... the harder the surface, the better. And don't jump on your feet like I did... If you fall into water and don't fall unconscious, you'll drown, which they say is one of the worst ways.
100ft high sorry.


Apr 15, 2024
Yes the place I am considering has part which is concrete underneath while the rest is grass which is too soft imo , I would plan to actually lie atop the viaduct wall and roll off. My goodness you survived a jump? We're you badly injured? Landing on your feet sounds like a nightmare. You have to make sure it's high enough, this is 60ft high and has had jumpers in the past.

100ft high sorry.
100 feet high is questionable at best on any surface especially if you hit grass . More likely to cause major injury than death.


I use a translator
May 24, 2024
Yes the place I am considering has part which is concrete underneath while the rest is grass which is too soft imo , I would plan to actually lie atop the viaduct wall and roll off. My goodness you survived a jump? We're you badly injured? Landing on your feet sounds like a nightmare. You have to make sure it's high enough, this is 60ft high and has had jumpers in the past.

100ft high sorry.
It was about 24 meters.
I lost my right leg, hence my nickname, hahaha, and well, broken bones, 2 crushed lumbar vertebrae and a kidney that fell out. Since then I've been on crutches because it's not possible to use a prosthesis. But well, I'm pretty well, for what it could have been.

I think that even if you fall on the grass it should be fatal. Ah! At no time did I feel pain, some say that the body releases adrenaline in a jet, I think that apart from that, the brain deactivates the nerves or something so that you don't die of pain. The idea is that they don't find you in time if you survive.


Apr 18, 2024
100 feet high is questionable at best on any surface especially if you hit grass . More likely to cause major injury than death.
Anything 10 stories or higher should be successful, there are people who have died from falling or jumping from less and survivors who jumped from higher it really depends on how you fall sometimes. Falling on concrete should be successful imo
It was about 24 meters.
I lost my right leg, hence my nickname, hahaha, and well, broken bones, 2 crushed lumbar vertebrae and a kidney that fell out. Since then I've been on crutches because it's not possible to use a prosthesis. But well, I'm pretty well, for what it could have been.

I think that even if you fall on the grass it should be fatal. Ah! At no time did I feel pain, some say that the body releases adrenaline in a jet, I think that apart from that, the brain deactivates the nerves or something so that you don't die of pain. The idea is that they don't find you in time if you survive.
Anything 10 stories or higher should be successful, there are people who have died from falling or jumping from less and survivors who jumped from higher it really depends on how you fall sometimes. Falling on concrete should be successful imo
I'm so sorry to hear of your horrific injuries. Do you mind me asking if you still have desire to ctb or not? Yes I think it needs to be over 30 m high.. it's so frustrating no method is foolproof it seems
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