Caught between black and white
- Jun 11, 2023
- 39
I just read a post on reddit about someone taking a benzo for anxiety and also drinking alcohol after and people in the comments were all speaking warnings about how dangerous this is and that it can get you killed.
Since we all know that ODs on medication does not have a great success rate to CTB, is this just a misinformation that a lot of people have or is it actually likely for someone to kill them on accident like this?
That whole thematics really got me curious in general, in media it's also always showed like chugging a bunch of pills will kill you within a short amount of time for sure (yeah it's TV but still so unrealistic)
Since we all know that ODs on medication does not have a great success rate to CTB, is this just a misinformation that a lot of people have or is it actually likely for someone to kill them on accident like this?
That whole thematics really got me curious in general, in media it's also always showed like chugging a bunch of pills will kill you within a short amount of time for sure (yeah it's TV but still so unrealistic)