I often contemplate if we were even meant to live like this, and this material constructed sub reality within the greater reality of nature. Tear down all the buildings, take away all the machines, and what do you have left?, Pure nature.
It's this human-created sub reality, in my opinion, that makes everything massively overwhelming and exhausting.
In nature, you're either killed and eaten, injured and eaten, or you got to run away and hide. Instead it's nearly continuous potential threats ... of car accident injuries, road rage, bullying by coworkers, creeps that are your neighbor you cannot avoid, the looming threat of financial ruin because everyone is allowed to raise the rents for greed, with very few safety nets.
That's simply not a natural level of stress, and it's likely part of why so many people have anxiety/depression.
They need to stop labeling people as if they have a "mental disorder", and they need to recognize that if most people actually had the opposite environment that was stable, safe, and more calm,
I bet much of their anxiety or depression would start getting better. Maybe not everyone in all circumstances, but many.
in this human-constructed reality of long hours with little relief, most of the time you're forced to be out and about amongst groups crowds of people you don't necessarily want to be around, but you cannot get away from them, in order to make this damn thing they call money, so that you're not homeless.
It's mostly other humans that I fear, not mountain lions or grizzly bears.
I don't think we are designed to endure this type of continuous ongoing pressure, mixed in with other layers of even more pressure, putting demands on our physical body, our brain, our nervous (neurological) system...
starving our other needs...?