Prior to school age, I spent a significant amount of time alone and outside in a rural area, leading me to develop a rudimentary pantheistic reality interpretation. Family moved to a Christian dominate suburban community, so I identified as Christian by loose proximal association and to avoid further bullying.
Around high school age, I turned to atheism after I did not receive sufficient answers addressing Biblical contradictions and as an oppositional position to a community I generally did not resonate with. Initially, the degree of my atheism was borderline militant, however it softened into agnostic atheism.
Began studying religions and philosophies, on top of my math and science university curriculum. Baha'i, Buddhism, Catholicism/Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islamism, Judaism, Shintoism, Taoism, Theosophy, and philosophies galore.
Much later in life I introduced daily meditation into my life. The meditation sessions plus my studies recalibrated my beliefs in line with my initial observations in early life. My belief system currently oscillates in space between pantheism and panetheism. I went full circle.