

Oct 13, 2023

Don't trust psych wards. If you're suicidal don't go to the doctor or tell your therapist. They will send you to this hell and it isnt worth the cost nor time to be stuck in a prison like the PW.
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go home at dawn sleep in the sun
Sep 13, 2023
unfortunately i was absolutely traumatized by my stays at the psych hospital. its unfortunate that it comes from staff and patients. sexual assault is rampant. you dont have basic rights. i was told i no longer had rights. i had no bed for three days out of ten days and no pillow. none if my regular medication was given to me which caused me to have a seizure. they didnt allow me to speak to anyone or change my clothes for three days. they treat you like animals and gang up and you and laugh when they inject you with tranquilizers. only go there if you really want to live and you actually think you will kill yourself otherwise because they will simply keep you alive and nothing else.
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somehow still here
Mar 24, 2022
The only thing worse than death is to be in custody of the state
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Jul 23, 2022
Literal evil.
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Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
I will admit that in some extreme cases, where the patient has become catatonic or virtually catatonic, they have benefited from inpatient status. To receive certain therapies and treatments, such as ECT for example, it's necessary for the patient to be in an environment that can be controlled, where they can be closely monitored and the appropriate services are available in the event of adverse effects.
Often, the home environment can be a cause of the patients problem.
Personally, I haven't found it to be conducive to healing, but I cannot speak for others and each individual has differing needs.
In the UK, psychiatric inpatient care has separate facilities for male and female patients. Years ago, the rooms in one half of the ward were for male patients and those on the other side were for female patients. However, as has been mentioned, this created an environment highly conducive to unwanted sexual attention and a climate of fear. Whether the result of sickness or criminality, preventing the mixing of patients, possibly in a state of confusion and undress, is impossible without physical barriers. Hence, no modern facilities accommodate both sexes, sharing any areas of the building or even garden/outdoor space. All patients have their own room but toilets and bathrooms are often communal.
For myself, the noise and chaotic atmosphere was the single most problematic factor. It's virtually impossible to find the peace and quiet that was (for me) necessary to relax and steady the maelstrom that was my own thoughts. Obviously, to blame fellow patients for their incomprehensible behaviour, anti-social outbursts or inconvenient expressions of despair would be insensitive. They don't want to be there any more than we do ourselves.
Provision varies dramatically from place to place. But under the NHS, a consistent standard must be met.

Mental healthcare doesn't win votes and so is purposely underfunded. Thus, there are never a full quota of staff. On multiple occasions, in four different hospitals, over a period of more than three decades, not once have patients been able to use exercise equipment in the gym area, due to staff shortages. The same applied to all therapeutic activities, with the exception of one (single) cooking class and one (single) 20 minute art class. For the remainder of the time (including an eight month long term), the patients shuffled aimlessly through the hallways, huddled together in the garden/smoking area and perched, dribbling in front of the idiot box. How this is supposed to improve any mental illness is beyond me.
concern (IMO) about inpatient care is institutionalisation. There's no way to predict how long it will take for a patient to become institutionalised and it generally occurs without them being aware. Patients become dependent on the routine, rules, the security and isolation from the outside world (and those living in it). They may grow to rely on having their daily lives (its activities etc) dictated to them instead of having that responsibility themselves.
Frequently, it's not until the subject of leaving the facility and reintegrating into society arises, that the extent to which the patient is institutionalised becomes apparent.
The same phenomenon occurs in any residential institution. Inmates leaving prison are known to purposely extend the period of incarceration. Merely the notion of independent life outside of the institution, with all the demands and duties that would not ordinarily even be a conscious effort, can become a daunting prospect.
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Nov 9, 2023
My primary complaints, or criticisms & critiques--however constructive & to be kind, I do suppose are somewhat subjective... but! Include the following: the treatment by the staff; & by this, I'm primarily talking about the nurses. For if you weren't truly suicidal beforehand, just get a load of some of their comments, negative vibes, talking down on or to, & feeling overall superiority as people, therefore, having every right to point this out both directly & "in," in order to let you know that you are miles to go beneath them. And also, you probably are no better morally than a prisoner, or inmate for that matter... (yes, I realize that I am being redundant, but it is late, and my brain aches, and that was before stumbling upon this thread, and unearthing, as well as reimagining all of the "good times," that were had, in the only place where they went out of their way, to actually make you feel 'worse,' than you did before going in (whether by choice, or force). When you're at the lowest of your low, and then to have staff who are supposedly there to help you, actually belittle you, and make you feel inhuman, or as though you are a fool for even being there, and have no right to be amongst the other "sane," patients in the Hospital--you know? The ones who actually deserve to be there, and receive some meaningful compassionate care, & I could go on and on. But I won't! And that's just one facet, or wave / dept. Obviously there are others, such as the psychiatrist who is making the rounds. Maybe the one who is on call over the weekend. Maybe your very own personal as well. All of these factors & voices can have a significant impact on the quality of care & treatment with which you will receive. It's probably the lone department in the place where it is not only allowed, but accepted & encouraged (at least behind the scenes) to make fun of, and treat your patients like dirt, criminals, and the lowest forms of human scum on earth. But maybe I am over-stating, or attacking them unfairly? Somehow I seriously doubt it. I get it, they've got a hard job to do. I wouldn't want to do it. But if you don't like it, go switch to somewhere else... Don't take out your frustration, and years of pent-up & built-up hostility for that which you'd signed up for, or agreed to in order to do your job by making us pay and be the ones to suffer for being on the receiving end of such angst & aggravation. I know that you are often asked, or told to work doubles. I get that beds are only unavailable, really due to nurses not being available. I'm sorry for you. But what can we do to make this all a more workable situation. Yes, they wanted to fry my brain without consent. Induce temporal lobe seizures without permission. They tag-teamed me with different staff positions. And I almost went through with it. But had I have been of "less," sound mind, than I already was, when given up all hope, then I'd have been cooked just like the rest of them. It was like a scene out of a movie. Except & only that it wasn't a movie. You'd have to see it, and be there I guess, to experience it, and only then maybe, can you believe it. It was like one giant cluster fuck group think that was going on or something. From all the powers that be, trickling down to all of the other little minions and whatnot. I don't care what you're trying to sell me. Just don't b. s. me. I know the deal. I know what's up. You're not selling me a car here, or some insurance. So stop lying through your teeth. And I know it helps a good deal of people. I just didn't feel, and still don't, that I'd be one of them. And especially now with some other physical conditions to factor into play. Why? It'd probably be "suicide!" On second thought/& now that you (or "I,") mention it! Trouble is w/the damn tests before hand. I might not pass or make it through those. Or if they can access my files & other medical history since the last stay/visit. Ah yes, never mind: I'd be f'd. So just F it all, is I guess what I'm trying to say. And I suppose I could've just said that, and saved your eyes a whole lot of trouble, those of you who've slogged through & suffered, or even some who have just scanned & skimmed / or skipped through to the end. I applaud you. And I thank you (for reading, and taking the time). Maybe you now won't make that mistake again, if you can remember me. And I should think, or forget, to post again. I apologize, wholeheartedly, to those who found this a waste of their time. It almost was of mine~ ;)
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It's so disgusting and hellish how we exist in this society where suicidal people are punished simply for wanting to die, psych wards sound like such horrific prisons so I agree that it's better to just stay quiet about anything suicide related.
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Oct 24, 2023
I took an overdose in May 2021 and ended up in A&E (NHS England). Someone had seated me a wheelchair and I was throwing up and waiting to be seen in a crowded waiting area with everyone wearing masks. I am terrified of masks and had been brought into the same place several months ago after having CPR performed (I had fainted after seeing some children with masks on during haloween 2020). My medical notes are clear about the risks of masks. Whilst the covid masks did not have the same impact, it was still scary as I was associated with an abusive childhood. I was dissociating quite badly in A&E and asked the nurse to let me sit in the bathroom or at the end of a corridor somewhere I wouldn't have to face people with masks. He commanded me to sit down (and his voice was another trigger). I discharged myself and spent hours passed out in my car - no one cared though I was eventually treated wit the antidote due to one kind doctor taking the time to find me. When I made a complaint to the A&E chief consultant and the manager for their front of house, I was told the needs and reasonable adjustments for disabled people will only be considered of they are able to do so. Never returned to hospital again.

Then my GP changed the manner in which the GP can be contacted - completing an online econsult form. I basically said that I will struggle with this and will not be able to engage with NHS services. The surgery is able to let people who do not know the English language or lack IT skills contact them directly or walk in - no exceptions for people with mental health challenges, neurodivergence, learning difficulties etc. I didn't make an official complaint as this GP had literally saved my life in the past. I stopped engaging and taking all my medication and I have promised myself that I will die next time - but not ach ut t NHS England. They don't care about people wit mental health challenges or any other challenges - those of us who are not in the mainstream society. It is better to be dead than be treated with such disrespect and contempt. As for the intelligence amd sensitivities of doctors who are supposedly educates around patients with needs..,
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