

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
This is one of the arguments I've heard from pro-lifers being against voluntary euthanasia because that gives the government (the State) having the power over life and death. I find it hypocritical because pro-lifers have absolutely NO problem with the government being able to strip an individual of their bodily autonomy when it comes to the personal decision of CTB'ing, and to an extended degree, the death penalty (in countries and jurisdictions (or State that have it in their books).

So in a sense, pro-lifers have already sanctioned the willful violation of an individual's bodily autonomy should said individual(s) decide to DIY when it comes to CTB attempts! Therefore, the government already has that power by default, to limit one from leaving this world, escaping from (continued) suffering on one's own terms by intervening against one who is planning to, attempting to, or failed to CTB.

The next time some pro-lifer ever claims they don't want to legal voluntary euthanasia because it gives the government too much power and is a slippery slope towards mandatory euthanasia, an counter-argument is that they (the pro-lifers) already given the government immense power to strip suspected suicidal person(s) of their civil liberties and freedom, therefore, the government already has this power. It is ironic that pro-lifers worry about the government becoming to paternalistic, yet they have no problem with paternalistic government when it is convenient for them (CTB prevention).

What are your thoughts on this?
@Forever Sleep @RainAndSadness
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Bumping this short article since it has reached a narrow audience. To add to my point, another example is how pro-lifers and most normies (the masses of people) balk and complain whenever there are things that restrict their freedom, like if the government implemented restrictions on what they can do (drugs, alcohol, unhealthy lifestyles, hedonism, etc.) or can't do and/or try to 'regulate' their (pro-lifers') lifestyle through laws and legal action, yet when it's done to groups that are stigmatized, marginalized, pro-lifers don't care about the harm in paternalism, and worse yet, promote it/sanction it.
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