Are you still in love with someone?

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Memento Mori

Memento Mori

shambling garbage
Jan 24, 2019
Just wanted to make a little poll.
And I'm kinda annoyed of sentences like "there are millions of fish in the sea" or "you're still young" etc.
Time just won't change a thing for me but maybe some day I'll be fine with that as soon as the envy feelings of not granting someone his/her luck with someone heart's not made for multiple partners and I don't care if anything has to go on, plus I'm suicidal anyways...For me it's hard to imagine being in a relationship with another suicidal, if there's no stress then I was just too happy to care about everything that lasted on my mind until then, I even was too happy to care about actual problems or all the stuff that strained my gf - it sleeps somewhere inside you, manipulating you to destroy everything you have, to never be satisfied...

feel free to add your own thoughts here
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Dec 7, 2018
I'm still in love with my ex even though it was me who ended it, FML
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
To be honest I don't know if I'm capable of love. I started my life out not understanding what love is and by the time I understood what it might be I had already caused myself some irreparable damage especially with the opposite sex. I may have also been damaged by abortion. Supposedly it ruins your ability to attach to future children. I had one too many.
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Dec 17, 2018
I'm still in love with my ex, she's just on my mind all the time. We broke up because we'd gotten together too soon after her previous relationship, she said. She reassured me I had been nothing but great to her but.. I don't know. I hate myself too much to take any kind of compliment. I still see her around, laughing. I can't stand it.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I'm still in love with my ex, she's just on my mind all the time. We broke up because we'd gotten together too soon after her previous relationship, she said. She reassured me I had been nothing but great to her but.. I don't know. I hate myself too much to take any kind of compliment. I still see her around, laughing. I can't stand it.
Oh that's so painful :("
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Dec 17, 2018
Oh that's so painful :("
It is. Though I try to look on the brightside - nobody's seeing me naked except myself now, so my body is my self-harm canvas now.
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Thoughtful poster
Jan 17, 2019
I'm still in love with H* but she blocked me on everything. She said she didn't want to hurt me anymore because she felt she was worsening my suicidal thoughts.
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Memento Mori

Memento Mori

shambling garbage
Jan 24, 2019
I'm still in love with my ex, she's just on my mind all the time. We broke up because we'd gotten together too soon after her previous relationship, she said. She reassured me I had been nothing but great to her but.. I don't know. I hate myself too much to take any kind of compliment. I still see her around, laughing. I can't stand it.

So there's a chance to get that fixed in future or do you think it was just empty words/mind changed while time passed by?

To be honest I don't know if I'm capable of love. I started my life out not understanding what love is and by the time I understood what it might be I had already caused myself some irreparable damage especially with the opposite sex. I may have also been damaged by abortion. Supposedly it ruins your ability to attach to future children. I had one too many.

Do u mean damage by relationship experience? Like inability to love/trust/etc. ?

It is. Though I try to look on the brightside - nobody's seeing me naked except myself now, so my body is my self-harm canvas now.

lol :)

HelensNepenthe said:
I'm still in love with H* but she blocked me on everything. She said she didn't want to hurt me anymore because she felt she was worsening my suicidal thoughts.

Dude that sounds awful...Dunno what she's expecting to happen from isolating herself from you that way, did u at least break up 'normally' or may this be just self protection? Was it online or RL? U could place a letter for her if u want to tell her something, just oversleep it and check your writing again
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Dec 17, 2018
So there's a chance to get that fixed in future or do you think it was just empty words/mind changed while time passed by?

There isn't, because this August she's traveling to the other side of the world to work/learn there for a year. She already told me that she doesn't want anything/anyone back home during that time so she's completely free. I know her well, she's not going to get back with me for a couple of months. It's over, and I need to get over it as well.
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Thoughtful poster
Jan 17, 2019
I'm still in love with H* but she blocked me on everything. She said she didn't want to hurt me anymore because she felt she was worsening my suicidal thoughts.
Been thinking about her ever since I brought this up. Man, I really fucked up. It's hard to get over someone like her. She'd see how pathetic I am for being on here. At the very least I'd appreciate if she reached out to me. But she won't. She genuinely meant a lot to me. It sucks when she told me that she would move on because she thought she was hurting me more... but there was something about her that she just got to me. It's hard to find people like her.
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Invisible Spirit
Sep 26, 2018
I don't know if I'm still in love with my ex so much as I can't let go of how happy I was during those times. He was incredibly charismatic and funny, and made every day fun, but he never loved me, so there's not a time that we were in love that I can miss. But I do miss the person I was at that time, paying attention to my appearance, wearing dresses, hosting parties, planting my succulent garden.

I've found his fiancé on social media because I'm a glutton for punishment, and I just look at her pictures and see her in my garden, with the little dog we got together, and can see that she is living a happy life. She got a Beauty & the Beast proposal at Disneyland that I would've killed for, but I'd never admit to anyone. I study her and think, yes, she's the kind of girl that gets these kinds of things. I'm more of a placeholder. I mean, I get it. I'd pick her, too. I just wish I was one of those types of girls.
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Dec 4, 2018
I'm still in love with my ex, she's just on my mind all the time. We broke up because we'd gotten together too soon after her previous relationship, she said. She reassured me I had been nothing but great to her but.. I don't know. I hate myself too much to take any kind of compliment. I still see her around, laughing. I can't stand it.
I know that feeling all too well, I knew I loved her immediately but I was not ready. Since the day I met her 3 Years ago not a single day has gone by that she hasn't been on my mind. The only saving grace for me is we do not live close to each other. Damn, I love that girl. We will talk occasionally and she constantly says she loves me too, but its just torture not being together. how can you possibly love someone as she says she does and not try to pursue it? SMH
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ember in the dark
Dec 7, 2018
I'm not sure if I'm still in love with my ex, I'd rather not think about it especially considering how much he hates me now.

I'm tired of hearing stuff about finding a new partner. As soon as me and my ex broke up my mum was telling me how I'd just go and find another boyfriend and kept on at it for a good month or two after. Like, I don't want to jump from person to person creating superficial relationships on the off chance I find a genuine connection, and even if I did it's not worth it because my mental health makes me toxic and unloveable to the point that anyone involved with me can't stand me for more than a few months. In my opinion there's no point in me pursuing relationships because all that'll happen is me hurting others and getting hurt myself, and the chances of me finding 'the one' are slim and likely not even worth the emotional damage I'd get looking for them.
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May 20, 2018
I don't know if I'm still in love with my ex so much as I can't let go of how happy I was during those times. He was incredibly charismatic and funny, and made every day fun, but he never loved me, so there's not a time that we were in love that I can miss. But I do miss the person I was at that time, paying attention to my appearance, wearing dresses, hosting parties, planting my succulent garden.

I've found his fiancé on social media because I'm a glutton for punishment, and I just look at her pictures and see her in my garden, with the little dog we got together, and can see that she is living a happy life. She got a Beauty & the Beast proposal at Disneyland that I would've killed for, but I'd never admit to anyone. I study her and think, yes, she's the kind of girl that gets these kinds of things. I'm more of a placeholder. I mean, I get it. I'd pick her, too. I just wish I was one of those types of girls.
That is really sad but also keep in mind you can't really judge what's going on in someone's life from social media pics (not that I'd wish harm on anyone). Also, I'm sure you still have lots to offer based on your posts here. But yeah, love hurts... :/
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Invisible Spirit
Sep 26, 2018
That is really sad but also keep in mind you can't really judge what's going on in someone's life from social media pics (not that I'd wish harm on anyone). Also, I'm sure you still have lots to offer based on your posts here. But yeah, love hurts... :/
Aww, thank you. I appreciate this. ❤️
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Dec 6, 2018
I don't know if I'm still in love with my ex so much as I can't let go of how happy I was during those times. He was incredibly charismatic and funny, and made every day fun, but he never loved me, so there's not a time that we were in love that I can miss. But I do miss the person I was at that time, paying attention to my appearance, wearing dresses, hosting parties, planting my succulent garden.

I've found his fiancé on social media because I'm a glutton for punishment, and I just look at her pictures and see her in my garden, with the little dog we got together, and can see that she is living a happy life. She got a Beauty & the Beast proposal at Disneyland that I would've killed for, but I'd never admit to anyone. I study her and think, yes, she's the kind of girl that gets these kinds of things. I'm more of a placeholder. I mean, I get it. I'd pick her, too. I just wish I was one of those types of girls.

Sorry for that Crow
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Jan 16, 2019
I'm still head-over-heels for my ex and I feel that I always will be. They say you can always meet someone new and that these feelings can develop with someone else but I wouldn't want them to.

I really messed that up badly, but there are signs of life still and the feelings are reciprocated. I'm clinging on to the hope that we can reconcile someday.
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Dec 6, 2018
I'm still in love and married to my wife. We have been together for nearly 30 years. One of the reasons I'm here, I'm not going to watch her watch me die.
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Nov 6, 2018
I associate "in love" with the early passion-filled period of a relationship, vs. the close bond of support, care, life-partnership that comes later. When things are going well with the wife, we have that, but more often than not, we're closed off from one another. I'm too deep in an emotional hole most of the time.
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Memento Mori

Memento Mori

shambling garbage
Jan 24, 2019
TheCrow said:
I'd pick her, too. I just wish I was one of those types of girls.

Stop thinking like that and then you're one of "those" :) But better look out for a guy who truly loves you :/

TheCrow said:
I've found his fiancé on social media because I'm a glutton for punishment

That's the worst but I'm addicted to that too xD am trying to stop it atm...again
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Invisible Spirit
Sep 26, 2018
They say you can always meet someone new and that these feelings can develop with someone else but I wouldn't want them to.
I so know what you are talking about.
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Invisible Spirit
Sep 26, 2018
Stop thinking like that and then you're one of "those" :) But better look out for a guy who truly loves you :/

That's the worst but I'm addicted to that too xD am trying to stop it atm...again
Haha. I know, you're so right. Ahhhhhhh! :P
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That Ghost Lady on the Hill
Dec 14, 2018
I couldn't answer your poll, because it doesn't have the option "I'm still in love with a dead person". My partner's death in late 2017 was the straw that broke the camel's back. I have had suicidal thoughts for a decade, but that was the event that made me actively searching for methods.
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Mar 23, 2018
Unfortunately yes. Not that it matters anymore now.
I really hope I can ctb this year. I haven't set a date. One less thing for me to back out of or fail at. :(
My ex isn't the reason I want to ctb. Just the shittyness of life.
It would be pointless & selfish for me to now start seeing someone knowing I hopefully won't be here too much longer.
Unfortunately I have been hoping to ctb seriously for a few years.
Damn … I hate being a coward. Yet another reason I want to ctb.
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Mar 23, 2018
I'm still in love with my ex even though it was me who ended it, FML

Sorry to hear that. I wasn't the one who ended it and it still sucks. FML
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Sep 4, 2018
Being in love with someone and loving someone are very different things.
The "Being in love" bit never survives the meatgrinder of time.
You're either left with loving someone or resenting them.
Life sucks in the end.
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Memento Mori

Memento Mori

shambling garbage
Jan 24, 2019
Being in love with someone and loving someone are very different things.
The "Being in love" bit never survives the meatgrinder of time.
You're either left with loving someone or resenting them.
Life sucks in the end.

But you know what I meant right? :D
Made this poll with the meaning of 'true love' or 'meaningful love', I'm not attached to all that love stuff except the feeling of a kid havin a crush for no real reason and the feeling of loving someone and everything about him so deeply u never want him to leave. I only had one girlfriend in my life and I'm not able to ever forget the years we spent or my feelings but I was also a lazy human ass being to comfortable with the harshness of the real world

Yeah...well u don't have to have a grudge against someone, depends on you. But if u really love someone for the rest of ur life then you're kinda screwed anyways in most cases...Sometimes ppl think they rlly know what they want but time just changes everything and everyone. Maybe I'm gonna start a relationship with a bag of weed some day if I'm too lonely

I'm still head-over-heels for my ex and I feel that I always will be. They say you can always meet someone new and that these feelings can develop with someone else but I wouldn't want them to.

I really messed that up badly, but there are signs of life still and the feelings are reciprocated. I'm clinging on to the hope that we can reconcile someday.

You are me. Hello I, how r u :D

Not wanting it to is just more shit for your heart...allowing anything to happen on its on will but seeing that u still don't want to sounds more right, even if it's the same result. I have no use for any advise like that (since I can't change my mind and the feeling to loose important time and I still want to fix it while bein in my crappy state) but maybe you can.

Whatshername said:
I couldn't answer your poll, because it doesn't have the option "I'm still in love with a dead person". My partner's death in late 2017 was the straw that broke the camel's back. I have had suicidal thoughts for a decade, but that was the event that made me actively searching for methods.

Sorry for not adding and sorry to hear that :( No matter if there's some consciousness in afterlife, I'm sure he'd be happy to know you being alive and he'll wait a trillion years for you to come over and tell him everything that happened :) If u show up now he might be happy but angry too :P
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Death is the only God who comes when you call
Sep 25, 2018
I'm kinda falling for someone @stellabelle as I'm falling out of something from before.
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Oct 15, 2018
Idk what love is, I've suppressed my emotions for so long i can barely recognize when I'm genuinely attracted to somebody
I crave the warmth and love of a relationship but I'd be terrified to be in one because I'm scared of fucking things up, general anxiety and feelings of worthlessness, and other fun perks of my mental health. Plus imma die soon so it would fuck them up to deal with me dying and the guilt that would come with that
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