I think there is a difference. It is okay that people can do what they want with their own body. But in this scenario another(potential) human being is involved. For example you could say what is the matter with taking drugs during pregnancy it is their own body. No there is another human being involved. Or sometihng that will evolve into one and it will have to live with the consequences.
But even so, who would you be to decide even if another person is involved? Given that you have nothing to do with that person? Nobody is an island into himself. The kids still belongs to its parents because it is the result of their genes, their body. What do you, an outsider, has anything to say in the matter?
Some people are born into all sort of misery but are still very grateful to be alive. Don't generalise your reaction to life and don't meddle with other people's business.
If you have a kid, you're allowed to tell your kid to not hang out with certain other kids but you have no right on these other kids. At least, no more right than their parents.
Your example of someone taking drug during pregnancy is a valid point.
However, listen. I grew up with a severely, chronically alcoholic dad. Some people grow up with sexually abusive parents. Some people are born with severe skizophrenia. Drug abuse is just one form of illness among all these things.
you need to to consider that there are people like me who will never reproduce because we don't want to pass on the pain. Those who don't mind passing on the pain should be able to. Because reproduction is a right. And stopping people from reproducing, whoever they are, is genocide.
The government should have very little to say about how people live their lives. The rest should be lest to trust and social conditioning. For example, many things are not illegal but we still don't do them because we're scared of social ostracisation. The reason I hate antinatalists so much is that they reaso like pro lifers, they think they have a say about someone else's life.
What makes you think that you can be the voice of a baby born from a crackhead ? I was born to abusive parents, sometimes I wish I wasn't born. But this is how I feel. I would have despised the idea of a mere stranger coming to my parents and telling them that they can't conceive me. Mere outsiders deciding for me, before I'm even given a chance to make my mind about if I want to live or not, based on their own version of how life should be.
IsnThe whole antinatalist movement is full of hypocrites. They can just kill themselves if they think non existence is the solution to everything. Certainly, this way, they won't have to go through the misery of seeing people giving birth to "defective" people.
A lot of geniuses in this world were born in shitty circonstances, a lot of great artists had very very very shitty backgroung. You're not God to tell who can reproduce and who can't. By doing so, you are chosing for the kid who isn't even born, you are deciding that it shouldn't even be born, when nature granted that decision to the parents. That's pure pretense. You're taking away his chance to make himself an opinion. This is just really unnecessary. Just mind yourself and your family and friends the best you can and leave strangers alone for God sake. Not every topic has to be political. Learn to accept that the purpose of the existence of some people is beyond your understanding and just avoid people you don't like the best you can.
Trust. Trust is what's lacing in you whole discourse. A lot of parents chose to terminate pregnancies when they realize the child is defectiuous. Others chose to keep the infant. People can regulate themselves without the law intervening. That's what I hate about your idea, it gives more power to the government and weakens the family institution.