Are you able to work?

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Aug 23, 2024
I'm 22, never had a job but many, many attempts to work which usually last 1 or 2 weeks. I feel extremely suicidal when I come home and my co-workers and customers always notice quickly that I'm not interested in participating in this capitalistic hellscape called human civilization and I get fired. I just don't have the mental strenght to do it and zero incentive. I don't want a nice car, a nice house, a vacation, wife and kids, I just want to sit in my dark room and be online. And very, very few people I've talked to understand what I mean. They feel meaning by work. I don't feel any meaning because I can't understand "normal" peoples thoughts and emotions. I am useless in human society.

Anybody have the same experience?
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Oct 8, 2023
I used to barely be able to function at my jobs, only doing them out of necessity. I worked minimum wage jobs as a cook for a couple of years hoping to save up for college. I had to go to a much cheaper school than originally planned since I ended up having sizeable expenses from a stay at a mental hospital for a month. I then went to work at a factory, and man that sucked. It was an enormous effort just to get out of bed and go there and go through the same repetitive motions hundreds to thousands of times per day. I did that for about a year and a half before I finally couldn't take it and on the same day I quit I tried to ctb.

All the times I wasn't at work I was happier. I felt freer not having those obligations. Right now I have a job as a driver where I deliver tires to auto shops. I don't particularly enjoy it but it's so much better than working in a kitchen or factory. I just drive around and drop off tires and go to the next place. It's exhausting loading up and unloading stuff that can go up to 110lbs (50kg) or more. But I like being on my own driving around.

That being said, even though I'm okay with the job, on the days I do have to work I wish I didn't have to go in but I think most people think like this. My job is meaningless, and a job like mine is often judged by others because it's working class despite about 70% of the US where I'm from being working class. Guess there's still a ton of elitism going on, particularly among people my age where an overwhelming amount of your value is judged by your job.

I get you about not wanting nice things. I don't like traveling and never was interested in vacationing. I've been to most of the western US states (MT, IA, UT, AZ, etc.) and saw things like the Grand Canyon, went to Yellowstone, whatever but just never cared. I drive an almost decade-old car and will use it, along with my 8-year-old phone until they die. The only reason I'm working is so that I can eat and not be on the street. People I know don't seem to understand this. I've been questioned by someone I know who's attending one of the most expensive universities in the US why my apartment doesn't have amenities like a pool or whatever. He along with a few others were shocked that its just nothing more than a box for you to live in. People seem to just put too much value in dumb stuff like that, but I think that's just upper-middle-class thinking for you, hence why he's going 6-figures in debt because he wanted nice things at his college like little robots that go around the campus and deliver stuff to students. Why someone would willingly choose to screw themselves financially for something like that... yeah idk I think a lot of people my age are a bit dim.

I wish there were more jobs that had meaning, but to be honest with you, I think about 90+% of jobs, while necessary for society to run, will feel totally meaningless and just serve as a reminder to you that you're on the bottom rungs. If you don't want lots of money, and money doesn't do anything for you, and you have no real incentive to work, then you'll never find meaning, unfortunately. People say follow your passions, but that's only possible for a larger minority of people than they think. I tried following my passion and it never worked out. It's the same thing for many millions, billions of people.

Yet, unfortunately, at some point, you are made to participate in the job system. That's just the way it is. If it was optional, well then nobody would participate now would they?
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Cry me a river
Jun 30, 2024
I'm not as bad off as you are, but I understand your feelings. Dealing with authority figures -- i.e. bosses, particularly male bosses -- triggers my anxiety. Some bosses I've had were bullies, and it didn't matter what their gender, bullies suck.

In the past 10 years, I've had two episodes where my anxiety level got so high that I couldn't get myself to go to work for months. My employer didn't like that very much but fortunately I didn't get fired, I just got "nastygrams". I won't bore you with the details, but that was not good. I haven't ever had a job I liked.

So I'd like to not have to go to work as soon as possible. I'm getting close to retirement age and I hope that I can be able to sit in front of my computer and dink around for hours on end rather than going to work in the next 5-10 years.

Good luck, I hope life gets better for you!
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Disabled due to severe autism, and schizophrenia
Jun 21, 2024
No, I'm unable to work. I'm about 90% disabled (just look at my status).
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Jan 29, 2024
Able? Yes
Willing? No
It's not worth it, I had no time to myself, the pay did not reflect the work I did so why bother?
Once my savings are gone I'm done.
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Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

May 9, 2024
I'm a workaholic. Work is my coping mechanism.
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Peace, Love, Empathy
Feb 27, 2024
i don't do it very well, but yeah, lol, i do work.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I don't dream of labor. That's why I'm a NEET. I just want to be left alone in peace without normies trying to force me to get a job. They constantly bother me about it and it's annoying as fuck. I will never contribute to this sick soyciety because I just don't want to. Work is modern day slavery and wageslavery is cucked. The way that this world is set up is one of slavery. People work to survive and afford to exist. Your existence costs money; you have to pay to exist. Well, it's good that my parents are paying for me. I will NEET until I rope because I will never submit and become a slave to the system
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Escaped Lunatic
Jun 4, 2023
yes, but my life has been stunted. I'm trapped in a dead end job. Still the money has its perks.
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Nov 15, 2021
Had such intense anxiety when I had to job-hunt that I couldn't physically enter stores to ask to work there, all the jobs I ever had were ones my mom found for me or a job agency she sent me to check which is embarrassing to admit. I work a dead end retail job stocking shelves, which is all I can do.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
No, I'm not able to work but normies think otherwise. The thing about me is that I don't have much on my plate. I can't deal with doing a lot of stuff. Even doing the dishes takes away all of my energy and leaves me exhausted for a long time. I think it's due to my autism and my neurotype that I can't do much. I can't even handle chores so I absolutely won't be able to handle work.

With that said, even if I was able to work, I still wouldn't want to as it just isn't worth it. Being a neet is superior to being a wagie and I'd always want the superior option for myself because I deserve the best. I was born in this world against my will so why should I have to settle for less? It's absolutely unfair. Since I can't neet, the second next best thing for me is death. I'm currently too scared to kill myself but I'll have to take the initiative soon as I can't allow myself to suffer the fate of being a wage slave
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Dec 14, 2023
Usually I'm not even able to cook and do the dishes in the same day.
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Looking for fair winds and following seas
May 27, 2024
I wish I could work. My health and my history prevent it.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
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