
Aug 18, 2020
Not sure about the translation. I have found different translations. Do you have the distance to laugh about your own insecurities and mistakes? I struggle with that. But I pretend like I could do that in front of other people. I think if other people notice you cannot do that you are an easy target for mockery.

People who are too proud and act as if they could not stand a joke about oneself are often seen as grim or arrogant. I try to avoid that. There are always different topics where it more easy and less easy to stand a joke. It also depends on who makes the jokes. WIth my friends we sometimes also exchange some harder jokes because we know the limits of each other. We know which subjects are too hurtful.

I think I am a person with a lot of insecurities but I try to be able to laugh about myself. Especially with genuinely good people I can enjoy such an atmosphere. It can also be funny. But if I am surrounded by average people I have way too much anxiety and paranoia.

Maybe this is an important trait for socialising. I usually suck at that.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I am unable to laugh at anything at all personally. I do not see anything as being worth laughing about in this life, to me life is only suffering and there is nothing funny about this horrible existence that I have to endure.
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Dec 15, 2021
Not sure about the translation. I have found different translations. Do you have the distance to laugh about your own insecurities and mistakes? I struggle with that. But I pretend like I could do that in front of other people. I think if other people notice you cannot do that you are an easy target for mockery.

People who are too proud and act as if they could not stand a joke about oneself are often seen as grim or arrogant. I try to avoid that. There are always different topics where it more easy and less easy to stand a joke. It also depends on who makes the jokes. WIth my friends we sometimes also exchange some harder jokes because we know the limits of each other. We know which subjects are too hurtful.

I think I am a person with a lot of insecurities but I try to be able to laugh about myself. Especially with genuinely good people I can enjoy such an atmosphere. It can also be funny. But if I am surrounded by average people I have way too much anxiety and paranoia.

Maybe this is an important trait for socialising. I usually suck at that.

You and I are coming at the subject from different angles, but I think that I understand what you mean.

For me, I don't laugh at my own problem, since that's what brought me here, which is no laughing matter. However, in the grand scheme of things, my problem is no one else's, so it's only mine, and the Earth and the cosmos will never be aware of my problem, so in the end, I can somewhat scoff at my problem just out of sheer defiance against my problem, since I can't fix it, and it would only exit if I were born to begin with.

Phrased differenly, if you can't change your life circumstances - why worry...? Of course, this sounds optimistic, and I'm no optimist, but rather than laughing at my life, I can spit at it and wish that no one else ends up in my situation.

I'm not sure what I can bring to the discussion, though, since my take is pretty vague and abstract.


novelist, sanskritist, Canadian living in India
Nov 13, 2021
Yeah, all the time. But bitterly.
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Jun 19, 2022
I can find humor in it, sure, and I do like to laugh and make jokes to myself but then the lightness disappears and it's back to where I always was and always will be, melancholy.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
I am unable to laugh at anything at all personally. I do not see anything as being worth laughing about in this life, to me life is only suffering and there is nothing funny about this horrible existence that I have to endure.
You mean you've never laughed, at anything, ever?
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Oct 20, 2021
Yes, I can laugh at myself too, no contemptuous laugh, I have a black sense of humor and I like it


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
You mean you've never laughed, at anything, ever?
Not that I can remember. Laughing at anything would feel wrong as life is so horrifying, after all.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
If I could not laugh at my misfortunes I would have been dead years ago, although it is also true that I am not able to laugh in a lighthearted way because I feel quite bad when it happens spontaneously (a doctor told me that this was a symptom of narcolepsy, that it was necessary to do tests... which I have not done and I do not know if I will ever do).

But I am not wrong if I say that humor is the greatest defense I have for the onslaughts that life gives you... and that has nothing to do with the scorn or public humiliation that some people can do on another, laughing at me has never been funny to me -especially when they laugh at things of mine that I appreciate-.


Si no pogués riure'm de les meves desgràcies ja fa anys que sería ben mort, tot i que també és cert que no sóc capaç de riure de forma desenfadada perquè em trobo força malament quan succeix espontàniament (un metge em va dir que això era un símptoma de la narcolepsia, que calien fer proves... que no m'he fet pas i no se si faré mai).

Però no m'equivoco pas si dic que l'humor és la defensa més grossa que tinc per les embestides que et dona la vida... i això no te rés a veure ni amb l'escarni o l'humiliació pública que poden fer algunes persones sobre un altra, que s'en riguin de mi no m'ha fet mai gràcia -sobretot quan es riuen de coses meves que aprecio-.
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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
Not that I can remember. Laughing at anything would feel wrong as life is so horrifying, after all.
I can understand that lots of things on here must seem very strange to you.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I can understand that lots of things on here must seem very strange to you.
If by on here you mean this website, then not really. Basically nearly all the posts I read are about people suffering and not wanting to be here which I can often relate to. The thought of someone laughing at anything is strange to me, in particular someone laughing at themselves, but we all experience life differently after all. If other people are able to cope with their suffering that way, then good for them I guess.
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Dec 27, 2021
Sometimes life gets so absurd you can't help but laugh at how you got yourself in that situation in the first place.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
If by on here you mean this website, then not really. Basically nearly all the posts I read are about people suffering and not wanting to be here which I can often relate to. The thought of someone laughing at anything is strange to me, in particular someone laughing at themselves, but we all experience life differently after all. If other people are able to cope with their suffering that way, then good for them I guess.
I often smile briefly thanks to your bizarrely pessimistic posts. I'm a hardcore pessimist but you surely drive it to a comedic extent. The way you frame things is exactly how some comic caricature made to mock pessimists would. 'Nothing will ever be good', 'Why would anyone laugh at anything?', etc.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I often smile briefly thanks to your bizarrely pessimistic posts. I'm a hardcore pessimist but you surely drive it to a comedic extent. The way you frame things is exactly how some comic caricature made to mock pessimists would. 'Nothing will ever be good', 'Why would anyone laugh at anything?', etc.
I do not think that there is anything bizarre about what I post. It is a suicide forum and I am just being realistic, as the reality of this life is suffering. To me suffering and suicide are not things to be laughed at, as the pain that people feel in this world is very real, but if you are able to recover and enjoy life, then good for you.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I do not think that there is anything bizarre about what I post. It is a suicide forum and I am just being realistic, as the reality of this life is suffering. To me suffering and suicide are not things to be laughed at, as the pain that people feel in this world is very real, but if you are able to recover and enjoy life, then good for you.
Laughing and humour are not mutually exclusive with suffering and suicide. Of course, I have too felt how prolonged suffering has dimmed my ability to feel joy or be humorous, but it hasn't disappeared.

What is bizarre or extremely uncommon is to feel as if absolutely nothing can be enjoyable or funny. Even on SaSu this is strange, from what I've seen.
Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
When I was young and healthy, I used to take myself awfully seriously.

Now, because my hands are shaking, I spill a little tea on my night stand each time I lift the cup, and I laugh at my clumsy self and the absurdity of it all.

Although, if you look closely at my face, you probably would not be able to distinguish that unnatural-looking laughter from a cry of terror.
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Jan 4, 2022
I sometime genuinely laugh about myself. Mostly alone. When I get to have that with someone else, without resulting in humiliation for either, it is very precious to me.

If by on here you mean this website, then not really. Basically nearly all the posts I read are about people suffering and not wanting to be here which I can often relate to. The thought of someone laughing at anything is strange to me, in particular someone laughing at themselves, but we all experience life differently after all. If other people are able to cope with their suffering that way, then good for them I guess.
Thank you for sharing this sentiment. I think your posts often contain views which are rarely expressed. Shining the light from an unusual angle can reveal unseen features even in objects ever so thoroughly examined.


May 26, 2022
I am not able to laugh or smile at anything. I do acknowledge my mistakes when i need to though .

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