I feel trapped big time, though I try and counter the feeling with knowing my life will soon be over. It's no easy feat. I just got off a call with my ex, who was yelling at me, and I was trying so hard not to break, but I had to wrap the call up/end it as my nose started to bleed. Once that call was over I could really cry, and clean myself up.
(physical health has been plummeting)
Anyhow, I have tried many times to end the relationship, to no avail. Sometimes I drift off and think of straight up running away from everyone/anyone - losing myself in a forest somewhere and dying from the elements, etc.
I'm feeling so hurt, and so burnt. I can't wait to for this to be over. To be freed from the trap.
As I was having coffee earlier I began to think of the notes or letters I may write before I CTB. I was thinking of my father specifically - his brutality and vicious verbal attacks…wondering if writing him a letter would even matter. I don't think it will. But, if I were to write that letter, I have some ideas.
I want to tell him a bullet in the back of his head would be too good for him. I want to tell him to look at himself in the mirror when he inevitably tries to point fingers of blame once I'm gone. He'll no doubt try and play "grieving father" and I want to get ahead of his BS. I thought of my sister, how she'd get a kick out of the joke "no wonder our father and brother love living here, it's a state of denial".
Feeling very Bob Wiley today -