I would like life to get better, but how I feel is that the clock is ticking. It's like that sensation of watching the clock tick after the morning alarm has sounded. I don't want to leave the comfort of my bed, yet I know, inevitability I have to.
I'm still going as normal, I take pleasure in a number of hobbies, and just bought some creatine (along with the blue rope someone recommended me to buy on another thread), so I'm going to start doing pull-ups and hopefully build some muscle, then it's possible I could start dating again.
So for now at least, I'm working on a way of staying in while planning a way out in case circumstances push to do so. They surely will at some point, just want to be ready.
A nice little quote from Seneca fits quite nicely here:
There is not one of us who thinks of the time when he must leave this apartment. We are like aging tenants, who even when mistreated still allow themselves to be detained by habit and by their fondness for the place. Do you want to be free as concerns your body? Dwell in it as one who will move on. Keep in mind that you must someday be deprived of this habitation; you will then face your eviction more courageously.