Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I'm not trying to brag, I'm just being real. I wish I was stupid.

I'm in my last year of med school and made it through with flying colours, being in the top 5% of my class consistently throughout. I'm good at most things I genuinely attempt - I play bass in a band and songwrite for it, I draw, I've even published poetry. On the outside, I am an "accomplished young lady" etc etc. But it's not all daisies and dalliances. Being smart often makes me feel alienated because it seems like all my intelligence came directly from my social skills and charisma. As if I was a video game character and I blew all my points on one stat so now I'm walking around with 0s for everything else. As a result, all my life I've said the wrong things, had a hard time keeping friends and genuinely been a social pariah walking around filled with existential dread.

Over time, I've begun to feel like my intelligence is being wasted on me. Sure, I'm in med school, but the passion I originally had for the subject has faded out over time as a result of examination and the institutionalisation of the subject. I used to be filled with curiosity and wonder at the world and I kept this childlike fascination with me until my late teens, guarded it like a flame in a hurricane, but the world is cruel and I realised mysteries and magic are a thin veneer for pain. I don't mean to sound dramatic but everywhere I look is pain. Or someone being too trapped inside themselves and too ignorant to notice the blatant pain - this being the only way to possibly be happy.

I have the skills I need to make a good life for myself. But what the fuck even is a good life? Money, materialism, status. Security. Sustainability. Being a good little slave and contributing to the economy... It bores me. I want to sleep under the stars and drink from rivers and climb trees, feeling the sticky sap cloy between the cracks in my palms. But I'm soft and would definitely starve to death ASAP or possibly die of exposure if I tried to have a go in the wild, our apparent adaptation to such an environment be damned. I would be like a released animal born and raised in captivity, tooth and nail blunt and muscles weak from never having to hunt my own food once in my life. I feel robbed of a beautiful existence by the first human who decided to grow some wheat or some shit. Maybe modern life has its advantages, but freedom is an illusion and at least when existence is constantly a threat you don't have enough time to think about your place in the universe too hard. Family means something because you rely entirely on each other to stay alive, you're not just pushed together by blood and law. But it's pointless complaining. What's done is done.

I looked into This recently (pollution is causing sperm count to lower and the downfall of civilization, rip) and do comfort myself with the fact that humanity will either need to drastically change or go extinct soon. But I'm not naive enough to say that either option is guaranteed - knowing us, we'll be stubborn enough to stick to our deranged ways and just live out this exact same existence in a Wall-E style space ship, anyone who doesn't make the cut be damned.
I've had all the same thoughts as you and was surprised to see someone here articulated it. I long to be more connected to the natural world but wouldn't last long without a food store unfortunately.
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Into The Void

Into The Void

Mar 10, 2021
I'm not trying to brag, I'm just being real. I wish I was stupid.

I'm in my last year of med school and made it through with flying colours, being in the top 5% of my class consistently throughout. I'm good at most things I genuinely attempt - I play bass in a band and songwrite for it, I draw, I've even published poetry. On the outside, I am an "accomplished young lady" etc etc. But it's not all daisies and dalliances. Being smart often makes me feel alienated because it seems like all my intelligence came directly from my social skills and charisma. As if I was a video game character and I blew all my points on one stat so now I'm walking around with 0s for everything else. As a result, all my life I've said the wrong things, had a hard time keeping friends and genuinely been a social pariah walking around filled with existential dread.

Over time, I've begun to feel like my intelligence is being wasted on me. Sure, I'm in med school, but the passion I originally had for the subject has faded out over time as a result of examination and the institutionalisation of the subject. I used to be filled with curiosity and wonder at the world and I kept this childlike fascination with me until my late teens, guarded it like a flame in a hurricane, but the world is cruel and I realised mysteries and magic are a thin veneer for pain. I don't mean to sound dramatic but everywhere I look is pain. Or someone being too trapped inside themselves and too ignorant to notice the blatant pain - this being the only way to possibly be happy.

I have the skills I need to make a good life for myself. But what the fuck even is a good life? Money, materialism, status. Security. Sustainability. Being a good little slave and contributing to the economy... It bores me. I want to sleep under the stars and drink from rivers and climb trees, feeling the sticky sap cloy between the cracks in my palms. But I'm soft and would definitely starve to death ASAP or possibly die of exposure if I tried to have a go in the wild, our apparent adaptation to such an environment be damned. I would be like a released animal born and raised in captivity, tooth and nail blunt and muscles weak from never having to hunt my own food once in my life. I feel robbed of a beautiful existence by the first human who decided to grow some wheat or some shit. Maybe modern life has its advantages, but freedom is an illusion and at least when existence is constantly a threat you don't have enough time to think about your place in the universe too hard. Family means something because you rely entirely on each other to stay alive, you're not just pushed together by blood and law. But it's pointless complaining. What's done is done.

I looked into This recently (pollution is causing sperm count to lower and the downfall of civilization, rip) and do comfort myself with the fact that humanity will either need to drastically change or go extinct soon. But I'm not naive enough to say that either option is guaranteed - knowing us, we'll be stubborn enough to stick to our deranged ways and just live out this exact same existence in a Wall-E style space ship, anyone who doesn't make the cut be damned.
Sounds like you need psychedelics like ketamine, shrooms, or 2c-b more than to CTB..


Mar 25, 2021
Sounds like you need psychedelics like ketamine, shrooms, or 2c-b more than to CTB..
Lol, not a big advocate of taking any kind of psychedelics (for me.) Family history of schizophrenia


Jan 23, 2021
Speaking of smart-yet-alienated...I'm watching YOUNG SHELDON right now, and thinking of the season finale episode where he invited other kids over to hear the Noble Prize announcements, but no one showed up, and he was heartbroken. Yeah, Sheldon's a little know-it-all-jerk, but also has a lot to give. I could relate because, while I'm not Sheldon Cooper-smart, I'm still above average, and had similar experiences, that was pretty much me as a kid. But even worse: when I originally watched that scene, I had asked my former roommate/best friend to watch it with me. And like Sheldon's invite, he blew me off. And I just sat there that night, alone, feeling just like Sheldon, because shortly after that, my former best friend was making it clear that I had no place in his new life. He was one of the last people in my life that I had left. Like FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON, I'd have traded all my smarts right then and there, if I could...

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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
I was smart, and I could've become talented, but that became impossible. Now I'm nothing.
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
I'm considered very smart, I'm certainly highly qualified, and am reasonably talented. This has not prevented me, in my mid 40s, from having a car crash basket case of a life...
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Dec 20, 2020
i am what one would consider as smart, able to learn and understand new concepts quickly. high achiever though primary school but always in trouble, when i began high school the shit hit the fan and i couldn't apply myself anymore and started to get in more serious trouble.

now i am unfulfilled as can only get medium entry level employment, i cannot stand it and again cant apply myself. so always get fired or sacked eventually

i wish i could focus when i was younger, no doubt i would now have an amazing high level job with loads of money. i dont have the ability to start over and have to accept my life will be shit forever. guess its time to check out!
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Jan 17, 2021
I'm in the same situation as you, but my attitude differs on one key point:
I used to be filled with curiosity and wonder at the world and I kept this childlike fascination with me until my late teens, guarded it like a flame in a hurricane, but the world is cruel and I realised mysteries and magic are a thin veneer for pain.
The mysteries and magic are not there to cover the cruelties of the world and these things are in no ways mutually exclusive. The cruelty itself has mystery and magic all its own. The magic is not an illusion and "growing up" doesn't cancel it.
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