

I want to hang myself
Mar 7, 2022
I really want there to be hell for those who torture animals, rape people and cut everyone in a row.
My insides are burning with rage that these scum do what they want, and then die and they will not be punished.
I hate this fucking world
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Jul 5, 2021

So what's the point of even trying to abstain from sinning?
Are there levels of a heavenly afterlife where your place is determined by where you landed on the spectrum of good vs evil?

Psychic mediums are morally bankrupt scam artists (every single one) and "NDEs" are a trick of the mind in its dire state of nearing death or being revived after a clinically observed "death"..an experience not much different than a dream.

However I agree that nobody who commits suicide will be going to any sort of hell.
I'll say they're not going anywhere at all really.
Just back to the great senseless nothingness
from whence they came.

It God exists, then he/she/it needs to be dealt with.

Sent to a hell of their own.

The only thing I have to more reliably go on, as opposed to the purely personal opinions of the devoutly religious people and their own personal self-righteous views of what constitutes what's "right" and what constitutes what's "wrong" and what their "personal relationship" with what is supposed to be the almighty, all-knowing, ultimate universal power, are those who have been as close to death as a person can come and then relate their experiences.

Whether they had an NDE or whether their mind and body were simply on the threshold of dying.

They all say that they felt nothing but peace, they felt liberated and every one of them come back from their experience, whether they went down the tunnel and saw the bright light or not, that death is not to be feared.

If there is a higher spiritual power, I do not believe for even a nanosecond that this being or power would judge or condemn a person for having an unbearable illness of the mind any more than it would judge or condemn a person for having an unbearable illness of the body.

Just because the general population does not understand the depth of mental illness and depression and does not understand that not all forms of mental illness or depression are always treatable doesn't take away it's severity, its impact on a person's ability to survive or the fact that mental illness can sometimes be fatal.


May 27, 2020
No. Not anymore. Given the amount of unnecessary suffering that humans experience in this reality, it is the so-called "God" that some religions speak of who should be condemned to damnation, and not its creations.
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I’ll miss the winter, a world of fragile things
Feb 8, 2023
Yeah my religion is the number one thing stopping me from CTB. I don't want to end my suffering on Earth just to suffer for all eternity.
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Oct 24, 2018
I was raised Christian, but I abandoned religion after becoming depressed, so I don't really know much about the Abrahamic God other than He kills whenever He wants and hates me for being a part of the LGBT community.
However, I want to believe that He is understanding- I want to believe that He knows I didn't ask for any of this and want a way out.
But it's only hope, and I could be wrong. That's the scary part. I don't want to be wrong and be punished forever for trying to escape. I think no one deserves that, not even the worst of humanity. He understands, right?
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Dec 12, 2021
For me, I worry that if I die prematurely, I'll be reincarnated and have to go through all my suffering again from the beginning. If I stay alive now, at least I can live the rest of the life with the lessons I've learned and deal more effectively with my problems.
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Constantly Sleepy Catgirl
Dec 28, 2022
I know that this won't eliminate your fear, but the Abrahamic concept of "Hell" is not only fictitious, but also extremely new, as Christianity introduced it fewer than 2,000 years ago. Hell is about as real as my will to live.

Your decision to die should be your own and not those of the untruths fed to you as a child. You can't let that hurt child make your adult decisions.
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Jan 24, 2023
Ughhh, the ideas of reincarnation and hell are the biggest mental hurdles I have when it comes to planning to ctb. It's the whole not knowing what comes after death that makes it so scary.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
I am an atheist, but I was once Catholic because that's how my parents raised me. I lost my belief in the faith a while ago, but a fear of hell exists in me as a relic of my past religious self. Obviously, I don't think hell is real, but there is a part of me that worries about the remote possibility it is real, and that's prevented me from committing suicide. Can anyone else relate?
I don't know, every time I was truly christian and religious and prayed several times a day, I never believed in hell or that consept, I just always felt that when you die, you die, there's no afterlife or anything, everything goes black like when you sleep.


Feb 21, 2023
What manner of loving God would toss His child to the fires for ending their suffering? If the Abrahamic God truly did exist, in the way the Christians portray, then why would God not grant you succor and ease your pain, instead of hurling you from one pit of sorrow into the coals?

I too, have a lingering attachment to faith, though I don't hold it, I think it is better to believe in it, if only for the loving possibility of Heaven. If only it does exist, that is. Who is to say? I can only wish it does exist, and that everyone who suffers is welcomed there. I think it would have been better if we were all there, than ever to have been here.
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Jul 23, 2023
I used to believe in hell when I was a little kid and that's what stopped me from taking suicide as a way out back then.


Confused loser
Oct 25, 2023
The idea of the excistence of hell surely make some people fear of what they doing in this life, i mean im a muslim and muslim always stressed that if you dont live the right way(such as doing crimes, free sex and even suicide) then you will go to hell. Thanks to that, it makes people rethink their decision (including suicide) eventhough,me. After experiencing mild depression see that even if hell were real, my depression will be still in here so idk why does it matter if hell were exist, threatning people with a bigger danger wouldn't make their current problem just go away.


Sep 21, 2023
I am currently falling away and deconstructing a lot of beliefs. My biggest question is if the Abrahamic god is a thing, why the hell did he create the literal embodiment of evil knowing what would happen to us all? And then why did he just allow it to happen?

I also dislike Christians that place the blame on the people. God didn't make your life hell, satan did and god just allowed it because of your sinful choices. It's bullshit and ends making more miserable people. Story of Job says everything I need to know about god. Offering up one of his most faithful followers to satan purely to prove a point. And it wasn't even a fair bet. In the bible, god can change hearts. He hardened pharoah's heart after he decided to let the Jews go. God made him follow and commit to killing the jews. So if he can do that, then he could change Job's heart to love him no matter how many of his loved ones were killed around him. I can imagine the torturous feelings Job would have had losing his wife and children, and all of his wealth. All for what? So god could show off to satan? Fucking ridiculous.

But, unfortunately, yes. I am scared that something bad is waiting for me the afterlife. I think that one is going to take some time to get rid of.
No. Not anymore. Given the amount of unnecessary suffering that humans experience in this reality, it is the so-called "God" that some religions speak of who should be condemned to damnation, and not its creations.

I wish I could smash the like button a thousand times.
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New Member
Dec 18, 2021
My grandfather was a Greek Orthodox priest. I asked him once about Hell. He said very honestly that he believed living on earth was Hell and the afterlife would be Heaven. I hope he was right.
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I check notifications once per week
Dec 31, 2023
I am an atheist, but I was once Catholic because that's how my parents raised me. I lost my belief in the faith a while ago, but a fear of hell exists in me as a relic of my past religious self. Obviously, I don't think hell is real, but there is a part of me that worries about the remote possibility it is real, and that's prevented me from committing suicide. Can anyone else relate?
No. I'm already in hell.