That's a tough one for me. I remember (and miss) pre-internet and mobile phone days. I know that gets me nowhere, but I can't stand the expectation of practically always being reachable/available/message ready, etc.
It's uncomfortable.
Fuck social media outlets and the growing expectations that accompany them as well.
Remember when an email/phone number was enough? Maybe a website(?)
Now if you don't have buttons for your FB, Twitter, linked in, snapchat and instagram (at least), you're nobody, really.
There should be a much larger resistance to social media. It's fake, poisonous, narcissistic depravity at best.
It'll only get worse from here.
One day in the not so distant future, those who are not videoing every living moment of their lives and broadcasting them to multiple live access channels WILL be outright shunned virtually and publicly humiliated.
Such attempts at any form of privacy will be viewed with growing distaste until finally made illegal.
That will mark the beginning of a new era that not only doesn't prize individuality but actually punishes it.
Just my opinion.