Do you wish to ctb for a dumb reason?

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lobster salad

lobster salad

overcooked :(
Aug 27, 2020
I think I am. I'm just bored of living and there's nothing to be excited about the future for me. Everything is so boring and unfulfilling and even if it's not at first, it eventually becomes. I don't have physical disabilities, I don't even have any diagnosed mental illness.

I've had some setbacks in life which is probably nothing to some of you; being constantly forced to do things I hated, parenting by threats, being hit for every wrong question asked as a kid, my poor grades which mean I'll probably never make it to university, repeating years in secondary school, zero social skills, zero motivation, low interests in many things, stupidity and incompetence, having no irl lasting friends, being a weirdo, internally tired and arrogant all time, poor memory, boring as a person, retarded at everything as well as rejection.

It's just so damn tiring doing this shit for nothing. All our progress and work in society is going to get burned by the suns great expansion in 5 billion years anyways so what the fuck is the point. I'm living my life by minor distractions currently but even these distractions are getting boring and unbearable. My lack of motivation and vision of a point in life is such a plague and it's dragging me down completely. Ive tried numerous times to find a motivation but my built-in pessimism shuts everything down. I want to change but deep inside something is just fucking up which makes me incapable of change for the better. Being last in class just became something to accept more than something to work out of. I've thought of moving out of the country or making other improvements to my living environment but I think it'll just be a matter of time before I revert to my old self and just start loathing life again.

It's so annoying when someone says don't kill yourself over a failed exam or a rejection and that I've been through nothing when it's really more than that. I've been failing everything the moment my parents stopped holding my hands with the homework. In fact I've never done a piece of homework on my own without the scenario of them and teachers holding threats in front of me. Its just not as simple as I'll study next time and things are great. It's not as simple as oh there are billions of other girls out there. There are so many females out there but there's only so few compatible partners.

studying just for money in the future, just to fulfill my indulgences, just for job security, just for holidaying and getting laid... is just not a good enough reason to warrant all that effort to me. And also being lazy to talk to people and lazy to be social, attend parties or gatherings has made me so weird, outcasted, a loser, and now I have anxiety whenever I need to be social. I feel that everyone is judging everyone else at every point we see, hear, smell or read about one another and the easiest escape from this horror is to just shut up and not be present in those situations anyways. and while this has been a great strategy, it has ruined me.

My life is just starting sure but it's already shit as it can be? I've been through nothing and it already makes me not want to feel "something". And when I complain they'd just say oh it's not that bad. Others had traumas and incurable diseases, poverty. Well I've been beaten and threatened many times as a little boy but I doubt it's enough to say i have childhood trauma from abuse but god damn. When u say it's bad the only answers you get are it could be worse. And it never gets better. Whenever it seems to get better it just gets a lot worse right after.

I remember when I was six, I said "life sucks man. Maybe when I'm 12 it'll be better". When I reached 12 it was worse than it was before. Then it just kept getting worse and here I am at 18, and about to enter a college for the stupid people in my shithole country. Some older people I've spoke to said 18 was the peak of their life and they want to be "forever 18" but I'm really not having it. Turning 18 really used to be the dream for me as a young child but now it's just like huhh so I can buy booze and I can get a drivers license. Great!!! , like these things make it any better. It's not the dream it looked like then. It's the same shit!! and I'm sure it's gonna be the same way if I find the love of my life I seek so badly now. Shucks I'm spoilt I guess. And having to think it's only going to get worse. I know I feel terrible now but I acknowledge that 30, 40 50 year olds have it much much worse than me. Jobs, responsibilities, taxes, relationships, aging. What can I even look forward to? Even more troubles as my age adds up?

If you read all that I wanna say thanks because it took me an hour for my retarded mind to type all that out. Also I am expecting older members to bash me in the replies for my naïve outlook at life. Just feels like I'm trapped and ctb is the best option. I'm only 18, I feel like a 10 year old tho, lol.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
23 in the same spot. Guess since we're using your example as the definition of dumb reasons, then I am suicidal for dumb reasons. Never had a girlfriend, NEET, blah blah. I don't see any use in pursuing anything, if I move out of mom's basement I can shoot myself with a shotgun instead of hanging myself. Not really worth the effort. Whatever, fuck this shit life!
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Eat my arse, Pain&Sh*tness & Mindf*ckitation Grift
Mar 1, 2020
I wouldn't call your reasons dumb. I'm bored of life too and can't see a point in anything or find motivation for anything. I just have the same routine everyday, which basically boils down to doing the bare minimum possible for survival and then isolating and sleeping a lot. I'm 37 btw. You'll get no bashing from me.
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Dec 4, 2020
I remember when I was six, I said "life sucks man. Maybe when I'm 12 it'll be better". When I reached 12 it was worse than it was before.
Took me 30 years to realize it won't get better. I'm not gonna change. Other people's reactions aren't going to change. Nothing is gonna change. Why would it? The world still operates on the same laws as it always did.
Your reasons are not dumb. Far from it. This has become a catchphrase of mine by now, but "having no life" is logically the most sound reason for wanting to end it that I can think of.
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Weed Addict
Aug 20, 2020
I have kind of a dumb reason, but I can't say what it is. Hard to deal with in addition to the loneliness and being poor
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Normality is a crowd-sourced fantasy.
Apr 20, 2019
Your reasons are not dumb, @lobster salad. They are valid. And the second and third paragraph of your post are enough to prove it. Depression is a perverse disease that can take many forms and is not necessarily related to abuse, trauma or life hardships. Its action can be very subtle and its presence is not conditioned by a diagnosis. Depression is not always about your past, but is always about your present.

Take care!
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Mar 19, 2021
Yeah, I hear you. People don't have a lot of empathy sometimes. Pretty much everyone I've opened up to thinks it's pathetic to have trauma from e-stalking and harassment, and it makes me feel, well, invalidated to be repeatedly told I'm petty and to just move on when that's what I've been trying to do for the past 10 months. Finally got my SN today, CTB date is when the statute of limitations is out, so pretty soon.
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Apr 3, 2019
I don't know if anyone can say for sure if a reason to CTB is "dumb" or not. Because it could be dumb to some people, but more than enough for others. It's very personal, and valid. That being said, it does sound like your case is fair enough and understandable. I won't throw out any diagnoses, but it does sound like you're definitely struggling.

I think my reasons are enough for me, but I still doubt myself. Like you said, there's always someone saying there are those who have it worse. It doesn't help to know that. Only I know my suffering. I don't expect anyone to understand, but it still doesn't feel good for my thoughts to be made light of.
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May 29, 2018
Born with shit genes, minority and then I destroyed my physical health. It's been an uphill battle and I've gained no ground, but lost a shit ton. My minds already trying to rationalize not doing it but I need to be strong. Nothing is harder than taking that jump, but the reward will be great
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Feb 27, 2021
Not really I've been basically miserable all my life. My parents even admit it but they still hope i'll be happy one day.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I remember when I was six, I said "life sucks man. Maybe when I'm 12 it'll be better". When I reached 12 it was worse than it was before.

This was what I figured out sometime during HS. The whole "it gets better" thing is just a lie to keep us tied to this miserable existence. When you're a kid, just wait until you're a teenager! When you're a teenager, just wait until you're a Real Adult (TM)! When you're a young adult, it gets better when you're "settled" in your 30s and 40s. If life still sucks then, you have the "golden years" of retirement to look forward to. It's all a scam.

As for me, I just hate myself and how lonely I am. I also despise the routine, drab, futility of daily life. Life seems to offer more disappointments and setbacks than things to enjoy.

I don't know if my reasons are "good", but they're good enough for me, and that's all that matters.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
I remember when I was six, I said "life sucks man. Maybe when I'm 12 it'll be better". When I reached 12 it was worse than it was before. Then it just kept getting worse and here I am at 18, and about to enter a college for the stupid people in my shithole country. Some older people I've spoke to said 18 was the peak of their life and they want to be "forever 18" but I'm really not having it. Turning 18 really used to be the dream for me as a young child but now it's just like huhh so I can buy booze and I can get a drivers license. Great!!! , like these things make it any better. It's not the dream it looked like then. It's the same shit!! and I'm sure it's gonna be the same way if I find the love of my life I seek so badly now. Shucks I'm spoilt I guess. And having to think it's only going to get worse. I know I feel terrible now but I acknowledge that 30, 40 50 year olds have it much much worse than me. Jobs, responsibilities, taxes, relationships, aging. What can I even look forward to? Even more troubles as my age adds up?

This really resonated with me. I also kept telling myself life is going to get better by the time I am ____ years old. Surely life can't keep getting worse and this is the bottom. Yet year after year life kept getting worse and worse. Things you couldn't even have imagined 10 years ago has become your daily life now.

If I have learned anything from life, it is that life can always get much worse and generally does. Something that everyone instinctively knows but never admits.
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Nov 29, 2020
Hey, I'm from SG too. It really sucks her.e
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Mar 3, 2021

I had everything in life handed to me and still managed to completely fuck it all up. In fairness I was bullied and somewhat abused as a child and moved around a lot and had other issues, but materially/corporally speaking I had everything. I had all the tools available to help myself. I have had golden opportunities that most people would only dream of having, would kill to have. And I still managed to fuck it up.

I still have more than most people but still close to ctb.
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