Is that sub still up, or under a different name? I'm not finding it when I search.
Anyway - I'm probably pretty close to being anti-therapy, at least for myself. I have many reasons for it. I've been in and out of it since age eleven, seeing a wide variety of mental health specialists in different practices and states.
Pretty much all of them just sit there. Listen. Scribble something on a notepad. And then time is up. I never got any real help or advice, even with the ones who were specifically supposed to do that. They also all diagnosed me with different things. I could collect diagnoses like Skittles.
I could also collect psych meds like candy, as well. None of them have helped - none. The most they did was cause weight gain or allergic reactions (bonus points for both at once!) and intensify suicidal urges, Fixed itttt!
Ultimately I was coming to resent the time and expense (which I can no longer afford anyway, hey-o!). Taking time away from work every week doesn't always go very far with the bosses, shock though that is. I found one place that had Saturday appointments though, which was really nice because then I got to lose my only free day off to sit and dredge up all of the horrific trauma from my past and then go home a little poisonous cloud of recalled emotions that the therapist didn't really feel like helping me to navigate. So that was pretty fun.
And I would be remiss if I did not mention the threat of being committed. Which at one point was a very close and dangerous threat indeed, so I bounced from the cheap couch and the therapist asking me, "And how did that make you feel?" as she reclined with bare feet and doodled on her notepad. How I feel is that you want my insurance money for that one month luxury stay at the county's psych ward, but it ain't worth saying because I gotta put some distance between us.
Just find a different therapist! Look around until you find that good fit! Oh wow, I am so excited to spend more time on the phone calling around and going through the new patient process and then waiting months and then going through the entire saga of painstakingly giving them my history over the course of several weeks only to find out that this person shouldn't even be qualified to rake leaves in the ocean much less help people and wow fun look at that now I get to start over again. And again.
Therapy helps a lot of people. Just not me.