John Smith

John Smith

Aug 6, 2018
I am on clozapine and I get nauseated everyday from it as well as not being able to sleep for very long. It's really making me want to hang my self although going off of it would be even worse. They tried to take me off at one point but I got so sick from withdrawal I just puked constantly even when drinking water and had supersensitivity to smells that also made me puke violently. On top of that I had even worse insomnia and didn't sleep for many days at a time. The doctors didn't even believe it was from withdrawal. I got a kidney stone when I was in the psych ward being tapered off so they thought that everything was from that. Eventually I convinced them to put me back on it after my withdrawal symptoms turned into what I can only describe as hyper-focus that lasted 2 days and I decided to make it go away by taking some clozapine. Before I took the clozapine to make it stop my thoughts were 5 times as fast, I felt like I had just drank an entire glass filled with adderal. It was literally the most hellish experience of my entire life and I cried basically the entire time because it was so painful. It may not sound that bad but words don't do it justice. So now I get to choose the lesser of two evils. Do you have a story?
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What lies ahead
Jun 28, 2018
I'm on olanzapine and I'm hungry all the time. Next week I have an appointment with psychiatrist, hopefully she will swap it with something.
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John Smith

John Smith

Aug 6, 2018
I'm on olanzapine and I'm hungry all the time. Next week I have an appointment with psychiatrist, hopefully she will swap it with something.
ya clozapine used to do that for me until trying to go off of it. now I carry around some of those withdrawal symptoms with me even though it's been like 2 years since then. so now I barely have an appetite and am nauseated for most of the morning. I also woke up at 4:45 this morning. Ugh. Kill me.
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Jul 31, 2018
I'm on olanzapine and I'm hungry all the time. Next week I have an appointment with psychiatrist, hopefully she will swap it with something.
I take olanzapine too but have tapered dow to 1.25 mg without dr knowing. Stuff is killing me now all I do is cry all the time and am nauseated. Really scared about getting off of it completely dont know what will happen. Take clonazapam for the anxiety but I think its messing me up too.
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What lies ahead
Jun 28, 2018
I take 5mg of olanzapine + 0.25mg Xanax after dinner.
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John Smith

John Smith

Aug 6, 2018
I take olanzapine too but have tapered dow to 1.25 mg without dr knowing. Stuff is killing me now all I do is cry all the time and am nauseated. Really scared about getting off of it completely dont know what will happen. Take clonazapam for the anxiety but I think its messing me up too.
The nausea sucks doesn't it? These meds can really screw you up! What dose did you taper down from? Just went to the psychiatrist earlier today and he wants to put me on some antianxiety medication, cymbalta. I'm afraid of adding anything because of all the withdrawals I've had from other drugs like venlafaxine and clozapine.
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Aug 20, 2018
I am on clozapine and I get nauseated everyday from it as well as not being able to sleep for very long. It's really making me want to hang my self although going off of it would be even worse. They tried to take me off at one point but I got so sick from withdrawal I just puked constantly even when drinking water and had supersensitivity to smells that also made me puke violently. On top of that I had even worse insomnia and didn't sleep for many days at a time. The doctors didn't even believe it was from withdrawal. I got a kidney stone when I was in the psych ward being tapered off so they thought that everything was from that. Eventually I convinced them to put me back on it after my withdrawal symptoms turned into what I can only describe as hyper-focus that lasted 2 days and I decided to make it go away by taking some clozapine. Before I took the clozapine to make it stop my thoughts were 5 times as fast, I felt like I had just drank an entire glass filled with adderal. It was literally the most hellish experience of my entire life and I cried basically the entire time because it was so painful. It may not sound that bad but words don't do it justice. So now I get to choose the lesser of two evils. Do you have a story?
Jesus, that sounds terrible. I didn't even know this sort of thing could happen. Mental illness really needs more awareness.
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Jul 31, 2018
I was on
The nausea sucks doesn't it? These meds can really screw you up! What dose did you taper down from? Just went to the psychiatrist earlier today and he wants to put me on some antianxiety medication, cymbalta. I'm afraid of adding anything because of all the withdrawals I've had from other drugs like venlafaxine and clozapine.
5 mg but just coming off that sucks I'm super sensitive to everything and I cant take anything that messes with my serotonin cause I've had serotonin syndrome once . I wont add anything else just tell them I take it and throw away. Getting off clonazepam is going to be the real bitch I've done it before and I was so sick but I had to have something for my anxiety again and that's all that works.
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John Smith

John Smith

Aug 6, 2018
I was on

5 mg but just coming off that sucks I'm super sensitive to everything and I cant take anything that messes with my serotonin cause I've had serotonin syndrome once . I wont add anything else just tell them I take it and throw away. Getting off clonazepam is going to be the real bitch I've done it before and I was so sick but I had to have something for my anxiety again and that's all that works.
Is clonazepam a benzodiazepine?
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John Smith

John Smith

Aug 6, 2018
Yes one of the longer acting ones
Oo I have read some absolute horror stories with benzos. I refused to take them because of that.
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Jul 26, 2018
I once was on an antipsychotic and gained a lot of weight. Everyone was sure to remind me of that. Another time I took a medication that made me feel like my brain didn't work. I got in a minor car wreck twice during the time I was on it (around 2-3 weeks).

Edit: I have been off of the antipsychotics for over 3 years. My appetite isn't nearly as bad as it was while I was on them, but I certainly have a bigger appetite than I did before I took them. It's been this way ever since.
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Jul 31, 2018
Oo I have read some absolute horror stories with benzos. I refused to take them because of that.
Yes dont ever take them unless absolutely have to the withdrawal is hell
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John Smith

John Smith

Aug 6, 2018
I once was on an antipsychotic and gained a lot of weight. Everyone was sure to remind me of that. Another time I took a medication that made me feel like my brain didn't work. I got in a minor car wreck twice during the time I was on it (around 2-3 weeks).
Yes I gained 50 pounds and because I can't exercise without getting nauseated I can't do anything about it. Think I screwed up my metabolism too because I can't lose weight by eating less either.
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Jul 31, 2018
Yes I gained 50 pounds and because I can't exercise without getting nauseated I can't do anything about it. Think I screwed up my metabolism too because I can't lose weight by eating less either.
Antipsychotics mess up your metabolism anyway I am thankful it hasn't done that to me maybe because I'm on a low dose and cant eat much anyway
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Jun 8, 2018
I was on one antidepressant for about ten years, and then last year out of the blue it stopped working. I guess my body finally got used to it.

The fucker of it is, it actually did a decent job. I mean yeah, I still had moments of suicidal ideation during extremely stressful moments (like impending homelessness), but it managed to keep me level enough after the stress had passed to not be constantly fucking thinking about dying.

In the past year I've changed meds three times. Nothing else seems to do the trick like my old antidepressants did. Just... tired of trying.
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Jul 27, 2018
antipsychotics can be pure hell
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Jul 26, 2018
Antipsychotics mess up your metabolism anyway I am thankful it hasn't done that to me maybe because I'm on a low dose and cant eat much anyway

True. I've been off of them for over 3 years and my appetite has never been the same since.
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Jul 31, 2018
True. I've been off of them for over 3 years and my appetite has never been the same since.
And I know about the nausea too every time I move around very much I get really nauseous
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Jul 28, 2018
I'm on olanzapine and I'm hungry all the time. Next week I have an appointment with psychiatrist, hopefully she will swap it with something.
I gained like 12-15 kgs because of anti psychotics. I'm off them now and feel no different mentally. Fucking useless doctors. I hope they all feel the pain they put me through.
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Jul 31, 2018
I gained like 12-15 kgs because of anti psychotics. I'm off them now and feel no different mentally. Fucking useless doctors. I hope they all feel the pain they put me through.
I hope they feel the pain they are putting me through now I wish they all had to take the shit they give us and see what it feels like. Torture
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Jul 31, 2018
I hope they feel the pain they are putting me through now I wish they all had to take the shit they give us and see what it feels like. Torture
Psychiatry is not medicine were just a bunch of Guinea pigs that they can try something new on
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Aug 19, 2018
Clozapine is rarely used these days. Why are you on that med versus a 2nd generation anti-psychotic?
Tried one of them didn't do shit. Neuroleptics scare the shit out of me anyway
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Aug 8, 2018
Yes dont ever take them unless absolutely have to the withdrawal is hell
Ya I've gone through horrible withdrawals not from that but quitting suboxone cold turkey which not many can do. Withdrawals lasted over a month worst though was severe restless leg syndrome too the point I was violently kicking and twitching for three days straight and zero sleep.
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Not 2B
Aug 22, 2018
I've given up trying new meds, they're awful and I've been on them since childhood, only people don't stop suggesting them. I have bizarre side effects from most things on paediatric doses; I thought it must be psychosomatic until I realised I couldn't trick myself into half of them.

I have to take a cup of pills in the morning and night and often fail to swallow because of my dysphagia. Which is gross. I like how a certain set has made so much money off poison by convincing people material reality is just spontaneously defective brain chemicals.

I've been on clonazepam for seizures and mental stuff for six years and can't get off it, I just failed to withdraw again and they put me back on a smaller dose. When I withdraw the cognitive effects are so bad I feel like a tiny animal. Thinking well was all I had. Hypertension too not to mention suicidal hysterics. It's done long term damage for sure on the dose I'm on, it also may have messed with my heart? I certainly do have defective brain circuitry now lol. I begged for help withdrawing for years, all doctors I saw agreed I should but wouldn't help because they either didn't have neurological expertise or psychiatric.

Don't ever take benzos or neuroleptics if you can help it.

I think the worst thing about SSRIs—they remarkably improved my demeanour and I was less motivated to express distress so I was outwardly a bit more functional but even with therapy etc. not better, also they seemed to trigger mania, everyone is trying to make me take them again and I don't know if I should just submit, although I binge spent money etc. other impulsive behaviours while I was on them and I'm fine off them

I can't take proper painkillers without antiemetics either lol
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Jul 27, 2018
Can someone tell me if you can become dependent on this stuff after taking it only once but in a high dose?

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