
Nov 13, 2021
My college started today and, as always, I am completely stressed out. Not even sure why, there's basically no assignments to do this week beyond basic introductions and next week, there's not even school Monday because of Labor Day, though I'm virtual so I don't think that will change much for me.

Anyways, I know I'll get in the groove and have an easier time but I wanted to know, does anyone else feel the same? This is also the first semester I'm starting since my grandpa passed away. He passed away toward the latter half of the spring semester, and it's rough because I always went and talked to him on my first day of classes and just sat with him at his house while I did assignments.

Additionally, I've learned that every Monday, I'll have a nearly 4 hour zoom meeting. I don't know if every day it will be that length or if she just has a lot of time blocked off but there's no way I can pay attention for all 4 hours, especially in a class about assembly programming.

I suppose this was not only a question but also a little vent as well.
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Hardworking Lass who Dreams of Love~ 💕✨
Jun 9, 2023
yeah, I did too~ :) being around all these college-age students makes me feel awful~ >_< But if I were online like you, I wouldn't even have the drop of hope I have so maybe my situation rn is (unfortunately) desirable~ :(
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Nov 13, 2021
it's gotten worse for me. I just found out my MacBook isn't compatible with the course so I imagine I'm stuck with buying a windows computer or dropping the class, but I'll eventually have to get a windows to complete the class regardless. Fuck my life. I also busted my knuckle open because when i read that my computer was incompatible, I slammed my hand on my desk, which reopened a cut that was there and created a new wound as well :(
yeah, I did too~ :) being around all these college-age students makes me feel awful~ >_< But if I were online like you, I wouldn't even have the drop of hope I have so maybe my situation rn is (unfortunately) desirable~ :(
im sorry you're going through this. I don't like being virtual, I wish my college wasn't so shitty. Once i transfer to university, I'm sure it'll be different. I hope at least, otherwise, I have absolutely no hope in living.

Edit: I'm having a panic attack now, can barely typpe
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college student
Jul 1, 2024
Started last week. I'm finally taking classes in the major I wanted (after 3 years..) but it's hard to recover from all the apathy that has built up over that time. I enjoy the topics but I can no longer give a fuck about the classes or my future. Only part of the problem stems from school though, so it makes sense that taking desired classes doesn't magically fix everything.

A four hour weekly zoom meeting sounds tough. Good luck with your semester
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Knight of Infinite Resignation
May 24, 2024
Three weeks ago, but missed most classes so far. Will start going after I reach the maximum number of missed classes I can have.
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Hardworking Lass who Dreams of Love~ 💕✨
Jun 9, 2023
it's gotten worse for me. I just found out my MacBook isn't compatible with the course so I imagine I'm stuck with buying a windows computer or dropping the class, but I'll eventually have to get a windows to complete the class regardless. Fuck my life. I also busted my knuckle open because when i read that my computer was incompatible, I slammed my hand on my desk, which reopened a cut that was there and created a new wound as well :(

im sorry you're going through this. I don't like being virtual, I wish my college wasn't so shitty. Once i transfer to university, I'm sure it'll be different. I hope at least, otherwise, I have absolutely no hope in living.

Edit: I'm having a panic attack now, can barely typpe
aaaaaaaa that sounds so awful! >_< I'm so sorry to hear! :( gotta love college, making you waste even more money than you already did to attend! :/ before you get a Windows computer tho, have you looked into dual booting your Mac with a genuine or pirated Windows OS or using a virtual machine in order to run Windows that way~? :) If you haven't, I would try just to see if it works! :D
Three weeks ago, but missed most classes so far. Will start going after I reach the maximum number of missed classes I can have.
xDDD I mean, neat but risky~ :) do make sure to safe, not to get sick, or contract appendicitis or something! nice Lain pfp btw~ :)

Started last week. I'm finally taking classes in the major I wanted (after 3 years..) but it's hard to recover from all the apathy that has built up over that time. I enjoy the topics but I can no longer give a fuck about the classes or my future. Only part of the problem stems from school though, so it makes sense that taking desired classes doesn't magically fix everything.
how come it took so long? :( were your parents forcing you to do another major or there weren't any open classes or something? regardless, sounds atrocious and awful! :( I'm so sorry you to deal with that~ :( and yeahhh, same~ xDDD I hardly care about the classes at all~ It's just the people.... for various reasons... I wonder if our reasons behind our problems are the same or similar? :)
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Jun 20, 2023
I just found out my MacBook isn't compatible with the course so I imagine I'm stuck with buying a windows computer or dropping the class, but I'll eventually have to get a windows to complete the class regardless. Fuck my life.
I had a similar issue (if I'm understanding correctly—I needed to use Windows for uni but I only had a Macbook). I installed Windows on my (intel-based) Mac with Boot Camp. Is that an option for you?

There is also Parallels for M-series Macbooks though I think it's pricier.
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Knight of Infinite Resignation
May 24, 2024
xDDD I mean, neat but risky~ :) do make sure to safe, not to get sick, or contract appendicitis or something! nice Lain pfp btw~ :)

Tbh most of my professors don't even care if you go or not, they'll give you 100% attendance anyway (or some random number above the minimum). And if I need to miss another class I can usually "produce" a medical note saying I couldn't go (i.e ask my uncle to make one for me)...he's getting pretty annoyed at me asking all the time though...

Also, thanks. It's a very good anime.
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i pretend i'm in love with the idea of being alive
Sep 10, 2023
actually on the way to class right now :,)
i feel you about the stress when school hasn't even started, my classes are all fucked because i was too depressed to deal with it before hand so i have the clean up the mess now. it's my second year and i'm really freaked out because i realized that i'm probably not college material.. and think i might be stuck repeating classes because i'm not academically good. i feel like i'm weighing down my family with the payments and the fact i can't drive myself there, and especially with how badly i'm already doing (at least to me) but hopefully it's a good year for all of us 💕
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Jul 19, 2024
For the 4 hour assembly programming zoom lecture, I'd recommend just turning the volume down and coding on your own. You'll probably learn more if you can code for 30 min than trying to pay attention for 4 hours.
it's gotten worse for me. I just found out my MacBook isn't compatible with the course so I imagine I'm stuck with buying a windows computer or dropping the class, but I'll eventually have to get a windows to complete the class regardless. Fuck my life. I also busted my knuckle open because when i read that my computer was incompatible, I slammed my hand on my desk, which reopened a cut that was there and created a new wound as well :(
Considering so many CS students incorrectly assume MacBooks are the obvious choice, I find that ridiculous. Windows-only in a CS class is even more preposterous.

You can run Windows in "trial mode" in a virtual machine. If you google "virtual machine windows mac on tutorial" you will find info on how to do that. It should be enough to complete the class, at zero cost.
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Nov 13, 2021
This isn't a reply to anyone, just an update. I'm still insanely stressed about the new semester, my classes are making me tweak the fuck out because I'm struggling to remember due dates. Nothing's due soon so no clue why I'm stressing to be honest. This stress has brought back some suicidal ideation that I'd rather push away for now, but it's rather disturbing and hard to ignore. I'm also worried because I foolishly decided to open Reddit and browse the CSMajors subreddit and read some doom and gloom about how bad of a choice a CS degree is in the current market because it's oversaturated. It's especially bad since I don't have a passion for CS. I'll probably still complete my degree regardless, but there's a chance I'll never use my degree or work in the industry if I can't get a job :/

For the 4 hour assembly programming zoom lecture, I'd recommend just turning the volume down and coding on your own. You'll probably learn more if you can code for 30 min than trying to pay attention for 4 hours.

Considering so many CS students incorrectly assume MacBooks are the obvious choice, I find that ridiculous. Windows-only in a CS class is even more preposterous.

You can run Windows in "trial mode" in a virtual machine. If you google "virtual machine windows mac on tutorial" you will find info on how to do that. It should be enough to complete the class, at zero cost.
I have a friend who has a windows, she'll luckily let me borrow it for the semester and it should be able to get me through the class. I remember at the start, I was wondering which would be better and ultimately settled on Mac due to the longer battery since I assumed I'd be at campus more frequently but my classes have me at home more often. When i transfer from community college to University, the better battery might do me better assuming I don't need a windows again (fingers crossed).

Also I've learned the class isn't usually 4 hours. The meeting times are 4 hours but it's usually a 1-2 hour lecture and she just wants us to stay on the meeting for a little while we look over assignments and if we need help, we can ask her then rather than emailing and having to wait for a response.
actually on the way to class right now :,)
i feel you about the stress when school hasn't even started, my classes are all fucked because i was too depressed to deal with it before hand so i have the clean up the mess now. it's my second year and i'm really freaked out because i realized that i'm probably not college material.. and think i might be stuck repeating classes because i'm not academically good. i feel like i'm weighing down my family with the payments and the fact i can't drive myself there, and especially with how badly i'm already doing (at least to me) but hopefully it's a good year for all of us 💕
Sometimes I can relate to that sentiment, not feeling "college material." I literally just felt that feeling about 20 mins ago, it's what triggered me to visit the site again. Luckily I get enough aid, my family couldn't ever pay for college. Right now, I'm trying to get ahead of the curve by doing the assignments for this week so I can get started on the assignments for next week early, since maybe that will relieve some stress. I'm beginning to hate this college grind though.
I had a similar issue (if I'm understanding correctly—I needed to use Windows for uni but I only had a Macbook). I installed Windows on my (intel-based) Mac with Boot Camp. Is that an option for you?

There is also Parallels for M-series Macbooks though I think it's pricier.
Luckily I have this sorted due to my saint of a friend allowing me to borrow her windows computer for a semester.
aaaaaaaa that sounds so awful! >_< I'm so sorry to hear! :( gotta love college, making you waste even more money than you already did to attend! :/ before you get a Windows computer tho, have you looked into dual booting your Mac with a genuine or pirated Windows OS or using a virtual machine in order to run Windows that way~? :) If you haven't, I would try just to see if it works! :D
I know I'm saying this to everyone, but luckily I can borrow a Windows laptop from my friend saving me either money, or the hassle of using a VM just for that class. If I need a Windows for university, I'll buy one then, but it feels pointless to buy a new computer for one class only.
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Jun 20, 2023
I'm shit at remembering dates too—I usually just add them all to my calendar app at the beginning of the semester and keep a widget displaying all the upcoming events on my phone home screen so I don't feel compelled to keep them in my head.

Feel you on not being passionate about CS. Browsing those subreddits makes me dread entering the market too :/
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Nov 13, 2021
I'm shit at remembering dates too—I usually just add them all to my calendar app at the beginning of the semester and keep a widget displaying all the upcoming events on my phone home screen so I don't feel compelled to keep them in my head.

Feel you on not being passionate about CS. Browsing those subreddits makes me dread entering the market too :/
Ugh, I like to keep school separate from my personal life. I tried to use google calendar but it transferred automatically to my phone. There's probably some way to turn that off but I haven't bugged with it. Besides, it takes practically all of my energy to stay on top of assignments as is. I did, however, just knock out a week's worth of history assignments today. It's the only class I did today, but now I don't have to worry about that class until next week.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with a lack of passion who is dreading entering the work force. I mean, there's probably some sort of amplification of the negative aspects of the industry since the people with bad experiences are more likely to be vocal. The content developer with a steady 9-5 isn't as inclined to post on those subreddits because they're content with their job and life. Anyways, I'm sure the degree will be useful regardless of industry but it still makes me fearful that my 4 years of suffering will be for nothing.
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Jul 27, 2024
I just graduated university myself. If anyone wants advice for dealing with starting university (practically or just emotionally) feel free to PM me and we can talk!
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Jun 20, 2023
I think most calendar apps let you create separate calendars (for work, school, etc.) and let you view them separately. Unless you mean you don't want to keep school stuff on your home screen, which I'd get—I just don't have a life outside of uni, lol

Yeah, you're right—there's probably some kind of selection bias there. I do see developers on other platforms like youtube or instagram who are content with their jobs.
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Nov 13, 2021
I think most calendar apps let you create separate calendars (for work, school, etc.) and let you view them separately. Unless you mean you don't want to keep school stuff on your home screen, which I'd get—I just don't have a life outside of uni, lol

Yeah, you're right—there's probably some kind of selection bias there. I do see developers on other platforms like youtube or instagram who are content with their jobs.
Hmm, I'll have to look into that for sure, see if I can separate it. I'll try to look into it when I can. I have barely any life outside of college, but I try to keep some small semblance of a social life outside of college. That may go out the window in Uni when I'm in harder classes though.

Selection bias, that's the term I was looking for. I kept wanting to call it confirmation bias but I knew that was the wrong term. Anyways, yeah, I feel like both skew too far in one direction. Some social media portrays software engineering in an extremely positive light, and some portray as some doom and gloom career that will die in the next 5 years. Realistically, it's a job like any other, might have pretty good pay and WLB but it's still a job, and most will likely not hit 6 figures starting out which I've seen people expect, which is wild to me. I'd be happy with 50k starting tbh
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
My college started today and, as always, I am completely stressed out. Not even sure why, there's basically no assignments to do this week beyond basic introductions and next week, there's not even school Monday because of Labor Day, though I'm virtual so I don't think that will change much for me.

Anyways, I know I'll get in the groove and have an easier time but I wanted to know, does anyone else feel the same? This is also the first semester I'm starting since my grandpa passed away. He passed away toward the latter half of the spring semester, and it's rough because I always went and talked to him on my first day of classes and just sat with him at his house while I did assignments.

Additionally, I've learned that every Monday, I'll have a nearly 4 hour zoom meeting. I don't know if every day it will be that length or if she just has a lot of time blocked off but there's no way I can pay attention for all 4 hours, especially in a class about assembly programming.

I suppose this was not only a question but also a little vent as well.
Yep just started asw, online freshman. It's fine so far but two classes are insisting on overcomplicated third party sites for assignments and there's an issue with lockdown browser so I can't take quizzes for one class and the first's due tomorrow 🫠 but hey fuck it we ball
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Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

May 9, 2024
Starting next week. I'm going back to school to do a full degree, after dropping out and being a blue collar worker for a few years.
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Nov 13, 2021
Yep just started asw, online freshman. It's fine so far but two classes are insisting on overcomplicated third party sites for assignments and there's an issue with lockdown browser so I can't take quizzes for one class and the first's due tomorrow 🫠 but hey fuck it we ball
Ugh, hate it. My classes do the same, insisting on the third-party sites. All classes work on D2L, but Linear Algebra requires a different site, Biology required a different site. The rest do the majority of the assignments on D2L though, but some of them also require Lockdown browser. Also, I'm 30 minutes from campus so 2 times this semester, I'll have to drive to campus to get a test proctored, not bad, just an inconvenience. Hopefully you get Lockdown browser sorted. If your college is anything like mine, be prepared to show your entire room on camera and show an ID, my tests always make me do that.

How many classes are you taking total?
Starting next week. I'm going back to school to do a full degree, after dropping out and being a blue collar worker for a few years.
Good luck dude, hopefully you enjoy it. What I will say is I look forward to an office job after my summer job, which wasn't blue collar, but it was a lot of labor and constant carrying of 50-100 lbs for an extended period of time, usually 10 hours. How far did you get into the degree before you dropped out?
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Jul 20, 2024
Started today, and I totally feel you. I unfortunately already got work but oh well, lucky! I hope everything will go well for you mate and that you have friends there
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
Ugh, hate it. My classes do the same, insisting on the third-party sites. All classes work on D2L, but Linear Algebra requires a different site, Biology required a different site. The rest do the majority of the assignments on D2L though, but some of them also require Lockdown browser. Also, I'm 30 minutes from campus so 2 times this semester, I'll have to drive to campus to get a test proctored, not bad, just an inconvenience. Hopefully you get Lockdown browser sorted. If your college is anything like mine, be prepared to show your entire room on camera and show an ID, my tests always make me do that.
Hey same, D2L

They've never done that in the past but I suppose I should prepare 😓

I'm taking 4 right now, a 5th one starts later. How about you?
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Nov 13, 2021
Hey same, D2L

They've never done that in the past but I suppose I should prepare 😓

I'm taking 4 right now, a 5th one starts later. How about you?
I'm taking 5 right now.

I feel lost and useless right now, my degree probably won't be used because I can't even do linear algebra. I just had to cheat on an assignment because I was literally crying trying to solve it, and I can't. I know this will bite me in the ass later. I could always change majors but no clue what to, and even if I did change majors, that's likely another 2 semesters in college minimum, another year, I can't afford that…

I really am considering going back to the suicide discussion side of this site, because I feel like there's only one way out of this hell hole I've dug myself into.
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
I'm taking 5 right now.

I feel lost and useless right now, my degree probably won't be used because I can't even do linear algebra. I just had to cheat on an assignment because I was literally crying trying to solve it, and I can't. I know this will bite me in the ass later. I could always change majors but no clue what to, and even if I did change majors, that's likely another 2 semesters in college minimum, another year, I can't afford that…

I really am considering going back to the suicide discussion side of this site, because I feel like there's only one way out of this hell hole I've dug myself into.
I took College Algebra in HS and though it was hard it ultimately wasn't too bad and I passed the CLEP without studying. are you in College Algebra right now? It does get easier and there are ways of just getting through it if your major doesn't need more than the general math class, or you could switch

This is something you can get through one way or another, it'll be ok. Also if you need someone to talk to I'm generally free

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