
Mar 22, 2020
Most of you probably know that I'm back but I just wanted to mention it haha.
Btw, alcoholism is really bad but I'm managing to drink once a week! (I used to do it everyday!)
Thus, tonight, in a few hours, I'm planning to drink and be happy for some time.
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Dec 16, 2020
Most of you probably know that I'm back but I just wanted to mention it haha.
Btw, alcoholism is really bad but I'm managing to drink once a week! (I used to do it everyday!)
Thus, tonight, in a few hours, I'm planning to drink and be happy for some time.
Im drinking everyday i cant cope with this existence without that i admire you boludo i wish i can drink once a week Like you che, you surely are doing well, you deserve your night of fernet XD i remember that you drink champagne AND beer those things are Like water For me or Like milk for a baby, im doomed i know :(
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Mar 22, 2020
Im drinking everyday i cant cope with this existence without that i admire you boludo i wish i can drink once a week Like you che, you surely are doing well, you deserve your night of fernet XD i remember that you drink champagne AND beer those things are Like water For me or Like milk for a baby, im doomed i know :(

I love the way you used those argentine words lol.

Che, listen to me, I really understand the way you feel. Existing is exhausting. Sometimes, we really need to escape to another reality even though drugs and alcohol are bad for us.
I managed not to drink for 2 months but now I've started doing again once a week. The key is to be able to control this because otherwise, things get really dark and your wallet will end up empty sooner or later. Drinking is so expensive! lol

Wish you the best, friend, and if you're drinking tonight just like me, CHEERS!


Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Cocaine ✔️
vodka ✔️
propronolol ✔️
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Oct 11, 2019
I wouldn't say I'm addicted but I think everything that gives me 'who gives a fuck' feeling is very moreish.. I'm more a binger than an addict. Although that could be denial lmao.
Cocaine ✔️
vodka ✔️
propronolol ✔️
How do you get addicted to propanolol? I've stocked up 10 grams but it was literally making me more depressed, can you actually get high off it?
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Dec 15, 2020
Forgot about this thread. Sorry for tagging you like that Matt; I was definitely drunk lol.

Anyway, I feel the need to quote the dude from the suicide doc Angel of Nanjing (even if he was all about suicide prevention):

Angel 1
Angel 2
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read Dostoyevsky
Jun 15, 2019
I just quit heroin cold turkey haha. Wasn't easy. I can't pop dirty for anything on my drug panel. If someone can PM me a good EU source for kratom I'd be infinitely grateful!

P.S. kratom doesn't show up on the vast majority of 10-panel tests ;)
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Dec 20, 2020
I just quit heroin cold turkey haha. Wasn't easy. I can't pop dirty for anything on my drug panel. If someone can PM me a good EU source for kratom I'd be infinitely grateful!
woaw kudos to you, you must have a will of steel. i couldnt do it after many many attempts

well done!
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read Dostoyevsky
Jun 15, 2019
woaw kudos to you, you must have a will of steel. i couldnt do it after many many attempts

well done

if it wasn't for my girlfriend i never would've done it! i only did it for her, so we can have a good life together, get married and all, and smack and all that don't mix...

I actually still have a few ounces lying around, I admit I have a few moments when I Really Really want to... but if i pop dirty i lose my job, my apartment, and i want to be able to provide for my gal.

when you don't have anyone or anything to quit it for, then it's hard... but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that you can find a reason to quit it..! i am so so tired of the game, scrounging up money, running to my plug for a fix, searching for veins in vain (hah)

when you feel it's time, that you've finally tired of the "game", it'll come naturally... just have lots of valium and vitamin C+E at hand. best of luck to you my man...!!


unless you have a monstrous habit that would put you in danger, don't fall for that methadone/subutex crap... that's an even harder beast to get off your back... big pharma is not your friend!
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Dec 20, 2020
if it wasn't for my girlfriend i never would've done it! i only did it for her, so we can have a good life together, get married and all, and smack and all that don't mix...

I actually still have a few ounces lying around, I admit I have a few moments when I Really Really want to... but if i pop dirty i lose my job, my apartment, and i want to be able to provide for my gal.

when you don't have anyone or anything to quit it for, then it's hard... but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that you can find a reason to quit it..! i am so so tired of the game, scrounging up money, running to my plug for a fix, searching for veins in vain (hah)

when you feel it's time, that you've finally tired of the "game", it'll come naturally... just have lots of valium and vitamin C+E at hand. best of luck to you my man...!!


unless you have a monstrous habit that would put you in danger, don't fall for that methadone/subutex crap... that's an even harder beast to get off your back... big pharma is not your friend!
thanks for your words. im on bupe monthly injection at this time, it seems to have worked. i couldn't cut it cold turkey i would literally bang my head on the wall to try and knock myself out to escape the pain.

i played the methadone game for a few years but daily pick ups was ruining my life more than the scoring!! i still partake here and there but not nearly as much. i feel the veins in vain!! all mine have totally disappeared. i went to a and e for a blood test recently and they couldnt take any blood haha hopefully i don't have an accident or im goosed

i used to think i would never get a habit, well doesnt life bring you back down to ground with a booomf
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
I'm about 18 months clean off of alcohol, although I've certainly thought about going back to it or trying something else just as a means of feeling something other than this. It might be hopeless—I've actually tried legal (by prescription) ketamine and its under-patent cousin esketamine for over a year, and I still feel like shit. I actually really didn't like the way esketamine made me feel. It seemed like a preview of what it must be like to lie around in a hospital bed, waiting to die. The IV version is better, at least it temporarily kills anxiety instead of making it worse, but I still hate my life. Most people really seem to like the way ketamine makes them feel, so if I don't even enjoy that, what are my chances with anything?

For a minute there I thought about trying for a heroin overdose, but I guess that's actually a pretty bad way to go. Opioids have a weird effect on me, too. They make me feel calm and almost happy for a couple of hours, and then I feel like absolute hell for days or weeks. It's like they suck all three molecules of dopamine in my body into my neuroreceptors at once, and then once those are gone, that's it. Store's closed. I've heard of that happening to people who were using heavily for a while, but that's not even what I'm talking about. I'm talking about like a 3 day prescription for Norco 5 for a toothache—pills which I even took as directed—screwing me up for days. I hate to say it, but I'd probably better leave opioids alone, unless I'm planning on ctb with them. You won't get addicted if you don't have a pulse.
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