

Jan 17, 2021
People almost always assume I'm vegan when I whip out my tofu/veggie stir fry lunchbox. But I only do that because it's easy to prepare. I can't stop being surprised by how much confusion it causes.
do you can't take my mozzarella away from me no matter how hard you try
Defend the spicy chicken like american hicks defend their Winchesters.
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Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
People almost always assume I'm vegan when I whip out my tofu/veggie stir fry lunchbox. But I only do that because it's easy to prepare. I can't stop being surprised by how much confusion it causes.

Defend the spicy chicken like american hicks defend their Winchesters.
based based based


Jan 26, 2021
I was just trying to make people smile with my joke, sorry.
I cannot really see how it should make us laugh. Animals suffer. They have a miserable life. And then they are killed. I don't find it funny.
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Jan 26, 2021
I'm by no means a healthy vegan haha, I have severe anorexia and purge everything I eat anyway
I hate myself not the animals lmao
Yes, one can be a vegan with or without an ED.
One can be a carnist with or without an ED, too.
And I do take offense to jokes re veganism, because it's essentially mocking animal exploitation
Many vegan activists involved in direct-action activism, ie going to farms, slaughterhouses etc suffer trauma from what we've witnessed(myself included)
Also my question was "Any vegans here?" Not "Please everyone give me your excuses as to why you're not vegan" ....-_-

This seems to be a common problem! Used to experience the very same at another forum back when I was only a vegetarian. I started a similar thread, asking if there were other veg*ans around, and I got people explaining why they were meaters :(
I was vegetarian a few years ago, then vegan for six months
Now I just avoid red meat.
Don't forget B12 folks, it's very important for your brain.
B12 is of bacterial origin - ironically enough, grass and "dirty" water were good resources of it. But nowadays, even animals are given B12 supplements. I think it's better to take only the supplement and not killing or exploiting the animals for getting the B12.
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Dec 28, 2020
Since April 2012...I don't really do it healthily though. When I cook from scratch it's only stir fry or coconut curry, but I haven't done any cooking for almost a year now. My diet has been Top Ramen (soy sauce flavor) and apples nearly exclusively for awhile.
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Jan 17, 2021
Since April 2012...I don't really do it healthily though. When I cook from scratch it's only stir fry or coconut curry, but I haven't done any cooking for almost a year now. My diet has been Top Ramen (soy sauce flavor) and apples nearly exclusively for awhile.
Stir fry is healthy though. As long as you take it easy with the grease.
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wish I was a cat
Jan 15, 2021
why animal eater has always the urge to justify their decision to eat animals? :-)

every substance which you eat with meat you can also eat directly. or what do you think how the b12 get into an animal?

the nature is giving us everything we need.
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Dec 28, 2020
Stir fry is healthy though. As long as you take it easy with the grease.
Yeah, I try to use more veggies than rice when I make it, so I don't think it's too bad. The problem is I just don't make it anymore. I keep buying veggies but always let them go bad because I haven't had the energy to turn on the stove in months. The ramen gets made in the microwave.
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Jan 26, 2021
why animal eater has always the urge to justify their decision to eat animals? :-)

I suppose deep inside they understand there's no need to eat animals, and this is why they do this mental gymnastics.
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Jul 7, 2019
why animal eater has always the urge to justify their decision to eat animals? :-)

There is literally no need to justify anything, us humans are omnivorous after all.

However, if we are talking about the exploitative and disgusting meat industry, then I would agree 100%, that industry is just unjustifiable.
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wish I was a cat
Jan 15, 2021
i think we are fruit eater. "collecter". fruits and berrys and nuts and mushrooms have everything we need and the nature gives is voluntary.
you don't have to do much for trees and shrubs to thrive. but our society prefers to promote suffering and oppression it is a very big topic, goes on about the pharmaceutical industry, what should they do if everyone would be healthy and so on.


Nov 30, 2020
I'm not a vegan but I like Quorn and similar things.
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Feb 14, 2020
Been vegetarian since 6 and vegan since 20. Love the animals, just not myself. etc. :)
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Jan 27, 2021
vegan for about three years. I wish I'd stopped eating meat sooner.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
And I do take offense to jokes re veganism, because it's essentially mocking animal exploitation
Many vegan activists involved in direct-action activism, ie going to farms, slaughterhouses etc suffer trauma from what we've witnessed(myself included)
Also my question was "Any vegans here?" Not "Please everyone give me your excuses as to why you're not vegan" ....-_-
Oh, so is that perhaps why some replies are being ignored and others get your reaction approval. And not just that, but some other member's comments making snide remarks about people doing "mental gymnastics" or that we are all meant to be fruit collectors. (the latter is not so bad but I find it funny when some people, like myself, become quite inflamed from ingesting fruit sugar).
Wasn't planning on even taking notice, but saw this thread pop up again and wanted to see other people's responses. Last time I checked, people didn't start the finger pointing yet. Should have known. (I thought your question was a harmless, open invite, despite my obvious trepidation about the subject matter.)

I am no stranger to being ridiculed and teased in the past for my involvement with vegetarianism/veganism, those who consumed meat often taunted me and ironically, some of them went on to become exhaustive vegans themselves, shouting and forcing their choice onto others. But doing the same to them, even passive aggressively, is not right.
And it doesn't help your cause. You should be glad for any participation in the topic, even neutral involvement can spread the word and open a dialogue.
(I'm not referring to the comments that were strictly joking or not taking the topic seriously, they weren't the ones making "excuses" for not being vegan, so your comment cannot understandably be directed only at them.)

Some people have very good reasons not to be vegan and hey, at least you are getting some honest replies.
I guess if I came here for attention I could have bullshitted everyone, so no sweat off my back. But it's not just me who put in the effort to explain why veganism didn't work for them.
The diet aspect is problematic in many ways and to anyone claiming that you can get all you need from plant sources, no you cannot.
Veganism is deprivation when it comes down to it, well-intended deprivation with some really delicious recipes out there, but still. Some seem to be able to handle it, others can't. As someone else said, it is kind of ironic to be concerned about health when we are planning on killing ourselves, but I've seen no lack of irony with us doing anything else we do, before the day comes. I mean we all might as well lay in our beds and rot by that logic.

And let me tell you, save for the Sanctuary, threads themselves are not exclusive clubs here. Anyone can say their peace. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.
You are not morally or ethically superior to anyone for being an active vegan and nor are non vegans, to you.
Why are the people who actually tried getting shit on? It's more than some can say.
It just amazes me that some vegans (not all, probably not even most) treat every animal better than the human animal. They certainly would not do the same for you, or eachother, animals eat other animals based on their needs. Why should humans be any different?
Yes, we know better than to cause undue pain and stress to an animal and we are smart enough to find ways to end that.
I agree with you there.
But too often this 'lifestyle' becomes a way for people to signal their virtue when they are nasty individuals otherwise. Not saying you are, but that statement of yours was certainly inflammatory. Unless you were a vegan since birth, you've likely participated in the very industry you scorn, at some point. And I direct this at anyone else who has displayed a similar distaste for people who are not vegan (some of whom found the diet too restrictive and harmful).

Treat humans with the same respect you treat other creatures if that's the sentiment you are going to preach to others.
Quality of life and health matter, a vegan diet can reduce certain people's quality of life, just like it does when some nutcases try to push the same meatless diet onto their pets or other animals ill-suited to it.
I am with you that we must also try to give this quality of life to the animals we consume, and their deaths should be humane and not too premature.
Because we are animals, we still must abide by certain biological needs, because we are humans, we should find a way to fulfill these needs humanely, with consideration.
And we should not consume more meat than our bodies require, cutting down is a fair request too. Over-consumption is a problem. But tackling that specifically doesn't deprive anyone.
It is unfortunate that 'ethically' sourced food can be insanely expensive compared to that which does not purport to be.
If you can afford it, that's all well and good, but many cannot, even if veganism is suited to them. I have known some people who actually visit the places they source their food from, but even that is not an option for most. Not unless you've got a source close to home, a certain amount of free time, and/or a preferential financial situation, even the "active activism" you laud, is not doable by everyone.

Also, I applaud your efforts, but it was your choice to visit the slaughterhouses, if it induces that much trauma then stop.
If the cause is more important, then why are you pushing for pity?
Don't make threads to feed your own ego and self prescribed sainthood.
Personally, as stated in my own reply, I make no excuses for certain things and I will not deny that they are far from ideal, but I do have valid reasons for others, regarding veganism.

Human beings have way more issues to sort out with themselves and eachother before going meatless is a priority, or the end all, be all of what constitutes a compassionate person.
We have a far way to go before veganism (and similar movements) will save the earth we have scorched and the other human beings we continue to torture, even whilst shoving tofu down our throats.

Not trying to cause an upset, and this will be the last I say on this thread, I will not be revisiting it again. But certain comments are problematic and hypocritical-mild compared to other conversations I've witnessed-however, obviously this subject is prone to inciting a wealthy display of undeserved self-righteousness.
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Jan 26, 2021
vegan for about three years. I wish I'd stopped eating meat sooner.
Yes this is so familiar! The only thing I regret is having not begun with veganism sooner.
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Nov 12, 2018
vegetarian for 35years. vegan for just one
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Jan 22, 2021
I've been vegan for 2 years and echo the sentiments of wishing I had done it earlier
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Jan 27, 2021
Vegetarian for 38 years, vegan for maybe half of that. I'm a quiet vegan, I've been on the fringes of activism in my youth but as a virtual recluse now I can't interact with confidence and don't feel as if I'm a great role model either.

In response to one commenter I would just say on a vegan diet I feel no deprivation whatsoever lol. There are pretty much unlimited options, becoming more so all the time as veganism becomes more mainstream. Try vegan keto! That's more challenging and I've been doing that for the last month in an effort to lose weight and fend off diabetes.
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Nov 12, 2018
Yeah,used to put cement down McDonalds toilets and all that but now I just don't eat that stuff cos I just don't like it
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Jan 17, 2021
Yeah,used to put cement down McDonalds toilets and all that but now I just don't eat that stuff cos I just don't like it
You don't have to be vegan to think that McDonalds is the worst thing that ever happened to food.
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The Sleep of reason produces monsters
Jan 9, 2021
Buddhism make me vegetarian in my 15-16 years old, I left that behind.


I want out
Nov 21, 2020
With or without a side of CJD?
Since I exhibit many of the traits of CJD without having it, I won't notice the difference anyway.

amnesia, mental confusion, dementia, delusion, disorientation, inability to speak or understand language, or lack of concentration. √. √. √. √. √. √. √ AND √
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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
Since I exhibit many of the traits of CJD without having it, I won't notice the difference anyway.

amnesia, mental confusion, dementia, delusion, disorientation, inability to speak or understand language, or lack of concentration. √. √. √. √. √. √. √ AND √
Snap! Shame I've never liked meat!

PS Tiddles loved me when I was a kid as she hoovered up all the lamb chops and liver I wouldn't eat. For some reason she also loved licking the tomato sauce off baked beans. I grew up thinking all cats love tomato sauce. And she was mad on Cheesy Wotsits - probably cause they pong. I used to lay a trail of them round the room and she'd follow them up on chairs and down again. Sorry - totally forgot what the conversation was about...
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
Snap! Shame I've never liked meat!

PS Tiddles loved me when I was a kid as she hoovered up all the lamb chops and liver I wouldn't eat. For some reason she also loved licking the tomato sauce off baked beans. I grew up thinking all cats love tomato sauce. And she was mad on Cheesy Wotsits - probably cause they pong. I used to lay a trail of them round the room and she'd follow them up on chairs and down again. Sorry - totally forgot what the conversation was about...
I eat 🐔 and 🐟 mostly. But I am currently defrosting about 3 pounds of ground beef. I have a craving for some Sloppy Joe's.
I'll make some spaghetti with meat sauce too.
I don't know what any of this means in the grand scheme of things, but there you have it.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I want beef

Well, nobody is stopping you.

(Also thanks for bumping this thread..

Now I'm forced to remember that I said "say their peace" instead of "say their piece".

Absolutely tragic the amount of times I've done this.)
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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
I eat 🐔 and 🐟 mostly. But I am currently defrosting about 3 pounds of ground beef. I have a craving for some Sloppy Joe's.
I'll make some spaghetti with meat sauce too.
I don't know what any of this means in the grand scheme of things, but there you have it.
Over here a Sloppy Joe is a really baggy jumper! Unless you're going Gaga???


I eat loads of 🧀. I had some Monterrey Jack yesterday. But vintage Cheddar is one of my favourites.
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