Full all the way for me
I have had a failed partial, I panicked and survival instinct kicked in. This time I have found the perfect tree for the job. 80' tall oak with a 10" diamter, 8' long branch (that's very alive), and 10' off the ground. I'll be using multiple anchor points, eyebolt lags 2" eye x 6" long x 1/2" diameter, 4 in total. 1 at 6" off the ground, and the other 3 at 3' intervals. Rope will have knots placed on both sides of the eye, incase of failure the knot will keep the rope taught. This way if the branch fails I will still be held by the eyebolts. It would put me into the side of the tree, but the trees diameter is to big for me to attempt to grab and hold onto it. I will be installing and weight testing this in the next few weeks, just to make sure the branch will hold. I also plan on panduit strapping both my feet and wrist. 1/2" rope and some conduit lube to ensure a quick tightening, and I'll be "falling" from the branch, no chairs needed, to hopefully break my neck as well. I think all should go well. Sorry about the long response, but after the failed partial I wanted to get this right.