
Sep 8, 2018
Hi guys, this is in regards to n.

How effective is a single-stat dose 40 minutes prior to n use, compared to taking a smaller dose every 8 hours for 2 days prior?
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Aug 16, 2018
I worry that would develop eps symptoms with single stat dose which could cause muscle spasms etc that then would be hard to carry out anything..
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Still here?
Sep 13, 2018
Hi guys, this is in regards to n.

How effective is a single-stat dose 40 minutes prior to n use, compared to taking a smaller dose every 8 hours for 2 days prior?

I have been searching and researching this question but I have yet to find an answer. At this stage, I plan on doing both as I figure that I'm already poisoning myself, what harm could it really do? I haven't heard of anything to suggest too many antiemetics will impact negatively. I'm still trying to find that out though.

I've just read the October PPEH update will have a new chapter just on drugs and vomiting, so hopefully we'll have a more conclusive answer soon.
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Sep 8, 2018
Thanks for the update s_girl, will be looking forward to that chapter.
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Sep 23, 2018
Here's a great post from the sn megathread where i think this guy says it pretty good

For more info on anti-emetic regimes, see here:

I'm not sure whether to take 4x10g meto, or 6x10g, so I may just take 50g :-) Inevitably, there are no clinical trials to prove the ideal amount, so you'll just need to choose an amount you feel comfortable with.
Nitchke recommends a stat dose. Dignitas also uses this approach, and while N is different from SN, it makes me feel comfortable doing so also.

My only concern about using 30g SN (which is perhaps double what is likely to be a highly lethal dose for most people), is if there is an increased risk of vomiting at higher amounts. This is something we just don't know. Another individual judgment call.
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Ready to go.

Sep 25, 2018
Here's a great post from the sn megathread where i think this guy says it pretty good
Great article,thanks for posting. One thing that concerns me is where it mentions tolerance to benzos,alcohol ect could interfere with successful poisoing. I thought this just pertained to nembutol. If it's also a factor in SN I may have to change methods because I do have tolerance to benzos :(
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Sep 23, 2018
Great article,thanks for posting. One thing that concerns me is where it mentions tolerance to benzos,alcohol ect could interfere with successful poisoing. I thought this just pertained to nembutol. If it's also a factor in SN I may have to change methods because I do have tolerance to benzos :(
Yeah, i think u should ask on the main megathread if u havent already. But im prety sure the method of action of SN is not involve benzos but I could be wrong for sure. Especially diazepam (valium) someone said this one in particular is bad for SN.
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Ready to go.

Sep 25, 2018
Yeah, i think u should ask on the main megathread if u havent already. But im prety sure the method of action of SN is not involve benzos but I could be wrong for sure. Especially diazepam (valium) someone said this one in particular is bad for SN.
Yeah,I posted there and so far the only response I got was someone saying for me to post WIKI article you shared but I don't know how to do that. Would you be an angel and help me do that?
It'd be really good news if valium was the only one to worry about.
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Sep 23, 2018
Yeah,I posted there and so far the only response I got was someone saying for me to post WIKI article you shared but I don't know how to do that. Would you be an angel and help me do that?
It'd be really good news if valium was the only one to worry about.
Yep sure I'll post it in your thread. And yea i agree. Benzos would be nice with sn very.
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Ready to go.

Sep 25, 2018
Yep sure I'll post it in your thread. And yea i agree. Benzos would be nice with sn very.[/QUOTE
You are the best! Thank you so much :)
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Ready to go.

Sep 25, 2018
You are the best! Thank you so much :)
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Ready to go.

Sep 25, 2018
I just realized I put post on main thread and not sn megathread. My mind is not well :(
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Aug 16, 2018
Great article,thanks for posting. One thing that concerns me is where it mentions tolerance to benzos,alcohol ect could interfere with successful poisoing. I thought this just pertained to nembutol. If it's also a factor in SN I may have to change methods because I do have tolerance to benzos :(

Why would it be a factor in SN? Can you define tolerance? I take .25mg or .5mg lorazepam maybe once every week no more than twice a week. I am wondering if ok to keep taking before nembutal.
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Ready to go.

Sep 25, 2018
Just found out from another post I made on main forum that SN isn't affected by benzo use because SN doesn't effect Gaba receptors however Nembutol does. Tolerance is when your body gets so used to taking certain drugs that they lose their efficacy. You'll want to read more about it on benzo buddies site. Or just Google benzo tolerance. One thing you don't want to do is to stop your benzo cold turkey. Very dangerous. Did you read the Wiki article Duetschv2 posted above?
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Ready to go.

Sep 25, 2018
Why would it be a factor in SN? Can you define tolerance? I take .25mg or .5mg lorazepam maybe once every week no more than twice a week. I am wondering if ok to keep taking before nembutal.
Replied below...
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Aug 16, 2018
Just found out from another post I made on main forum that SN isn't affected by benzo use because SN doesn't effect Gaba receptors however Nembutol does. Tolerance is when your body gets so used to taking certain drugs that they lose their efficacy. You'll want to read more about it on benzo buddies site. Or just Google benzo tolerance. One thing you don't want to do is to stop your benzo cold turkey. Very dangerous. Did you read the Wiki article Duetschv2 posted above?
I do not take regular and it still "works". Take once a week or once every few weeks
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Morning Angel

Useless Broken Wings
Aug 8, 2018
Hi guys, this is in regards to n.

How effective is a single-stat dose 40 minutes prior to n use, compared to taking a smaller dose every 8 hours for 2 days prior?
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Morning Angel

Useless Broken Wings
Aug 8, 2018
I haven't found anything conclusive comparing these two regimens' effectiveness side by side. Since everyone's age, relative health, and medical history differs, I would highly recommend people test out each regimen in isolation against something that would normally make you vomit.

For example, vodka always makes me vomit, so I tested the stat dose with Domperidone (40 mg) against a full cup of vodka (close to the full volume of 2 bottles of N). Because I have neuro issues, I was concerned about using Metroclopramide because in high doses, it can set off an EPS reaction in certain individuals with a history of neuro motor issues... so I had to test this drug successively in different doses to see if I could tolerate it - 10 mg, 20 mg, etc. up to 40 mg. There was no issue, so then I tested it against vodka as well. (Have Benadryl on hand in case you have an EPS reaction.)

I would have tested the drugs with the 48 hour regimen but I simply didn't have time. My thinking is that your body would have more time to build up the antiemetic in your system but that is merely a guess. Try both and compare notes.
Last edited:
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Oct 3, 2018
Apropos of antiemetics I've asked this on another thread, but got no response, so I'll try again:

The proper antiemetic for use with N, from what I've read, is metroclopramide. I've checked it and in my country it can be bought over the counter (no prescription needed). However, it's dirty cheap, about 2 dollars for 10ml. Is that correct?

Why isn't Zofran (Ondansetron) the best option?
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Ready to go.

Sep 25, 2018
I do not take regular and it still "works". Take once a week or once every few weeks
I'd still do more research as I'm no expert. Ask others on here and look online. Best of luck finding answers
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Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
Aug 27, 2018
Apropos of antiemetics I've asked this on another thread, but got no response, so I'll try again:

The proper antiemetic for use with N, from what I've read, is metroclopramide. I've checked it and in my country it can be bought over the counter (no prescription needed). However, it's dirty cheap, about 2 dollars for 10ml. Is that correct?

Why isn't Zofran (Ondansetron) the best option?
Look at the top (I had it go down to the section in the link) of this article

It's good complementary to the other meds, but you really need a dopamine blocker if you want to completely nix that vomiting thing in the bud.
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Oct 3, 2018
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need to exit
May 25, 2018
Here's a great post from the sn megathread where i think this guy says it pretty good

Dr Nitschke's advice 40 min prior to drug ingestion, take 60 mg Metoclopramide
Dignitas' procedure 30mins priot take 20-30 mg liquid Metoclopramide
dont know if 60 mg wii
affect you before u te the n .not heard from anyone taking 60mg before unfortunatly
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need to exit
May 25, 2018
Dr Nitschke's advice 40 min prior to drug ingestion, take 60 mg Metoclopramide
Dignitas' procedure 30mins priot take 20-30 mg liquid Metoclopramide
dont know if 60 mg wii
affect you before u te the n .not heard from anyone taking 60mg before unfortunatly[/QUOTi just dont know best mout to take of anti emetic never took it before
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Sep 23, 2018
Yeah @angie , I think the best idea would be to average Nitschke and Dignitas doses and timings, I remember reading something about how 30 minutes prior isn't enoguh time for anti-emetic to get into your system. Is it true? I don't know , better on safe side.
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Aug 19, 2018
is it can be too early to take the antiemetics?
like 1.5 hours before.
or if there is a reason not to combine the two regimes?
like that after one day the body is getting used to the effect of it?
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Sep 8, 2018
Maybe the liquid meto is absorbed faster by the body, hence why Dignitas is advicing on taking it 30 mins prior.
I have tablets anyway, so I'll probably stick with Dr Nitschke's advice.
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Sep 8, 2018
is it can be too early to take the antiemetics?
like 1.5 hours before.
or if there is a reason not to combine the two regimes?
like that after one day the body is getting used to the effect of it?

I find your post hard to understand, could you please explain it in a different way?
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