Does anyone have more info on this method?
I took about 30ml Butandiole and 3mg Lorazepam without any antiemetics. It took about 10-15 minutes until I started to throw up, I fell unconscious a few seconds later and was found after around 20 minutes of being unconscious (paramedics arrived another 15 minutes later). According to paramedics I was gasping for air while my body was trying to throw up. I woke up hours later in the ICU with doctors telling me I almost sustained brain damage and was lucky to be alive.
I have no memory of any significant pain. The only thing i can consider uncomfortable was throwing up before collapsing
If you are going for this method I recommend to use antiemetic and more than 30ml of BDO to ensure you wont wake up like me. Any Benzo can also be added to help with SI and lethality as benzos and butandiol are both CNS depressants.
Just remember that if you DO wake up, theres a decent chance of permanent damage to your brain or other organs.