Much love to you on the loss of your mother. I lost my beloved Father just before Christmas, I am still, numb, shocked and in another realm. He was the last person who ever truly loved and cared about, I am alone now in the world. He and my beautiful mother were the only people who really loved me and without them both now and having so many health problems which make life very hard indeed, all sorts of abuse and crap from years and years of hurt from people............I am have got this place. I wish to go on from this life, yet same time just cant and dont have a method, I have tried a couple but not got far.
So was a neighbour called the Police. I rarely answer my door, people should be allowed that privacy of not having to go to door if they dont wish to without others interfering. It seems strange they called the Police, are you well known to the neighbour, would they have known how you were feeling, ie liable to attempt suicide?
All the feelings are like a neverending carousel aren't they and on occasion they get a tad better for mere second, then back on again full spin. I am sorry I cant be more help, but hoping that knowing I am listening and care will be a little thing.