

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I just found something that is rage worthy nonetheless, presumptuous and pretentious redditor responding to the OP, assuming the OP is struggling when the OP simply asked some questions and wanted to inquire more about people who wanted to get "help" but ended up involuntarily hospitalized against their will. Then later those people (who got involuntarily hospitalized against their will) are reluctant to seek "help" again. The OP simply wanted to get a MHP (Mental Health Professional) perspective on it and have a discussion, but instead, some people took it as a sign of struggle, distress, and then (in bad faith) went ahead and started questioning the OP and assessing the OP (scoping out suicidality and essentially treating the OP like a suspect in a crime)!đŸ˜²đŸ˜¡

This is thread linked below:

And this is the comment/reply by the presumptuous redditor to the OP:
u/trebuchetfight's comment reply to the OP (in this link) really is presumptuous.

If you're thinking of killing yourself. I have a debt to Reddit. We have a custom of keeping each other alive. And that means you. Whether you like it or not. We want you to be here. You may not like it. But I have to explain. Your life means worth.
But that's not all, trebuchetfight also made some other infuriating comments too in the thread. Here is another presumptuous one that he made to u/MrDysprosium:

That is understandable. But our concern is for you long term. If I preyed upon every affliction, I would be one dead motherfucker. It's so we can say, "please stay alive so we cant help you be alive."
Hostage is not our priority. It's more, let us not let you die for the moment. "And if you cannot do that for yourself, then we will assume charge."
Human beings have this notion that being alive is good. And if you don't wish to be alive, we have created systems. All of us want you among the living.
Edit: I don't know you, but I am happy you are a living person. Please continue as such. Please don't be dead. I would rather you don't do that.

He assumes that being 'alive' is a net positive and being dead is a negative, which is typical classic prolifer logic.

Anyways with all that said, many prolifers keep assuming that anyone who talks about the right to die, voluntary euthanasia, medically assisted suicide, death, suicide or similar topics are people who need help or struggling in life. It is very difficult and challenging to even have an open, honest dialogue as proven in that reddit thread (along with many others). They (prolifers) automatically jump to conclusions and go into 'savior' mode hoping to persuade people to live or bully their perspective (if it isn't pro-life it's wrong, it's irrational, etc.). People like trebuchetfight are why others are reluctant to discuss about these important topics let alone seek help.
  • Hmph!
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Jun 14, 2019
That title was obviously leading for a discussion on procedures. People can't hold back their need to be attention seeking saviors and get reddit points.

This whole we all want you alive!!! Idea is sometimes not true, sorry. Probably at least a quarter of us have been informed by countless people that we're actually not liked or wanted by general society. Be afflicted by certain diseases, mental illness, slow in any way, social inabilities, ugly, etc and find out how wanted you really are. Personally, If I was wanted by society I wouldn't be here.
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Girl, Interrupted
Apr 29, 2022
It's similar on Quora, I think it's the same in most open discussion places. Either someone is stuffing their religion down your throat about "god wants you here, pray, you'll go to hell if you take your life", or someone is telling you the usual "you matter, life matters, find a hobby, go out in nature" rhetoric.

Assumptions, by people with no clue of one's personal situation or worldview, and who probably would see someone standing on a bridge crying and look the other way (ok, that's assumption on my part but honestly there's little by way of community within society anymore, most people talk the talk online, but rarely is there connection or care offline).

A lot of people are incapable of debate, with purely rational and logical thinking, personal beliefs aside. It turns all attempts at open dialogue into a guilt fest full of toxic positivity or some sort of fire and brimstone rhetoric. Just, ugh.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
That title was obviously leading for a discussion on procedures. People can't hold back their need to be attentional seeking saviors and get reddit points.
Yeah I think the need for these reddit saviors to act is secondary to their discussion and many of them have some hero-complex that they want to fulfill.

A lot of people are incapable of debate, with purely rational and logical thinking, personal beliefs aside. It turns all attempts at open dialogue into a guilt fest full of toxic positivity or some sort of fire and brimstone rhetoric. Just, ugh.
Sadly, this is true and something I encountered with average people/normies in real life too. It isn't even just the taboo subjects but just about something else whether it is sports, art, music, current events, or what not. Then again nowadays I don't really interact with many people in public.
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Apr 9, 2022
Ah,, reddit prolifer cringe, my favorite flavour. They write so funny on that website too. I don't know what to even call that reddit-speak they got going on. It always sounds like they are picturing themselves in an epic novel as a main character. Maybe a white knight on a horse in a battle or a sci fi spaceship pilot flying through a meteor shower. Epically yelling to the battle mates/crew to hold on. The whole sites exercising creative writing. Makes me laugh so damn hard. So embarrassing,

I once saw a bunch of prolifers on Reddit bully a terminally ill cancer patient for refusing treatment. All while patting themselves on the back for being great big saviors of human life
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I just found something that is rage worthy nonetheless, presumptuous and pretentious redditor responding to the OP, assuming the OP is struggling when the OP simply asked some questions and wanted to inquire more about people who wanted to get "help" but ended up involuntarily hospitalized against their will. Then later those people (who got involuntarily hospitalized against their will) are reluctant to seek "help" again. The OP simply wanted to get a MHP (Mental Health Professional) perspective on it and have a discussion, but instead, some people took it as a sign of struggle, distress, and then (in bad faith) went ahead and started questioning the OP and assessing the OP (scoping out suicidality and essentially treating the OP like a suspect in a crime)!đŸ˜²đŸ˜¡

This is thread linked below:

And this is the comment/reply by the presumptuous redditor to the OP:
u/trebuchetfight's comment reply to the OP (in this link) really is presumptuous.

But that's not all, trebuchetfight also made some other infuriating comments too in the thread. Here is another presumptuous one that he made to u/MrDysprosium:

He assumes that being 'alive' is a net positive and being dead is a negative, which is typical classic prolifer logic.

Anyways with all that said, many prolifers keep assuming that anyone who talks about the right to die, voluntary euthanasia, medically assisted suicide, death, suicide or similar topics are people who need help or struggling in life. It is very difficult and challenging to even have an open, honest dialogue as proven in that reddit thread (along with many others). They (prolifers) automatically jump to conclusions and go into 'savior' mode hoping to persuade people to live or bully their perspective (if it isn't pro-life it's wrong, it's irrational, etc.). People like trebuchetfight are why others are reluctant to discuss about these important topics let alone seek help.

I'd like to load their ass into a trebuchet and see how much their savior complex and username suits them when they're flung half way across the earth and straight into a psych ward of their own imagining.

"If you're thinking of killing yourself. I have a debt to Reddit. We have a custom of keeping each other alive. And that means you. Whether you like it or not. We want you to be here. You may not like it. But I have to explain. Your life means worth."

A debt to Reddit? (Lmfao)
A custom of keeping each other alive??
Whether you like it or not? (How menacing..)

"We want you to be here..you may not like it."
(Sounds like a selfish captor making demands.)

"But I have to explain. Your life means worth."
(Absolutely incredible explanation.
My life MEANS worth!? My god..you've changed everything for me.
Thank you tredouche!)

"That is understandable. But our concern is for you long term. If I preyed upon every affliction, I would be one dead motherfucker. It's so we can say, "please stay alive so we cant help you be alive."
Hostage is not our priority. It's more, let us not let you die for the moment. "And if you cannot do that for yourself, then we will assume charge."
Human beings have this notion that being alive is good. And if you don't wish to be alive, we have created systems. All of us want you among the living.
Edit: I don't know you, but I am happy you are a living person. Please continue as such. Please don't be dead. I would rather you don't do that."

The absurdity of this person knows no bounds. They don't even make sense half the time and the contradictions…their concern is for the long term? Yet their priority is actually just not letting you die for the moment?

And let me take a step back to appreciate the choice of "prey" as a word they deem appropriate when speaking of approaching the afflicted.
What the actual fuck kind of predatory, power-tripping bs is that??
They act like they're courageously putting themselves in danger ("I would be one dead motherfucker") by (cowardly) calling law enforcement, forcibly stripping a vulnerable person of their autonomy and throwing them in a hospital cell.

"Hostage is not our priority"….Um yea, I think we can all deduce that the HOSTAGE is clearly not your priority.

I love how they use niceties and unassuming language like "please" and "let us" only to go on to say that if you cannot abide by their requests (demands) then they WILL ASSUME CHARGE.

"WE, OUR, WE, OUR" -They can't even speak for themselves without denoting the monolith backing them up.
Including humanity itself!
"Human beings have this notion that being alive is good." (Um, humans? Are YOU one bro? Are you alright? Do you need professional help?)
This person speaks in such a detached way that they always make you think they're about to be critical of their own "customs", but alas..
"We have created systems" (prisons)..

The asshat with "I don't know you", adding that gem to an already presumptuous take, and then they go on to claim "I am happy you are a living person" (bold claim from someone who admitted to having no knowledge of OP) and speak for everyone else in stating "All of us want you among the living"..
I'm sorry, are "The Living" some sort of cult?
A conglomerate extension of this redditor?

They write in a manner that gives the impression of being prejudiced against dead people lol, and not just the ones who perished via suicide.
Fucking bizarre.

"Please don't be dead."
"I would rather you don't do that."
(Uhh..I've got some bad news for you buddy..)
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Rogue Proxy

Rogue Proxy

Sep 12, 2021
That title was obviously leading for a discussion on procedures. People can't hold back their need to be attentional seeking saviors and get reddit points.

This whole we all want you alive!!! Idea is sometimes not true, sorry. Probably at least a quarter of us have been informed by countless people that we're actually not liked or wanted by general society. Be afflicted by certain diseases, mental illness, slow in any way, social inabilities, ugly, etc and find out how wanted you really are. Personally, If I was wanted by society I wouldn't be here.
Oh, they still want you - want to exploit you in every possible way, that it! Contrary to their divine facades, all human societies and groups are built, not on compassion, empathy, and altruism, but on exploitation, greed, and compliance. From day one, every human is expected and demanded to serve members of their in-group(s) throughout their entire lives, including their parents, family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, elders, teachers, preachers, employers, co-workers, politicians, rulers - the list goes on! Even the most undesirable and despised individuals are still considered "useful", whether it's purchasing goods and services; reproduction, bolstering egos and appearances; as examples, talking points, and data sources; providing and fortifying life purposes; entertainment, as followers in belief systems, idols, and other leaders; projects for fixers to take on, paying taxes, fighting in wars and battles, as rungs and stepping stones for others' progression, and of course, labor. Humans are their own masters, slaves, products, manufacturers, livestock, and butchers.
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Jan 31, 2021
Oh, they still want you - want to exploit you in every possible way, that it! Contrary to their divine facades, all human societies and groups are built, not on compassion, empathy, and altruism, but on exploitation, greed, and compliance. From day one, every human is expected and demanded to serve members of their in-group(s) throughout their entire lives, including their parents, family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, elders, teachers, preachers, employers, co-workers, politicians, rulers - the list goes on! Even the most undesirable and despised individuals are still considered "useful", whether it's purchasing goods and services; reproduction, bolstering egos and appearances; as examples, talking points, and data sources; providing and fortifying life purposes; entertainment, as followers in belief systems, idols, and other leaders; projects for fixers to take on, paying taxes, fighting in wars and battles, as rungs and stepping stones for others' progression, and of course, labor. Humans are their own masters, slaves, products, manufacturers, livestock, and butchers.
Very apt summary as always.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I think that what the pro lifers are saying is just nonsense. Nobody has any obligation to live and if someone wants to leave, then their personal choice should be respected. It is selfish and cruel trying to force someone to live when they do not want to be here. It is just prolonging their suffering. I think that the idea that life has any value or meaning is a delusion. There is no point to living and I think that life should only be lived if that is what the person wants.
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Jan 31, 2021
I think that what the pro lifers are saying is just nonsense. Nobody has any obligation to live and if someone wants to leave, then their personal choice should be respected. It is selfish and cruel trying to force someone to live when they do not want to be here. It is just prolonging their suffering. I think that the idea that life has any value or meaning is a delusion. There is no point to living and I think that life should only be lived if that is what the person wants.
I hear you about prolonging suffering. I'm surrounded by people forcing me to live; from family to health professionals. My death would make all those involved, have to take one hard look in the mirror.


Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Guy literally sounds like one of those wannabe therapists on 7cups. The ones that flunked out of college for giving out dime store advice to people and thinking they were God's gift to the world.
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Self Righteous Suicide
Jun 9, 2022
Speaking of long term debt to reddit, assume a custom charge of disease, pandemic, poverty, hunger, wars, crimes, hate, discrimination, delusion, ignorance, naivety. fakery, toxic positivity, false hope, optimism bias, media brainwash, censorship, fears and denials, terror and horror, misery and pain, exploitation and inequality, pollution and corruption, accident and natural disasters, all deception and injustice ... the list go on and on ...
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