Let's brainstorm a bit and start listing all of the things we won't have to do/deal with/endure after we ctb.
I'll start. This list is non exhaustive, but it's a beginning. And it's personal, obviously. You may or may not identify with all of the things on my list but I am curious what's on yours.
Here's mine:
-periods (sorry I'm a girl and I hate them)
-feeling ugly
-wondering if you hurt someone's feelings
-lack of money and fear about homelessness
-existential dread and endless musings about meaning
-voting for stupid politicians
-being sick with colds and the flu
-being alone
-endless cleaning up
-going to the bathroom
-modern day air travel
-looking at myself in the mirror
For me:
*Involuntary body movements
*Being able to care for myself when family is gone.
*The fear of loosing your ability to taste food.
*Having to live on a very small monthly income
*Ridicule from others because of my condition
*Being put in a psychiatric hospital
*Being older than my soul is
*And I wouldn't need to get my disability check increased because I wouldn't need a check