Anyone else think Lewis was overrated?
And an asshole?
I understand he was ancient during this interview and probably having health issues at his age but for fucks sake he was a total noob in this interview.

Jesus fuck that was painful to watch. If he didn't want to do the interview why didn't he just say so? I haven't seen anything that cringe inducing since Ricky Gervais interviewed Gary Shandling.
As one wholly unqualified to offer any opinion on Lewis and his oeuvre, or even to use words like oeuvre, I'll blast forth with a few short thoughts.
As a kid I thought his movies were hilarious. His frenetic energy was irresistible. Not high art, but good for what they were.
His Muscular Dystrophy telethons were grotesque, but it was for the kids, so I guess it was alright.
He was great in "The King of Comedy" as the host of a late night talk show a la Johnny Carson, but just basically played himself, so not a great acting feat.
I read or heard somewhere (podcast maybe) that in his ratpack days he got drunk with Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and some other showbiz cronies and they drowned a horse in some rich guy's swimming pool. I can't find any reference to the incident on the web, but somehow it seems plausible to me. I see a darkness about him when he's not doing goofy shtick and I suspect he's not actually a very nice man at all. Maybe all that fame, money, and power do something to people, I don't know.
Edited for accuracy.
(Note: Lewis didn't say anything offensive in "Comedians in Cars getting Coffee," I'm just going senile.)
My verdict: overrated, but undoubtedly very talented, asshole