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The damage is done, so i guess I’ll be leaving
Dec 2, 2020
I hope when we die we all get to meet and live our ideal lives :heart: :heart: I KNOW this. Sorry I'm spamming x
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Nov 9, 2020
I really hope so too, it would be lovely to meet some of my fellow SS members! Here's hoping something special is waiting for us on the other side. And don't apologise for posting, it's really nice to read you! :happy::heart:
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Reactions: NodusTollens, WornOutLife, Ender and 6 others


Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
Salute to ideal lives free from physical and mental suffering.
May justice and happiness shine upon those who passed.
Last edited:
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Reactions: Ender, lost_soul83, Spitfire and 4 others


Just passing through this world
Oct 23, 2020
Aw- that would be lovely. A life without this suffering and struggle; together with all of you! I hope so too. Hugs :heart::hug:
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Nov 4, 2020
The perfect afterlife for me would be over Rainbow Bridge with my 2 dogs! You would all be welcome to join me for a picnic in the meadow as long as you don't mind being surrounded by thousands of doggys!
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permanent eternal absoluteNONexistenceNOTHINGness
Dec 17, 2019
Ew no, at least not me. I dont give a damn sht about "iDeAl lIvEs"/"iDeAl wOrLdS" and all that crap in general lmao, i couldn't give any less of a sht if 'life'/'the world'/'planet earth'/'existence'/'society'/'humanity' and or whatever tf in general is """gOoD""" or """"bAd"""" or any/whatever """""pOsItIvE""""" or any/whatever """"""""nEgAtIvE"""""""" 'way'/'adjective'/type of 'life'/type of 'world'/type of 'planet'/type of 'existence'/type of 'consciousness'/type of 'person'/type of 'society'/type of 'humanity'/type of 'thing' in general/type of 'place' in general/type of x/type of blahblah whatever the damn fuck lmfaoooo i simply just dont, never have had and never at all will no matter what, how 'life'/'the world'/'planet' 'earth'/'society'/'humanity'/'existence' and or whatever the fck in general is/isn't/can be has never at all """"aFfEcTeD""""/""""wOrRiEd"""" 'me' at all, why the fck it has to? lmao. why tf do i yes or yes have to/have to want to? Just because "I" literally have no damn choice but to 'exist', 'be' 'something'/'someone' and "i" have no choice but to 'be' "here" and because 'people'/'humans' say so and feel like it or? :pfff: I literally just don't want and never at all have wanted and never will at all to 'live'/'have'/'experience' etc ANY 'life' at all of ANY 'type'/'kind'/'way' at all in absolutely any single way no matter at all how it is/can be, neither what it's about, neither how it 'works', neither what 'things' and or whatever tf in general 'there are'/'there can be', neither what tf happens neither how, and a laaaarge etc. i literally just couldn't care less lol why the damn fck am i fcking obligated to care about 'things'/'something' yes or yes and if i dont iTs BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN? jfc. I just dont and simply never will ffs why the fck do i have to yes or fcking yes and if i don't """iTs BeCaUsE oF "sUfFeRiNg"/"pAiN"/"dEpReSsIoN"/"eMpTiNeSs"/"bOrEdOm"/"sElF hAtReD"/"lOw sElFeSteEm"/"lAcK oF mOtIvAtIoN"/"aPaThY"/"bAd lIfE"/"'dIsApPoiNtMeNt' wItH 'lIfE' aNd Or 'tHe WoRlD' aNd Or 'sOcIetY'|'hUmAnItY' aNd Or wHaTeVeR tHe DaMn fUcK iN gEnErAl"/"nIhIliSm"/"aNtInAtAlIsM"/"tRaUmA"/"bAd FaMiLy"/"aNxIeTy" aNd Or BeCaUsE oF aNy OtHeR rEaSoN/rEaSoNs iN gEnErAl bUt BeCaUsE Of A rEaSoN yEs Or yEs aNd tHeReS aLsO aN eXpLaNaTiOn FoR tHaT"""??? but ffs why the fck there has to be a reason why yes or yes why the fck am i obligated/forced to just because "i" had no choice but to 'exist' and 'be' 'here'? I just cant fcking understand and i don't 'think' i ever will :I(and dont want to at all lmao) its so frustrating that this is an obligation and that i can't simply just not want/give a fck about/not want to 'experience'|'know'|'participate in' etc it NO 'MATTER' AT ALL HOW IT IS ETC and that if i don't "iT cAn OnLy Be BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN". im so fcking trapped or whatever tf "trapped" means in this fucking obligatory 'thing'/'place' or whatever tf 'all' 'this' 'is' that i simply just don't give a damn fck and never at all will no matter how tf it is, neither what happens etc. I. Just. DONT. Thats. Fcking. It. whether it's believed or not lol, i couldnt care less if it isn't. if only to die/finally leave the 'meat carcass'/disappear entirely and completely for all eternity wasnt so fcking 'hard'... the only reasons i haven't attempted/died yet are because my parents/family 'want'/'love' me a lot or whatever tf all those 'words' mean lmao i don't give a fck, and would be 'extremely' 'devastated'/'hurt'/'traumatized' by my death and itd 'affect' them a lot and itd be very 'hard' for them and blahblah, and because of a 'cat' my 'parents' 'adopted' some years ago that also 'loves' me a lot and would be 'sad' or whatever tf that means if i die and blahblah, and also because I just don't have any way out at all actually ((and if i want to 'attempt' 'successfully' and "without" any 'risks'/'interruptions'/'worries' and to not 'risk' being 'found'/'failing' the attempt/'traumatizing/'shocking' my 'parents'/'family'/getting 'brain damage' [i don't give a fck if "I" end up brain damaged/brain dead lmaooo but my 'parents'/'family' would be very traumatised and shocked so well thats why i want to avoid that too]/'ending up' in a 'psych ward'/being on 'sUiCiDe WaTcH'/not having any more 'opportunities' to attempt again and blahblah many other 'risks'/'worries', i have no choice but to have/buy a fcking 'house'/'apartment' for 'myself' and for that crap id have to fucking 'work' and all that garbage bullsht and would have to 'wait' for 'who' tf 'knows' how many years, 'until' i finally have fcking 'money' to 'buy'/'have' the fcking 'house'/'apartment' and until the 'house' is fcking 'finished' so I CAN FINALLY ATTEMPT AND DIE/DISAPPEAR THERE, fuck its so fcking frustrating that theres no other 'way' bc doing it 'here' in my 'parents' 'house' is just so 'risky' and so hard and well there's also the fcking 'pRoBlEm' of them and the rest of my 'family' 'finding'/'seeing' the 'body' and getting traumatized and shocked and crying and blahblah so.. i fcking 'wish' i could do it 'here' but its so damn risky and it fcking 'sucks' or whatever tf that means that if i want to attempt "without" any risks and not 'fail' at all and do it 'succesfully' and not be 'interrupted'/'found' by anyone/not have to fcking 'worry' about 'someone' being around and 'possibly' finding me and 'sending' me to a fcking 'psych ward', i yes or yes have to fcking have a damn 'house'/'apartment' but first, before that having that shit i have to fcking 'work' and all that fcking garbage to get 'money' for the fcking 'house'/'apartment' and so many fcking years would first have to fcking 'pass by' until i FINALLY have the fcking 'house' to FINALLY ATTEMPT/"CTB"/DIE THERE. fck its so fcking frustrating that it can't be another 'way' and that if i want to attempt/FINALLY COMPLETELY ENTIRELY DIE/DISAPPEAR/NOT 'EXIST' AT ALL "without any" risks at all and not having to fcking 'worry' about 'failing' the attempt and ending up in a psych ward and all that garbage, i yes or fcking yes have to 'work' and all that fcking crap to have 'money' for a damn house/apartment and then have to fcking 'wait' for a lot of years until i FINALLY HAVE THE FCKING 'HOUSE', 'APARTMENT' OR WHATEVER TF AND FINALLY "RELIABLY" ATTEMPT AND DIE THERE, its so frustrating jfc i don't want and never at all will to 'work' absolutely ANYTHING/have any fcking 'job' AT ALL ffs, jfc why cant it be easy ffs why???!!!)) if to die/to finally NOT 'exist' at all wasnt so fcking hard and 'risky' and I would've died many many years ago. i simply just DONT want/dont have any damn 'interest' nor 'curiosity' nor 'attraction' in|for|about [AND DONT WANT TO HAVE IT AT ALL AND NEVER WILL NO 'MATTER' WHAT] and never at all will absolutely/literally anything at all in general no 'matter' what/how it is/it can be of basically any type/way etc possible and 'imaginable' at all and it's not because of any single damn reason at all. I just want/want to want (and have always wanted and always will) eternal absolute nothingness and non-existence and that's the ONLY "thing" ill ever/always want, desire, crave and wish (or whatever tf those 'verbs' mean lmao i don't give a fck) so much. Not ANY 'type'/'way'/'form' of 'afterlife' at all whatever/however the f*ck it is. i just want (and always will no 'matter' what) to COMPLETELY/ENTIRELY 'DISAPPEAR' and NOT 'EXIST' AT ALL/NOT 'be' absolutely, literally ANYTHING ANYONE ANYWHERE AT ALL of any 'type'/'kind'/'way'/'form' etc at all. So no, i DONT want absolutely any type/form/way of 'afterlife', i 'hope' there ISNT absolutely anything at all after death, i 'know' that all of you want there to be something but i simply just don't and never at all will, no fcking 'matter' what neither how the fuck it is lmao
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Reactions: Ender, Symbiote, mirko and 3 others


The damage is done, so i guess I’ll be leaving
Dec 2, 2020
The perfect afterlife for me would be over Rainbow Bridge with my 2 dogs! You would all be welcome to join me for a picnic in the meadow as long as you don't mind being surrounded by thousands of doggys!
That would be wonderful
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Reactions: LONE WOLF. and KleinerWolf


Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
Ew no, at least not me. I dont give a damn sht about "iDeAl lIvEs"/"iDeAl wOrLdS" and all that crap in general lmao, i couldn't give any less of a sht if 'life'/'the world'/'planet earth'/'existence'/'society'/'humanity' and or whatever tf in general is """gOoD""" or """"bAd"""" or any/whatever """""pOsItIvE""""" or any/whatever """"""""nEgAtIvE"""""""" 'way'/'adjective'/type of 'life'/type of 'world'/type of 'planet'/type of 'existence'/type of 'consciousness'/type of 'person'/type of 'society'/type of 'humanity'/type of 'thing' in general/type of 'place' in general/type of x/type of blahblah whatever the damn fuck lmfaoooo i simply just dont, never have had and never at all will no matter what, how 'life'/'the world'/'planet' 'earth'/'society'/'humanity'/'existence' and or whatever the fck in general is/isn't/can be has never at all """"aFfEcTeD""""/""""wOrRiEd"""" 'me' at all, why the fck it has to? lmao. why tf do i yes or yes have to/have to want to? Just because "I" literally have no damn choice but to 'exist', 'be' 'something'/'someone' and "i" have no choice but to 'be' "here" and because 'people'/'humans' say so and feel like it or? :pfff: I literally just don't want and never at all have wanted and never will at all to 'live'/'have'/'experience' etc ANY 'life' at all of ANY 'type'/'kind'/'way' at all in absolutely any single way no matter at all how it is/can be, neither what it's about, neither how it 'works', neither what 'things' and or whatever tf in general 'there are'/'there can be', neither what tf happens neither how, and a laaaarge etc. i literally just couldn't care less lol why the damn fck am i fcking obligated to care about 'things'/'something' yes or yes and if i dont iTs BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN? jfc. I just dont and simply never will ffs why the fck do i have to yes or fcking yes and if i don't """iTs BeCaUsE oF "sUfFeRiNg"/"pAiN"/"dEpReSsIoN"/"eMpTiNeSs"/"bOrEdOm"/"sElF hAtReD"/"lOw sElFeSteEm"/"lAcK oF mOtIvAtIoN"/"aPaThY"/"bAd lIfE"/"'dIsApPoiNtMeNt' wItH 'lIfE' aNd Or 'tHe WoRlD' aNd Or 'sOcIetY'|'hUmAnItY' aNd Or wHaTeVeR tHe DaMn fUcK iN gEnErAl"/"nIhIliSm"/"aNtInAtAlIsM"/"tRaUmA"/"bAd FaMiLy"/"aNxIeTy" aNd Or BeCaUsE oF aNy OtHeR rEaSoN/rEaSoNs iN gEnErAl bUt BeCaUsE Of A rEaSoN yEs Or yEs aNd tHeReS aLsO aN eXpLaNaTiOn FoR tHaT"""??? but ffs why the fck there has to be a reason why yes or yes why the fck am i obligated/forced to just because "i" had no choice but to 'exist' and 'be' 'here'? I just cant fcking understand and i don't 'think' i ever will :I(and dont want to at all lmao) its so frustrating that this is an obligation and that i can't simply just not want/give a fck about/not want to 'experience'|'know'|'participate in' etc it NO 'MATTER' AT ALL HOW IT IS ETC and that if i don't "iT cAn OnLy Be BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN". im so fcking trapped or whatever tf "trapped" means in this fucking obligatory 'thing'/'place' or whatever tf 'all' 'this' 'is' that i simply just don't give a damn fck and never at all will no matter how tf it is, neither what happens etc. I. Just. DONT. Thats. Fcking. It. whether it's believed or not lol, i couldnt care less if it isn't. if only to die/finally leave the 'meat carcass'/disappear entirely and completely for all eternity wasnt so fcking 'hard'... the only reasons i haven't attempted/died yet are because my parents/family 'want'/'love' me a lot or whatever tf all those 'words' mean lmao i don't give a fck, and would be 'extremely' 'devastated'/'hurt'/'traumatized' by my death and itd 'affect' them a lot and itd be very 'hard' for them and blahblah, and because of a 'cat' my 'parents' 'adopted' some years ago that also 'loves' me a lot and would be 'sad' or whatever tf that means if i die and blahblah, and also because I just don't have any way out at all actually ((and if i want to 'attempt' 'successfully' and "without" any 'risks'/'interruptions'/'worries' and to not 'risk' being 'found'/'failing' the attempt/'traumatizing/'shocking' my 'parents'/'family'/getting 'brain damage' [i don't give a fck if "I" end up brain damaged/brain dead lmaooo but my 'parents'/'family' would be very traumatised and shocked so well thats why i want to avoid that too]/'ending up' in a 'psych ward'/being on 'sUiCiDe WaTcH'/not having any more 'opportunities' to attempt again and blahblah many other 'risks'/'worries', i have no choice but to have/buy a fcking 'house'/'apartment' for 'myself' and for that crap id have to fucking 'work' and all that garbage bullsht and would have to 'wait' for 'who' tf 'knows' how many years, 'until' i finally have fcking 'money' to 'buy'/'have' the fcking 'house'/'apartment' and until the 'house' is fcking 'finished' so I CAN FINALLY ATTEMPT AND DIE/DISAPPEAR THERE, fuck its so fcking frustrating that theres no other 'way' bc doing it 'here' in my 'parents' 'house' is just so 'risky' and so hard and well there's also the fcking 'pRoBlEm' of them and the rest of my 'family' 'finding'/'seeing' the 'body' and getting traumatized and shocked and crying and blahblah so.. i fcking 'wish' i could do it 'here' but its so damn risky and it fcking 'sucks' or whatever tf that means that if i want to attempt "without" any risks and not 'fail' at all and do it 'succesfully' and not be 'interrupted'/'found' by anyone/not have to fcking 'worry' about 'someone' being around and 'possibly' finding me and 'sending' me to a fcking 'psych ward', i yes or yes have to fcking have a damn 'house'/'apartment' but first, before that having that shit i have to fcking 'work' and all that fcking garbage to get 'money' for the fcking 'house'/'apartment' and so many fcking years would first have to fcking 'pass by' until i FINALLY have the fcking 'house' to FINALLY ATTEMPT/"CTB"/DIE THERE. fck its so fcking frustrating that it can't be another 'way' and that if i want to attempt/FINALLY COMPLETELY ENTIRELY DIE/DISAPPEAR/NOT 'EXIST' AT ALL "without any" risks at all and not having to fcking 'worry' about 'failing' the attempt and ending up in a psych ward and all that garbage, i yes or fcking yes have to 'work' and all that fcking crap to have 'money' for a damn house/apartment and then have to fcking 'wait' for a lot of years until i FINALLY HAVE THE FCKING 'HOUSE', 'APARTMENT' OR WHATEVER TF AND FINALLY "RELIABLY" ATTEMPT AND DIE THERE, its so frustrating jfc i don't want and never at all will to 'work' absolutely ANYTHING/have any fcking 'job' AT ALL ffs, jfc why cant it be easy ffs why???!!!)) if to die/to finally NOT 'exist' at all wasnt so fcking hard and 'risky' and I would've died many many years ago. i simply just DONT want/dont have any damn 'interest' nor 'curiosity' nor 'attraction' in|for|about [AND DONT WANT TO HAVE IT AT ALL AND NEVER WILL NO 'MATTER' WHAT] and never at all will absolutely/literally anything at all in general no 'matter' what/how it is/it can be of basically any type/way etc possible and 'imaginable' at all and it's not because of any single damn reason at all. I just want/want to want (and have always wanted and always will) eternal absolute nothingness and non-existence and that's the ONLY "thing" ill ever/always want, desire, crave and wish (or whatever tf those 'verbs' mean lmao i don't give a fck) so much. Not ANY 'type'/'way'/'form' of 'afterlife' at all whatever/however the f*ck it is. i just want (and always will no 'matter' what) to COMPLETELY/ENTIRELY 'DISAPPEAR' and NOT 'EXIST' AT ALL/NOT 'be' absolutely, literally ANYTHING ANYONE ANYWHERE AT ALL of any 'type'/'kind'/'way'/'form' etc at all. So no, i DONT want absolutely any type/form/way of 'afterlife', i 'hope' there ISNT absolutely anything at all after death, i 'know' that all of you want there to be something but i simply just don't and never at all will, no fcking 'matter' what neither how the fuck it is lmao
Nice to see you dude.
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The damage is done, so i guess I’ll be leaving
Dec 2, 2020
Ew no, at least not me. I dont give a damn sht about "iDeAl lIvEs"/"iDeAl wOrLdS" and all that crap in general lmao, i couldn't give any less of a sht if 'life'/'the world'/'planet earth'/'existence'/'society'/'humanity' and or whatever tf in general is """gOoD""" or """"bAd"""" or any/whatever """""pOsItIvE""""" or any/whatever """"""""nEgAtIvE"""""""" 'way'/'adjective'/type of 'life'/type of 'world'/type of 'planet'/type of 'existence'/type of 'consciousness'/type of 'person'/type of 'society'/type of 'humanity'/type of 'thing' in general/type of 'place' in general/type of x/type of blahblah whatever the damn fuck lmfaoooo i simply just dont, never have had and never at all will no matter what, how 'life'/'the world'/'planet' 'earth'/'society'/'humanity'/'existence' and or whatever the fck in general is/isn't/can be has never at all """"aFfEcTeD""""/""""wOrRiEd"""" 'me' at all, why the fck it has to? lmao. why tf do i yes or yes have to/have to want to? Just because "I" literally have no damn choice but to 'exist', 'be' 'something'/'someone' and "i" have no choice but to 'be' "here" and because 'people'/'humans' say so and feel like it or? :pfff: I literally just don't want and never at all have wanted and never will at all to 'live'/'have'/'experience' etc ANY 'life' at all of ANY 'type'/'kind'/'way' at all in absolutely any single way no matter at all how it is/can be, neither what it's about, neither how it 'works', neither what 'things' and or whatever tf in general 'there are'/'there can be', neither what tf happens neither how, and a laaaarge etc. i literally just couldn't care less lol why the damn fck am i fcking obligated to care about 'things'/'something' yes or yes and if i dont iTs BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN? jfc. I just dont and simply never will ffs why the fck do i have to yes or fcking yes and if i don't """iTs BeCaUsE oF "sUfFeRiNg"/"pAiN"/"dEpReSsIoN"/"eMpTiNeSs"/"bOrEdOm"/"sElF hAtReD"/"lOw sElFeSteEm"/"lAcK oF mOtIvAtIoN"/"aPaThY"/"bAd lIfE"/"'dIsApPoiNtMeNt' wItH 'lIfE' aNd Or 'tHe WoRlD' aNd Or 'sOcIetY'|'hUmAnItY' aNd Or wHaTeVeR tHe DaMn fUcK iN gEnErAl"/"nIhIliSm"/"aNtInAtAlIsM"/"tRaUmA"/"bAd FaMiLy"/"aNxIeTy" aNd Or BeCaUsE oF aNy OtHeR rEaSoN/rEaSoNs iN gEnErAl bUt BeCaUsE Of A rEaSoN yEs Or yEs aNd tHeReS aLsO aN eXpLaNaTiOn FoR tHaT"""??? but ffs why the fck there has to be a reason why yes or yes why the fck am i obligated/forced to just because "i" had no choice but to 'exist' and 'be' 'here'? I just cant fcking understand and i don't 'think' i ever will :I(and dont want to at all lmao) its so frustrating that this is an obligation and that i can't simply just not want/give a fck about/not want to 'experience'|'know'|'participate in' etc it NO 'MATTER' AT ALL HOW IT IS ETC and that if i don't "iT cAn OnLy Be BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN". im so fcking trapped or whatever tf "trapped" means in this fucking obligatory 'thing'/'place' or whatever tf 'all' 'this' 'is' that i simply just don't give a damn fck and never at all will no matter how tf it is, neither what happens etc. I. Just. DONT. Thats. Fcking. It. whether it's believed or not lol, i couldnt care less if it isn't. if only to die/finally leave the 'meat carcass'/disappear entirely and completely for all eternity wasnt so fcking 'hard'... the only reasons i haven't attempted/died yet are because my parents/family 'want'/'love' me a lot or whatever tf all those 'words' mean lmao i don't give a fck, and would be 'extremely' 'devastated'/'hurt'/'traumatized' by my death and itd 'affect' them a lot and itd be very 'hard' for them and blahblah, and because of a 'cat' my 'parents' 'adopted' some years ago that also 'loves' me a lot and would be 'sad' or whatever tf that means if i die and blahblah, and also because I just don't have any way out at all actually ((and if i want to 'attempt' 'successfully' and "without" any 'risks'/'interruptions'/'worries' and to not 'risk' being 'found'/'failing' the attempt/'traumatizing/'shocking' my 'parents'/'family'/getting 'brain damage' [i don't give a fck if "I" end up brain damaged/brain dead lmaooo but my 'parents'/'family' would be very traumatised and shocked so well thats why i want to avoid that too]/'ending up' in a 'psych ward'/being on 'sUiCiDe WaTcH'/not having any more 'opportunities' to attempt again and blahblah many other 'risks'/'worries', i have no choice but to have/buy a fcking 'house'/'apartment' for 'myself' and for that crap id have to fucking 'work' and all that garbage bullsht and would have to 'wait' for 'who' tf 'knows' how many years, 'until' i finally have fcking 'money' to 'buy'/'have' the fcking 'house'/'apartment' and until the 'house' is fcking 'finished' so I CAN FINALLY ATTEMPT AND DIE/DISAPPEAR THERE, fuck its so fcking frustrating that theres no other 'way' bc doing it 'here' in my 'parents' 'house' is just so 'risky' and so hard and well there's also the fcking 'pRoBlEm' of them and the rest of my 'family' 'finding'/'seeing' the 'body' and getting traumatized and shocked and crying and blahblah so.. i fcking 'wish' i could do it 'here' but its so damn risky and it fcking 'sucks' or whatever tf that means that if i want to attempt "without" any risks and not 'fail' at all and do it 'succesfully' and not be 'interrupted'/'found' by anyone/not have to fcking 'worry' about 'someone' being around and 'possibly' finding me and 'sending' me to a fcking 'psych ward', i yes or yes have to fcking have a damn 'house'/'apartment' but first, before that having that shit i have to fcking 'work' and all that fcking garbage to get 'money' for the fcking 'house'/'apartment' and so many fcking years would first have to fcking 'pass by' until i FINALLY have the fcking 'house' to FINALLY ATTEMPT/"CTB"/DIE THERE. fck its so fcking frustrating that it can't be another 'way' and that if i want to attempt/FINALLY COMPLETELY ENTIRELY DIE/DISAPPEAR/NOT 'EXIST' AT ALL "without any" risks at all and not having to fcking 'worry' about 'failing' the attempt and ending up in a psych ward and all that garbage, i yes or fcking yes have to 'work' and all that fcking crap to have 'money' for a damn house/apartment and then have to fcking 'wait' for a lot of years until i FINALLY HAVE THE FCKING 'HOUSE', 'APARTMENT' OR WHATEVER TF AND FINALLY "RELIABLY" ATTEMPT AND DIE THERE, its so frustrating jfc i don't want and never at all will to 'work' absolutely ANYTHING/have any fcking 'job' AT ALL ffs, jfc why cant it be easy ffs why???!!!)) if to die/to finally NOT 'exist' at all wasnt so fcking hard and 'risky' and I would've died many many years ago. i simply just DONT want/dont have any damn 'interest' nor 'curiosity' nor 'attraction' in|for|about [AND DONT WANT TO HAVE IT AT ALL AND NEVER WILL NO 'MATTER' WHAT] and never at all will absolutely/literally anything at all in general no 'matter' what/how it is/it can be of basically any type/way etc possible and 'imaginable' at all and it's not because of any single damn reason at all. I just want/want to want (and have always wanted and always will) eternal absolute nothingness and non-existence and that's the ONLY "thing" ill ever/always want, desire, crave and wish (or whatever tf those 'verbs' mean lmao i don't give a fck) so much. Not ANY 'type'/'way'/'form' of 'afterlife' at all whatever/however the f*ck it is. i just want (and always will no 'matter' what) to COMPLETELY/ENTIRELY 'DISAPPEAR' and NOT 'EXIST' AT ALL/NOT 'be' absolutely, literally ANYTHING ANYONE ANYWHERE AT ALL of any 'type'/'kind'/'way'/'form' etc at all. So no, i DONT want absolutely any type/form/way of 'afterlife', i 'hope' there ISNT absolutely anything at all after death, i 'know' that all of you want there to be something but i simply just don't and never at all will, no fcking 'matter' what neither how the fuck it is lmao
You really missused the fuck out of punctuation there pal. Oh my i need to lie down. It's okay hun, whatever you prefer is what you'll get dw :)
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Nov 4, 2020


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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I hope the Good Place afterlife (at the end of the series) is canon.


The damage is done, so i guess I’ll be leaving
Dec 2, 2020
Thank You Golden-xx, My staffie Max sends you a furry cuddle x
Awww hey Max! Looks just like the dog i had a dream about, felt like we really knew each other, maybe a past life?
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May 5, 2020
It would be nice. Meeting up with no pain no suffering etc.
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Jan 7, 2019
The perfect afterlife for me would be over Rainbow Bridge with my 2 dogs! You would all be welcome to join me for a picnic in the meadow as long as you don't mind being surrounded by thousands of doggys!
That would be ideal for me! I absolutely LOVE dogs! My dog is the only reason I've survived this long!
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Oct 20, 2019
I hope when we die we all get to meet and live our ideal lives :heart: :heart: I KNOW this. Sorry I'm spamming x
hope so too.. would love to meet my grandparents again and tell them how much I love them


Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I like everyone in here...because you're online. If there was an afterlife where we had to all meet each other in real time, I think we'll all resort to our real life selves of being introverted, non-talkative, and anxious of what to say, then we go to our afterlife home and post on Afterlife Sanctioned Suicide about our failures to socialize in the afterlife. :))
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The damage is done, so i guess I’ll be leaving
Dec 2, 2020
I like everyone in here...because you're online. If there was an afterlife where we had to all meet each other in real time, I think we'll all resort to our real life selves of being introverted, non-talkative, and anxious of what to say, then we go to our afterlife home and post on Afterlife Sanctioned Suicide about our failures to socialize in the afterlife. :))
:pfff::pfff::pfff: Omg could be accurate
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Nov 4, 2020
Not me l'd be too busy playing catch with all the woofer's!


Nov 4, 2020
Awww hey Max! Looks just like the dog i had a dream about, felt like we really knew each other, maybe a past life?
Max is very empathetic so that's a real possibility,Max sends you a furry cuddle and a woof :-)
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Nov 4, 2020
Oh he is, he's a big daft cuddly bear,who likes to disappear under the duvet and do really smelly farts! Then pop his nose up from under the duvet for some fresh air? Also l believe Staffies are the reincarnated souls of really good people who have passed on and that is why Staffies have so much love and support to give!
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
Ew no, at least not me. I dont give a damn sht about "iDeAl lIvEs"/"iDeAl wOrLdS" and all that crap in general lmao, i couldn't give any less of a sht if 'life'/'the world'/'planet earth'/'existence'/'society'/'humanity' and or whatever tf in general is """gOoD""" or """"bAd"""" or any/whatever """""pOsItIvE""""" or any/whatever """"""""nEgAtIvE"""""""" 'way'/'adjective'/type of 'life'/type of 'world'/type of 'planet'/type of 'existence'/type of 'consciousness'/type of 'person'/type of 'society'/type of 'humanity'/type of 'thing' in general/type of 'place' in general/type of x/type of blahblah whatever the damn fuck lmfaoooo i simply just dont, never have had and never at all will no matter what, how 'life'/'the world'/'planet' 'earth'/'society'/'humanity'/'existence' and or whatever the fck in general is/isn't/can be has never at all """"aFfEcTeD""""/""""wOrRiEd"""" 'me' at all, why the fck it has to? lmao. why tf do i yes or yes have to/have to want to? Just because "I" literally have no damn choice but to 'exist', 'be' 'something'/'someone' and "i" have no choice but to 'be' "here" and because 'people'/'humans' say so and feel like it or? :pfff: I literally just don't want and never at all have wanted and never will at all to 'live'/'have'/'experience' etc ANY 'life' at all of ANY 'type'/'kind'/'way' at all in absolutely any single way no matter at all how it is/can be, neither what it's about, neither how it 'works', neither what 'things' and or whatever tf in general 'there are'/'there can be', neither what tf happens neither how, and a laaaarge etc. i literally just couldn't care less lol why the damn fck am i fcking obligated to care about 'things'/'something' yes or yes and if i dont iTs BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN? jfc. I just dont and simply never will ffs why the fck do i have to yes or fcking yes and if i don't """iTs BeCaUsE oF "sUfFeRiNg"/"pAiN"/"dEpReSsIoN"/"eMpTiNeSs"/"bOrEdOm"/"sElF hAtReD"/"lOw sElFeSteEm"/"lAcK oF mOtIvAtIoN"/"aPaThY"/"bAd lIfE"/"'dIsApPoiNtMeNt' wItH 'lIfE' aNd Or 'tHe WoRlD' aNd Or 'sOcIetY'|'hUmAnItY' aNd Or wHaTeVeR tHe DaMn fUcK iN gEnErAl"/"nIhIliSm"/"aNtInAtAlIsM"/"tRaUmA"/"bAd FaMiLy"/"aNxIeTy" aNd Or BeCaUsE oF aNy OtHeR rEaSoN/rEaSoNs iN gEnErAl bUt BeCaUsE Of A rEaSoN yEs Or yEs aNd tHeReS aLsO aN eXpLaNaTiOn FoR tHaT"""??? but ffs why the fck there has to be a reason why yes or yes why the fck am i obligated/forced to just because "i" had no choice but to 'exist' and 'be' 'here'? I just cant fcking understand and i don't 'think' i ever will :I(and dont want to at all lmao) its so frustrating that this is an obligation and that i can't simply just not want/give a fck about/not want to 'experience'|'know'|'participate in' etc it NO 'MATTER' AT ALL HOW IT IS ETC and that if i don't "iT cAn OnLy Be BeCaUsE oF a ReAsoN". im so fcking trapped or whatever tf "trapped" means in this fucking obligatory 'thing'/'place' or whatever tf 'all' 'this' 'is' that i simply just don't give a damn fck and never at all will no matter how tf it is, neither what happens etc. I. Just. DONT. Thats. Fcking. It. whether it's believed or not lol, i couldnt care less if it isn't. if only to die/finally leave the 'meat carcass'/disappear entirely and completely for all eternity wasnt so fcking 'hard'... the only reasons i haven't attempted/died yet are because my parents/family 'want'/'love' me a lot or whatever tf all those 'words' mean lmao i don't give a fck, and would be 'extremely' 'devastated'/'hurt'/'traumatized' by my death and itd 'affect' them a lot and itd be very 'hard' for them and blahblah, and because of a 'cat' my 'parents' 'adopted' some years ago that also 'loves' me a lot and would be 'sad' or whatever tf that means if i die and blahblah, and also because I just don't have any way out at all actually ((and if i want to 'attempt' 'successfully' and "without" any 'risks'/'interruptions'/'worries' and to not 'risk' being 'found'/'failing' the attempt/'traumatizing/'shocking' my 'parents'/'family'/getting 'brain damage' [i don't give a fck if "I" end up brain damaged/brain dead lmaooo but my 'parents'/'family' would be very traumatised and shocked so well thats why i want to avoid that too]/'ending up' in a 'psych ward'/being on 'sUiCiDe WaTcH'/not having any more 'opportunities' to attempt again and blahblah many other 'risks'/'worries', i have no choice but to have/buy a fcking 'house'/'apartment' for 'myself' and for that crap id have to fucking 'work' and all that garbage bullsht and would have to 'wait' for 'who' tf 'knows' how many years, 'until' i finally have fcking 'money' to 'buy'/'have' the fcking 'house'/'apartment' and until the 'house' is fcking 'finished' so I CAN FINALLY ATTEMPT AND DIE/DISAPPEAR THERE, fuck its so fcking frustrating that theres no other 'way' bc doing it 'here' in my 'parents' 'house' is just so 'risky' and so hard and well there's also the fcking 'pRoBlEm' of them and the rest of my 'family' 'finding'/'seeing' the 'body' and getting traumatized and shocked and crying and blahblah so.. i fcking 'wish' i could do it 'here' but its so damn risky and it fcking 'sucks' or whatever tf that means that if i want to attempt "without" any risks and not 'fail' at all and do it 'succesfully' and not be 'interrupted'/'found' by anyone/not have to fcking 'worry' about 'someone' being around and 'possibly' finding me and 'sending' me to a fcking 'psych ward', i yes or yes have to fcking have a damn 'house'/'apartment' but first, before that having that shit i have to fcking 'work' and all that fcking garbage to get 'money' for the fcking 'house'/'apartment' and so many fcking years would first have to fcking 'pass by' until i FINALLY have the fcking 'house' to FINALLY ATTEMPT/"CTB"/DIE THERE. fck its so fcking frustrating that it can't be another 'way' and that if i want to attempt/FINALLY COMPLETELY ENTIRELY DIE/DISAPPEAR/NOT 'EXIST' AT ALL "without any" risks at all and not having to fcking 'worry' about 'failing' the attempt and ending up in a psych ward and all that garbage, i yes or fcking yes have to 'work' and all that fcking crap to have 'money' for a damn house/apartment and then have to fcking 'wait' for a lot of years until i FINALLY HAVE THE FCKING 'HOUSE', 'APARTMENT' OR WHATEVER TF AND FINALLY "RELIABLY" ATTEMPT AND DIE THERE, its so frustrating jfc i don't want and never at all will to 'work' absolutely ANYTHING/have any fcking 'job' AT ALL ffs, jfc why cant it be easy ffs why???!!!)) if to die/to finally NOT 'exist' at all wasnt so fcking hard and 'risky' and I would've died many many years ago. i simply just DONT want/dont have any damn 'interest' nor 'curiosity' nor 'attraction' in|for|about [AND DONT WANT TO HAVE IT AT ALL AND NEVER WILL NO 'MATTER' WHAT] and never at all will absolutely/literally anything at all in general no 'matter' what/how it is/it can be of basically any type/way etc possible and 'imaginable' at all and it's not because of any single damn reason at all. I just want/want to want (and have always wanted and always will) eternal absolute nothingness and non-existence and that's the ONLY "thing" ill ever/always want, desire, crave and wish (or whatever tf those 'verbs' mean lmao i don't give a fck) so much. Not ANY 'type'/'way'/'form' of 'afterlife' at all whatever/however the f*ck it is. i just want (and always will no 'matter' what) to COMPLETELY/ENTIRELY 'DISAPPEAR' and NOT 'EXIST' AT ALL/NOT 'be' absolutely, literally ANYTHING ANYONE ANYWHERE AT ALL of any 'type'/'kind'/'way'/'form' etc at all. So no, i DONT want absolutely any type/form/way of 'afterlife', i 'hope' there ISNT absolutely anything at all after death, i 'know' that all of you want there to be something but i simply just don't and never at all will, no fcking 'matter' what neither how the fuck it is lmao

Clear as mud.


Sep 30, 2020
I like everyone in here...because you're online. If there was an afterlife where we had to all meet each other in real time, I think we'll all resort to our real life selves of being introverted, non-talkative, and anxious of what to say, then we go to our afterlife home and post on Afterlife Sanctioned Suicide about our failures to socialize in the afterlife. :))
I hope the afterlife is like VR Chat where we can be whatever we want and talk, hangout, and not have a care in the world about anything else. I'm slowly losing hope in such a reality now that science is expanding into the theoretical field, and other biological looks into what life and death is. Perhaps our consciousness is just a figment of our complex parts of our brain all coming together to create who we are, and maybe some of us don't want to accept this. I'm okay with eternal oblivion but at the same time I am angry with it. I'm not going to die forever for no retribution I want to at least experience something.
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The damage is done, so i guess I’ll be leaving
Dec 2, 2020
I hope the afterlife is like VR Chat where we can be whatever we want and talk, hangout, and not have a care in the world about anything else. I'm slowly losing hope in such a reality now that science is expanding into the theoretical field, and other biological looks into what life and death is. Perhaps our consciousness is just a figment of our complex parts of our brain all coming together to create who we are, and maybe some of us don't want to accept this. I'm okay with eternal oblivion but at the same time I am angry with it. I'm not going to die forever for no retribution I want to at least experience something.
It doesn't make sense that we live for such a short time. According to quantum mechanics if we live now we live forever due to "now" always being. Energy can't be destroyed or created either.
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Sep 30, 2020
It doesn't make sense that we live for such a short time. According to quantum mechanics if we live now we live forever due to "now" always being. Energy can't be destroyed or created either.
Well, it can dissipate into nothing.
Otherwise known as the heat death theory. As black holes are some of the largest and oldest entities in the universe, it is theorized that eventually after all the stars die and all the gas is strewn apart the universe, black holes will consume most of the matter and eventually fade into nothing, and it'll be the last time the universe is ever a thing.

I've heard of that theory before, because of a multiverse sort of functionality, where no matter what you do there is multiple timelines of your existence, and in each you die but there's always one of you that keeps going, and that you is YOU. So that you may live on in other realities until your eventual natural passing.
Cannot be proved but cannot be disproved. But one thing is for sure ;

everything must come to an end, even time itself.
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Serena / Meatball head
Aug 29, 2020
When I die, I'll get to travel to the past as a ghost and finally talk to the girl I had a crush on in highschool but was too shy to approach, and it will be cool because she will not reject me and I'll get to hug her and I'll be 16 forever, and the whole year will be like groundhog day, only not bad or depressing. Clock is ticking.
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Just passing through this world
Oct 23, 2020
I like everyone in here...because you're online. If there was an afterlife where we had to all meet each other in real time, I think we'll all resort to our real life selves of being introverted, non-talkative, and anxious of what to say, then we go to our afterlife home and post on Afterlife Sanctioned Suicide about our failures to socialize in the afterlife. :))
I didn't even think about that- woow. Maybe yeahh


Jan 16, 2021
Somehow, I've always seen passing away as something akin to falling asleep. No one remembers falling asleep. Instead, the nightly process is one of resting in bed, feeling drowsy and then finding oneself in a dream. Is death the same? Perhaps death simply locks us into the dream world in a permanent sense. If it does, what happens in there?
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Nov 4, 2020
Somehow, I've always seen passing away as something akin to falling asleep. No one remembers falling asleep. Instead, the nightly process is one of resting in bed, feeling drowsy and then finding oneself in a dream. Is death the same? Perhaps death simply locks us into the dream world in a permanent sense. If it does, what happens in there?
Anything you like Richardfirst, it's a dream! Anything and everything is possible, You could be a giant bunny throwing carrots at flying mice,or a duck discussing ethics with a tree, whatever you dream l hope it brings you peace and a good night's sleep :-)
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