• Hey Guest,

    As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.

    Bitcoin (BTC): 39deg9i6Zp1GdrwyKkqZU6rAbsEspvLBJt
    ETH: 0xd799aF8E2e5cEd14cdb344e6D6A9f18011B79BE9
    Monero (XMR): 49tuJbzxwVPUhhDjzz6H222Kh8baKe6rDEsXgE617DVSDD8UKNaXvKNU8dEVRTAFH9Av8gKkn4jDzVGF25snJgNfUfKKNC8
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The Queen of Meme
Aug 11, 2019
"These monstrous strangers encouraged her to finish out the act of suicide," said Jackie Bieber, Shatto's mother. "Disgusting, appalling, unbelievable, unimaginable, unacceptable."

"These website members are true evil," said Jackie Bieber. "They are murderers who gain joy and gratification from the death of others."

Wow. How misguided. I'm compassionate to her grief and therefore will not attack her personally, but I will defend myself and my fellow members to these incredibly hateful remarks.

We are not monsters, evil or disgusting murderers. We do not encourage suicidal people, we accept them, with compassion, with no judgement and offer them love and understanding. Something severely lacking in the general population. We do not gain any joy or gratification from others suicide. It makes us incredibly sad. That anyone is in this situation is not a cause for celebration here. This interpretation of our community is completely inaccurate.

"She finally gets a voice," said Shatto's father.

She had a voice. We heard it, we acknowledged it, while the rest of the world did not.
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Sep 11, 2019
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like this bill is only applicable to those under 18. So why are they calling it Shawn's Law? She was 25, not a minor.
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Jun 12, 2018
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like this bill is only applicable to those under 18. So why are they calling it Shawn's Law? She was 25, not a minor.

But that's the point. That's how people justify authoritarian measures nowadays. They know they could hardly justify this bill if it was about consenting adults. The UK is trying to implement a very similar crackdown on porn right now, with the same excuse about "protecting minors". It won't solve any issues. That's basically the 101 of authoritarianism, make it about minors while you slowly actually decrease the freedom of consenting adults. Politicians are using the same strategy to justify the criminalization of marijuana in Europe. They make the case that decriminalizing marijuana would give children access to this drug and act as some kind of gateway to harder substances, when it couldn't be further from the truth. It's the same old trick over and over again. And that's exactly what's happening with this bill. I'm not aware of any minors that were connected to this site and committed suicide. They just spread their completely made up narrative to push their agenda.
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Apr 30, 2019
Politicians only care about getting elected or reelected. I mean, if your job relied on people liking you and you risk being unemployed every few years if your name wasn't in the spotlight, wouldn't you do everything you could to stay employed?? So it is here.

o Lol thx for clarifying, not sure that makes it any better though.

~ Mods: would it be possible for me to link the Goodbye topic here? Just so our lurkers/possible pro-lifers can see first-hand that no encouragement actually happened and we're not just saying that. The topic is still on the web archives so it's still accessible


Apr 22, 2019
Seriously? They are even naming this "Shawn's law"? How dare they speak FOR her? How dare they act as if they know what she would want?! Based on what I've seen from her interactions here, she was happy she found this place, my guess is she would be appalled and disgusted that they are using her and her name and her voice to shut down something she found solace in, preventing others in need finding the same. Yes, members here share suicide methods, but guess what, someone who suffering beyond belief is going to mill themselves whether they have access to a bigger variety of methods or not, and ways like jumping or hanging will always be available at short hand and no one needs a lot of information to execute it. The only real difference access to this information makes is that people that suffer won't have to suffer even more pain in dying and will be able to go in piece, which is hard as it is seeing that everybody is afraid of death and the views of society on suicide. Again, everybody is afraid of death because we don't know what comes next if anything at all, so maybe you should think, what kind of horrors was this person going through that made the horrors of death seem more appealing than staying here? And you all just want to try and force people to keep suffering until they die of old age anyway?! I agree that for many people not having access to a peaceful method will mean they won't try at all or they will think harder before trying, but the reality is that in real life, right before you are taking that "magic peaceful pill" you will realize that painful death or peaceful -it's still death. And you will think about it hard. Unless it's a rush decision in which case you won't stop to think about pain if jump for example anyway. The truth that none of you want to even talk about it, don't even want to consider that sometimes, for some people suicide can be a better choice, and the truth is that it's THIER choice to make, not yours! In reality this site has helped a lot of people and I'm guessing provided real help to more people than the "healthcare" system. It's funny to me how you are talking about what's best for us and what we should be doing and saying and what we shouldn't be and about what will help us when you forget to ask YS what will help US, when we are SCREAMING at you what will help us but you just ignore and think you know better what we need even though all the evidence is against that. How can you know better what we need to be better than us? Only we can tell you what we need. And it isn't what you are doing, if you really want to help, listen to us, stop and listen.
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
Im worried there may be all kinds of spies on this site now watching all our posts
Oh, you can be absolutely sure of that.
But two types of people, those who have a vendetta to shut us down,
and those who are curious, after hearing about this site in the news.
Ijust tried a link to a gas site and it went stright to the suicide hotline
That is not a result of the Shatto affair, that action started before Shatto.
You see, when you access a website, there is information about the referring link in the message header.
Since people who sell gas really don't want people to use it to ctb, they starting watching the referring links.
When they saw referring link was from here, they decided to pass it along to the hotline.
This is why you should no longer post any referring links in this forum.
If you run across one that is in an old post, don't click on it.
Instead, open a new tab in your browser, and either type in the URL, or copy paste it.
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Jun 1, 2019
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like this bill is only applicable to those under 18. So why are they calling it Shawn's Law? She was 25, not a minor.

Under 18 or, having a significant intellectual disability, of which there is a list of 10 criteria I think. So it would also apply to anyone if any of the listed criteria is met. And being as most of the criteria is ambiguous at best, you would end up fighting a losing battle if you did allegedly encourage or assist anyone even close to having a intellectual disability.

Could wishing someone who is suicidal "good luck" or "safe travels" be construed as encouragement of someone with a intellectual disability? That is a debate for another time and place methinks.
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Aug 4, 2019
I don't know the details of this, or live in the US, but several things come to mind.

During the website signup process, common VPNs are not allowed. While this may be intended to block spam, it removes anonymity by logging your real IP address at least once during your time on the site. It would be nice to have a place where these things could be talked about without fear of reprisal from the law, and as long as there is at least one point where our real identity is exposed, we would always have to speak in vague terms and obfuscate our stories rather than being open and truthful over anonymous VPN. If the goal is to stop automated/repetitive signups by unwanted parties, are there any other measures that could be deployed instead, like CAPTCHAs?

Out of curiosity, is the site and its administrators located in the US, or any country which would allow access by law enforcement? Is there any sort of "warrant canary" in place which we could keep track of? Is the site host's terms of service amenable to this kind of discussion?

If the website is eventually blocked as certain sites are where I live, at an ISP level, someone could just switch their computer/phone's DNS server manually to or thousands of alternatives, and access would be restored. If the website is blocked in a more substantial way, it could be moved over to Tor. This may not be desirable for new traffic and any possible goals reliant on that, but it would solve all of these problems and the site and admins would be untouchable by law enforcement, as well as allowing completely open and frank conversation which no one can interfere with or be afraid to talk on. There are some instant messaging applications which route over Tor with easy installation, perhaps some of the discussion could be done anonymously over those if it is potentially legally questionable/"not safe for politics"?

Regardless of what happens on the main site, it would be a good idea to set up an independent alternative on Tor for the people close to the end discussing methods, for goodbye threads perhaps, stuff like that which isn't wise to discuss in the open with any link to your identity. I know there is a Discord but it's not anonymous enough for this kind of talk and with any legal/political pressure would shut down channels and members discussing suicide (it is actively moderated for ToS breaches/complaints), especially as the volume increases with the site near the top of Google's rankings for "suicide forum" etc. This kind of attention is surely just going to increase and have repercussions for the site and the people running it, and for the members' ability to talk freely. Is there a plan to stay ahead of this problem?

Oh, you can be absolutely sure of that.
But two types of people, those who have a vendetta to shut us down,
and those who are curious, after hearing about this site in the news.

That is not a result of the Shatto affair, that action started before Shatto.
You see, when you access a website, there is information about the referring link in the message header.
Since people who sell gas really don't want people to use it to ctb, they starting watching the referring links.
When they saw referring link was from here, they decided to pass it along to the hotline.
This is why you should no longer post any referring links in this forum.
If you run across one that is in an old post, don't click on it.
Instead, open a new tab in your browser, and either type in the URL, or copy paste it.

Is there any kind of option or plugin which the admin could use to break up all links posted, so they have to be typed manually and have no referrer, or perhaps transform them into links to a referring service like https://anonym.to/:

Script to anonymize all the links on your homepage or board

If you want to anonymize all the external links on your board or homepage, we can generate a script for you to deal with this automatically for all your pages. Enter the Sites for which links shall not be redirected to anonym.to (e.g. your own) and click on "Update code".

You only have to place the resulting code at the end of the body area (if possible, directly before the </body> tag) of your main template. (detailed instructions)

<script src="https://anonym.to/anonym/anonymize.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
protected_links = "";
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Very well written @Marquis. You've countered their claims really well and spoke the truth. It is sad that most people IRL would never understand let alone respect others' personal decisions when it comes to one's own life. Anytime I hear about someone advocating suicide prevention (especially mindlessly and just parroting off what others' said), I cringe in disgust.
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Aug 9, 2019
So a wikipedia article , describing in depth about suicide methods is OK.
But when SS does it all hell breaks loose.
Can there be a clearer double standard??
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
Quick question: Didn't Shawn visit another site before coming here?

For some reason I keep thinking she already had her N before joining up here, and she got the N info from a different site.
She had only been here a very short time before her death.

Marquis; Thanks for this update. Without people like you, our voices would never be heard. As others have said, I have seen more people here opt to give life another go. Thank you for all that you do.


I’ll be watching...
Aug 6, 2019
Quick question: Didn't Shawn visit another site before coming here?

For some reason I keep thinking she already had her N before joining up here, and she got the N info from a different site.
She had only been here a very short time before her death.

Marquis; Thanks for this update. Without people like you, our voices would never be heard. As others have said, I have seen more people here opt to give life another go. Thank you for all that you do.

Correction: Shawn didn't have/drink N, she drank SN.
Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
Correction: Shawn didn't have/drink N, she drank SN.
Oh ok, I wasn't sure what it was she had. I somehow missed her threads until after the deed was done, and her threads were deleted, so I missed most of it. Thanks.


Apr 30, 2019
well this is her final topic, pls remove this if necessary but i think it's important as evidence she wasn't coached

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Aug 18, 2019
You know with all the hype in the media... Im worried there may be all kinds of spies on this site now watching all our posts..... Ijust tried a link to a gas site and it went stright to the suicide hotline....... I'm worried soon all our options will be raided and banned..... Not sure how this could be rectified. Oh well.. :(
Cos there are spies on this site. It has been in the media, so, there you go. However, it takes quite some efforts to ban a site. What is going on here is not illegal. In fact, the advise and comfort members offer to others makes it quite a welcoming place to be.
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Oblivion Lover

Oblivion Lover

No life, no suffering
May 30, 2019
A very well written post, Marquis, but unfortunately I don't think that even a thousand posts could change the minds of those brainwashed pro-suffering people trying to take this site down. You just can't reason with them. The best we can do now is staying calm, try to draw as little attention as possible, and obviously delete all traces of our activity here when we decide to ctb so nobody else's family learns about this forum. We can't risk having another scandal on the news.
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Nov 25, 2018
If they ban sites like this one, suicidals who do not have any other access to information about more ethical methods thanks to suicide prevention may be more likely to use dirtier methods like suicide by train or truck or cop. This her parents were spared from. Other parents have to deal with it.

Rep. Dawn Keefer should be aware of such unintended consequences of the proposed law.
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I’ll be watching...
Aug 6, 2019
They're calling the purpose of this site #murderbyproxy. Calling members of this site predators, killers, murderers. The objective is to shut down this site.

@Marquis, what can the members do to help fight this battle?
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I’ll be watching...
Aug 6, 2019
I was wondering, exactly who is supposed to be the murderer, and who the proxy?

I can't even begin to hazard a guess as to what they're fabricating with this abhorrent terminology.
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Sep 25, 2019
I'm sure glad that these politicians have no other problems to solve but to further destroy free speech and basic self-determination rights of every individual person.
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Sep 25, 2019
I was wondering, exactly who is supposed to be the murderer, and who the proxy?

It's pure propaganda framing. The goal is to misdirect the agency away from the person who makes the choice for himself or herself and direct it to other people. This is because, if you want the moral high ground, it's easier to do that if you frame your position as the consensual one and the other position as the nonconsensual one. In order to construct that in a suicide case, you need to deny free will to the suicidal person and allocate it solely to the "truly responsible" other people who did things like providing accurate information, selling a substance or otherwise assisting with a suicide. Then the well-meaning paternalits and the righteous justice-seekers can sweep in and take the actual choice coercively away from suicidal people.
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I’ll be watching...
Aug 6, 2019
Is anything like this Bill currently happening anywhere besides PA?


Aug 19, 2019
A lot of people have said what I would want to say and I could not say it any better.
I am sorry that this site is now under public scrutiny.

Thank you Marquis for this site. I joined not that long ago because I've been in a state and fustrated - and it's actually been a comfort to me. Its been nice to have people who listen and do not judge or make me feel guilty.

Anyone who really wants to ctb will do so and there's a deeper cause than this webiste or ones like it.
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Aug 19, 2019
It's pure propaganda framing. The goal is to misdirect the agency away from the person who makes the choice for himself or herself and direct it to other people. This is because, if you want the moral high ground, it's easier to do that if you frame your position as the consensual one and the other position as the nonconsensual one. In order to construct that in a suicide case, you need to deny free will to the suicidal person and allocate it solely to the "truly responsible" other people who did things like providing accurate information, selling a substance or otherwise assisting with a suicide. Then the well-meaning paternalits and the righteous justice-seekers can sweep in and take the actual choice coercively away from suicidal people.

It's also interesting how the agency of the individual who chooses to die is taken away and put on anybody who informs them of SAFE ways to do it (as in no irreversible damage if it doesn't work) but is never put on the actual people/systems who drove them to it by making their lives hell. Because THEN 'it's your own responsibility'. Decide people, are we completely free or can we arrest anybody who fucks up somebody's life to the point they choose to die instead?
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
Is anything like this Bill currently happening anywhere besides PA?

This is just a rehash of the Suzanne Gonzales Suicide Prevention Act which never got passed 10+ years ago. History always repeats itself.

Its funny because these articles that condemn members of suicide websites say that depressed people should be helped however in the same sentence depressed people are labeled as sick individuals that deserve punishment. So the law wants to provide help when you're already dead but impose jail sentencing if you're alive? How does that help depressed people?

Just another case of stupid politicians rushing to a frenzy to quell one white woman's tears by sacrificing an entire population.

Gotta love the U.S. eyyy???
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Jun 19, 2019
"These monstrous strangers encouraged her to finish out the act of suicide," said Jackie Bieber, Shatto's mother. "Disgusting, appalling, unbelievable, unimaginable, unacceptable."

"These website members are true evil," said Jackie Bieber. "They are murderers who gain joy and gratification from the death of others."

Wow. How misguided. I'm compassionate to her grief and therefore will not attack her personally, but I will defend myself and my fellow members to these incredibly hateful remarks.

We are not monsters, evil or disgusting murderers. We do not encourage suicidal people, we accept them, with compassion, with no judgement and offer them love and understanding. Something severely lacking in the general population. We do not gain any joy or gratification from others suicide. It makes us incredibly sad. That anyone is in this situation is not a cause for celebration here. This interpretation of our community is completely inaccurate.

"She finally gets a voice," said Shatto's father.

She had a voice. We heard it, we acknowledged it, while the rest of the world did not.

For example euthanasia site has news of SN in it's front page with a picture. Shatto went to other sites too. This site was mentioned only because her mother mentioned it to media and media used to write "her mother accuses...".
Police haven't said there was any crime.

It's like they are forgetting police and justice system and becoming both the accuser and judge basing the whole case on rumors.
Cos there are spies on this site. It has been in the media, so, there you go. However, it takes quite some efforts to ban a site. What is going on here is not illegal. In fact, the advise and comfort members offer to others makes it quite a welcoming place to be.

Couldn't they just block this site being seen in USA if they wanted?
A woman in this site said that this site can't be visited in Australia and she has to use VPN to make her seem to be in other country.

Anyways I don't think that the country where this site is located in cares about what politicians and media says in the USA.
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Jun 19, 2019
You know with all the hype in the media... Im worried there may be all kinds of spies on this site now watching all our posts..... Ijust tried a link to a gas site and it went stright to the suicide hotline....... I'm worried soon all our options will be raided and banned..... Not sure how this could be rectified. Oh well.. :(

In American news few years ago police mentioned few suicide/euthanasia sites they used when educating their staff to know how to tell whether person did suicide or not. At least they probably add this site to the list also. I don't think that police will read the messages here because there is no investigation. They have so much real work to do.
This is just a rehash of the Suzanne Gonzales Suicide Prevention Act which never got passed 10+ years ago. History always repeats itself.

Its funny because these articles that condemn members of suicide websites say that depressed people should be helped however in the same sentence depressed people are labeled as sick individuals that deserve punishment. So the law wants to provide help when you're already dead but impose jail sentencing if you're alive? How does that help depressed people?

Just another case of stupid politicians rushing to a frenzy to quell one white woman's tears by sacrificing an entire population.

Gotta love the U.S. eyyy???

To be honest I haven't seen that kind of actions in Europe. Where I live people can get only very small compensation from pain if their life is ruined from mistakes in surgery etc. So for sure there is no action or compensation if an adult commits suicide but relatives deside to blame others for her death. That doesn't even make sense unless deceased one was bullied severely and did suicide to escape that.

But I believe that people can cause others to do suicide by giving them severe traumas and suffering from their actions. Governments are responsible also that way of many deaths.

Here people have said their reason for it for example rape, molestation, bullying, wrongly convicted and shamed for crime he/she didn't do, PTSD and generally life ruined physically and mentally by evil people.
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Hungry Ghost
Dec 9, 2018
In American news few years ago police mentioned few suicide/euthanasia sites they used when educating their staff to know how to tell whether person did suicide or not. At least they probably add this site to the list also. I don't think that police will read the messages here because there is no investigation. They have so much real work to do.

To be honest I haven't seen that kind of actions in Europe. Where I live people can get only very small compensation from pain if their life is ruined from mistakes in surgery etc. So for sure there is no action or compensation if an adult commits suicide but relatives deside to blame others for her death. That doesn't even make sense unless deceased one was bullied severely and did suicide to escape that.

But I believe that people can cause others to do suicide by giving them severe traumas and suffering from their actions. Governments are responsible also that way of many deaths.

Here people have said their reason for it for example rape, molestation, bullying, wrongly convicted and shamed for crime he/she didn't do, PTSD and generally life ruined physically and mentally by evil people.
So very true..... ptsd here


Jun 19, 2019
There has been a new wave of news stories going around regarding HB1827, also known as Shawn's Law. There have also been new statements going around that I would like to address. I would like to address these two topics today with the community and to any outsider that is reading this. It has been a rough week for myself and I'm sure it has been one for all of you too.

It seems like the local media in York and in surrounding areas still running with the same story that Shawn was encouraged and pushed over the edge by members of this forum. That claim is completely false. I have checked every thread that Shawn posted, there was no encouraging of suicide from anyone on this forum by our definition nor legal definition. The rules on encouraging suicide on this forum are very clear. We do not allow any member to encourage someone else to commit suicide or any other illegal acts. This has always been a rule, but it was updated recently to clearly designate that we don't tolerate encouraging other people to commit illegal acts either. It is saddening to see that the same false narrative is being pushed without any sort of proof. We will be going through all media coverage regarding this website and we will be asking the relevant news agencies to retract or modify their statements. If they fail to do so, we will be considering our legal options against the news agencies that fail to retract or correct their reporting.

Many of these news articles are still falsely claiming that encouragement happened and they are stating that as a FACT, not as an opinion. I and many others on this forum have seen the same posts that Shawn's mother refers to and they are not posts of encouragement. I have avoided trying to address this for many months as I want the community to move past this. The media coverage and incompetent actions of lawmakers and law enforcement have made many members of this forum paranoid and scared. I'm going to do my best to rectify this so that we can move past this.

I want to now address the lawmaker behind this law: PA State Representative Dawn Keefer. I want to know how extending sentences for aiding, encouraging, or assisting suicide is going to help anyone? We know that sending a person to a building where they have to sit behind bars for years on end for saying words that they might have not even known was a crime is harsh. It doesn't solve the underlying issue at all. This is the problem with politicians these days. No matter what your political leanings are; I think we can agree that this new law will not solve anything. The lawmaker wrote an opinion piece regarding this situation. I'm going to take this time to address the opinion piece.

Rep. Dawn Keefer, you have been presented with deceit, lies, and falsehoods. No one on this forum encouraged Shawn Shatto to kill herself. That is a fact. Forum posts and threads and the replies on those threads are proof of that. For you to continue to say that she was encouraged to do kill herself is beyond disgusting and dishonest. She makes a parallel between Michelle Carter's case and Shawn Shatto's case. Both cases are very different and are not comparable. There wasn't a soul actively coaching Shawn to kill herself. From the information that is available, evidence suggests that she decided to go through with this herself with little outside help. Users share guides on here regarding different methods, but those guides are provided by other members.

"Shawn did so and then contacted the website, saying she was terrified. At least one person on the forum gave her reassuring words that suicide was the best route"

This is incorrect. Shawn made a thread on the website saying she was terrified, but the replies on the thread were well wishes. There's nothing there resembling or even insinuating that suicide was the best route. The only thing I could see on the thread is well wishes to Shawn and discussion about the Goodbye Thread bans policy implemented shortly before this occurred.

"It is absolutely appalling people are willing to not only provide a recipe for death, but also to encourage someone to commit suicide. I cannot fathom the mindset of these people who nonchalantly dole out this kind of information and push someone already dealing with depression and anxiety toward such an irreversible outcome."

It seems like you don't fully grasp the concept of the first amendment and the purpose of it. The purpose of the first amendment gives us the right to express our opinions. A free society depends on the free exchange of ideas to push new ideas. Without freedom of speech, forums like this and many other websites including most social media websites wouldn't exist. As a representative, you should know this. You can use sophisticated words to try to mask the fact that you're against the first amendment, but that's not helping anyone at all.

"I don't believe these penalties are harsh enough. People who guide or encourage others to kill themselves are committing murder by proxy. Our justice system must be given more tools in the form of harsher sentences to combat this evil."

No one on this forum guided or encouraged Shawn to kill herself; She made that decision on her own according to the evidence that I have seen. The "murder by proxy" line is one of the most disgusting things that I have heard come out of a politicians mouth. Giving longer sentences for this crime does nothing for anyone at all. This doesn't give assistance to those that feel that the current system fails them.

This is why people come to our forum. We offer a support community for those that feel that the system has completely failed them and the system has failed them and many others too. Mental health is something that needs more focus and care in our country. Hauling people off to mental facilities and forcing medicine down people's throats isn't solving this issue.

This lawmaker feels like she doing a moral good without seeing the whole issue at hand. This is an extremely shortsighted law that will not do anything to help those that actually are suffering. This is just more proof that our lawmakers don't care about the underlying issues that would cause someone to commit suicide. They only care about advancing their political image and making money.

They especially don't care about the right-to-die either. Giving people that choice and a way out of this world is something that would benefit everyone and it puts the individual in total control of their own life. We didn't decide to come into this world. I think we should let people have a choice whether they want to live or not.

That is all that I wanted to address in her article. If you wish to read it for full context, I posted a link to it above.

I want to end this thread on one point. This community was made as a place where people can freely speak about their issues without having to worry about being "saved" or giving empty platitudes. It can be argued that this community have saved lots of lives. Many that come here decide not to kill themselves and they become apart of our community. They will ignore this fact because they don't want this place to exist at all. If people have issues, they want people to go through the broken medical system that we have in place and take happy pills and shut up. We will keep this place running for years to come and we will do everything in our power to make sure that this website continues to stay up for our members' sake.

I do encourage you all to contact Rep. Dawn Keefer to voice your opinion about the new law she's proposing especially if you live in her district or in the state of Pennsylvania. You can click here to do so.


There should be something done about the lies in media too. They just get bigger and bigger. For example:

"In some of her last words, the 25-year-old woman expressed fear and reluctance in her posts about committing this final act. The users convinced her it was the best and only option and wished her well on her journey.

He can lie but telling lies about others is not ok. He is calling innocent people as murderers. That's a crime.
Also Shatto had written nothing of reluctance to do it (if she had said she don't want to do it people here would have supported her choice to live) and nobody told her to do suicide or encouraged it. Before the concept was more as "mother says Shattos line "I am terrified" meant she wanted to back out and was seeking help to live and nobody told her it's ok to live (as if she needed permission to live).
Shatto only came here to find more peacefull way to die. She wasn't looking support in living like many here do and get it.

I think that as long as suicide is condemned in society and church then people are afraid they (and their deceased loved one) gets blamed and condemned when loved one dies to suicide. So to prevent that they have to blame someone else for it.
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