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Oct 23, 2023
I think
Iam sorry for my dumbness, i don't peruse your post. Yeah i guess privilege help at some degree. Agreed with you, yes contentment are achievable no matter what class in society you belongs to, ted kaczynski in his manifesto talk a lot about that. His answers to all this madness is to destroy the technological system
I think the most important thing, that most take for granted, is health. If you're sick, it's impossible to be content. It's hard to accept your untreatable sickness & being forced to live with it in suffering. I suppose it depends on the level of sickness and how much it inhibits your capabilities in life. But when it comes to wealth and most other things, yeah, we ought to learn to accept things as they are, make do with what we have in order to pull ourselves out of poverty or whatever other issues. Work towards having or doing enough to be content. Happiness is unattainable.
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Broken English from Indonesia
Mar 3, 2024
metoclopramide. How do you use this? Can you explain?
Ini buat metode SN, meto buat AE
It's shitty that guaranteed ways to peacefully die is unavailable here. I'm exhausted from researching of ways where I don't end up in a vegetative state. Been in fear of failure for years and have had to endure being alive in pain. I wonder when this country would ever legalize euthanasia. Pets get that kindness but we don't. I wonder if we could buy the drug off of a veterinarian? What is it called here?
Masih akan lama kalau indonesia melegalkan euthanasia, di LN aja masih assisted suicide
Cara kerjanya meto gmn sih, gak begitu faham aku, lambung biar kosong sehingga drug absorption is faster sehingga gak ada kesempatan buat metabolisme kick in, or it's just to prevent from puking?
Kalau dari aku baca meto itu bukan lebih ke anti mual tapi lebih ke bantu penyerapan SN saat perut kosong dan fasting CMIIW
Honestly lots of you guys are from rich family, you talk visiting bali its like iam talking traveling from solo to jogja. I think money can't buy happiness right?
I think money atleast bisa buat ke swis buat pakai sacro assisted suicide pod
Yeah i guess privilege help at some degree
Privelege help banget bener
Adek udh sukses di LN, ortu udah tua (ini paling kasian), selain itu udah g ada hope.
Sama juga kakak udah lumayan lah, ortu udah tua juga dan im poor, kalaian mungkin masih muda tapi aku sudah berumur dan nggak ada harapan lagi
entah kenapa yg jual SN reagen grade gak sebanyak bulan januari kemarin
Nemu dimana reagen grade, online cuma nemu merck dan dapat COA
Ada yg bisa jelasin nggak gimana test purity SN
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Lonely betrayed girl ready to die
Jan 31, 2024
Today i'm thinking about encapsulated SN. Jd dibikin kapsul dan ditelen shg gada rasanya.
Mingdep kayaknya mau nanyain lg masalah meto, benzo susah banget carinya aku ga yakin bisa nunggu 40 menit tanpa seeking help lol.
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Jan 1, 2024
I think

I think the most important thing, that most take for granted, is health. If you're sick, it's impossible to be content. It's hard to accept your untreatable sickness & being forced to live with it in suffering. I suppose it depends on the level of sickness and how much it inhibits your capabilities in life. But when it comes to wealth and most other things, yeah, we ought to learn to accept things as they are, make do with what we have in order to pull ourselves out of poverty or whatever other issues. Work towards having or doing enough to be content. Happiness is unattainable.
Nemu dimana reagen grade, online cuma nemu merck dan dapat COA
Ada yg bisa jelasin nggak gimana test purity SN

Merck itu reagen grade, paling mahal tuh. Mungkin yg lain ada yg lebih paham test purity nya. Tapi kalo di indo sepertinya yg penting beli dari toko kimia yg reputable sih. Masih gampang dapetinnya yg lab grade
Today i'm thinking about encapsulated SN. Jd dibikin kapsul dan ditelen shg gada rasanya.
Mingdep kayaknya mau nanyain lg masalah meto, benzo susah banget carinya aku ga yakin bisa nunggu 40 menit tanpa seeking help lol.
Iya sih SI nya bisa kick in, kalau ini ya menurutku mentalnya harus bener-bener sudah mantap dulu. pengen tahu juga sesakit apa sih SN, pernah kena batu ginjal, aku bisa nahan 2 hari sambil masih aktivitas
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Broken English from Indonesia
Mar 3, 2024
Today i'm thinking about encapsulated SN. Jd dibikin kapsul dan ditelen shg gada rasanya.
Mingdep kayaknya mau nanyain lg masalah meto, benzo susah banget carinya aku ga yakin bisa nunggu 40 menit tanpa seeking help lol.
Sudah check out SN? Bukannya nggak disarankan pakai kapsul karena bakal lebih lama
Iya benzo susah banget, apa kalau pakai benzo kita unconscious terus nggak bisa vomit?
Udah di tes SN purity nya?
pengen tahu juga sesakit apa sih SN, pernah kena batu ginjal, aku bisa nahan 2 hari sambil masih aktivitas
Aku aja yg cuma mual2 bisa langsung ke ugd, gimana bisa kena batu ginkal nahan 2 hari sambil aktivitas


Lonely betrayed girl ready to die
Jan 31, 2024
Sudah check out SN? Bukannya nggak disarankan pakai kapsul karena bakal lebih lama
Iya benzo susah banget, apa kalau pakai benzo kita unconscious terus nggak bisa vomit?
Udah di tes SN purity nya?
Belom, masih ngumpulin uangnya. Iya pasti lebih lama tp ga ada rasa. Ada kasus yang aku baca muntah pas tidur, terus ttp idup. Jadi memurutku benzo cuman ngilangin SI aja.


Broken English from Indonesia
Mar 3, 2024
Belom, masih ngumpulin uangnya. Iya pasti lebih lama tp ga ada rasa. Ada kasus yang aku baca muntah pas tidur, terus ttp idup. Jadi memurutku benzo cuman ngilangin SI aja.
Ada juga yg nggak muntah dan tetep nggak mati
Kalau setelah minum SN terus kumur pakai obat kumur atau sikat gigi apa ngaruh ya
Oh kirain sudah siap SN nya


Lonely betrayed girl ready to die
Jan 31, 2024
Ada juga yg nggak muntah dan tetep nggak mati
Kalau setelah minum SN terus kumur pakai obat kumur atau sikat gigi apa ngaruh ya
Oh kirain sudah siap SN nya
Kayaknya kalo masalahnya kayak gitu, ada kemungkinan SNnya ga trusted sourcenya atau puritynya rendah idk.
Ga ngaruh klo cuman obat kumur sih. Dulu juga ada thread yang org jerman minum SN pake cola kan.


Broken English from Indonesia
Mar 3, 2024
Kayaknya kalo masalahnya kayak gitu, ada kemungkinan SNnya ga trusted sourcenya atau puritynya rendah idk.
Ga ngaruh klo cuman obat kumur sih. Dulu juga ada thread yang org jerman minum SN pake cola kan.
Kalau merek loba chemie trusted nggak?
Km bakal beli yg brp gr?
Emang mending pakai kapsul ya karena rasanya asin banget


Jan 1, 2024
My SN is otw, next week i will receive it. Idk, shoild i wait till next year as i planned before, or should do it after I've received it, even tho iam still unable to find benzo. Fuck, i cant even feel exactly what iam feeling or read whats on my minds! Sorry guys iam just venting out


Oct 23, 2023
My SN is otw, next week i will receive it. Idk, shoild i wait till next year as i planned before, or should do it after I've received it, even tho iam still unable to find benzo. Fuck, i cant even feel exactly what iam feeling or read whats on my minds! Sorry guys iam just venting out
If you're keeping it for months, please be sure it's store in an airtight container else it will lose its potency. I understand your stress. Now you have the means to eject yourself, incomplete as it is. It's starting to feel very real now. Don't be sorry about venting. We're all here to support each other.
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Jan 1, 2024
Thanks for the advices, at this point idk, what should i do, if i continue to live, i dont know if i can keep my understanding of others and i may hurt them and myself. If i ctb, idk what happen to my family, are they okay, or not, what in the long run, are they happy or succumb into same sadness. I wish i never to be born in this madness
  • Hugs
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May 3, 2024
Benzo gampang banget dapetnya, meskipun sedikit shady. 2 hari lalu saya beli 3 strip. Semuanya saya beli online, In my case, dikirim via gosend karena saya di Bandung. Tapi yang jual juga bisa kirip pake kurir. Bisa PM kalo memang ada yang butuh

PS. Saya gak jualan (promo) ya.
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Aug 23, 2024
My SN is otw, next week i will receive it. Idk, shoild i wait till next year as i planned before, or should do it after I've received it, even tho iam still unable to find benzo. Fuck, i cant even feel exactly what iam feeling or read whats on my minds! Sorry guys iam just venting out
Kalo boleh tahu beli SN nya di mana ya? Saya beli di toko hijau (me*rck). Udah pernah attempt with SN so far? Thanks
Kalau merek loba chemie trusted nggak?
Km bakal beli yg brp gr?
Emang mending pakai kapsul ya karena rasanya asin banget
Aku mau coba beli merk Loba tapi pada habis. Akhirnya aku beli me*rck, pall*v dan glen*ham dari toko hijau.
Today i'm thinking about encapsulated SN. Jd dibikin kapsul dan ditelen shg gada rasanya.
Mingdep kayaknya mau nanyain lg masalah meto, benzo susah banget carinya aku ga yakin bisa nunggu 40 menit tanpa seeking help lol.
Kalo boleh tahu beli SN nya dimana dan merk apa ya? Thank you
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Aug 23, 2024
Benzo gampang banget dapetnya, meskipun sedikit shady. 2 hari lalu saya beli 3 strip. Semuanya saya beli online, In my case, dikirim via gosend karena saya di Bandung. Tapi yang jual juga bisa kirip pake kurir. Bisa PM kalo memang ada yang butuh

PS. Saya gak jualan (promo) ya.
Beli online (benzo) nya dari tokped ya? Boleh share source? Thanks
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