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Jan 1, 2024
Aku juga pernah dapet amitriptyline tapi kalo di aku malah jadi hiperaktif kalo high dose. Saranku sih kalo mau nyoba, coba bawa uang aja 500-1juta kalo ga ada obat macem abilify/trintellix/brintellix. Terus bilang aja punya anxiety parah kalo bisa ke psikiater lain.
Hihihi, uang 500rb-1jt nya itu.. BPJS aja aku yg gratisan dari pemerintah. Kalau 1 jt bisa langsung ctb peacefully bisa aku usahain sih, kalau cumam buat pain inhibitor mending nahan sakit, uang segitu biar buat tambah biaya kubur


Lonely betrayed girl ready to die
Jan 31, 2024
Hihihi, uang 500rb-1jt nya itu.. BPJS aja aku yg gratisan dari pemerintah. Kalau 1 jt bisa langsung ctb peacefully bisa aku usahain sih, kalau cumam buat pain inhibitor mending nahan sakit, uang segitu biar buat tambah biaya kubur
Sebenernya benzo ini ga jadi pain inhibitor. I don't look it in that way. It just horrible to know that you are dying inside. Dan juga biar suicide ga kepikiran SI lagi jadi ga perlu abort action tiba2. Mengingat 20 menit itu ga sebentar dan karena SI bisa aja ambulance datang cepat.

Kalo ga bisa afford benzo, mungkin dicombine sama CO method lebih affordable.


Jan 1, 2024
Sebenernya benzo ini ga jadi pain inhibitor. I don't look it in that way. It just horrible to know that you are dying inside. Dan juga biar suicide ga kepikiran SI lagi jadi ga perlu abort action tiba2. Mengingat 20 menit itu ga sebentar dan karena SI bisa aja ambulance datang cepat.

Kalo ga bisa afford benzo, mungkin dicombine sama CO method lebih affordable.
Coba besok agak maksa dikit ke psikiater nya, udah 6 bulan ini aku gak kontrol, mungkin mereka (rs kampus, jadi 1 pasien 3 dokter langsunh😂) bisa berubah pikiran. Not just inside, outside too, iam poor, my body is in pain (i have severe backpains, especially when i get up from lying down or stand up), have no friends, my relationship with my last gf ended because someone i know doesn't like me and her together etc.. Rencana pakai SN, meto udah beli (masih gampang ternyata beli obat keras di Indonesia), mungkin nanti ctb pas gak ada orang di rumah,
Dari tadi ngomongin diriku sendiri, kalau kamu, kenapa ingin ctb?
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Lonely betrayed girl ready to die
Jan 31, 2024
Coba besok agak maksa dikit ke psikiater nya, udah 6 bulan ini aku gak kontrol, mungkin mereka (rs kampus, jadi 1 pasien 3 dokter langsunh😂) bisa berubah pikiran. Not just inside, outside too, iam poor, my body is in pain (i have severe backpains, especially when i get up from lying down or stand up), have no friends, my relationship with my last gf ended because someone i know doesn't like me and her together etc.. Rencana pakai SN, meto udah beli (masih gampang ternyata beli obat keras di Indonesia), mungkin nanti ctb pas gak ada orang di rumah,
Dari tadi ngomongin diriku sendiri, kalau kamu, kenapa ingin ctb?
Kalo mereka ga mau ngasih ya paling CO method sih yang aku lihat paling murah atau drowning. Masalahnya CO method itu harus ga di rumah.

I see no point in living anymore, especially when my bf is leaving. Hidup buat diri sendiri buat apa? I don't need anything anymore if i die. No dreams, no hope.

Dah coba OD 3 kali mentok cuman serotonin syndrome.


Jan 1, 2024
Kalo mereka ga mau ngasih ya paling CO method sih yang aku lihat paling murah atau drowning. Masalahnya CO method itu harus ga di rumah.

I see no point in living anymore, especially when my bf is leaving. Hidup buat diri sendiri buat apa? I don't need anything anymore if i die. No dreams, no hope.

Dah coba OD 3 kali mentok cuman serotonin syndrome.
Iya sih, tapi aku pengennya yg gak kentara, sebenarnya amitriptilin itu bisa tapi sayangnya dosis yg dikasih cuman 25mg u/ 10gr harus nimbun setahun dulu, padahal butuh buat tidur.

Is he departed? Yeap, me too

Wah, apa gak menyakitkan itu serotonin syndrome? Nyoba pakai benzo kah?


Lonely betrayed girl ready to die
Jan 31, 2024
Iya sih, tapi aku pengennya yg gak kentara, sebenarnya amitriptilin itu bisa tapi sayangnya dosis yg dikasih cuman 25mg u/ 10gr harus nimbun setahun dulu, padahal butuh buat tidur.

Is he departed? Yeap, me too

Wah, apa gak menyakitkan itu serotonin syndrome? Nyoba pakai benzo kah?
Susah sih sebenernya kalo nyari yang ga kentara. Orang bakal tau kalo kita suicide meski pake obat. Makanya dulu salah satu optionku itu drowning terus terjun pake pemberat jadi ketauannya tinggal sisa2 badan yang udah rusak aja dan kalau beruntung paling cuman tulang yang ngapung.

Yeah, aku tau aku salah juga karena ga sabar nungguin dia sih, harusnya tahun lalu aku udah tunangan kalo aku sabar, jadi ini salahku. It's been 7 years that we being together …. I can't stop crying until now.
Waktu itu aku cuman menggigil parah dan tidur 2 harian. Racikan bromazolam, antidepresan, sama antipsikotik. Ga sakit sama sekali tapi kalo parah/berkali-kali katanya sih bisa brain damage.
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Jan 1, 2024
Susah sih sebenernya kalo nyari yang ga kentara. Orang bakal tau kalo kita suicide meski pake obat. Makanya dulu salah satu optionku itu drowning terus terjun pake pemberat jadi ketauannya tinggal sisa2 badan yang udah rusak aja dan kalau beruntung paling cuman tulang yang ngapung.

Yeah, aku tau aku salah juga karena ga sabar nungguin dia sih, harusnya tahun lalu aku udah tunangan kalo aku sabar, jadi ini salahku. It's been 7 years that we being together …. I can't stop crying until now.
Waktu itu aku cuman menggigil parah dan tidur 2 harian. Racikan bromazolam, antidepresan, sama antipsikotik. Ga sakit sama sekali tapi kalo parah/berkali-kali katanya sih bisa brain damage.
Iya sih, iam from poor family and there's no one in my family have medical background and iam chains smoker, so i hope they will think that my death is due to smoking.

The lingering of love and hope due to broken dreams is fucking suck. Why human evolve to this way?!

No pain? Wah, ya menurutku, those drugs are safer in case of OD, antidepressants like trycilic is more deathly that's why PPH mentioned amitriptyline. What persistent side effects are you got from your try to OD?


Lonely betrayed girl ready to die
Jan 31, 2024
Iya sih, iam from poor family and there's no one in my family have medical background and iam chains smoker, so i hope they will think that my death is due to smoking.

The lingering of love and hope due to broken dreams is fucking suck. Why human evolve to this way?!

No pain? Wah, ya menurutku, those drugs are safer in case of OD, antidepressants like trycilic is more deathly that's why PPH mentioned amitriptyline. What persistent side effects are you got from your try to OD?
Ga sebenernya aku ga dapet side effect yang gimana2 gitu sih dari OD. Aku paling cuman abis minum beberapa jam kemudian jantungnya berdebar kenceng banget dan ini rasanya burning sama sakit kayak ditusuk2. Terus ngantuk banget. Selebihnya ga ada apa2.


Broken English from Indonesia
Mar 3, 2024
Paling enak emang pake nitrogen, paling peaceful di bandingkan metode lain yg mudah didapat.
Ada rekomen nggak untuk hood nya, apa pakai exit bag yg manual
hood ctb (lihat pph cara buatnya, mudah kog)

Saranku sih kalo mau nyoba, coba bawa uang aja 500-1juta kalo ga ada obat macem abilify/trintellix/brintellix
Jadi langsung bilang kalau anxiety terus minta benzo gitu kah? Pingin coba SN juga tapi cari obat lainnya sulit


Lonely betrayed girl ready to die
Jan 31, 2024
Jadi langsung bilang kalau anxiety terus minta benzo gitu kah? Pingin coba SN juga tapi cari obat lainnya sulit
Ummm, no. Aku g pernah mention atau bilang aku anxiety. Aku emg bnr2 punya anxiety. Aku ceritain aja gmn rasanya setiap bangun tidur, pas di kelas kuliah, sama di keramaian.


Broken English from Indonesia
Mar 3, 2024
Rencana pakai SN, meto udah beli (masih gampang ternyata beli obat keras di Indonesia), mungkin nanti ctb pas gak ada orang di rumah,
Meto dapat dimana ? Aku cari soalnya butuh resep semua


Jan 1, 2024
Ga sebenernya aku ga dapet side effect yang gimana2 gitu sih dari OD. Aku paling cuman abis minum beberapa jam kemudian jantungnya berdebar kenceng banget dan ini rasanya burning sama sakit kayak ditusuk2. Terus ngantuk banget. Selebihnya ga ada apa2.
Hmm, cuman tachycardia ya, brp gram drugs yg diminum? Good lah gak ada permanent side effects
Pakai yg di PPH menurutku yg paling menjamin, murah juga, tapi ya itu harus dipastikan kadar n2 nya cukup, sama perlu diperhatikan accumulated CO2 nya, sebelum tau SN dulu pernah kepikiran buat exit mask pakai masker 3M yg 2 valve (in & out)
Meto dapat dimana ? Aku cari soalnya butuh resep semua
Beli aja di apotek, jangan yg apotek besar kayak kimia farma/k24, cari apotek yg dimiliki perorangan di pinggiran kota terlebih yg praktek dokter-dokteran 🤣, bilang aja beli metoclopramide kalau ditanya kenapanya jawab aja perut terasa mau muntah sama kepala pusing
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Lonely betrayed girl ready to die
Jan 31, 2024
Hmm, cuman tachycardia ya, brp gram drugs yg diminum? Good lah gak ada permanent side effects
Aku udah lupa, udah aku hapus juga foto bungkus obatnya.

Guys, i hope, kalo kalian ada yang mau attempt pake SN, bilang ya jd aku bisa checkout belanjaanku sebelum kalian attempt. Meski ni negara chaos, kalo ada hal aneh2 suka langsung merekot harganya/di ban. Bangsat emang.
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Oct 23, 2023
Sebenarnya amitriptilin juga buat insomnia, aku dulu juga bilang insomnia ke dokter nya, tapi kayaknya dokter nya mikir aku mungkin abuse kalau di kasih benzo, di berita kebanyakan ctb pake benzo, padahal benzo susah buat ctb, lebih gampang pake amitriptilin. Mungkin mereka mikirnya aku udah mentok makanya di kasih clozapin juga, obat yg bikin bego, beneran bikin bego. Mungkin juga gara2 pakai bpjs, yg KIS lagi (dapat subsidi 100 persen dari pemerintah) (org kere minta bagusan), benzo lebih mahal. Paling enak emang pake nitrogen, paling peaceful di bandingkan metode lain yg mudah didapat. Untuk set upnya gampang sebenernya yg penting siapkan dulu alat-alat nya, kayak tabung nitrogen+isinya, pilih yg food grade. Regulator nitrogen yg low pressure, kunci inggris, selang PU (1/4 inch), hood ctb (lihat pph cara buatnya, mudah kog). Nah yg bikin aku gak pengen pake nitrogen itu kentara banget bunuh dirinya. Aku merasa kasihan buat keluarga, terlebih adiku cewek yg masih SMP.
Hello. The 1/4 inch hose is too small unless you cut the end of your hose (the hose plug) and use a connector that can accommodate the 1/4inch hose. Honestly, you don't even need to cut it. A 3/8 inch hose connected directly to the hose plug, tightened with clamps will do.

I'm sorry you're struggling. I feel guilt too. People here, the way they gossip is relentless and I dont want my family to be blamed or looked at, you know..
Meto dapat dimana ? Aku cari soalnya butuh resep semua
metoclopramide. How do you use this? Can you explain?
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Lonely betrayed girl ready to die
Jan 31, 2024
Ngl, aku juga berani sampe prepare nyari source dan siap check out krn udah ga ada beban selain ortu. Adek udh sukses di LN, ortu udah tua (ini paling kasian), selain itu udah g ada hope.

Meto kayaknya msh obtainable di apotek, tadi nyari domperidone juga ga perlu resep.


Oct 23, 2023
Ngl, aku juga berani sampe prepare nyari source dan siap check out krn udah ga ada beban selain ortu. Adek udh sukses di LN, ortu udah tua (ini paling kasian), selain itu udah g ada hope.

Meto kayaknya msh obtainable di apotek, tadi nyari domperidone juga ga perlu resep.
How does meto and domperidone work, would you mind explaining the dosage, effects, what it'd feel like, etc?


Jan 1, 2024
Aku udah lupa, udah aku hapus juga foto bungkus obatnya.

Guys, i hope, kalo kalian ada yang mau attempt pake SN, bilang ya jd aku bisa checkout belanjaanku sebelum kalian attempt. Meski ni negara chaos, kalo ada hal aneh2 suka langsung merekot harganya/di ban. Bangsat emang.
Iya mendingan hoarding tuh SN, gajian bulan depan rencana mau checkout, entah kenapa yg jual SN reagen grade gak sebanyak bulan januari kemarin, mumpung masih bisa
Hello. The 1/4 inch hose is too small unless you cut the end of your hose (the hose plug) and use a connector that can accommodate the 1/4inch hose. Honestly, you don't even need to cut it. A 3/8 inch hose connected directly to the hose plug, tightened with clamps will do.

I'm sorry you're struggling. I feel guilt too. People here, the way they gossip is relentless and I dont want my family to be blamed or looked at, you know..

metoclopramide. How do you use this? Can you explain?
Yep, as long as the regulator nipple fit. At my work (a factory) we use 1/4 inch for oxygen.

Meto is useful to emptying your stomach before taking the drug, in theory it can fasten the drug absorption. U can read vizzy guide, look on suicide resources
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Oct 23, 2023
Iya mendingan hoarding tuh SN, gajian bulan depan rencana mau checkout, entah kenapa yg jual SN reagen grade gak sebanyak bulan januari kemarin, mumpung masih bisa
Kalau di jual per eceran, if the container is opened, it will lose its potency if kept for long and you can't hoard it unless you get the entire sealed container.
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Jan 1, 2024
Kalau di jual per eceran, if the container is opened, it will lose its potency if kept for long and you can't hoard it unless you get the entire sealed container.
Yup agree, as long keep in vacuum sealed container i think still work, even tho the efficacy will dregade little bit, i think nitrate lethal too, so if nitrite become nitrate its still work, correct me if iam wrong


Lonely betrayed girl ready to die
Jan 31, 2024
How does meto and domperidone work, would you mind explaining the dosage, effects, what it'd feel like, etc?
Antiemitic. Di megathread dan Guide SN ada. Buat mencegah muntah. Tapj tetep kebanyakan muntah tapi ga sebanyak kalo ga pake. Klo dosage aku belom baca buat domperidone. Kalo rasanya kataku tiap orang bakalan beda juga, google aja nama obat + reddit (+experience).
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Oct 23, 2023
It's shitty that guaranteed ways to peacefully die is unavailable here. I'm exhausted from researching of ways where I don't end up in a vegetative state. Been in fear of failure for years and have had to endure being alive in pain. I wonder when this country would ever legalize euthanasia. Pets get that kindness but we don't. I wonder if we could buy the drug off of a veterinarian? What is it called here?


Lonely betrayed girl ready to die
Jan 31, 2024
It's shitty that guaranteed ways to peacefully die is unavailable here. I'm exhausted from researching of ways where I don't end up in a vegetative state. Been in fear of failure for years and have had to endure being alive in pain. I wonder when this country would ever legalize euthanasia. Pets get that kindness but we don't. I wonder if we could buy the drug off of a veterinarian? What is it called here?
nembutal? Gatau aku belom nanya di sini. Btw ini aku buat saat2 terakhir pengen nyari LSD ma coke, kmrn dpt telegram supplier tp ngeri diburon klo g legit. Siapa tau ada yang bs DM source buat ini.

Aku researching dah dari jaman SMP knp baru ketemu skrg ni forum? Kmrn juga nemu sebenernya sebelum SN booming di berita.

Benci bgt ini sama org2 pro life, ngasih source telpon helpline yg g aku butuhin dan udh g aktif kayak aku ga pernah minta tolong dan nyari pertolongan aja f*ck.


Jan 1, 2024
It's shitty that guaranteed ways to peacefully die is unavailable here. I'm exhausted from researching of ways where I don't end up in a vegetative state. Been in fear of failure for years and have had to endure being alive in pain. I wonder when this country would ever legalize euthanasia. Pets get that kindness but we don't. I wonder if we could buy the drug off of a veterinarian? What is it called here?

N sepertinya gak ada di Indo, adanya derivatif dari N buat epilepsi tapi gak se efektif N
Antiemitic. Di megathread dan Guide SN ada. Buat mencegah muntah. Tapj tetep kebanyakan muntah tapi ga sebanyak kalo ga pake. Klo dosage aku belom baca buat domperidone. Kalo rasanya kataku tiap orang bakalan beda juga, google aja nama obat + reddit (+experience).
Cara kerjanya meto gmn sih, gak begitu faham aku, lambung biar kosong sehingga drug absorption is faster sehingga gak ada kesempatan buat metabolisme kick in, or it's just to prevent from puking?
nembutal? Gatau aku belom nanya di sini. Btw ini aku buat saat2 terakhir pengen nyari LSD ma coke, kmrn dpt telegram supplier tp ngeri diburon klo g legit. Siapa tau ada yang bs DM source buat ini.

Aku researching dah dari jaman SMP knp baru ketemu skrg ni forum? Kmrn juga nemu sebenernya sebelum SN booming di berita.

Benci bgt ini sama org2 pro life, ngasih source telpon helpline yg g aku butuhin dan udh g aktif kayak aku ga pernah minta tolong dan nyari pertolongan aja f*ck.
Wah LSD, pengen nyoba itu, katanya efek nya permanen dan gak jadi pengen suicide lagi.

Yap, those people use their on point of view, not thinking that other suffering from the same world they are living in, because they are not depressed and think others should not to
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Oct 23, 2023
N sepertinya gak ada di Indo, adanya derivatif dari N buat epilepsi tapi gak se efektif N

Cara kerjanya meto gmn sih, gak begitu faham aku, lambung biar kosong sehingga drug absorption is faster sehingga gak ada kesempatan buat metabolisme kick in, or it's just to prevent from puking?

Wah LSD, pengen nyoba itu, katanya efek nya permanen dan gak jadi pengen suicide lagi.

Yap, those people use their on point of view, not thinking that other suffering from the same world they are living in, because they are not depressed and think others should not to
Can you tell me more about this epileptic drug? How does it work? How does it kill and at what dosage?

LSD won't do shit but maybe give you a good time, depending on your state of mind, for a few hours. LSD won't change who you are and neither will shrooms. Done both. Had an enlightening experience with shrooms but life happens and those experiences don't stick. That AHA moment doesn't stay with you forever.

Maybe ayahuasca? Might work for you guys- change your perspective.
Wouldnt change me though. I'm suicidal because I have a genetic illness. My body is broken, my life is broken, my dreams and all that I've put my effort into have shattered. Having an enlightening experience won't change the fact that it physically hurts to exist in my skin.

nembutal? Gatau aku belom nanya di sini. Btw ini aku buat saat2 terakhir pengen nyari LSD ma coke, kmrn dpt telegram supplier tp ngeri diburon klo g legit. Siapa tau ada yang bs DM source buat ini.

Aku researching dah dari jaman SMP knp baru ketemu skrg ni forum? Kmrn juga nemu sebenernya sebelum SN booming di berita.

Benci bgt ini sama org2 pro life, ngasih source telpon helpline yg g aku butuhin dan udh g aktif kayak aku ga pernah minta tolong dan nyari pertolongan aja f*ck.

Nembutal is THE drug for euthanasia, yes
but I don't think it's what's used on animals in our country. They use something else.
I just wonder what it is.

People who are pro life don't understand that life is not a gift for many & hence they cannot empathize. They think they know better with their idealistic views because they're ignorant.
I wish people could just mind their own business, be pro whatever towards themselves and leave other people alone to do what suits them.

SN booming di berita? Local news or overseas? I hope not here because then it'd be hard to get it.
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Jan 1, 2024
Can you tell me more about this epileptic drug? How does it work? How does it kill and at what dosage?

LSD won't do shit but maybe give you a good time, depending on your state of mind, for a few hours. LSD won't change who you are and neither will shrooms. Done both. Had an enlightening experience with shrooms but life happens and those experiences don't stick. That AHA moment doesn't stay with you forever.

Maybe ayahuasca? Might work for you guys- change your perspective.
Wouldnt change me though. I'm suicidal because I have a genetic illness. My body is broken, my life is broken, my dreams and all that I've put my effort into have shattered. Having an enlightening experience won't change the fact that it physically hurts to exist in my skin.

Nembutal is THE drug for euthanasia, yes
but I don't think it's what's used on animals in our country. They use something else.
I just wonder what it is.

People who are pro life don't understand that life is not a gift for many & hence they cannot empathize. They think they know better with their idealistic views because they're ignorant.
I wish people could just mind their own business, be pro whatever towards themselves and leave other people alone to do what suits them.

SN booming di berita? Local news or overseas? I hope not here because then it'd be hard to get it.
Its called fenobarbital, i don't know the dosage to make it lethal, and i guess lethal dosage is exponential compare to N.

How to get the shroom, is it easily available?


Oct 23, 2023
Its called fenobarbital, i don't know the dosage to make it lethal, and i guess lethal dosage is exponential compare to N.

How to get the shroom, is it easily available?
Not anymore. Used to be able to buy shrooms by mail from Bali. Blender it and mix with Coca Cola because it smells like poo. It's mostly grown on Kerbau poop after all.

Where do you buy fenobarbital here?


Lonely betrayed girl ready to die
Jan 31, 2024
Its called fenobarbital, i don't know the dosage to make it lethal, and i guess lethal dosage is exponential compare to N.

How to get the shroom, is it easily available?
I tried from the last year to find shroom supplier online here and didn't find any. Kayanya harus ke gili tapi denger2 juga udah susah ….
Not anymore. Used to be able to buy shrooms by mail from Bali. Blender it and mix with Coca Cola because it smells like poo. It's mostly grown on Kerbau poop after all.

Where do you buy fenobarbital here?
u can't. Even people in us struggling to find it. What do you expect from this country.
I think the only method available and easily to obtain here is hanging, drowning, SN, inert gas, etc which not involving banned drugs. U can get gun but still hard and tricky.
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Jan 1, 2024
Not anymore. Used to be able to buy shrooms by mail from Bali. Blender it and mix with Coca Cola because it smells like poo. It's mostly grown on Kerbau poop after all.

Where do you buy fenobarbital here?
Oh yea, i know that, that's infamous shroom that Wiji Thukul used to get high, we called it jamur lethong
I tried from the last year to find shroom supplier online here and didn't find any. Kayanya harus ke gili tapi denger2 juga udah susah ….

u can't. Even people in us struggling to find it. What do you expect from this country.
I think the only method available and easily to obtain here is hanging, drowning, SN, inert gas, etc which not involving banned drugs. U can get gun but still hard and tricky.
U can get that easily in cow farm or on country side
Honestly lots of you guys are from rich family, you talk visiting bali its like iam talking traveling from solo to jogja. I think money can't buy happiness right?
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Oct 23, 2023
Oh yea, i know that, that's infamous shroom that Wiji Thukul used to get high, we called it jamur lethong

U can get that easily in cow farm or on country side
Honestly lots of you guys are from rich family, you talk visiting bali its like iam talking traveling from solo to jogja. I think money can't buy happiness right?
I didn't say visit Bali. I said that one used to be able to get it through mail, shipped from Bali. I'm middle class and yes I'm privileged. It definitely doesn't buy happiness but it helps one survive for sure, alleviating some misery. If one is privileged enough, rich even, they can buy a good life but never happiness because it's not a constant state. Happiness, like all other emotions, ebbs and flows. If I had the capacity, I'd instead strive towards contentment. The whole chasing happiness nonsense, is a western idea we shouldn't abide by.

Anyway, if it's easy for you to procure from cow farms like you mentioned, let us know about it if you give them a try =)
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Jan 1, 2024
I didn't say visit Bali. I said that one used to be able to get it through mail, shipped from Bali. I'm middle class and yes I'm privileged. It definitely doesn't buy happiness but it helps one survive for sure, alleviating some misery. If one is privileged enough, rich even, they can buy a good life but never happiness because it's not a constant state. Happiness, like all other emotions, ebbs and flows. If I had the capacity, I'd instead strive towards contentment. The whole chasing happiness nonsense, is a western idea we shouldn't abide by.
Iam sorry for my dumbness, i don't peruse your post. Yeah i guess privilege help at some degree. Agreed with you, yes contentment are achievable no matter what class in society you belongs to, ted kaczynski in his manifesto talk a lot about that. His answers to all this madness is to destroy the technological system

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