

Dec 13, 2019
i was browsing aimlessly trough the internet ( i am bored and having the time right now :-).
However I ended up reading a article that portrays the situation by a family who lost their loved one due to the choice to ctb.

I do understand the anger, despair and sorrow and all those hurtful emotions they have to work through. Maybe it is "normal" that affected families aren´t capable to get over the idea that platforms like ss are not responsible for the decision made by their loved member. Maybe we have to accept that hence to their personal involvement we can´t expect them to get another point of view?

But on the same time it also gets me frustrating and angry..cause it also seems to me like the easy way out- and an arrogant stand cause..I thing if I did not have the opportunity to talk to you guys. I would have already done it also prevents doing it..but I guess they won´t will never understand that..and sure as fuck i would not take a stand telling them my personal situation- in order to make them change their minds.

sorry i am just babbeling I guess- but I guess i wont my family and friends if I ever ctb..(and they find out i was active here) I just dont want them to blame a forum that actually helped me a lot to work through stuff...
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Jan 29, 2020
Pro lifers think that they are entitled to other people's lives/companionship. Their anger/sorrow blah blah is not because the other person is going to miss out on life, but because they are going to miss whatever the other person added to their lives, which seems super selfish (does that make sense?).
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Dec 13, 2019
Pro lifers think that they are entitled to other people's lives/companionship. Their anger/sorrow blah blah is not because the other person is going to miss out on life, but because they are going to miss whatever the other person added to their lives, which seems super selfish (does that make sense?).
I don´t know i wont not allow them to be devastated for missing a loved one- isn´t that one of the huge reasons why many of us struggle to go through with it? cause we do not want to hurt them. BUT i totally agree that it is also not fair to us only to stay alive for their sake- and have to endure all that pain we are feeling only to make them feel better about their-selves.


Jan 29, 2020
I don´t know i wont not allow them to be devastated for missing a loved one- isn´t that one of the huge reasons why many of us struggle to go through with it? cause we do not want to hurt them. BUT i totally agree that it is also not fair to us only to stay alive for their sake- and have to endure all that pain we are feeling only to make them feel better about their-selves.
That's kind of why I have become apathetic these days. I just don't care if they are devestated/getting hurt. Its me whose dying not them. They still have their lives and its their problem to sort things out and live without me. I was not given the option to be born so technically it's not on me if someone feels bad once I die.
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Dec 13, 2019
That's kind of why I have become apathetic these days. I just don't care if they are devestated/getting hurt. Its me whose dying not them. They still have their lives and its their problem to sort things out and live without me. I was not given the option to be born so technically it's not on me if someone feels bad once I die.

i get, I know that we are not facing the same situation having our own reasons to want to thats totally understandable that u and also others are feeling differently in regard to those people we leave behind.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
All of these discussions about breeders and normies; what they feel and think, are unbecoming. They are emotional and will never break free from any of the DNA's dictates. To me these people are tantamount to children, it makes no sense to discuss what kindergartners feel and think about quantum physics. One of the kids thinks that it "sounds scary", another has a dad that works in quantum computing and therefore it makes him want to eat ice cream. A third has a mean cousin that mentioned liking quantum physics and therefore dislikes it and wants it to go away.
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Feb 15, 2021
Absolutely agree 100 percent. I also get frustrated and angry when I read about people trying to shut this site down. I can understand their dispair when a loved one makes the choice to take their life, but unless you have the thoughts that we do, the stuff we battle each and everyday, no one will ever understand how amazing and wonderful this site is. I am new here and this is exactly what I've needed my whole life. This site can prevent suicide, this site doesn't encourage it, we simply support each others choice to make out exit if that is what is needed. For me, ctb is my light at the end of the tunnel. I don't want to hurt my family either and I would hope that if they ever found out I was on here, they wouldn't think someone "made me do it", the choice is always mine and mine alone.
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We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
I also get frustrated and angry when I read about people trying to shut this site down.
They say we "prey on the vulnerable" and "push them into suicide". I have never seen someone do any of that though. Neither was I recruited - I registered voluntarily - nor has anyone every said "Do it! Kill yourself! Just do it!" to me when I felt sad. I don't know where they got their theories from?

Those people on facebook are delusional and closed minded. The woman leading it constantly gets agressive and hysterical instead of arguing like a grown up person in the comments. One could say she preys on other overtly emotional people to recruit them into her cult :^)

But apparently she is doing this because her son asked this site to be shut down in his suicide note. Pretty selfish of him, too if you think about it. Using this site to his advantage and then denying access to other people in his situation. I guess the entire family has some weird imagination of what is right and wrong.

Edit: I just noticed I bumped an old thread. Sorry!
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Feb 15, 2021
They say we "prey on the vulnerable" and "push them into suicide". I have never seen someone do any of that though. Neither was I recruited - I registered voluntarily - nor has anyone every said "Do it! Kill yourself! Just do it!" to me when I felt sad. I don't know where they got their theories from?

Those people on facebook are delusional and closed minded. The woman leading it constantly gets agressive and hysterical instead of arguing like a grown up person in the comments. One could say she preys on other overtly emotional people to recruit them into her cult :^)

But apparently she is doing this because her son asked this site to be shut down in his suicide note. Pretty selfish of him, too if you think about it. Using this site to his advantage and then denying access to other people in his situation. I guess the entire family has some weird imagination of what is right and wrong.

Edit: I just noticed I bumped an old thread. Sorry!
Totally agree 100 percent with everything you said. I have experienced nothing like that - no one is preying on anyone or pushing them into suicide. I am also here because I voluntarily registered, because I am suicidal and I wanted to interact with people like me and find resources.

This site is exactly what I needed, kind compassionate people that neither encourage or discourage my choice to ctb. I think that's what they get so angry about - that we are pro choice in regards to the topic and not screaming at everyone not to do it. I hear enough from everyone else in the world, "No, you matter, you're loved, don't do it, there's so much to live for BS". They don't understand what we go through. People here do. I don't need that fairytale BS. While I hate that we have to be here and feel like this, I respect anyone's choice to end their suffering if they so choose. As I myself will choose that path as well.

I agree, that is rather selfish of him if he put that in his suicide note. I really hope this site never gets shut down. There is no reason that it should be. I love this community.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
There are a lot of sensationalist stories of loss and grief followed by anger from the family that loses a loved due to suicide. There's a few stories where the family mourns properly and tries to bring awareness of suicide in front of lawmakers by giving those that are terminally in pain no matter how old, the right for a peaceful death. The link below are a series of Vice articles about Adam Maier-Clayton's campaign for right to die in Canada:

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May 27, 2020
Pro lifers think that they are entitled to other people's lives/companionship. Their anger/sorrow blah blah is not because the other person is going to miss out on life, but because they are going to miss whatever the other person added to their lives, which seems super selfish (does that make sense?).

You have made a good point. It is interesting that people are told that they are not "entitled" to anything else from others, but these individuals who preach this are sometimes the same people that get angry when another person commits suicide - as you have said.
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
All of these discussions about breeders and normies; what they feel and think, are unbecoming. They are emotional and will never break free from any of the DNA's dictates. To me these people are tantamount to children, it makes no sense to discuss what kindergartners feel and think about quantum physics. One of the kids thinks that it "sounds scary", another has a dad that works in quantum computing and therefore it makes him want to eat ice cream. A third has a mean cousin that mentioned liking quantum physics and therefore dislikes it and wants it to go away.
The perfect analogy dosen't exis-
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Feb 17, 2021
Every human being is born with a death sentence. Matter of time when your number is called. Pro lifers are too gutless to call their own number when things get too bad...that's their own problem, not ours!
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
The vast majority of people cannot accept death. This has become more and more apparent especially with the coronavirus situation. One of my family members died of covid, they were quite old and there wasn't much anyone could do, save for hospital and care home staff making better decisions about keeping patients apart.

While I am a bit miffed at the staff, I don't think anyone can be directly faulted for the death. Also, said family member was suffering greatly and could not enjoy life as she once did due to severe illness. People conflate quantity of life with quality of life. It is much better to have a shorter life filled with joy than a longer one brimming with misery.

Whenever I see people who have been harmed by strict lockdown protocols, job losses, isolation, and other consequences of the covid response choosing to speak out, people call them granny killers and act like those who have been caught in the crossfire are responsible for the battle's other casualties, so to speak. Joe at the food bank isn't killing your gran whose been locked away at the care home in isolation and misery for over a year, not being able to make their own choices about risk is what's tearing at many of the elderly right now.

I think people tend to be over emotional and can't see things in a nuanced way. I don't blame anyone for the death of my family member, but I do hate that said family member had to die alone, isolated from everyone, because some people decided that prolonging her comatose existence was better than allowing her a more peaceful exit surrounded by family. People just refuse to accept that others will someday die.

I refuse to have biological children for this reason, I don't want to subject another being to a slow and painful demise. I have never understood how people can create life without a second thought, not even so much as a speculative musing about the extesential dread that new person will someday have to endure. Many have their blinders on when it comes to the thought of death, until reality is staring them in the face.

I agree with what many have said here about this topic. There are far too many people, especially as of lately, who see death as the worst outcome everytime and can't fathom what a life of constant pain (leading to suicidal ideation) actually entails. It is a tragedy when someone who wants to experience life suddenly meets their demise. It is also a tragedy when one is forcefully kept on live saving treatments against their will until they succumb to painful diseases. Only one of these is seen as wicked.

Seeing death as the worst outcome of every situation shows naivety. Those who deny people their bodily autonomy and their choice have clearly never been faced with an existence that is worse than death, which is wonderful, but agonising for those of us who will forever be treated as insane by those very same people for stating how we don't want to live in constant pain anymore.
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Mar 21, 2019
Most pro-lifers do not face anything. They see a much more stable and simple world. I never know if I should feel happy for them or wish them the hard times that brings individuals here.
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Feb 15, 2019
There are a lot of sensationalist stories of loss and grief followed by anger from the family that loses a loved due to suicide. There's a few stories where the family mourns properly and tries to bring awareness of suicide in front of lawmakers by giving those that are terminally in pain no matter how old, the right for a peaceful death. The link below are a series of Vice articles about Adam Maier-Clayton's campaign for right to die in Canada:

It is interesting how Adam Maier Clayton was only able to win some public sympathy when his mental illness began to mimic a physical illness.
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Feb 18, 2021
I don't blame them for having a knee-jerk reaction of disgust. Like it or not, places like this are rife with sadists looking to take advantage of people and encourage them to kill themselves. Issues like this go back a long ways. Even ASH was filled with individuals like William Francis Melchert-Dinkel. I've heard of instances of individuals trying to convince others to commit suicide on webcam on SS in particular.
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Oct 4, 2020
I understand both sides since I was on the opposite side before being suicidal.

It's not hard to understand why people would view ctb as something bad, hell i still do.
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Aug 18, 2020
i was browsing aimlessly trough the internet ( i am bored and having the time right now :-).
However I ended up reading a article that portrays the situation by a family who lost their loved one due to the choice to ctb.

I do understand the anger, despair and sorrow and all those hurtful emotions they have to work through. Maybe it is "normal" that affected families aren´t capable to get over the idea that platforms like ss are not responsible for the decision made by their loved member. Maybe we have to accept that hence to their personal involvement we can´t expect them to get another point of view?

But on the same time it also gets me frustrating and angry..cause it also seems to me like the easy way out- and an arrogant stand cause..I thing if I did not have the opportunity to talk to you guys. I would have already done it also prevents doing it..but I guess they won´t will never understand that..and sure as fuck i would not take a stand telling them my personal situation- in order to make them change their minds.

sorry i am just babbeling I guess- but I guess i wont my family and friends if I ever ctb..(and they find out i was active here) I just dont want them to blame a forum that actually helped me a lot to work through stuff...
This Also is a place to vent and sometimes that can be helpful and a person will just vent and vent and never CTB. This is a good thing as well. Cant say the same things here that we would wish to say to family friends and counselors.
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If this isn't the end, what's meant of learning.
Mar 8, 2021
Societies the problem. We'll never get the education we eventually realise we want, and safety we need. Society is built on making it on the under privileged.
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