What makes you think any of us are 'good enough' for an alternative if we don't CTB?
Don't get me wrong. I understand the reasoning and the fear but, should we even assume we're getting in to heaven after a natural death? I don't know. Maybe you've lived a faultless, pious life. I don't think I've lived a terrible life but I'm pretty sure I've already done enough to piss God off (if there is one) to send me to hell. God must know I don't like them for a start! I guess CTB would be the cherry on the cake.
Still- I guess- if it worries you that much, you have a few choices. Try and rid yourself of the belief. Do it and suffer the consequences or, don't do it and wait for your 'reward'.
I guess though- put it this way. How much do you 'suffer' in a dream? Maybe you feel emotions but- do you feel physical pain when you walk into fire or trip over? Probably not because- your physical body isn't doing those things. You're just imagining doing those things. How would you feel pain if you didn't have a physical body? We know our bodies stay here when we die. I don't think we even experience time the same in a dream. So- in a way- dreaming feels like the closest physical thing to death in a way. A form of consciousness without the interaction of a body. If even that survives after death- I'm doubtful myself.
For the whole heaven and hell theories to work (for me) they must have shit loads of cloned bodies of us some place neutral, growing up without souls. Then, when we die and our body is destroyed on this earth, we are judged, our soul inserted into our duplicate bodies and we are sent on to heaven, hell, purgatory- whatever. Otherwise, how will we feel the pain of the hell fire? How will we recognise our loved ones in heaven? To experience life in a way we can even comprehend, surely- we would need a brain, consciousness and a body? If we don't have those components- we have no comprehension on what existence would feel like. The likelihood of the above scenario seems ridiculous to me so, I can only guess that- if there is an afterlife, it won't be like this life. We won't have biological bodies that die for a start- if it's eternity.
Personally, I think our consciousness lives and dies with our brain. It's surely dependant on the brain. We aren't fully developed personalities when we are born. Surely- it grows with the brain. Personally- I don't see it as some mystical thing that floats in to us when we are an infant and floats out at the end. I guess I'm not a complete cynic. Certain things still puzzle and worry me but I definitely don't believe in any religion whole heartedly.