Some users on here have been mean to me when I regress
Hi! I am 67 and sometimes I have been accused of acting like I am in my twenties or similar. So, WHAT! I am not bothering anyone and if others want to waste their time so be it.
One thing that I have learned through the decades is that: 1) so folk's lives are so terrible that they need to validate themselves by being mean to others. 2) Always remember what goes around comes around.
I have seen A LOT of times where in personal or business life something not so nice happens and they are shocked. These same folks were greedy, could not care less about their fellow human being and they wondered why! Just shows stupidity and egotistical aspects of some.
I care and love you as a fellow family member on here and I tell myself so many times, do not let the jerks get me or YOU down. You have so much to give not only yourself but to others, so wonderful! Oh, just like you wonderful!