I have dreamed of hell on more than one occasion. I have also walked down the street in a dream and had a very lengthy and interesting conversation with god. I don't hold belief or have a particularly rich religious background, but I still hold a fascination with the subject. I wouldn't say I'm a believer and I don't have strong opinions on the subject. I suppose I'm a bit agnostic.
With this as context and without meaning to get into a theology debate, the idea of eternal suffering is an unusually cruel notion to the point that I would struggle to believe in it. I think that a god, christian or otherwise, would probably have a little more insight into his subjects rather than "believe or suffer". There is a lot of ambiguity in life for a human being. The lines only blur more with age, too. Despite what our identity issues, our politics, our flags and our tribes tell you, our existence is mostly grey.
If you consider this and consider that a diety would be supremely intelligent and/or wise and/or perceptive, it seems kind of ridiculous that the game would be, "have faith and follow my doctrine, as it is written in a dusty tome thousands of years ago with no direct or understandable influence from me in the interim or you will be tortured in unimaginable ways for the rest of time!" It sort of just seems like something I would come up with in a playground at aged 10 to get people to do what I want, no?
This is without getting into the moral implications of a biblical god demanding your fear and devotion or you will be cast down to be ripped apart for eternity. It isn't cohesive with my understanding of morals and just seems all a bit juvenile.
So, to come full circle, I think that the human imagination is an extremely powerful tool. I don't put very much stock in these end-of-life daydreams or hallucinations, because I can and have dreamed the same things in my regular life. In addition to this, the thought that goes behind a notion of hell is silly. Lastly, you would think that a god would have better infrastructure in place so that some random lady can't temporarily crossover to hell or otherwise. Doesn't satan have paperwork anyway?