

Aug 10, 2022
So I just joined not even a week ago yet I don't think, and if I'm honest I probably have no right to do this especially without everyone's permission. But I write music, It's how I have learned to express myself, and so from the thread recovery from a few of the threads I've used some of everyone's comments and my own to write this song. I just hope no one is to upset or mad at me and that you all enjoy this song, and perspective is everything so how you see it may not be how someone else see's it so see it how you want, it can be seen as bad and discouraging or it could be seen as good and amazing. Anyways I'm gonna let ya'll read my song now okay, so let it sink in and see it how it looks and feels for you cry and let everything out and then sleep and write down in a journal if you have one and if not make one but write down how you feel then if you want to post it on this thread please. I would love to know what you saw and felt when you read this, and how your doing now that you've cried let it all out and gotten some rest.

It's called "Are You Truly Okay, Inside and Out?"

The end my life sentence that left my lips
Oh yeah that should be easy to explain though, right?
I mean I'm insane and there sadly is no cure for it, so guess I'm dying
And damn, well guess I'm broken but I'm missing a few pieces, so guess I'm unfixable
And I'm just hurting to much inside but you know there's no numbing cream left
So, guess I'm just bound to bleed out from my heart, the one that's split in two

But you know what, I'm probably just feeling unwell, ya know like the world says!
Yet you know I'm just not being loved like I deserve to be, so I'm just broken-hearted
I mean I guess I'm just getting to much sleep, but we both know I'm sleep deprived
Also as much as I like to pretend I'm fine, those thoughts are always lurking around somewhere
I know I shouldn't be sad but instead happy, but pretending is the best I can do so take it
We all know life's lonely, so don't bother acting like you care when really you don't even notice

I act happy and like I'm all better, but guess my body is to numb to feel my body shutting down
But you know as well as me that were all scared of something, I guess death just doesn't cut it
I've always acted like I didn't care, but I'm so tired of life I'm actually so damn angry at myself
In the end though my families disappointment is what hurts the most, though I guess I'm okay
We all try to plan life out right, but they just seem to backfire and knock us down ya know?
Some believe they still have their dreams but aren't willing to put in the work, so they fail

Life can be so miserable, guess we just weren't ready for the roads we'd have to walk down
You'd wonder why I try when I'm always in a daze, I'm not I'm simply existing in the world
We all know what it's like when weeks go by, were in such a daze we think it's been a few hours
Were trying so hard to feel happy and do better, but when things take to long we give up first
Life can be so hard and demanding that isolation is what we now want, it's like we're gone already
We constantly feel like were missing out on life but thing is, life was always moving forward with or without us

Were constantly sick, and lies of society are slowly erasing our existence the longer were stuck
We're so committed to suicide like a life-line, but all this judgement is killing everyone slowly
Your so stuck in this cycle of thinking your better when your actually slowly breaking inside
I've lost all hope, and maybe it's a good thing or bad one but we'll never know will we?
I used to be so determined to be a doctor but now I'm determined to die by your hands
If only you could see, if we just keep going this way we'll all meet our end and our maker

I mean no one gives a shit about me so why not try, isn't that what were all thinking?
Why not give it a try, tie that noose around your neck climb to the tallest branch and jump
We all know we wanna try it, maybe a different scenario but the same thing in the end
We all believe were the only one suffering but in the end the whole world is suffering
I mean you think your the only one but your not and you never were so stop with the pity party
So, we all know each other is suffering so instead of a pity party try a party that's about not giving up

To be honest no one will ever come to save you from whatever it is you may be suffering from
So I suggest you get up and try pulling yourself out of that black pit of pity
Don't wait around for your prince charming or savior because you don't have either one
I mean sure someone will come and maybe see you but their dealing with a lot too, ya know?
I mean even if we don't see it yet were all suffering the same, but we still hurt one another
But someone once said that toxic people can just escape through a revolving door
Well I got news, that's true but their just escaping back into their own personal cell in hell
But when one goes back to hell someone who's worse takes their place, so choose to leave and not stay
Even if that toxic person may be someone you know or even yourself
  • Hugs
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Reactions: worst.therapist, narval and Suicidebydeath


No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I think it's always ok to express yourself with song. You have that right. Someone did try and save me from suicidal feelings but it was a very long time ago, much longer than I joined this forum. I think a person like that is rare now.
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Reactions: eliza23


Aug 10, 2022
So this is a little late, but I never quite understood why you quoted what you did on your post or why you said what you did and I was hoping you could tell me, I think it might be because of the song I wrote and maybe you got the wrong idea but only the first two verses are mine, the other verses are others replies to some different posts on here I was just putting them on here so everyone could see and know that we all suffer but if we try and keep trying instead of giving up just because we think were not strong enough then their wrong they are strong enough their strong enough because how they see themselves and feel about themselves is what determines how strong or weak they are and if they would just think more positively about themselves and ignore others lies then they would be strong enough to keep going and pull themself out of whatever hole there in now with their depression, bipolar disorder anxiety stress or any other mental order or disease they have becuase they'd realize that their the ones who are truly i control of it all and sometimes they dont have the control they think they should but no matter what form control comes in even if it means letting the disease think its in control its always for better not worse ya know.

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