An update on the OFCOM situation: As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. OFCOM, the UK’s communications regulator, has singled out our community, demanding compliance with their Online Safety Act despite our minimal UK presence. This is a blatant overreach, and they have been sending letters pressuring us to comply with their censorship agenda.
Our platform is already blocked by many UK ISPs, yet they continue their attempts to stifle free speech. Standing up to this kind of regulatory overreach requires lots of resources to maintain our infrastructure and fight back against these unjust demands. If you value our community and want to support us during this time, we would greatly appreciate any and all donations.
Why does it have to be fake? Just like the person saying they don't believe the parents are actually grieving.
there's no way to know. People do strange and unexplainable things sometimes. I personally think the mom is grieving and I do believe the note is real. That doesnt change that I disagree with the sentiments purported by the mom and the note. This site should stay up. And they should take time to go through counseling themselves and understand that responsibility lies within a persons own self, not outside of it.
But saying the note is fake doesnt help anyone. It doesnt really matter if the note is fake or not.
People do odd things. I dont think its that odd honestly. I think we shouldnt make conjectures about things we don't know fully as it just complicates things further.
What I mean by it doesnt matter - it doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things. Like someone else said, we shouldnt be fighting tit for tat. We need to be focused on the overarching goals. The note has no bearing on whether or not this site should stay open or closed. I mean they either lied or they didnt. That doesnt change what this site is and why its here.
People do odd things. I dont think its that odd honestly. I think we shouldnt make conjectures about things we don't know fully as it just complicates things further.
What I mean by it doesnt matter - it doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things. Like someone else said, we shouldnt be fighting tit for tat. We need to be focused on the overarching goals. The note has no bearing on whether or not this site should stay open or closed. I mean they either lied or they didnt. That doesnt change what this site is and why its here.
I understand. I found the note odd when I read it. But it would be hard to find a suicide note that isn't I suppose. I just wish the surviving members of their family didn't use it in the way they did.
Lynh, SkarletWitch and nohopeforethefuture
I understand. I found the note odd when I read it. But it would be hard to find a suicide note that isn't I suppose. I just wish the surviving members of their family didn't use it in the way they did.
That we can agree with. I've never been for overpolicing, but I wonder how else we could prevent people from having kids they can't take care of...? We need more people with centered morals and less narrow minded people...
People that are under 18 have not been allowed to register for years now. We have always been against minors being on the website and we maintain that stance today.
Looking at the user survey results, there are a small number of people who responded that said they were under 18 (Looks like around 5%, I think), so it obviously is an issue. It's obviously difficult to do much more than what is being done already, as any form of age verification would diminish our anonymity, and would be quite draconian. But I'm sure this point will come up again.
In response to Marquis. I've read your post and press release.
The only reason I'm aware of these events is due to an e-mail today alerting me to the change of internet address for Sanctioned Suicide. After several months absence I thought that I'd come to find out why.
A long time ago I used to work for the Samaritans, and on occasion spoke by telephone to people preparing to die, probably some of them really did die. We were trained to respect the wishes of the caller, and if the caller wanted to have a conversation as they were dying, we had to allow that, and do our best. And we were well trained, so hopefully we didn't do a bad job. But one crucial thing is that we needed to ask them if they wanted help.
I've known people who have died very painfully, over a long period, from cancer. I've known a brave and dignified man who died from MND. And still most of the governments of the world forbid euthanasia. This is Christian morality, and I reject that. Why must everyone follow Christian codes ? Isn't there freedom to choose ? In the US isn't that in the Constitution ?
Judging from a few conversations I've seen on the site, there are some very young people here, this must be a concern and I strongly advise that this should be addressed.
Jbones, ithappens, shadowchaser and 1 other person
Prolifers think that we somehow are systematically brainwashed by the admins of this site....I have yet to experience Marquis in my dreams yet or whispering sweet nothings of death in my ears.
Lynh, Lost in a Dream, peacefulhorizons and 7 others
Un comunicado de prensa sobre eventos recientes:
Ha sido una mañana muy dura, por decir lo menos.
En primer lugar, quiero ofrecer mi más sentido pésame a Sharon Luft, que perdió a su hijo hace 2 semanas.
En segundo lugar, para aquellos que buscan emprender una cruzada para intentar eliminar este sitio web debido a afirmaciones falsas y exageradas, este sitio es una comunidad de apoyo para miles de personas. He hablado con innumerables personas que están mucho mejor que agradecen a este sitio por ayudarlos a recuperarse. Las afirmaciones sobre las personas que transmiten en vivo sus suicidios son falsas. NUNCA hemos permitido eso aquí, y ni siquiera estoy seguro de si eso se ha hecho antes.
Las personas menores de 18 años no pueden registrarse desde hace años. Siempre hemos estado en contra de la presencia de menores en el sitio web y hoy mantenemos esa postura.
La mafia social que intenta denunciar los hilos no leerá esto, pero al menos los que lo hagan comprenderán nuestra posición.
En otras noticias, nuestro dominio de respaldo está en en caso de que este sea eliminado.
Solo puedo estar muy agradecida por este sitio, es un refugio para mi. Cuando intentaba acceder y no encontró la página una amarga y profunda tristeza se apoderó de mi. Un millón de gracias por seguir en pie, siempre cuidando de nosotros.
Mi total apoyo esta con vosotros.
SS es mi refugio y el de muchas personas.
Que triste es que la ignorancia unida al odio lleven a esas mafias sociales a ejercer más daño.
Bio parents don't deserve condolences when their kids suffer and die. Who was stupid enough to bring them into this world, Sharons? You committed a crime, you should be sentenced.
cyanol, Rogue Proxy, ithappens and 4 others
Bio parents don't deserve condolences when their kids suffer and die. Who was stupid enough to bring them into this world, Sharons? You committed a crime, you should be sentenced.
Why are you only blaming the mothers? They don't make babies by themselves, and no birth control is 100%. What makes you think they've committed a crime?
Why are you only blaming the mothers? They don't make babies by themselves, and no birth control is 100%. What makes you think they've committed a crime?
Abortion is 100%. That's the way to go if you don't want children or are unable to take care for them. It's quite obvious that these parents that oppose us are responsible for what happened to their children, just reading some of their posts makes this very clear to me. But they're in denial about that. I also doubt that these members would have been as unhappy as they were if they had a loving, caring family. It's why they came to us for support. It's so important to receive support from your closest people and that's the family most of the times. Many of us know because we had to go through neglect and abuse ourselves, many of us come from dysfunctional families and it's so common nowadays. I think that's the reason why some of us are anti-natalists and think parents should think twice before they put children into this cruel, cold world.
For example, you could say a strong root of all my suffering is neglect during my childhood. It's most likely the cause for my BPD and the persistent depression. My parents simply didn't give a fuck about me and I didn't receive any love from them. It was quite abusive sometimes. It's why I don't see the person who gave birth to me as my 'mother'. I stopped seeing her that way a long time ago. And I wish she didn't give birth to me, I judge her heavily for that and she knows. Abortion would have been a preferable outcome. She is an utter mess and turned me into one as well, basically repeating the cycle that made her messy in the first place. Thanks for that, 'mother'.
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waitingforrest, Disappointered, Centende and 14 others
Abortion is 100%. That's the way to go if you don't want children or are unable to take care for them. It's quite obvious that these parents that oppose us are responsible for what happened to their children, just reading some of their posts makes this very clear to me. But they're in denial about that. I also doubt that these members would have been as unhappy as they were if they had a loving, caring family. It's why they came to us for support. It's so important to receive support from your closest people and that's the family most of the times. Many of us know because we had to go through neglect and abuse ourselves, many of us come from dysfunctional families and it's so common nowadays. I think that's the reason why some of us are anti-natalists and think parents should think twice before they put children into this cruel, cold world.
For example, you could say a strong root of all my suffering is neglect during my childhood. It's most likely the cause for my BPD and the persistent depression. My parents simply didn't give a fuck about me and I didn't receive any love from them. It was quite abusive sometimes. It's why I don't see the person who gave birth to me as my 'mother'. I stopped seeing her that way a long time ago. And I wish she didn't give birth to me, I judge her heavily for that and she knows. Abortion would have been a preferable outcome. She is an utter mess and turned me into one as well, basically repeating the cycle that made her messy in the first place. Thanks for that, 'mother'.
Unfortunately, in some countries abortion is illegal. Even if you are pregnant due to sexual assault, not to mention all those pro-lifers & religious fools pressuring women to not choose abortion. It is their body therefore their choice. They make it so difficult for women. </3
Unfortunately, in some countries abortion is illegal. Even if you are pregnant due to sexual assault, not to mention all those pro-lifers & religious fools pressuring women to not choose abortion. It is their body therefore their choice. They make it so difficult for women. </3
"Accessibility" and "reliability" of abortion are different discussions. They both need to be had but implying that I've made any comments about the accessibility of abortion is simply wrong. I said abortion is 100% reliable, nothing else.
I hope the context is clear. Again, the context of this conversation was reliability, not accessibility. Obviously, not everyone has the legal rights or financial means to abort but it's an option in many places around Europe and some states in the US and it was a missed opportunity in my specific case. Did I clarify the misunderstanding here?
Slow down there with the bad-faith interpretation of my comment, thanks. And don't try to pull the sexist card on me. If you knew anything about my activity in this forum, you'd know that I'm 100% in support of reproduction rights for women. And I'm fully aware that they're under attack right now. It doesn't take anything away from my initial point though about bringing people into this cruel world and anti-natalism as a philosophy. Parents have the responsibility for their children, not a random forum on the internet - regardless of their reproductive situation. That was my point. I hope we can agree on that?
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ithappens, Lost in a Dream, littlelungs and 8 others
"Accessibility" and "reliability" of abortion are different discussions. They both need to be had but implying that I've made any comments about the accessibility of abortion is simply wrong. I said abortion is 100% reliable, nothing else.
You said this...
...referring to their reliability, to which I responded...
I hope the context is clear. Again, the context of this conversation was reliability, not accessibility. Obviously, not everyone has the legal rights or financial means to abort but it's an option in many places around Europe and some states in the US and it was a missed opportunity in my specific case. Did I clarify the misunderstanding here?
Slow down there with the bad-faith interpretation of my comment, thanks. And don't try to pull the sexist card on me. If you knew anything about my activity in this forum, you'd know that I'm 100% in support of reproduction rights for women. And I'm fully aware that they're under attack right now. It doesn't take anything away from my initial point though about bringing people into this cruel world and anti-natalism as a philosophy. Parents have the responsibility for their children, not a random forum on the internet - regardless of their reproductive situation. That was my point. I hope we can agree on that?
What does this have to do with gender? You're just throwing around buzzwords. Technically speaking - and I know that because I'm trans myself - trans men can give birth as well. And they do. So when both men and women can give birth, in what way is holding parents accountable for giving birth sexist? See, I can turn that around and simply accuse you of transphobia for assuming that all people that give birth are female. Are we gonna continue playing this weird game, in which we accuse each other of bigotry? You're reaching so far and you're failing so hard.
And sure, you're right but there is the issue. I've never said it's a form of birth control. You simply assumed I did. It's an effective tool to prevent birth. And OceanBlue simply said that parents (not just mothers) are responsible for the children they bring into this world - not this forum. Do you agree? You keep evading the question because that's the whole point of this discussion. Both birth control and(!) abortion are effective measures to prevent birth and that's important. You're nitpicking really hard and I don't think you're doing yourself a favor here. And once again, the word parents includes both men and women. There is no sexism in that.
What does this have to do with gender? You're just throwing around buzzwords. Technically speaking - and I know that because I'm trans myself - trans men can give birth as well. And they do. So when both men and women can give birth, in what way is holding parents accountable for giving birth sexist? See, I can turn that around and simply accuse you of transphobia for assuming that all people that give birth are female. Are we gonna continue playing this weird game, in which we accuse each other of bigotry? You're reaching so far and you're failing so hard.
And sure, you're right but there is the issue. I've never said it's a form of birth control. You simply assumed I did. It's an effective tool to prevent birth. And OceanBlue simply said that parents (not just mothers) are responsible for the children they bring into this world - not this forum. Do you agree? You keep evading the question because that's the whole point of this discussion. Both birth control and(!) abortion are effective measures to prevent birth and that's important. You're nitpicking really hard and I don't think you're doing yourself a favor here. And once again, the word parents includes both men and women. There is no sexism in that.
What does this have to do with gender? You're just throwing around buzzwords. Technically speaking - and I know that because I'm trans myself - trans men can give birth as well. And they do. So when both men and women can give birth, in what way is holding parents accountable for giving birth sexist? See, I can turn that around and simply accuse you of transphobia for assuming that all people that give birth are female. Are we gonna continue playing this weird game, in which we accuse each other of bigotry? You're reaching so far and you're failing so hard.
And sure, you're right but there is the issue. I've never said it's a form of birth control. You simply assumed I did. It's an effective tool to prevent birth. And OceanBlue simply said that parents (not just mothers) are responsible for the children they bring into this world - not this forum. Do you agree? You keep evading the question because that's the whole point of this discussion. Both birth control and(!) abortion are effective measures to prevent birth and that's important. You're nitpicking really hard and I don't think you're doing yourself a favor here. And once again, the word parents includes both men and women. There is no sexism in that.
Tldr version? Sharon is a woman's name, which introduced gender to the conversation. You're introducing the trans example for your own validation. It's obvious the comment I initially responded to is directed at women. It's no secret that this site runs rampant with misogyny.
A press release regarding recent events:
It's been a very rough morning, to say the least.
First of all, I want to offer my condolences to Sharon Luft, who lost her son 2 weeks ago.
Secondly, for those that are looking to go on a crusade to try to take this website down due to false and exaggerated claims, this site is a support community for thousands of people. I have spoken to countless people that are way better off that thank this site for helping them to recover. The claims about people live-streaming their suicides is a false one. We have NEVER allowed that here, and I'm not even sure if that has ever been done before.
People that are under 18 have not been allowed to register for years now. We have always been against minors being on the website and we maintain that stance today.
The social mob trying to report threads will not read this, but at least the ones that do will understand our position.
In other news, our backup domain is at just in case this one gets taken down.
I don't know if this is the wrong place to make this suggestion, but why not move the site to a platform that CANNOT be censored? The rest of us shouldn't be subject to the moral whims and sentiments of others regarding our own lives.
I refuse even to sign "privacy notices" that grant sites access to my private data. No way in h*ll would I upload my private info to ANY site. I shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of parents unable to police their households effectively.
I'm so glad that marquis referred to them as 'the social media mob' and not pro-lifers!! 'the mob' lol are just after revenge, we've already seen how they try to hope members CTB on this site and wish them to be suffering in acts of revenge, there mask slipped as it always does with these types.
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Lost in a Dream, Pure and Brick In The Wall
I'm so glad that marquis referred to them as 'the social media mob' and not pro-lifers!! 'the mob' lol are just after revenge, we've already seen how they try to hope members CTB on this site and wish them to be suffering in acts of revenge, there mask slipped as it always does with these types.
Pro-lifers sound no better as a term. They are giving lovely lifes to their newborns, amidst presidencies of candidates taking the cake for worst president (both Sleepy J and Donny T), coronavirus outbreaks, blessing them with a life amongst a golden generation of state-loving, law-abiding flat-earthers.
what makes me laugh is this, say he gets it shut down, what is he then going to do with his life?
what will he focus on next, reddit? facebook? youtube? the fukin whole entire world wide web? when does it stop for him, he's now invested in so much time into closing it down, he loves it, it has become his hobby. hopefully he will focus on a real world problem, something that truly needs fixthe26. maybe he will be the one to stop world hunger also, who knows.
seeing as this has been brought back up, I thought I would do a social media search, fucking tossers still going on fb! Nt as busy as before but still there!
Oh shit they have a review section, I haz rum
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