I HATE HATE HATE this shortsighted, smug, sanctimonious and ignorant platitude that gets thrown out there by so many who then, after saying it or posting it on social media, pat themselves on the back for "caring" and "spreading awareness" blah blah blah. Yet they're the same people I've experienced who either are never available to talk with (even in very vague and careful way so as not to dump on them or make them feel uncomfortable -- something which I've gotten VERY aware and sensitive to over the years after alienating or frightening away so many "friends" by being more open and honest with them. NOT expecting them to solve my issues or even give me advice - although sometimes some advice or feedback would've been appreciated -- but to just LISTEN) or if you do share with them (since another thing these kind of people like to say is "I'm HERE for you" or that dumb meme-like thing about (paraphrased, obviously) "Share this status if you are willing to listen and talk to someone at 2 a.m. if they need somebody or feel suicidal, etc etc) then they disappear on you FAST. These people want to feel like they've 'done something' or 'care' but in reality, they don't want to hear it and they don't want to deal with it beyond sharing on social media.
Well, my issues are life long - the depression, which has only gotten worse as I've aged and my physical health has deteriorated and the same for my anxiety; and my physical health which has never been great since birth but took a total nosedive around 25 (I'm 52 now) and every year I seem to add on at least a couple more illnesses, and the ones I have already get worse. I'm in pain 24/7, I have been unable to build any kind of life, I have no friends, am reliant on others for literally EVERYTHING, and my entire life consists of only doctor appointments, tests, pain and going online and watching movies if I feel I can focus long enough. I don't enjoy anything anymore and I have no quality of life and there's nothing any of the MANY MANY doctors I've seen can do about any of it. I am one of those that gets lots of diseases and conditions and undiagnosable pain but nothing is terminal so I just live in this miserable limbo hell of pain and an empty, pointless life. So this "temporary problem" shit is just that: SHIT. None of my problems are temporary and despite literally decades of doctors and therapies and drugs and my own personal research into supplements or alternative medicine or treatments has helped ONE BIT. So these pro-lifers with no understanding of what it's like to exist this way, nor any practical advice on HOW to make things better/less hellish, nor even the time to JUST LISTEN AND TALK WITH ME or anything can go back to their bubbles with their meaningless words (words they won't remember writing an hour later, anyway).
Apologies for the rant but I really really hate this stupid phrase and it works me up every time I see or read or hear it.