Captive of Mind

Captive of Mind

Memento mori
Aug 11, 2020
I'll go through your posts and see if anything stands out, and I'll post on your wall either way. Cool?
Sounds good. That would be very kind and helpful.

(Sorry OP for posting on your thread about this)
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Coping Wizard

Coping Wizard

Sep 15, 2020
I was lurking around a bit and found this thread about pro-lifers, specifically about fixthe26. I was initially interested at first because I was wondering what this was all about and I decided to take a look around their website to see what its all about but what I found there genuinely made me pissed off in several seconds.

This is easily made propaganda made by narcissistic twats who only want to keep them alive to either kick them down even further than before by making fun of them, comparing themselves to these people and how much better they're than them. If it isn't that they want them around to show off their "trophy mule" or trophy child one might say just to say that, "THIS IS MY SON!!!!!!!!!111111 LOOK HOW MUCH MONEY HE MAKES OR LOOK AT WHAT HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!!!!!!111111" and so on.

The relatives of these victims literally just want something or someone to blame their mistakes on as a way to express their grief and trauma. This is because I decided to take a look at the victim's stories and literally concluded in several seconds that these people would of killed themselves anyways even without SanctionedSuicide being a thing.

In my opinion the main reason why they want SanctionedSuicide to be taken down because this site doesn't agree or conform with the modern world and the majority, in simpler words they want this site taken down because they dislike it because they disagree with this site's views on life and how the site's users view the world.

I also remember a pro-lifer from this site who said that they firmly believe in that if they dislike something either turn away or turn it off.
This site is true and utter evil. I'm a firm believer of if you don't like something, turn away or turn it off. Kids, anyone has access to this site. This is NOT all right. We should be angry, screaming at the top of our lungs, this site needs to come down. I believe in my heart Billy would not have gone through with it if this site hadn't existed. So many have lost loved ones to suicide, and knowing now that a site like this exists, is utterly terrifying. I will love and miss Billy for the rest of my life. I just wish he hadn't found this site and became brainwashed into thinking suicide was his only true option.
At this point she is literally a massive hypocrite because instead of ignoring SanctionedSuicide and trying to forget about her deceased friend, she wants to try and actively censor and shut down this website.
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Aug 6, 2020
Wish they would use this energy to legitimately help. Tbh this site isn't ideal since it is accessible to minors (yes against the rules, but realistically theres definitely some lurking or lying) but as of rn its all we got.

People turn to this site because you can't be honest about suicidal thoughts without practically being arrested. It'd be more beneficial for the families of past members to stop pretending this site is the sole reason they ctb and start protesting to fix mental health laws instead of free speech ones.
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Aug 31, 2020
I was lurking around a bit and found this thread about pro-lifers, specifically about fixthe26. I was initially interested at first because I was wondering what this was all about and I decided to take a look around their website to see what its all about but what I found there genuinely made me pissed off in several seconds.

This is easily made propaganda made by narcissistic twats who only want to keep them alive to either kick them down even further than before by making fun of them, comparing themselves to these people and how much better they're than them. If it isn't that they want them around to show off their "trophy mule" or trophy child one might say just to say that, "THIS IS MY SON!!!!!!!!!111111 LOOK HOW MUCH MONEY HE MAKES OR LOOK AT WHAT HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!!!!!!111111" and so on.
I can't help but think that they couldn't care less about the site at all, its a money scam. The fact that their stories about "victims" is re-posted numerous times on the same page in order to give the appearance that there's a lot of posts, stuck out to me. I also spent some time looking for these victims and I couldn't find any kind of news articles, or anything considering their golden children. I might just be cynical, but I wouldn't be surprised since suicide is a nice target to rally a bunch of mothers and fathers against in order to make a profit.
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Aug 6, 2020
Hello, could you elaborate on why it's so bad to provide emotional support to a kid? Even if they're anonymous on this site. What would be so different compared to an adult?

Is it more than just ''this is supposed to be an adult space'' or is it just that. Thank you.

IMO its just really risky. I tried to ctb a lot as a younger teen due to stress from school. A lot of issues at that age do have a really good chance of improving, but seem like the end of the world at that age. Would hate for a 14 year old to experience a breakup for the first time and come here to learn how to rage quit irl that same day.
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
The Online Freedom and Viewpoint Diversity Act (fixthe26)

Ha, ha, an act that will take away our freedoms and suppress some peoples viewpoints.

Don'tcha just love it when senators enact legislation with names that diametrically oppose the intent of the proposed legislation?

This GEM is proposed by U.S. Senators:
Roger Wicker, R-Miss.
Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.
Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.

Three Bible thumping, freedom loving Republicans from the Bible Belt.
The same people against abortion, but once the fetus is born,
are totally against providing any social aid, because that'd be like stealing money out of their wallets.

Oh, the irony!
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
The Online Freedom and Viewpoint Diversity Act (fixthe26)

Ha, ha, an act that will take away our freedoms and suppress some peoples viewpoints.

Don'tcha just love it when senators enact legislation with names that diametrically oppose the intent of the proposed legislation?

This GEM is proposed by U.S. Senators:
Roger Wicker, R-Miss.
Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.
Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.

Three Bible thumping, freedom loving Republicans from the Bible Belt.
The same people against abortion, but once the fetus is born,
are totally against providing any social aid, because that'd be like stealing money out of their wallets.

Oh, the irony!

Why do pro lifers feel the need to be so devious? To manipulate? They actually must know they are doing something underhanded and are deliberately being confusing so people are sucked in.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
@muffin222 made the following comment on another thread just a little while ago, and I thought it was relevant to this conversation, as well as my comment that followed hers, especially as Kelli and other anti-SS folks are likely reading this thread which was addressed to them.

(@muffin222, if this was not okay, please give me a non-approving react, or comment here or on my wall and I'll remove your comment or get the mods to.)

I've never seen anyone encouraging anyone to commit suicide on here. I only see people trying to be objective and support other people's autonomy.

Ideally, people will exercise every alternative avenue available before they decide to ctb. But, life isn't always ideal and sometimes people use their free will to make difficult decisions that we find challenging to fathom or accept. In those times, I believe the kindest thing we can offer people on here is empathy, understanding, and validation of their pain.

For some people, that empathy and validation may be enough to make them pause and reconsider life. For others, it may not, but at least those people exit this cruel world receiving understanding and compassion from people who get it, rather than pro-life platitudes and pleas to try again when they very well may have already tried numerous times before.

If life has brought them to such a point of despair that suicide feels like a reasonable choice, I would imagine that they have considered other options at some point and have endured the pain for long enough (and what constitutes "long enough" will be different for everyone) to feel that these other options aren't worth it. If that's the case, who are we to try to save and rescue these people?

Call me naive, but I think that when people are at the point where they're on a suicide forum, researching and meticulously planning death, they no longer WANT to be saved. But, if they do, then they're free to post here to ask for help, advice, and alternate perspectives on their situation. In those cases, I'm sure many members will happily help, myself included.

But, I see no need to run around trying to save and rescue people who don't want to be saved...better to channel that energy into emphasising and validating people's sorrow. That alone could make all the difference for someone
@muffin222's comment reminds me that many of the outside criticisms of this site are that when someone posts a goodbye thread, no one suggests they get help, and that we cheer them on and "it's sick."

The first criticism is cherry picking information for their narrative. It is a total omission of all the conversations that go on every single day here about how help has failed them, and for some, even abused them. Shawn Shatto's mother, for instance, argues that they were getting help for Shawn, but it failed Shawn and she didn't want to participate in it anymore. She chose to exit life, and her family doesn't accept that was her choice. But Shawn's posts about that have been deleted, so I acknowledge I may be incorrectly speaking for her.

The second criticism, that we cheer on attempts in progress, is also a manipulation of facts to suit a false narrative. Most people find comfort in the image of dying surrounded by family, being sent off from life with love, comfort and well wishes. That is provided here, and it's especially poignant when suicide is so shamed in Western culture, and has been since at least as long as the Catholic Church first started denying rites and burials in sacred ground to those who suicided. I think of how many people die in accidents, and their loved ones suffer while wondering if they suffered their last moments alone. It's in our cultural psyche, and perhaps the psyche of the social animal, to not want to die alone. On this site, people have the opportunity to ensure that when they die, they are supported, wished well, comforted, and know in their final moments they are respected and cared about. The detractors are calling this sick. They're not putting themselves in the shoes of those who die, how hard it is to act on such a choice. Instead, they deny the choice, and try to make sacrilegious such compassionate moments. They don't know how many of us grieve. I acknowledge there are people who likely watch the forum to watch these moments like a dystopian soap opera and get their jollies, which is one reason why I wish the forum were viewable only by members, because it is indeed profane. And I acknowledge that there are some members who are not compassionate, and are here for profane motives, but at least some of the negativity would be removed if we had some privacy. The resources and the wiki could be kept updated and remain public, while the rest of us could share our hearts with a modicum of privacy and emotional safety. I think there are people who get off on reading this site, and predators can easily watch for members who seem vulnerable to their style of abuse.

There is evidence that in the earlier days of the site, goodbye threads were not as they are now. There was a lot of insensitivity to the gravity of the moment. Many people cared more about the method than the person experiencing it. I'm not sure how much of this insensitivity was on Shawn's goodbye thread, nor how much compassionate support she received, if any. Because I try to view all angles critically and with as little personal bias as possible, I will say that I'm troubled that the site owners deleted her goodbye thread and most of her posts. It only makes it look as if there is something to hide or be ashamed of, and feeds the righteous flames of the detractors. It nothing was done that is wrong, then stand proud and leave the posts up. I find it just as ethically bothersome as Shawn's mother posting videos of Shawn's going sister visiting her grave. Both Shawn and her sister seem to me to be used for others' agendas. I wish Shawn's voice and the contexts in which it was spoken were returned to the forum.

I appreciate your post, @muffin222, and I hope anyone who reads this post will read it alongside yours.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
you can find more info about fixthe26.

I was lurking around a bit and found this thread about pro-lifers, specifically about fixthe26. I was initially interested at first because I was wondering what this was all about and I decided to take a look around their website to see what its all about but what I found there genuinely made me pissed off in several seconds.

This is easily made propaganda made by narcissistic twats who only want to keep them alive to either kick them down even further than before by making fun of them, comparing themselves to these people and how much better they're than them. If it isn't that they want them around to show off their "trophy mule" or trophy child one might say just to say that, "THIS IS MY SON!!!!!!!!!111111 LOOK HOW MUCH MONEY HE MAKES OR LOOK AT WHAT HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!!!!!!111111" and so on.

The relatives of these victims literally just want something or someone to blame their mistakes on as a way to express their grief and trauma. This is because I decided to take a look at the victim's stories and literally concluded in several seconds that these people would of killed themselves anyways even without SanctionedSuicide being a thing.

In my opinion the main reason why they want SanctionedSuicide to be taken down because this site doesn't agree or conform with the modern world and the majority, in simpler words they want this site taken down because they dislike it because they disagree with this site's views on life and how the site's users view the world.

I also remember a pro-lifer from this site who said that they firmly believe in that if they dislike something either turn away or turn it off.

At this point she is literally a massive hypocrite because instead of ignoring SanctionedSuicide and trying to forget about her deceased friend, she wants to try and actively censor and shut down this website.

That video made me so mad, what bullshit. They clearly just want someone to blame, without actually trying to fix the problem of why people choose suicide. If you want to actually stop people from CTB, you can start by fixing this twisted and demented society which literally punishes (imprisons/attacks) people for seeking out "help" or literally turns them away if they can't afford it, or causes them to fall into despair after being abused by the people who were supposed to help them in the first place..... and that's just starting with the problems in the "mental health industry", not even society at large, which does nothing to prevent abuse/bullying/rape/neglect etc or support people with conditions like autism/adhd/ptsd/bpd/schizophrenia etc and instead throws them to the wolves to fend for themselves, and then acts shocked when they get eaten alive. "Whyyyy didn't they ask for help?" they say as WE'RE screaming at the top of our lungs, they just turn the other way because it makes them uncomfortable. Did any of these pro-lifers every decide to look past someone's seemingly smiling face and frankly discuss their feelings with them, and try to understand, or did they just give some useless platitude like "I'm here for you" and decide they'd done enough? I wonder. Like in the case of this "Billy", this person even claims he could've been dead but not found for up to five weeks... hmmmmmm.

And "brainwashed"..... my ass. I don't think you could even find this site if you weren't looking for it and already in the mindset. If it weren't this place, it would be somewhere else. Why don't they also campaign to ban the Wikipedia page "Suicide Methods" , isn't that also showing people ways to CTB? LOL!

And the people here have been more kind and understanding then anywhere else I've ever seen, far more helpful than any mindless posting of suicide hotlines and pro life slogans of "your liFE MATterS! liFE Is wOrth LIvINg!! iT'S A peRManent SoLUtIon!"
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I feel bad for a mother who lost her son. I guess she has to blame something. Imagine if every website had to be held liable for anything anyone said. That's what she is advocating.
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Tired of being lonely
Sep 3, 2020
As a general rule, everytime someone you don't know (most of the times people you know too) tells you not to ctb, it's because they want you to keep working and paying taxes
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Sep 7, 2020
I feel bad for a mother who lost her son. I guess she has to blame something. Imagine if every website had to be held liable for anything anyone said. That's what she is advocating.

As a mother who lost her son I truly feel bad for her. My heart really goes out to parents who have lost children regardless of how. She is only 5 months in I don't know where she has strength to be on a crusade so early on after the loss of her son. At 5 months I was still in complete shock, unable to get out of bed unless completely pilled out and as medicated as I was I was shaking and stuttering. I couldn't even hold a conversation. I spent over a year in that state. When the grief hits hard I shiver and stutter again. When our loved ones suddenly pass especially children it sends you in total shock. If I had an ounce of her strength I might be able to continue to see if I can live with the passing of my son. I'll be 3 years in next month and can't function beyond chain smoking.

One lesson to be learned for those lurking is monitor what your young children have access to on the internet. Parental controls, limiting the times they are on the internet, monitor their web history and block sites you don't want them on. There are some graphic sites out there that are hard to digest as an adult that children can view.

In my short time here I have not witnessed anyone exactly egging someone on to CTB. I have witnessed people offering a compassionate understanding of eachother. I have seen people offer suggestions of hey have you tried this ( options to find some value in life). I have seen people post seeking advice on should I give this a try before I CTB to get others viewpoints and the community will give suggestions. This isn't a suicide cult, this isn't a place where people are saying hey you failed at life so CTB and video me while your going. This is a community of people pushed to far- health, finances, being the objects of abuse, bullying, and more that actually can relate to eachother and make us feel less alone in a world thats cold.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
She is only 5 months in I don't know where she has strength to be on a crusade so early on after the loss of her son.
I thought the same thing. My mom died and I was in bed most of the time for 2 years before I could fully function so I can't imagine what it must be like to lose a son. But I guess we are all different. Frankly I was thinking if she was telling the truth, just something about her. I thought she would show some signs of sadness. Maybe i'm too suspicious.
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Sep 7, 2020
I thought the same thing. My mom died and I was in bed most of the time for 2 years before I could fully function so I can't imagine what it must be like to lose a son. But I guess we are all different. Frankly I was thinking if she was telling the truth, just something about her. I thought she would show some signs of sadness. Maybe i'm too suspicious.

I dont want to say she may be fabricating a story. I just can't see how 5 months in she is functioning so well, already has a page up-which by the way is advertisement for SS for folks in the same frame of mind, is doing this interview and not breaking down. A yr ago my bro witnessed a accident involving a motorcycle. People grabbed their phones to snap pics and take videos. He said he thought about my son and rushed to the guy on the bike. He cradled this guy in his arms until he passed. The cops just said you're doing good sir wait for ems. The cops wouldn't help as my brother screamed his heartbeat is fading. Anyway his mother held a ride in his name a month or so later. Turned out he was 23 or 24 can't remember but close to my sons age. I looked at this woman as wow how can you have such strength to do this. We are friends on facebook and I see she is struggling. I think focusing on that ride for her son gave her something to focus on for the moment other than his passing and gave her some strength. I feely say I can't wait to die and be reunited with my son to my family and on facebook. I want no surprises when it happens. She doesn't say this specifically she is involved in church. She makes some comments that as a broken mom I can know what the meaning is. I know behind that face of strength she was for that first month or so preparing for this ride for her son- she is broken as well and is in hysterics as she is typing.
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
Why do pro lifers feel the need to be so devious? To manipulate?
Because they love the taste of power.
Because they are hypocrites, they want their own freedom, but are perfectly willing to deny it to others.
Because their worldview is extremely narrow.
Because "My way, or the highway"
Imagine if every website had to be held liable for anything anyone said.
Exactly, which is why that legislation will never pass.
Additionally, how would you enforce that world wide?
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Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
Did the same to her daughter, which is why she ctb.

What I meant is instead of just saying x thing is bad and needs to be ban. She can interact with us and find WHY IS THERE A NEED FOR THIS SITE

You don't really see this much effort unless there is an actual need for it. Find why there is a need, and then you can fix the root problem.


Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
I agree with you.
What I am saying is she dealt with her daughter's problem the same way.
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I want to go home
Apr 18, 2019
No offense but this site isn't at all a factor in me CTBing. It's really nice to have you guys around and I love each one of you, I'm glad to have at least some support in this world… but I've been suicidal since I was a kid, regardless of if this site was here or not I would still CTB if I felt the need to.

Now, this site has helped me find about SN/night-night/etc… while my previous method was train death. If they would prefer me traumatizing the driver(s) and other people than giving me the freedom to do it alone at home peacefully, it's their call.
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Sep 14, 2020
Just read Fix the 26 site. LMAO it's funny how they guise changing legislation by emotionally charging the mob and telling them how horrible Freedom of Speech and US laws are because sites like Sanctioned Suicide exists. Let's get this straight, this was never about Sanctioned Suicide. This is about changing laws and making sure they (whoever they are) have control of the internet at their fingertips. They want to censor or ban any site they deem "offensive" or "hate speech". Just look at the laws they want to pass. They're going after hosting sites and DNS servers as well. This goes beyond SS. It's about far reaching control.
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Sep 14, 2020
Let's be honest guys, this was never about stopping suicide. If you look at their front page alone, it's about changing the laws and making amendments to make hosting sites and DNS servers culpable as well. This is about control of information, nothing more. Trying to take down this site is just a front. If anyone has noticed, they whoever they are, have been trying their darned hardest to take down this particular law. They're using the shotgun approach and hoping one gets traction enough to get the emotionally charged mob to finally change the law in their favor
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Captive of Mind

Captive of Mind

Memento mori
Aug 11, 2020
David Foster Wallace compared suicide to jumping out of a burning building. Prolifers want to bar the windows instead of put out the fire.

Alt suicide holiday was one of the first prochoice groups and wrote a great defense of their existence.
Wow, they make such good points in that link. A part of me wishes that everyone I knew could read it, but it's too difficult for people to acknowledge these truths.


Mar 31, 2021
Trust me, most people don't get it. It's hard to empathize with depression and suicide until you experience it yourself or get to that point. It's why most people brush it off or don't want to hear it when you want vent out your problems too because you are deeemed "too negative" or "weird" or "edgy" or something. Human beings might be social but we far off from truly empathizing with another person.
I also find that some people, when they've had a period of depression and come through it, lose the ability to empathise with those of us who live in an almost constant depressive state. My brother, who has had bouts of depression, keeps telling me how easy it is to pull yourself together, how easy it is to lose weight if you really want to, but for me waking up every day to face another day of constant pain and feelings of worthlessness just don't seem to be worth it. Literally the only thing stopping me from ctb is my son and my sausage dog!

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