Can I ask why you reply with these "lol" "lmao" in your posts? It seems quite disrespectful, almost like you're laughing at anyone who has a different view to your own. This is a pro-choice forum, so there are many different valid perspectives on these issues.
Ok I understand. My bad.
So, back to your points. Yes, I think what you're describing is a form of guilt tripping or emotional blackmail.
Not really it's just called having morals and compassion
This life was imposed on all of us, again by the family unit, which you are trying to use to guilt trip unhappy people into sticking around. So it's a type of circular argument, often used by religious people… family unit imposes life on a child against their will… then society guilt trips the unhappy person into sticking around… because "think of your family"…
I don't think you have actually seen what a grieving mother looks like who lost her child or husband. If you can look at her and say" hey you were actually guilt tripping your son into living an unhappy life, he did what he wanted so I'm sorry" I think there is something wrong with that don't you think?
There is a big difference between being unhappy and unwilling to change anything to being in horrible pain. Both can lead to ctb but one of them you can change if you work on it and change something in your life.
And allow me to depart and start speaking religiously. Why are you so confident you didn't choose this life? What makes you think that you aren't the one creating the next life you are going to live? And all the people who surround you. What makes you think you aren't the one who specifically chose them to accompany you on your journey before you were born? What if you chose this family to be born into for whatever reason but that choice was the decision of your soul before you were born?
This is a type of societal trap. But it doesn't work… it's a tired worn out ineffective method of persuasion.
I don't see how it is a trap. People are just surviving and living. The trap isn't forced on anyone.
So, you don't think suicidal people are suffering? That seems a bit of an odd statement, considering you're literally posting on a suicide forum full of thousands of suffering people?
Where did I say that? Everyone suffers, including regular people and suicidal people. The degree of suffering is different and this is why people should have the option to carefully consider if they can change something or if their only way is to leave the life.
The decision to ctb should be made by an individual who carefully considers how their ctb will affect others and whether or not they are capable of putting up with it or not. I think it's fairly obvious.
I don't think dying is "illogical" or always a "last resort"… the evidence in life doesn't back this sentiment up.
In some cases it is illogical. If you are happy, happy family good health good money. Why die? It's absolutely illogical to me.
Evidence in life for who? Some people live happy lives from birth till death. What evidence?
There are plenty of calm rational and intelligent people, who make a reasoned and logical decision to end their life rather than endure needless suffering. There is nothing "irrational" about this, it's actually very sensible and displays great wisdom.
Again, there is generally absolutely nobody who is perfectly healthy in mind, body, wealth etc who considers suicide. If you go and look at any celebrity who lived and ctbed you would always find that they suffered from something. The decision to leave life implies having a problem you are avoiding. In some cases the problems can be too big for you to deal with. In some cases they are not.
Catching the bus because life is generally suffering(but you are not suffering at the moment) is an illogical reason to die. So you are dying because sometime in the future you may suffer? Why not wait to see whether or not you can overcome it? Absolutely illogical to me.
Look at how many great philosophers our history has made. Why, if they were so smart and logical did they not just ctb? After all they could avoid needeless suffering? None of them did.
There is no evidence that any of our suffering in this life has any objective purpose. So you could describe someone who endures or embraces pointless suffering as being irrational and lacking in wisdom or intelligence. (Not all cases of course)
Refer to my comment above. Some of the greatest philosophers, thinkers, writers were simply irrational and lacking in wisdom or intelligence because they decided to continue living instead of dying. I think the greatest wisdom is to actually live inspite of suffering. And I say that as someone who will ctb soon.